Saturday, October 8, 2022

The Incredible Power Of Information

Romans 1:25, “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.”

It bothers me, not what is going on in Ukraine today, but what is going on in the United States. When the United States invaded Iraq and Afghanistan in 2003 to overthrow their governments, the U.S. media called our soldiers “freedom fighters.” But when Russian soldiers invade Ukraine in 2022, our U.S, media called them terrorists.” This shows the frightening power of the newsmedia. Anything can be justified by using social engineering to indoctrinate the masses!

For the record, I am rooting for Russia! I am one of few people who is sick and tired of corruption. Search online and you will learn that Ukraine for the longest time has been the MOST CORRUPT NATION IN EUROPE!!! Ukraine is notorious for laundering billions of dollars of dirty money for criminals. Ukraine's president can be seen in social media videos dancing in drag as a cross-dresser. I hope that Russia does take back Ukraine. The U.S. lying media paints a grim picture of Russia, but the truth is that the United States is the grim culture. We have murdered 61,000,000 human lives by abortion, and still counting. In case you don't know, abortions are still happening across America, in ungodly liberals states like Illinois, Montana, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Colorado, California and New Jersey, Delaware, New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maryland, New Mexico and Maine. Abortion is still perfectly 100% legal in all of these ungodly states!!!

Nearly no one agreed with the homosexual lifestyle (which is really a deathstyle) in the 1940's and 1950's. Even in the 1970's homosexuality was shunned by mainstream American society. So how did the disgusting sin of homosexuality become so widely accepted, promoted and even celebrated today in 2022? It was the ungodly media! It was the ungodly controlled newsmedia. It was wacky ungodly liberals. It was perverse ungodly Hollywood (Hollyweird).

We never heard the local news channel on TV promoting the LGBTQ agenda 40 years ago in 1982. But they sure do today in 2022. You wouldn't have found an Anderson Cooper (a news anchor for CNN); or a Rachel Maddow (news anchor for MCNBC). These people are homosexuals. I don't like to call them “gay,” because gay used to be a very good word prior to the 1970's. I play Hawaiian music on the lap steel guitar. It is a passion for me. I'm just an average player, not as good as Jerry Byrd (1920-2005), but I enjoy playing Hawaiian music on the steel guitar.

I was sitting in front of my residence the other day, playing my steel guitar along with some old Hawaiian music. The lyrics said that there is “gay Hawaiian party.” Thankfully, my neighbours are older folks and still remember when “gay was a good word. Homosexuals like to be called gay, but in truth they are perverts! I say that in all kindness. It is simply the truth. I know that liberals and homosexuals hate that the Holy Bible condemns their sodomite deathstyle, but it is THE TRUTH. If that offends you, it is only because you are at odds with the righteous God of the inspired King James Bible. It is not my intention to offend anyone; but rather, to honor God by preaching the truth.

The ONLY reason why homosexuality is now becoming openly accepted by a larger portion of the public is because of the lying media that keeps sugar-coating the deadly homosexual deathstyle. It is truly a deathstyle. Go online and search for statistics on homosexuals and you will learn that 28% of homosexuals admit to having at least 1,000 sex partners! That is wickedness! But you'll never hear the newsmedia telling you this truth.

And it gets much worse, homosexuals for many years already have legally been raising adopted children. Anderson Cooper and his sodomite partner announced publicly a couple years ago that they are now parents to an adopted baby girl. That is frightening! Two homosexual men raising a little girl? I have a right to my opinion, and it just so happens that my opinion agrees with God's opinion in the Holy Bible (Romans 3:4). Truth is stranger than fiction! Mark my words, hostility will increase in America against born-again Christians who fear God and refuse to accept the homosexual community. This article may even get censored, which is why I am copying it to my own website as well.

YouTube has removed and banned all of Steven Anderson's sermons. They did the same horrible thing to Pastors' Bruce Mejia, Roger Jimenez and now Pastor Max Younce has received his second strike from YouTube for preaching against the sin of homosexuality. Just because wicked American society has decided that sin is no longer sin, doesn't make it so. Homosexuality is a perversion of nature. Two men cannot conceive a child. Two women cannot conceive a child. God made males and females! God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve! If that offends you, get mad at God, because He is wise and knew what He was doing when He made all things very good.

Kindly said, the very fact that two lesbians cannot conceive a child clearly proves that homosexuality is against nature. And now there are insane LGBTQ support groups trying to appease and coddle the parents of homosexual children, that they should find solace and stop worrying that they won't be grandparents, because their LGBTQIA adult children can adopt someone else's kids. That is utter ludicrousy! Simply stated, 2 + 2 does not = 5, no matter how much you may try to make it so. Homosexuality is a disgusting sin, 100% against nature and an abomination to God almighty, and you won't ever change that.

There is a war on for your mind dear reader. I understand that liberals want homosexuals to be openly accepted in society as normal everyday people, like everyone else. But that can only happen in an ungodly apostate culture of rebellion against the holy God of the inspired King James Bible. Whether you choose to believe the truth or not is up to you, because I DO believe the Word of God. Homosexuality is a woeful sin. It is disgusting and something to be greatly ashamed of. In the old days homosexuals needed to hide in the closet, because society refused to accept their wicked filth; but today in 2022 Christians are hiding in their closets, while homosexuals parade their wicked filth in ungodly liberal places across America. Whether sinners realize it or not, the war has already been decided and won by Jesus Christ. Job 20:5, “That the triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the hypocrite but for a moment?”

We live in the most ungodly hypocritical nation in history in the United States. What gives us the right to invade sovereign nations like Iraq and Afghanistan to overthrow their governments? And then we condemn Russia and give $40,000,000,000 to Ukraine to buy weapons to fight against Russia. Why can the U.S. invade other nations, but Russia cannot? We are such rotten hypocrites!!!

And worse, the stupid churches always back-up and support our government's decisions, no matter how wrong or evil they may be. Nearly every church in America supported the atrocious war crimes of the Bush and Cheney presidential administration (2000-2008). Both of those ungodly criminals belong in prison!!! The Freemason-controlled U.S. Justice Department actually gave clemency to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, so that no one could come back down the road in the future to prosecute them for the illegal invasion of Iraq, which was based upon fraudulent claims that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD's). The White House lied from the very beginning. They make it sound like murdering 1,455,590 Iraqi people was an innocent mistake, but God knows that it was first degree premeditated murder!!!

I am on the Lord's side. How about you dear friend? Joshua 24:15, “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”

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