Monday, October 17, 2022

The Diabolical New World Order Is Upon Us

Revelation 17:9-14, And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.”

I love this passage of Scripture. The five kings which are fallen (at the time that the book of Revelation was penned in 96 AD) refer to the world power kingdoms of; namely in order, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece. The sixth king was Rome, which empire ruled the world (an estimated 50 million people throughout the Roman empire). The seventh king is the now forming New World Order (NWO), and from the NWO the Antichrist (meaning “in place of Christ) will emerge in power. The world (including unsaved religious Jews and Arabs alike) will mistakenly recognize the Man of Sin as the Christ, the False Messiah, the Beast, ANTICHRIST!!!

The Bible teaches us as saints to be as wise as serpents, but as harmless as doves. Matthew 10:16, “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” I like that! Although most believers are woefully ignorant of the Devil's New World Order, a few of us are awake to righteousness, not ignorant of Satan's devices. There is no way that our nation's leaders are as messed-up as we see today, being counterproductive and insane.

A perfect example is the border wall intended to prevent the influx of criminal immigrants into the United States. They are all lawbreakers! I understand that they are poor and want a better life, but that doesn't give them a right to pillage, plunder and parasite off of the American people!!! Without borders a nation ceases to be a country! After President Donald Trump rightly initiated a nearly 2,000 mile-long border wall which cost taxpayers $15 billion, his evil successor President Joe Biden has wickedly allowed 5,000,000 more illegal aliens (criminals) to enter into the United States.

To the naïve person, they believe this is just two opposing political parties fighting for power; but as God's children (those few of us who care enough to pay attention to what is going on from an objective view) we understand that Satan is the god of this evil world (2nd Corinthians 4:3-4). We understand that Luciferians (sometimes referred to as “The Illuminati,” or as “Globalists” which Alex Jones calls them, or as “The World Revolutionary Movement” which Commander William Guy Carr calls them) from behind the scenes, secretly pull the puppet strings of our nation's leaders.

Likewise, all this gender-bending insanity is not merely by chance. The homosexual movement is clearly classic social engineering, which has existed for at least the past 75 years. But why is the Devil doing this? If you look at the back of any U.S. one dollar bill, you will see a bunch of occult symbols. These Satanic symbols were printed on our nation's money by Freemasons starting in 1934. Occultists love to mock the stupidity of the public, by displaying occult symbols in plain sight.

First of all I will interpret the Latin words on the seal on the reverse of any U.S. one dollar bill. 'Annuit Coeptis' means "Announcing The Birth Of" and "Novus Ordo Seclorum" means "New World Order." So therefore it says: "Announcing the birth of the New World Order." The date in Roman numerals is 1776, the year the modern Illuminati was formed and also the year of American independence. The Latin "E Pluribus Unum" means: "One out of many" (that is, Order out of Chaos) which is the foundation of the New World Order's plan to unify the world's governments, religions and money systems into one so the world can be controlled. Please listen to this classic MP3 sermon by Pastor Jack Hyles titled: "WHY THE ANTICHRIST MUST COME SOON." 

Also, you can read the full article which contains the preceding helpful quote here, "Satan On Our Dollar."

In summary, the reason WHY we are witnessing massive intentional confusion generated by the ungodly media to confuse today's youth about their gender and sexual identity, and our culture's departure from God's institution of marriage, and the obvious forced wicked homosexual agenda upon American culture, and the insanity of our government's leaders who are destroying the U.S. with tens of millions of illegal immigrants, et cetera, is simply because a degenerate group of Satanists have usurped control over our nation's highest powers. Retired Canadian Navy commander, William Guy Carr (1895-1959) has authored a few wonderful insightful books, exposing this diabolical group of Luciferians:
I highly encourage you to read these books. Here is a quote from page 23 of "The Conspiracy." In this quote, William Guy Carr explains why we are seeing so much INTERACIAL MARRIAGE (particularly blacks and whites breeding) being promoted all across America. Commander Carr states:
"Our purpose in writing this article is to prove that the Illuminati was organized by Weishaupt to direct the Luciferian conspiracy to its final goal; to prove that the Illuminati is controlled at the top by the Synagogue of Satan. The S.O.S. in turn is controlled by the few who are, in actual fact, the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed also known as the 'Great White Lodge.' We have also tried to prove that the hidden purpose of the Luciferian hierarchy is to prevent us establishing God's plan for the rule of creation upon this earth in order to prevent God's will being done here as it is in heaven. Their objective is to impose the Luciferian ideology upon mankind and enforce their edicts by Satanic despotism. For purposes of deception they refer to the Luciferian Totalitarian dictatorship as The New Order'.

The Luciferian ideology requires The New Order' shall consist of two classes—Governors and slaves. The Ruler and his governors will consist of the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed, their Illuminati and top-level agentur, a few millionaires, scientists, economists, and professional men who have proved themselves devoted to the Luciferian Cause, with sufficient police and soldiers to enforce obedience upon the Goyim.

All other human beings are to be reduced to one common level by interbreeding white, blacks, yellows, and reds. The mongrelization of the human race is to be speedily accomplished by artificial insemination. Women will be scientifically selected and used as human incubators. They will be made pregnant with semen taken from specially selected males. The birth rate will be strictly limited to the requirements of the state. As it is written in the Illuminati's diabolical plan, 'After we obtain control the very name of God will be erased from the lexicon of life.' In the jargon of the Illuminati this means that scientifically applied psychopolitics (brain washing) will be used to obliterate from the minds of the human slaves all knowledge of Almighty God (Adonay). The Illuminists intend to make Zombies of all those for whom they do not have some special use.

Let me issue this final warning. Wars (regardless of whether they be called aggressive or preventive wars), revolutions (regardless of whether or not they be called counter-revolutions), racial intolerance, religious intolerance, religious bigotry, and persecution and hatred will not provide a solution to our problem. Only by making the whole truth known will we put an end to the Luciferian conspiracy upon this earth. If we continue to keep silence, because of the risks involved, the Luciferian conspiracy will progress to the final social cataclysm when the Goyim, with the use of atomic bombs and nerve gas, will slaughter each other by the tens of millions while the Illuminati, and their friends, bask in luxury on the sunny beaches of their sanctuaries. Those who wish to stand up and be counted as for God and against lucifer don't need arms. They don't need money. All they need is set forth clearly in the Scriptures. Read Ephesians 6:10-17." END QUOTE.
Wow! Commander Carr nailed it so right! Satan and his servants are behind the NWO, and all the chaos and insanity that we are seeing in the United States today is INTENTIONAL. The Devil and his wicked minions are deliberately destroying the Old World Order, so that out of the ashes and chaos of our crumbled society the sinister Man of Sin, the coming ANTICHRIST will emerge. I believe that time is coming very soon.

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