Thursday, July 25, 2024

It Is Utterly Shameful That Kamala Harris Is Even Being Considered To Run As U.S. President

Isaiah 3:11-12,  “Woe unto the wicked!  it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him. As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them.  O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.”

I think it is disgusting and evil that Kamala Harris is even being considered to run as our next U.S. President. She is as incompetent as she is repulsive and silly. What a pea-brained imbecile!

You can call me a chauvinist pig if you'd like, but I simply believe the inspired Holy Bible. Women are NOT supposed to rule over men, period! The Bible warns that when it happens, women lead the people to err.

I'm still disgusted that a scumbag like Bill Clinton, a draft-dodger who fled to Canada to escape the Vietnam War, was ever chosen to become U.S. President in 1992. The law forbids a draft-dodger from ever becoming U.S. President, yet we have all seen that laws are made to be broken in man's corrupt system.

What an insult to our veterans who have lost limb and life on the battlefield. There are many competent respectable proven businessmen today, U.S. veterans, who could serve as our Commander and Chief. But no, they are giving us a boneheaded damfool woman like Kamala Harris. What a travesty of justice!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

McDonald's Food Quality Is Disturbing Today

I rarely go to McDonald's, but I wanted to reward myself yesterday after my doctor said my health was doing much Pastor Jack Hyles' favorite meal at McDonald's was the Quarter Pounder Cheeseburger, so that is what I ordered yesterday. I also ordered just the Fillet-O-Fish sandwich. They charged me $18.04 for that crap!!!

The restaurant number is: 10120 in Pensacola at 7915 N. Davis Highway. I saved my receipt and filed a complaint yesterday at McDonald's website, but still haven't heard back from them. I hope they care. Somebody might die from E.coli food poisoning!

Take a look at the raw hamburger in the Quarter Pounder. I was eating while driving and didn't notice how raw it was until something seemed off to me. I took these photos on July 15, 2024 with my mobile phone of the raw Quarter Pound Cheeseburger I purchased at McDonald's...

McDonald's Food Quality Has Really Deteriorated

McDonald's quality has gone to zero! Sadly, the best part of the meal was the Diet Coke. 

When I felt how hard the bun was for the Fillet-O-Fish, I thought about this song, "Solid As A Rock," by Ashford & Simpson...

McDonald's Fillet-O-Fish Bun is As "Solid As A Rock"

I remember as a kid going to McDonald's with my parents in the 1970's. I loved their milkshakes back then. It was real ice-cream. Sadly, McDonald's changed their shake recipe about 25 years ago, which now taste like Styrofoam. You'll choke without some water to clear your throat. I loathe and hate McDonald's shakes today!!!

As a teenager, I worked at McDonald's for 17 months in 1983-1985. I did all the jobs (dish washer, dining room cleaning, grill cook, cash register). When I started I was paid $3.15 per hour minimum wage. By the time I gave my advance notice to resign, so I could go to Hyles-Anderson College, I was getting paid $3.60 an hour. That was the funnest job I ever had.

Then, and still today, every employee gets a free meal during your work shift. If you work more than 4 hours, you get a bigger free meal. My boss used to ask me to work overtime, and offer me all the food I could eat. He never had to ask me twice! My favorite sandwich back then was the Fillet-O-Fish, because back then they steamed the buns. You could press into the bun and it would cave in it was so soft. Those were awesome times! Today, you can use their buns as a door jam because they are so hard. Sadly, McDonald's got greedy and diminished their food quality.

I also miss the McDLT which they had when I worked there. The McDLT came in a partitioned Styrofoam container. All of McDonald's sandwiches in the 1980's were served in Styrofoam containers back then, which kept your food piping-hot. Today, McDonald's uses cheap recycled cardboard, which makes the food taste like recycled cardboard. Yuk!

The McDLT had the bottom bun on one hot side, with the beef patty and cheese. On the other cold side you had the top bun with lettuce, tomato, mayo and other condiments. They were really tasty and I miss them. I remember that my supervisor said McDonald's spent $3,000,000 just to determine that it is best to have 23 holes in the McDLT sauce dispenser... lol.

McDonald's had something special in the 1960's and into the 1980's, but they went downhill quickly starting in the 1990's. They never should have changed their milkshake formula. Nor should they have stopped steaming their Fillet-O-Fish buns, which was classy when they did. 

And McDonald's for the longest time have had a serious problem with over-cooking and over-salting their fries. I'm at the place where I don't even want to go to McDonald's anymore, because their prices have skyrocketed into the stratosphere, but their food quality is in the toilet, literally. Eating raw hamburger will make customers sick!

I used to have a valid Food manager's License, when I voluntarily helped my father operate his Rescue Mission to feed the poor on Chicago's' drug and gang infested Westside. By law it was required to have a license to handle food, so you wouldn't make people sick or worse. I learned in Food manager's classes that beef must be heated to an internal temperature of 155 degrees Fahrenheit. Chicken must be heated to an internal temperature of 165 degrees. This is to prevent Food Borne Illnesses like E.coli and Staphylococcus (from people not washing their hands after using the restroom).

It is really tragic what I see happening in America today. Across the board—whether it be churches, Bible colleges, restaurants, car rental agencies, corporate America, sports, federal government, courts, city governance, you name it—people just don't care anymore like they used to. Companies today don't even hesitate to take advantage of to cheat people financially. 

Case in point: I recently made some reservations in early July 2024, to travel in mid-August 2024. I rented a car for 4-days from Alamo car rental. I had been given incorrect information about the event I was planning on attending and needed to cancel my reservations just 36 hours after making them. Alamo refused to refund a single penny of my $635, even though the pickup date for the rental for still 5-weeks into the future, and I had cancelled just 36 hours later. Those rotten ungodly thieves are so greedy that they wouldn't refund a dime of my money. Dear reader, only a wicked person (or group of people in a company) mistreat others in such a horrible selfish evil manner! Those greedy sharks at Alamo stole my $635!!!

I could give you hundreds more shameful examples of how bad things have become today in the United States. You cannot drive anywhere in the city of Pensacola, without seeing shameful attorney billboards encouraging Americans to sue each other for money. What have we horribly deteriorated into as a society? What ever happened to The Golden Rule. Matthew 7:12, “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. Would you want someone to sue you? Those ungodly greedy lawyers aren't your friends; they are parasites who take advantage of people at the lowest point in their life for filthy lucre's sake. I detest lawyers! Jesus couldn't stand them either! Luke 11:46, “And he said, Woe unto you also, ye lawyers! for ye lade men with burdens grievous to be borne, and ye yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your fingers. Some things never change, even after thousands of years.

My attitude as a born-again Christian is that of the man of God, Joshua. Joshua 24:15, “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. By God's grace, I am going to follow The Golden Rule. I am going to treat others the way I would like to be treated, with kindness, gentleness, respect and fairness.

I don't want blood on my hands like Alamo car rental (Proverbs 6:16-19), who go around screwing people out of their hard-earned money, hiding behind a bunch of ungodly shady fineprint fabricated by ungodly shady attorneys. Corporate America is of the Devil today. If you read the vast majority of legal contracts that you're required to sign to do business (which you need to do to survive in today's American culture), it is always written with extreme bias to benefit the company at the consumer's expense. If you ever have taken the time to read an insurance company policy, they have intentionally disqualified 99% of the reasons for which people would need to file a claim.

For example: If you purchase homeowner's insurance, beware! Most people living in a hurricane zone (or typhoon zone in the east), falsely think they are insured. But if you carefully read your insurance policy, the company WON'T PAY for any damage caused by wind or flying debris from the wind. They are thieves! They want to keep your insurance premiums without honoring your claim when it comes time.

That is why I absolutely refuse to change my Medicare medical insurance away from parts A and B. You've probably seen the thousands of annoying television commercials begging for people to call some stupid phone number to talk to an agent. I checked into it. What it's all about is that PRIVATE insurance companies want your Medicare money from Uncle Sam. If you have parts A and B, Uncle Sam pays directly for your medical bills. But if you leave parts A and B, to go to a private insurance company instead, now THE PRIVATE INSURER HAS TO PAY (but since they don't want to pay, they're going to deny many of your claims).

Last summer I needed to go to the Emergency Room. I was in severe pain in my right flank for some unknown reason. The hospital charged Medicare $16,758. Just the CT Scan (with red die used for contrast) cost $12,000. When all the bills were finalized, it didn't cost me a single penny. Praise God! If I had switched my Medicare to one of those greedy private insurance companies, I likely would have been billed for thousands of dollars! Once the private insurance company gets your Medicare payments from the government, they will receive a certain guaranteed amount of money each month, regardless of how many of your bills (claims) they choose to pay or deny. You know as well as I do, that they are going to try every way possible not to pay. Uncle Sam has never done that to me, they have always honored the claims. My humble non-professional opinion is to stay with parts A and B, and don't change anything.

Anyway, I am on a I am so sick and tired of shady Americans in the business world, who cheat and take advantage of others for their own selfish greed. I would NEVER work for a company that cheats and defrauds people  in any way. I'd rather be homeless than assist an ungodly shady company that hurts innocent people just because they can. Welcome to the rotten United States!!!

Furthermore, unless you are a competent lawyer, you won't be able to understand most of what you read in any legal contract, and the companies know that. Yet, they will hide behind their ungodly shady fineprint to screw you financially. They all do it!

Getting back to McDonald's, I am utterly disgusted with fast food places today. It's not just McDonald's. Arby's fries are always cold. Same thing with KFC. You'd think that in 2024, in these modern and amazing times of technology, that food companies would have figured out a way to make sure you are provided HOT and FRESH food. I mean, if nothing else, for goodness' sake, microwave the French fries before handing them to me cold. Those businesses and their bad managers simply don't care. I haven't been to Arby's in several months. I am tired of cold food, bad service and high prices. I foresee many U.S. fast food businesses closing down in the years to come. IT'S ALREADY HAPPENING!!!

Sadly, I don't think I'll be going to McDonald's for a very long time!!!

Sunday, July 14, 2024

The Blatant Fraud Of Evolution

Genesis 1:1-2, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.  And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”

1st Timothy 6:20-21, “O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.”

Psalms 8:3-4, “When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him?  and the son of man, that thou visitest him?”

It is impossible to believe both the inspired King James Bible versus the blatant ungodly deception of evolutionary theory. Here is what the fools at National Geographic magazine absurdly claim about how the earth's massive oceans formed. ...
Contributions from Asteroids

Other events were occurring on our young planet at this time as well. It is believed that during the early formation of Earth, asteroids were continuously bombarding the planet, and could have been carrying with them an important source of water. Scientists believe the asteroids that slammed into Earth, the moon, and other inner planets contained a significant amount of water in their minerals, needed for the creation of life. It seems the asteroids, when they hit the surface of Earth at a great speed, shattered, leaving behind fragments of rock. Some suggest that nearly 30 percent of the water contained initially in the asteroids would have remained in the fragmented sections of rock on Earth, even after impact. 
SOURCE: Formation of Earth
And here is how the earth began according to the fool at the University of Chicago...
The Earth formed over 4.6 billion years ago out of a mixture of dust and gas around the young sun. It grew larger thanks to countless collisions between dust particles, asteroids, and other growing planets, including one last giant impact that threw enough rock, gas, and dust into space to form the moon.

SOURCE: How the Earth and Moon Formed, Explained
The heathen refuse to acknowledge the inspired Word of God, which teaches that God created all things. What saith the Scripture? Psalms 146:5-6, “Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God: Which made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that therein is: which keepeth truth for ever:” God alone by the omnipotent power of His Word created the universe and all therein.

Television, Netflix, HBO, YouTube and social media are saturated with Satanic films and documentaries attacking the inspired Holy Bible, by claiming that some rocks collided to form the earth and moon. And then they bizarrely claim that millions of asteroid struck the earth over billions of years, depositing ice crystals that formed the massive oceans.

Dear reader, I hope you are not dumb enough to accept such ridiculous nonsense as fact. To believe something as insane and implausible as the foolishness of evolutionary theory, you'd have to deliberately take leave of your mind. No intelligent thinking person would ever accept the ludicrous claims of NASA, National Geographic and other ungodly institutions that tell us the earth and all life therein just happened by accidental aftermath and cosmic chaotic. I hope you appreciate God and have enough gratitude for His blessings, than to deny His mighty hand and wisdom in all of creation. I am thankful to God for His many blessings!

Evolutionary theories are rooted in heathen atheistic attacks against a holy God.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Beware Of The Serpents At Alamo And Priceline

Genesis 3:1-7, “Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made.  And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.  And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.”

The serpent (Satan - Revelation 20:2) was extremely subtle. The Devil is a habitual liar (John 8:44). You can tell when the Devil is lying when his lips are moving. The serpent lied to Eve in the Garden of Eden and she bought into it hook, line and sinker.

Priceline are serpents! They subtly offer alleged great “deals” to their victims, but those deals result in losing a lot of money. 

Cheated The Third Time By Alamo Car Rental
On July 6th I made reservations through Priceline for a trip from Pensacola, Florida, to Bigfork, Montana (which cost $2,077.25 for round-trip plane tickets, hotel and a rent car for 4 days). I was planning to attend a 3-day “Banjo Ben Camp” taught by Ben Clark. The event wasn't going to happen for another 5 weeks. But 36 hours later after I signed up at Priceline, I learned that I had been misled by Ben Clark's music store (located in Exeter, Missouri) about the nature of the event I had signed up for. I had unknowingly signed-up for guitar lessons, not the banjo. I was heartbroken. Their website doesn't explain anything.

That is 100% their fault for not making it clear that different classes were being offered. I thought I was signing-up for the banjo camp. Amy at their store did me wrong! I informed Jake, the store's manager, but he couldn't have cared less and refused to even reply to my complaints to the store. Ben Cark did me wrong! It is his business and they caused me to lose $635. Ben is greedy. If they were any type of decent Christians, they would have offered me a $635 discount on one of their future Banjo Camps, but they are greedy.

Cheated By Priceline
So, early on July 8th, I immediately cancelled my reservations which I had made at Priceline. It had only been 36 hours. Unfortunately, ungodly Alamo car rental are ungodly greedy thieves and refused to refund a single penny of my $635. Priceline promised me to contact Alamo, to sincerely try to get them to refund a portion of my money, but those hellbound demonic THIEVES at Alamo refused!!! I hate Alamo. They are ungodly, greedy, unethical and of the Devil. It won't go well for the executives and employees of Alamo on judgment day. They have made billions of dollars for decades cheating, scamming and hurting innocent people for filthy lucre's sake. Hell WILL BE hot enough for Alamo's thug executives and partners.

Just as the serpent offered Eve a “deal” that destroyed her life, family and happiness; so also does Priceline deceitfully offer “deals” that are too good to be true. Their deals are traps!!! I lost $635 because Priceline deceived me. Before I ever clicked on my mouse to accept their tarnished so-called “
deal,” they promised me that I could cancel my reservations WITHIN 48 HOURS. But what Priceline didn't tell me, just like the serpent didn't tell Eve, is that the 48 hours didn't apply to the rent car. They lied! I WILL NEVER do business with the ungodly thieves at Priceline again!!!

Alamo rent car are dirty thieves, but Priceline sent me to them to get burned. Priceline fed me to the hungry lions. Why would Priceline allow Alamo to scam, hurt and cheat the customers who came to them in trust? Priceline gouged me financially. There were 4 flights reserved from Pensacola to Kalispell (the closest airport to Bigfork where I was going). Priceline charged me $8 per flight ($32), on top of all the money they charged me to make hotel and rent car reservations. PRICELINE ARE GREEDY THIEVES!!!

Please RUN from Priceline and Alamo rent car. DO NOT use these crooked business who cheat and take advantage of people financially. I had actually chosen Enterprise car rental, but for some reason Priceline switched it to Alamo. I hate Alamo because they cheated me twice before.

The First Time I Was Cheated By Alamo
In 2013 when I went to Hilo, Hawaii, I parked the car in it's return stall at 10:05 am. But because I took my time to thoroughly clean the car, I went to the return desk at 10:35 am. The rotten greedy woman behind the Alamo desk charged me a penalty fee for being 5 minutes late. I explained that the car was parked at 10:05 am in the return stall, and I had cleaned the car, but she didn't care and financially took advantage of me. I hate Alamo!

The Second Time I Was Cheated By Alamo

In 2019, I visited Pensacola from Guam. I had rented a rent car from Alamo for 3-days. On the third day I called the phone number on the contract because I just need the car for one more day. The greedy rotten ungodly woman on the Alamo phone wanted to charge me over $300 for one more day. I was shocked and asked why. She said that I had entered into a Weekly Rental Rate, which required at least a 7-day rental. I told her how wicked and greedy they are for taking advantage of people, but she was belligerent and didn't care. I returned the car to the airport in Pensacola, and then went to a different car rental agency to rent a car for one day.

Done Wrong By Ben Clark's Banjo Store
If their website was designed better, this wouldn't have happened. All they needed to do was explain what classes were being sold, and make sure that I knew exactly what I was paying for, but they didn't.

When I first emailed Banjo Ben Clark's Store, I made it very clear that I planned on bringing my Deering Goodtime Special banjo to the Banjo Camp in Bigfork, Montana. But for some insane reason, Amy sent me a sign-up page for guitar lessons, which confused me. I thought it was for banjo camp and that's what I signed up for, which cost me $899 for the 3-day camp.

Amy didn't even have the decency to apologize, until Jake (the store manager) made her apologize the next day. But I DON'T accept their insincere apology, because they cost me $635. Ben Clark's store owe me $635 for what they did to me. They failed to make it clear what I was paying for. They returned my $899, but I also lost $635 that Alamo refuses to refund. This all happened because their website is confusing. And also because Amy confused me. She should have told me exactly what she was sending me, and explained that the banjo spots had already been taken. She deceived me by making it appear that their were still openings for the banjo lessons. But she had sent me a guitar sign-up web page and didn't say a word about anything, which confused me, and that is 100% her fault.

As a born-again Christian, I don't just apologize to people when I am wrong, I also make restitution and reconciliation. If you don't try to right your wrongs your apologies mean absolutely nothing! I am so disgusted with Ben Clark. He craps on people and then hides behind his business. I asked Jake if I could speak with Ben Clark, but Jake said Ben lives 10 hours from the store and they rarely speak. Ben Clark needs to get his house in order!

Beware of these horrible business. I have shared with you a horrible nightmare that I went through, all because of Ben Clark's incompetent staff who are irresponsible. I lost $635 because of the shady thieves at Priceline, and the greedy wolves at Priceline. I look forward to the time in eternity when God almighty judges these ungodly horrible greedy people, who take advantage of others and sweep their wickedness under the table. Buyer beware!!!

Monday, June 24, 2024

New York City Is Gone!

Psalms 36:1, “The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of God before his eyes.”

I have been shocked watching videos on YouTube by Cash Jordan. He exposes the wickedness and insanity going on in New York City today.

NYC Gets Worse… Shoplifters Raid Costco

These rotten criminals fear nothing! They totally disregard the rule of law, boldly ignore the police and steal with impunity. Target, CVS, Walgreens and dozens of other businesses are closing their doors and leaving New York City because of rampant shoplifting. You couldn't make this stuff up!

What we need is tough laws that severely punish thieves. Unfortunately, stealing anything valued under $1,000 only results in a citation, like double parking. Thieves if convicted should have the flesh ripped off their backs with a Cat-O-Nine tail whip, like it was back in Roman culture. That would put an end to the massive theft. In London 150 years ago you'd get hung if caught stealing a loaf of bread. Even little children were hung for stealing. Sadly, in the United States today the police cannot do anything to stop crime, because the courts won't back them up.

I literally recorded a thief walking off with my Amazon delivered package in May. I called the cops and showed them the security video, which clearly identifies the man's face. But they said I am not the victim because Amazon replaced the stolen item free of charge. They said Amazon would have to prosecute the thief, which Amazon is not going to do. So, literally, criminals can break the law and hurt people with impunity nowadays. This rotten society in America has gone to the dust, just like Pastor Tom Malone (1915-2007) foretold in 1971.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Fools Consider Bacteria On Mars “Life,” But Not A Baby On Earth

Romans 1:22-23, “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.”

The world has always been a wicked place (1st John 5:19). One of the most hideous of all sins is abortion, which according to the inspired Holy Bible is cold-blooded, first-degree, cruel, premeditated murder. I like what the state of Tennessee has been doing now for several years. By law in Tennessee a doctor is required to let a mother hear the heartbeat of her living baby in the womb, before she can get an abortion. The purpose is to ensure that the mother fully understands that she is killing a living human being. No doubt some mothers have changed their mind about getting an abortion. And may I kindly say, having an abortion doesn't make a woman unpregnant, it just makes her the mother of a dead baby. Abortion is evil.

Some of the smartest people on earth work at NASA, the space agency. According to news from NASA on February 28, 2001, bacterial life once existed on Mars...
Scientists Find Evidence of Ancient Microbial Life on Mars
“An international team of researchers has discovered compelling evidence that the magnetite crystals in the martian meteorite ALH84001 are of biological origin.” —SOURCE
Yet, ungodly liberals, kooks and selfish Americans (including our incompetent U.S. Supreme Court) wickedly insist that a living human being in the womb is not a person. Go figure! Heathen liberals consider bacteria on Mars “
life, but not a baby on earth.

NASA doesn't impress me for supposedly being such smart people. Case in point is their official position that the moon formed by two rocks colliding billons of years ago. Really? Is that the best that NASA can come up with? You've got to be kidding. This is like a new episode of The Outer Limits. Shame on NASA for being atheists.

It is tragic and utter hypocrisy that ungodly liberals, kooks and selfish narcissists think a living baby in the womb is not life. If the child were not alive, then butchers wouldn't need to murder it, robbing a human being of his or her precious life. If someone thinks that bacteria on a distant planet is life, but a child in the womb is not, that individual is a wicked person. Please take a stand with me against the evils of abortion. Every born-again believer should make their voice known, letting the world know that they are a child of God who is against abortion. Nobody has to wonder where I stand as a Christian on the issues. Jesus is precious!!!

Job 20:5, “That the triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the hypocrite but for a moment?”

Thursday, April 25, 2024

The Lives Of 34,305 Murdered Palestinians Are Just As Precious To God As Any U.S Veteran Or Israeli Life

Something really bothers me. Surprised? I see countless Christians who are all gung ho over the precious lives of U.S. military veterans. They feel compelled to remind the world that those veterans “sacrificed their lives for your freedoms.” Yet those same HYPOCRITES disregard the precious lives of 34,305 Palestinians, who have been ruthlessly, needlessly and savagely murdered by monstrous Israel since October 7th, 2023. It is wickedness!!!

I am so sick of idiot Zionists and their unbiblical rhetoric. As the death toll rises, I DO NOT STAND WITH ISRAEL, and you are a wicked person if you do. Shame on anyone who thinks little of the genocide of 34,305 people (70% of whom were defenseless women and children). When will this travesty of justice end? Palestinians are being tortured before execution. Israel's leaders and soldiers are demon possessed, slaughtering innocent people.

In case you are one of the millions of brainwashed Zionist Christians who foolishly idolize Israel today, let me remind you that their vile Talmud permits Rabbis to have carnal knowledge with girls under the age of 3. Here, see the pages of the Talmud for yourself if you don't believe me!!! Now you see why Hollywood is to perverse and is a primary target of the “Me Too” movement on social media (an army of victims of sexual abuse). Israel is the most unholy place in the world, but don't take my word for it, what saith the Scripture? Revelation 11:8, “And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.

Revelation 17:18 also identifies Jerusalem as The Great Whore, the woman who sits upon the Beast (world governing powers) to control it. That is exactly what Revelation 17:18 says, that Israel reigns over (controls) the kings of the earth. To understand the significance of this Bible passage, you need to know that it was the Luciferian elite (the demon-possessed men and women in this world who worship Satan) that created the modern manmade state of Israel in 1948. They did this through The Council On Foreign Relations (CFR). I have done much study about these things and I can tell you that the rabbit hole runs deep.

For example: Lucis Trust for the past century has published all of the literature for the CFR. The organization was originally established in 1922 under the name, Lucifer Trust. I am not kidding. From my own study I have learned that Satan, who is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4), runs his evil world through the CFR. The CFR created the United Nations and controls it. These are the same horrible people who created manmade Israel. Are you now starting to get the big picture? Satan is the prince of this wicked world (Ephesians 2:2).

I too am thankful for our U.S. veterans, but I do not worship them as some Christians do. Most military veterans whom I have worked with were big cry babies, always whining and complaining. I brought my pedal steel guitar once to the postal training center in Oklahoma to play it outside for the people. Some Air Force cry baby veteran in my class had to rain on my parade, saying in front of a group of people that everyone didn't want to hear my music.
Personally, I feel disgust toward a lot of spoiled veterans, who never saw a single day of fighting while in the military, yet like the Pharisees want the rest of us to reverence them. Well you can kiss me where the sun don't shine and go write a love story!

And let me tell you something, and I couldn't care less if this offends your stinking pride as a veteran—in God's sight the lives of every one of those 34,305 Palestinians who were murdered by Israel are JUST AS PRECIOUS AND SIGNIFICANT as any U.S. military veteran!!!

It Is Utterly Shameful That Kamala Harris Is Even Being Considered To Run As U.S. President

Isaiah 3:11-12,  “Woe unto the wicked!  it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him. As for my people, children...