This is a very disturbing evil. Satan is working overtime to infiltrate and corrupt the churches! This will be a fairly comprehensive blog, documenting this important theological dilemma in today's dangerous Bible colleges and churches. If we get repentance wrong, then we will also get the Gospel wrong, and salvation wrong!
The Greek verb for “repent” in our text passage of Scripture is metanoeo, which means: “to think differently.” It does NOT mean to turn from your sinning as most of the Devil's modern corrupt Bible revisions read. For example: Here are some modern Bible PERversions (please compare these corrupt versions below, to our accurate text passage above from the inspired KING JAMES BIBLE). I have underlined the perverse changes made...
Easy-To-Read Version (ERV) - Mark 1:15, “He said, “The right time is now here. God’s kingdom is very near. Change your hearts and lives, and believe the Good News!”
Amplified Bible (AMP) - Mark 1:15, “and saying, “The [appointed period of] time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent [change your inner self—your old way of thinking, regret past sins, live your life in a way that proves repentance; seek God’s purpose for your life] and believe [with a deep, abiding trust] in the good news [regarding salvation].”
EasyEnglish Bible (EASY) - Mark 1:15, “Jesus said, ‘Now is the time when the kingdom of God has come very near. You have done many wrong things. Turn away from them and change the way that you live. Believe God's good news.’”
Good News Translation (GNT) - Mark 1:15, “The right time has come,” he said, “and the Kingdom of God is near! Turn away from your sins and believe the Good News!”
Expanded Bible (EXB) - Mark 1:15, “He said, 'The ·right time has come [L time is fulfilled]. ·The kingdom of God [God’s sovereign rule] is ·near [at hand]. ·Change your hearts and lives [Turn from your sins; Repent] and believe the ·Good News [Gospel]!'”
The Living Bible (TLB) - Mark 1:15, “At last the time has come!” he announced. “God’s Kingdom is near! Turn from your sins and act on this glorious news!”
The Voice (VOICE) - Mark 1:15, “Jesus: It’s time! The kingdom of God is near! Seek forgiveness, change your actions, and believe this good news!”
Oh my, what blasphemy! How in the world did today's ungodly greedy Bible publishers take the simple word “repent” (which means: “to think differently”) in the King James Bible, and complicate it in the Amplified Bible (AMP) to mean: “change your inner self—your old way of thinking, regret past sins, live your life in a way that proves repentance; seek God’s purpose for your life”? Oh my God!!! Lamentations 1:12a, “Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by?”
You Cannot Trust Most Greek Resources Online Today
Dear reader, this is a very big deal! Satan is well established in the Bible publishing business! Sadly, you simply cannot trust most online Greek resources these days. For example: Take a look at the corrupt information found on the website (this is FALSE INFORMATION about the meaning of the Greek verb metanoeo, or in English, repent)...
Understanding Metanoeo in Greek Biblical Context
So, what does Metanoeo mean in Greek in the context of the Bible? Metanoeo, pronounced “met-an-o-eh-o,” is a Greek term that translates to “repent” or “to change one’s mind.” In the biblical context, it entails a profound transformation of the heart and mind, often signifying turning away from sin and turning toward God. This concept is not just about feeling sorry for wrongdoing; it requires an active decision to change one’s life and align it with God’s will. SOURCE
They didn't get the preceding information at from the inspired Holy Bible nor from the original Greek language, they pulled it out of thin air; that is, they fabricated it—they LIED!!! Clearly, today's wicked neo-evangelical ministries have their own agendas, and they have produced their own new perverted Bible revisions to reflect those sordid agendas.
Now, here is THE TRUTH which I gratefully found at HubPages...
Greek Bible Words: Meaning, Translation and Mistranslation
There are a good number of words in the Bible which have been used within Christianity for so long that society at large has lost sight of what those words actually mean. So the common perception of these words is often quite different from their literal meanings in Greek (the New Testament was written in Greek), and carry undertones layered in by the church over centuries. This page lists a number of Greek words commonly found in the bible, gives their translation, and explains their original meanings as they were in the Greek language. The list is alphabetized according to the most common English translation.
Greek Bible Words
Repent - μετανοέω (metanoeo, pronounced meh-tah-no-EH-oe)
Literal meaning: to have an after-thought, to change one’s mind
Word breakdown: from “meta” (after) + “noeo” (to think/consider) = to have the benefit of afterthought, to rethink, to think twice, to reconsider, to change one’s mind
To modern ears, “to repent” seems like a very dramatic sort of action, wrought with great emotional turmoil, shamed prostration on the ground, tearful begging and solemn promises… at least to me, that’s what the word brings to mind. In Greek, however, it simply meant “to change one’s mind or reconsider.” SOURCE
Yes, they nailed it correctly at HubPages! Bible repentance simply means “a change of mind,” nothing more!
Modern Bible Revisions Are Dangerous!
In this intriguing 4B segment of his 'KING JAMES BIBLE: STILL THE BEST' Bible study series, my long time ministry friend Pastor Max D. Younce (1935-2023) exposes false prophets' Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort. I encourage you to listen to this audio presentation, because you will be shocked at how corrupt and unbiblical these two imposters were! Westcott and Hort are considered the fathers of all modern corrupt Bible versions, which are based upon the Alexandrian texts which these men produced in the year 1881.
As Dr. Younce shockingly reveals in his 4B Bible study, the changes made in today's polluted Bible revisions are oftentimes not based on sound methods of translation, accurate scholarship, or even upon the ancient manuscripts; but rather, nothing. Literally, many of the changes (corruptions) that exist in the modern Bible revisions have no basis in anything except the whims of the fools who wrote them. I just showed you a prime example from Mark 1:15 in the Amplified Bible (AMP). They have embellished the word “repent” to mean:
- change your inner self
- change your old way of thinking
- regret past sins
- live your life in a way that proves repentance
- seek God’s purpose for your life
My oh my! Where in the world did those modern publishers get all that garbage from? Nowhere does the inspired Holy Bible require that to get to Heaven you must CHANGE YOUR INNER SELF! That is manmade reformation, not regeneration by the Holy Spirit (i.e., the new birth). Where does the Bible require that you live a lifestyle that proves that you've repented? Do you see how one heresy begets another heresy, and another? Since they errantly think the word repent means to be sorry for your sins, that compels them to conclude that you must also live in such a manner that it proves you are really sorry. Yet, in reality, Bible repentance has absolutely nothing to do with feeling sorrow or regret for your sins. Bible repentance simply means to change your mind.
Since we know that eternal life is the “free gift” of God (Romans 5:15-18, 6:23; Ephesians 2:8-9), then there is only one thing that a lost sinner must change their mind about to be saved, which is the sin of UNBELIEF. John 6:47, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.” Carefully notice that Jesus didn't say anything about:
- change your inner self
- change your old way of thinking
- regret past sins
- live your life in a way that proves repentance
- seek God’s purpose for your life
I hope you now see dear reader how evil, misled and deceptive today's religious world has become! Tragically, a counterfeit plan of salvation is today being preached from nearly every religious college, church, book, movie and radio station. I could literally show you thousands of examples.
False Repentance Agrees With All Of The Cults
All of the following pseudo-Christian false religions teach a perverted view of repentance (i.e., that to get to Heaven you must turn from your sinful bad habits):
- Roman Catholicism
- Mormons
- Jehovah's Witnesses
- Seventh-Day Adventists
- Church of Christ
- Baptists (I'd guesstimate about 80% of churches)
False Repentance is rooted in the toxic heresies of Calvinism! The fact of the matter dear friend is that the Greek word for repent (as I have shown you in this blog), simply means “to think differently,” nothing more. The sinful human nature tends to ADD human works (self righteousness) to God's grace; thus, corrupting the Gospel. Left unchecked, which happens when the inspired Word of God is not rightly divided and preached, false prophets WILL creep into the churches unawares with the doctrines of devils (Jude 1:3-4). All a pastor needs to do for heresy to start creeping into the church is to stop earnestly contending for the faith.
I plead with you dear reader to think about the fact that all of the aforementioned hellbound FALSE RELIGIONS, also teach that Bible repentance means to forsake a lifestyle of sinning to be saved. Wrong Repentance = No Salvation!
In fact, and this speaks volumes, Pastor John MacArthur's toxic book, 'FAITH WORKS,' is required reading for all Mormon students at Brigham Young University in Utah. When a demonic sex cult like Mormonism loves a pastor's theology on salvation, you know that something is very wrong! Dr. John MacArthur preaches the SAME heretical misunderstanding of repentance as do the Mormons! As do the Jehovah's Witnesses! As do the Roman Catholics! As do the Seventh-day Adventists! As do the Churches of Christ! I hope you are paying attention friend, because the Devil is in the details.
True Bible Repentance
One of my favorite former Bible professors at Hyles-Anderson College in the late 1980's, Pastor Brad Strand in Texas today, offers this Bible commentary on what repentance means...
Like the thief on the cross who never had an opportunity to “turn from his sin,” we, like him, can only “acknowledge our sinfulness” in order to be saved (Lk 23:40-41). ...
True repentance has nothing to do with “turning from sin” and everything to do with “acknowledging one's sinfulness” (Jonah 3:5). Like the thief on the cross who simply acknowledged his sinfulness (Lk 23:39-43), the only part a person has in salvation is the beggar's part.
SOURCE: Pastor Brad Strand, “The Strand Study Bible”; 2nd Corinthians 7:8-9, pp. 1938, 1939
Amen and amen! Repentance is to change your mind to believe the truth.
“Faith and repentance are the same; they are not two separate decisions. One cannot trust Christ as Savior without repenting or changing his mind. The very fact that he trusts Christ for salvation shows that he has changed his mind regarding sin, salvation and God.” —Pastor Curtis Hutson (2000); “Salvation Crystal Clear,” p. 331; Sword Of The Lord Publishers
Hebrews 6:1 speaks of repentance from "DEAD WORKS" which cannot save a person. Faith without works is DEAD FAITH; and works without faith is DEAD WORKS. The Epistle of James speaks of a "DEAD FAITH," but dead faith is still faith. That is, your faith may be dead without works as a born-again believer, but you are still 100% saved. And the unsaved person who does "many wonderful works" (Matthew 7:21-23), must repent of their useless DEAD WORKS and believe on Jesus Christ to be saved.
“The fella who knows what repentance is knows it's included in believing.” —Pastor Curtis Hutson (1934-1995)
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