Monday, February 10, 2025

President Trump Is Not A Threat To The New World Order

Revelation 17:10-11, “And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.”

We won't know if President Donald Trump is Controlled Opposition or not until after he leaves office in 4 to 8 years. He may be a ruse to trick the American people. I certainly don't believe that the Luciferian elite (who control the newsmedia) would ever allow someone like Donald Trump to undo a century worth of subversive corruption within our government. I heard Alex Jones last week say on The Alex Jones Show that President Trump is dismantling the New World Order. Dear reader, you are a fool if you honestly think that Mr. Trump is a threat to the Luciferian New World Order.

Our text passage reads: Revelation 17:10-11, “And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.” I humbly think that this passage refers to world kingdoms. Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome were the first 6 kings. The seventh kingdom will be the now forming New World Order, from which the eighth (i.e. the Man of Sin, who is Antichrist, or in place of Christ) will arise.

The Devil is an imitator. Satan is counterfeiting Jesus Christ's true return with the Anti-Christ and his New World Order. Most Jews and Arabs will embrace the Antichrist when he comes as if he were the Messiah. By signs and lying wonders” the Man of Sin will deceive the whole world (2nd Thessalonians 2:9-10; Revelation 12:9).

Also, Satan has created a fabrication of true Israel. The secular state which was created in May of 1948 by The Council On Foreign Relation (CFR) is today the manmade deception of Israel. Present-day Israel is NOT the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. True Israel stopped in 585 BC when God gave them into the hands of Babylon. True Israel will not exist again until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, when the Jews repent toward God (Hosea 3:4-5). Less than 2% of the 7 million Jews living in Israel today profess Christianity, and that includes all the pseudo-Christian cults. I dare say 1 in 1,000 Jews in Israel are born again Christians. Beware of the deception of Zionism! A Christian's focus ought to be on preaching the Gospel of free grace to the lost world, and not focusing on helping the wicked manmade state of Israel.

Having said that, I love and applaud the changes that Mr. Trump is making, but at the same time I cringe when I hear about some of his ideas...

I applaud that President Trump reinstated all of the U.S. soldiers who were fired for refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine in 2020, and they are also getting full back pay for the past 4 years. I say amen!

I also applaud that President Trump removed former shamed U.S. President Joe Biden's security clearance, which is exactly what Biden did to Mr. Trump in 2020. President Joe Biden is a disgrace to this nation's history. The damage the Democrats did is incalculable!

I applaud that President Trump is imposing hefty foreign tariffs on imports, closing our U.S. borders, deporting illegal immigrants, drilling at home in the United States, and he wants states like Tennessee to start building our automobiles instead of China. Amen and amen!

I applaud Mr. Trump's decision to have the United States take over Gaza and control Gaza from now on, and invite private investors to rebuild the region. I think this will stabilize the Middle East. However, one caveat that I am concerned about is that this may just be a ruse to permanent displace the Palestinian people. Time will tell. I agree with Pastor Texe Marrs (1944-2019) who said that the United States is a proxy for Israel today. That is, Israel controls America. That is exactly what the Holy Bible teaches in Revelation 17:18, “And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.”

It is far too early to know (or even see) where President Trump's presidency will take our country, but from all that I have learned in my 23 years of internet ministry since I began ministry in 2002, I do not think for one moment that President Trump is overthrowing the New World Order. It has been common knowledge even before the 20th century that Zionists control the United States.

Zionists also own and control Hollywood, evidenced by the hundreds of actors who have changed their real Jewish names to hide their identity. This all serves to prove the Bible true in Revelation 17:18, that Israel rules the world. To clarify, I love the Jewish people. For Christians, it is a sin not to love everybody with God's love. God is love, and the defining hallmark of a true child of God is unconditional love toward others. We are commanded by God to hate evil (Psalms 97:10), but never sinners (Jude 1:22).

I have been praying for God to help President Trump (1st Timothy 2:1-2). Albeit, I am leery of Mr. Trump's intentions and I don't fully trust anyone in politics today. President George W. Bush has the innocent blood of 343 New York City firemen on his hands, who were murdered on 9/11. It couldn't be more obvious that 9/11 was an Inside Job, orchestrated by our own White House. But please don't just take my word for it, listen to former 32-year NYC veteran firefighter and investigator Rudy Dent, say that 9/11 was an INSIDE JOB! Based on false allegations, the United States went to war against Iraq and murdered 1,455,590 innocent people in Iraq. The American people have much blood upon our hands, for allowing our wicked government leaders to commit acts of war, treason, theft and genocide.

I humbly believe that Revelation chapter 18 describes the coming future total destruction of the United States by a nuclear attack. I hope it is not true, but we sure deserve it for over a century of spitting in God's face (e.g., the fraudulent Federal Reserve, abortion, state tyranny, same-sex perversion, public nudity, corporate greed, government theft, treason, idolatry, false religion, fornication, adultery divorce, covetousness, et cetera). Why should God bless America?

I have high hopes for President Trump's aspirations over the next 4 to 8 years, but at the same time I am not holding my breath. I won't be totally convinced about who Mr. Donald Trump really is until he leaves office at the end of his term, God willing if he lives that long. Since he is older in years, and a target of the liberal left, our President needs our support and prayers. I won't give him blind support! When Mr. Trump does right, I will praise him; but when he does wrong, which I humbly think he did by hiring false prophetess Paula White to the White House as his spiritual advisor, I will preach against him. Paul White is wrong on the Gospel. The world is full of hellbound religious people in the churches, and con artists in the pulpit.
“Religion and Christ are in opposition to each other!” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “Religion Or Christ?
Putin and Trump are about to change EVERYTHING in Ukraine -
President Zelensky in panic mode!

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President Trump Is Not A Threat To The New World Order

Revelation 17:10-11, “And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must con...