Friday, October 14, 2022

Pensacola Christian College Is Making Enemies

John 5:41-42, “I receive not honour from men. But I know you, that ye have not the love of God in you.

Ephesians 4:30, “And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

I am so disgusted with Pensacola Christian College (PCC) and their pathetic Campus Church pastors. I am just getting started preaching against the PCC camp. God knows that I made three sincere attempts to reconcile with them in 2022, but they cold-heartedly refused. Sadly, the leadership at PCC and Campus Church (which are one and the same essentially) are snobby, arrogant, high-minded, insensitive and woefully lack God's compassion for people. Did I mention that most of them they are jerks? But don't take my word for it, listen to what they own alumni have to say about PCC (these comments are from Google reviews)...

Sarah Mitchel (2017)

I was a student from 2013 to 2016 and had grown up on a farm. I chose PCC so I could have a quality, Christian education, but was disappointed to find a lookism culture on a "Christian" campus - if you do not look, act, and think the way they want you to, you will feel ostracized and may receive demerits. Monitors are placed both on and off campus (some of whom hide behind trees and bushes outside and potted plants inside buildings in order to 'catch' students doing something contrary to the rules). They even say, God gave them authority over the students and to disobey them is to disobey Him (even if you can't find most of their rules in the Bible). I understand and appreciate some of their rules, but others are in place simply so that they can manipulate and control the students. Some were just confusing - for example, you can have blue-tooth earpieces, but you cannot have earbuds. They do not accept federal financial aid (no FAFSA or grants) and their education cannot be written off as a tax deduction (1098-T form). The campus was beautiful and the sports center (when it wasn't full) was fun, but I can't recommend the food - it is good for the first week or so. Many of the staff were sincerely friendly, but most were not. I am so glad that I began again at another college! (Not transfer - none of my credits would, but other students have been able to transfer some). I would not recommend this college to anyone. [emphasis added] SOURCE: Google reviews for Pensacola Christian College
Sarah is right, PCC is a prisonhouse of religion!!! Young people enroll at PCC thinking that they will be in an environment of love and compassion, just to find out later on that PCC is an abusive authoritarian cult where THE SYSTEM always comes first, but INDIVIDUAL PEOPLE do not matter.

When I started attending PCC's Campus Church in July of 2021, Pastor Jeff Redlin treated me like garbage, and I told him so in an email the next day. His cruel response to me was that it was "your reality." I couldn't believe his insulting words. Redlin was saying that I felt like garbage because of me, not that he mistreated me with his rude and abusive comments.

When I had first came to PCC, I kindly wrote to Pastor Redlin after my first week at Campus Church, mentioning briefly that I had been divorced for 15 years, and was hoping to find a wife at Campus Church. In his self-righteous hypocrisy, he scolded me for coming to church to find a wife. I was numb in my soul that some jerk whom I had never even heard of until a week earlier, was condescendingly talking down to me (a 54 year old man) like I was his child. You don't talk to people like that!!! As a pastor, Jeff Redlin should have either said nothing, or shown some compassion and sympathy that my wife divorced me against my will in 2006. He never once offered to pray with me. He never showed any love, concern or compassion for me as a suffering human being. I never once told Pastor Redlin that I came to Campus Church to find a wife, I simply said that I hoped to meet a woman to marry at church. Jeff Redlin put words in my mouth, condemning me in his ungodly self-righteousness.

Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) said it best:
“The pastors have destroyed the churches, and they've been trained by people that have never built churches, and they have no compassion.” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “Many Pastors Have Destroyed My Vineyard
You won't find any of God's unconditional love or compassion in the Bob Jones University (BJU) and Pensacola Christian College (PCC) cults today!!! In these ungodly institutions you are required to submit like a dog, sell your soul, play their intolerant authoritarian game, or else they will chop off your head like a turkey on Thanksgiving Day!

There are no second chances once you offend them (as I learned firsthand). It didn't matte to PCC arrogant leaders that I pleaded three times to come back to Campus Church in 2022, or that I humbly offered to do whatever they require to reconcile, they totally ignored me for SIX WEEKS. They have my mobile phone number. They have my mailing address. They have my email. But no one had the decency to even talk with me about the matter. So after six weeks, I became frustrated at PCC, and I criticized them on social media. ONLY THEN did they respond to tell me that I am forbidden to ever attend Campus Church again. In hindsight, I now realize that this is what they were hoping for all along, to find any excuse just to throw me under the bus and get rid of me. PCC's leaders and pastors are WICKED PEOPLE!!!

I have read horror stories online (go search for yourself) about PCC students being expelled for criticizing the college on social media, for making fun of other students, for publicly showing allegiance in Virginia for General Robert E. Lee of the Confederate Army, et cetera. They expelled the senior student who showed respect for Robert E. Lee. Attending PCC is a game of Russian Roulette, you may do something small that pisses them off and you will lose everything!!! PCC even sued one of their own graduates for $100,000. There is no freedom of speech in this damn country anymore! America has become DUNG!

I wouldn't give you a penny for the authoritarian cult environment that exists at PCC. Their leaders will smile in your face like all is okay, but turn against you in a heartbeat if you don't walk a very fine line of servitude, dotting all your i's and crossing all your t's. If you veer even a little to the left or to the right, you will be on the outside looking in very quickly. Their is NO LOYALTY to individual people at PCC, only absolute loyalty to THE SYSTEM. PCC sadly reminds me of the Mormon cult, where multitudes of people have been outcast and banned from returning, who dared to question the cult's leaders. But enough of my humble opinion, read again what another one of their mistreated alumni has to say:
Jillena Rose (2016)

I would never recommend this school to anyone unless you'd prefer to be in jail cell for four years. Whether it was being judge by what you wear every single day as you walk out of your residents hall or not being able to show common courtesy by shaking hands from the opposite sex. I thought it was going to be a great school but it actually was one huge nightmare. Plus, their accreditation system is very messed up and 90% of the time if you decide to go to a different college, more than likely your credits will not transfer. I guess its their way of trying to keep you there. Best of luck to anyone that goes here. [emphasis added] SOURCE: Google reviews for Pensacola Christian College
Here is what another one of their alumni has to say about the PCC cult...
Melissa La Rance (2017)

If I could I would give this school zero stars. The faculty cares very little about the students and is only interested in pushing their own agenda. I completed almost 3 years as a nursing major; had excellent grades, outstanding attendance, and overall followed the rules accordingly. However, I had to leave mid-semester because my mother was dying of cancer. The faculty didn't care and I was told that if I left this school I would not be successful in my life. Fast forward to almost 5 years later; none of my credits transferred. I ended up having to retake 3 years of college all over again. Wasted thousands of dollars on this scam of a school. At any chance I get, I discourage any young high school grad from attending PCC. Literally the worst decision for a college education. [emphasis added] SOURCE: Google reviews for Pensacola Christian College
Are you listening dear reader? I sure hope so. I am writing from my own personal experience as a former member of Campus Church at PCC. I am now 55 years old. I have four adult children of my own. My son turned 33 this year. My youngest of three daughters turned 29. So I am writing compassionately as a father and a born-again Christian. Please RUN from this cesspool of authoritarianism at PCC. There is no love or compassion for hurting sinners. And God forbid if you are divorced, single, and hoping to remarry, because in the PCC camp you are a walking piece of crap to them! I am not joking.

PCC looks down on divorced people, regardless of who filed for divorce. It doesn't matter to them, they will NEVER accept you unless you plan of staying single for the rest of your miserable lonely life! Even the inspired Holy Bible teaches that every man should have a wife, and every woman a husband, to prevent fornication in the church (1st Corinthians 7:1-2). The Bible doesn't exclude divorced people! But at PCC, there is ONLY God's perfect will for your life, and once you've blown it, your life is over in their eyes. There is no acceptable or permissive will of God at PCC, but there is in the Holy Bible (1st Corinthians 7:28).

Hey, here is a comment by a Christian Uber driver who noticed that a female PCC student was being financially taken advantage of by the college. She literally had to sleep in the Pensacola Airport because of PCC's greed!!! Real great testimony, huh? PCC gives Christianity a very bad name! ...
Vincent Speranza (2019)
I'm an Uber Driver and I took a student to the airport that was flying out to the Dominican Republic at 7 a.m THE NEXT MORNING! So my curiosity being peaked I asked my client why she didn't just order an Uber the next morning a couple of hours prior to her flights departure? She replies "I'm not allowed to stay overnight because I have to be out of my dorm room the night before Christmas break unless I pay a 30 dollar fee! So because of that she had to spend the night at the Pensacola Airport! All I got to say is I myself as a Christian man will tell you that you're petty little self serving rules aren't helping the cause of christ they're hindering it because if I were a lost man and I heard what I heard from my customer last night you would've sealed my eternal destiny on a first class ticket to HELL! SOURCE: [emphasis added] Google reviews for Pensacola Christian College
Dr. Jack Hyles nailed it, PCC are a bunch of yuppie type academics, not church builders, so they woefully lack God's compassion for people with broken lives. You won't see any poor people, rescue mission men, or worldly sinners sitting in the fancy pews of Campus Church! You'll only find a bunch of wealthy, self-righteous, holier than thou, snobs like the pastors and leaders at PCC. They've got a lot of big wallets at Campus Church, and that's the way PCC wants it. THE LOVE OF MONEY is what matters most to the ungodly PCC camp! They couldn't care less about INDIVIDUAL PEOPLE. ...

Pensacola Christian College Cult Exposed

PCC is a religious cult for imperfect people who pretend to be perfect. If, God forbid, your imperfections should surface, kiss your education goodbye! You will be out the door! I hope you read what Melissa said earlier, how PCC berated and mistreated her, wrongly labeling her as "a quitter" for going back home to care for her mother dying of cancer. This is typical of PCC. Even after I begged three times (in June, July and August of 2022) to come back to Campus Church, they cruelly refused. Pastor Jeff Redlin put it in writing! Only an ungodly pastor who couldn't care less about people would deny a hurting sinner the God-given need to attend church. THE TRUTH is that Campus Church is NOT a real New Testament church, it is a cult chapel for their PCC students, and anyone who is willing to submit to cult leadership.

I won't shut up! I won't go away! I am a human being created in God's image. At PCC only SOME LIVES MATTER, but in God's sight ALL LIVES MATTER!!! Thank you for reading.

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