Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Democracy Is Destroying America!

Daniel 8:25, “And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

Our text passage of Scripture teaches that the coming Antichrist will destroy society by using PEACE! Wow! You couldn't make that up. Don't you tell me that the Holy Bible is not true. Don't you tell me that the Bible is not God's Word. Friend, we are beholding insanity across America today. I mean, when toy stores are removing their “boys” and “girls” aisles because it might exclude transgendered children, we've lost our minds.

When our churches are using dozens of different English Bible versions all at the same time, friend we've gone wacky! These modern Devil's Bibles all disagree with each other. Good night man, if you don't think the King James Bible is God's infallible inspired Word, then pick one that you believe is and stick with it. I'm not saying that is the right thing to do, but it would at least show others that you haven't lost your better sense of judgment. 

This type of erratic strange human behavior is nothing new in history. Jeremiah 10:21, “For the pastors are become brutish, and have not sought the LORD: therefore they shall not prosper, and all their flocks shall be scattered.When pastors fail to seek the Lord as they ought, they lose their ability to think rationally. That is why most pastors today embrace and tolerate the Devil's Bible revisions, because they are serving mammon (money) instead of God. They are worshipping God in vain (Matthew 15:7-9), teaching for doctrines the commandments of men (e.g., Lordship Salvation, Calvinism, baptismal regeneration, misunderstood repentance of turning from sin to be saved, et cetera). 

Today's pastors have become brutish (lacking good sense), because they do not walk with God. Psalms 119:104, “Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.” Harvest Baptist Church on Guam centers around 'The Daily Chapel' (the daily chapel services of Bob Jones University broadcast on Harvest's KHMG 88.1 FM radio station throughout the Micronesia islands). Instead of walking with God, they are following Dr. Steve Pettit, a Calvinist theological madman in the pulpit today). This is disturbing indeed!

Democracy is destroying America, all in the name of “RIGHTS.” In a time of war, or in a normal struggling society, none of this insanity could ever happen. In the real world men rule society. Only in a liberal controlled society, where wicked people rise to power and pervert judgment (what is right and what is wrong), can this type of freak culture exist. All across the nation in this new century, family values are being taken away and replaced with feminist equality, homosexual rights, transgendered rights and all manner of perversion. 

I watched this interesting video tonight, which makes a lot of sense. This man explains why security guards stood by and did nothing in New York City, even closing the business' door to secure the building from the inside, as an woman was brutally beaten outside by a man. It is horrible what happened. I feel sorry for the woman. I am not siding with anyone. But I agree with Joker (the man who made the preceding video). He is right. Women nowadays expect men to protect them, while demanding equality at the same time, but you cannot have both. If women want equal pay as men, then they ought to be able to do everything as a man does, including fight to defend themselves. If that were a man being beaten silly, no woman would be expected to go help him, but when it is a woman being kicked and beaten, everyone expects men to go help her. That is NOT equality folks! Joker explains well in the video why women have created this problem in society today, by discouraging men.

All we hear about from the media nowadays is “rights.” I want my rights. I demand equal rights. Well, with rights come responsibilities and consequences. This is insanity! These transgendered females were born as biological males. As such they are still males, which gives them unfair advantages over females in competition. Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.God doesn't make mistakes. There are no transgendered animals. There are no LGBTQ roosters, steers or elephants. Only in the sinful human realm do we sink below the level of the animal kingdom. The demand for “rights” is destroying our society! 

In 1963, we allowed less than 1% of atheists to use the courts to drive out the Holy Bible from all of our public schools, turning tens of millions of youth away from God and into secular humanism instead. The horrifying deadly consequences can be heard on the daily news. We have multiple generations of adults today, who are disturbing products of the ungodly American public school indoctrination system. Russian dictator Vladimir Lenin was right that the best revolutionary is a youth devoid of morals. We saw this truth bared out all across America in 2020, as our cities burned during the Black Lives Matter protests. Where were the Democrats then? Where was bigmouth congresswoman Nancy Pelosi then? Democrats have gone to great lengths to prosecute President Trump's supporters for their alleged plot to attack the Capital, while doing absolutely nothing to stop the riots which cost businesses billions of dollars in damage, and cost many innocent lives. Satan is using our liberties (peace) to destroy us, all in the name of “I want my rights!

Now President Joe Biden is insanely requiring the military to design flight suits for pregnant soldiers. Folks, where does this insanity end? I assure you that things will grow MUCH WORSE in the years ahead. We are self destructing as a society, because we have no moral compass anymore. When the Catholic Pope is sanctioning homosexual unions, people have lost all sense of morality. Isaiah 5:20, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” This is not God's way, the right way. Homosexuality is perversion. If that offends you, get right with God! God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Any child knows that God made boys and girls, and nothing in between. 

I see these alleged transgendered children, whose parents allow (and in many cases deliberately encourage) unisex behavior and clothing. Boys ought not play with girl's toys, like dolls and makeup. Boys should play with guns, tanks and superhero action figures like I did as a normal kid. In the good ole days, even a Tom Boy Girl was still a gal. This LGBTQ insanity today is being forced on impressionable children by society. And I'll tell you, there's some frightening laws trying to be passed that will criminalize parents for trying to ensure that their child doesn't grow up to be a homosexual. Romans 1:24-32 calls homosexual lusts vile and against nature

The ungodly leftist liberals began their sinister plot in the 1960's and 1970's, by getting Americans to unknowingly accept closet homosexuals like Mike Brady (real name: Robert Reed) of The Brady Bunch. In the decades to follow Americans would be shocked to find out that their favorite TV characters, Hollywood actors, singers and entertainers are homosexuals. I am still sickened to learn that Barry Manilow is a homosexual. Then after the liberals tricked the American people into liking a bunch of sodomites, now they are forcing new equality rights on society, even threatening to remove our children from the home if we don't play along. This is 100% pure Satanism folks!!! The Devil has a bid for your child, and the Pied Piper is coming to get YOUR CHILD! If you think you'll resist the power of the government, think again!

I could go on and on about the insanity in our country today. It sickens me that after all the money spent and the impressive effort by President Donald Trump to tighten down the Mexican border to stop illegal immigration, President Joe Biden has 100% undermined all that President Trump accomplished. Hundreds of thousands more illegals have flooded toward America and into the country. Now Nancy Pelosi and other ungodly criminals at large in our failed irresponsible government, are opening the door and welcoming the criminals right into our country. Miss Pelosi has been using “children immigrants” as an excuse to justify their treason! It is all criminal, the whole damn thing! We've lost control of our country to a bunch of irresponsible liberals, criminals every one, traitors of the worst sort, all in the name of “rights.” They are giving rights to criminals, rights to immoral perverts, rights to rebels, rights to everyone except law abiding U.S. citizens.

In case you don't know, that's been the plan of the Luciferian elite since the very beginning of our country in 1776. Americans today are (in classic fashion) being divided and conquered by the controlled media. Humans come and go from one generation to the next, but the Devil's plot for World Government spans millenniums since the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-11). There will be a New World Order. This will be the Beast system of the coming ruthless Antichrist. The Bible says that “by peace” (not war or conquest) shall the Antichrist DESTORY MANY. America is clearly headed for self-destruction. We are divided on everything because of THE MEDIA. 

I saw a man wearing a T-shirt the other day, which read: “MEDIA = Most Effective Devil In America.” Yes, that is exactly true! The media is unimaginably evil. For those of you who are older like me, you know that practically overnight the wicked U.S. media unannouncedly started embracing and promoting the homosexual agenda. I cannot watch the news anymore without cringing, wondering at point it turned so sicko, repulsive, wicked and bold to sanction all manner of sin and evil. How did we allow ourselves as a society to accept this? Our children are prohibited to learn about God at school, while God is inclusive in all of science, academics and life itself. You simply cannot educate a child without God, not without creating a ticking time-bomb. 

Nutty liberals want to ban guns. That is crazy! The problem is people, not guns. So the wicked government takes the Holy Bible away from children since 1963, which no longer can teach children to love their neighbour as God loves us. Then when those kids grow up to become unstable, loveless and immoral adults, the wicked government wants to ban citizens from owning guns to defend themselves. Do you see where all this is eventually leading: SLAVERY TO THE GOVERNMENT! A police state is rising up in America, and they want to take away your guns, so the government can stomp a big boot on your face!!! Liberals will claim they just want to ban assault weapons. But it is obvious this is just the Devil's foot in the door. If you give liberals even one inch, they'll take a foot, and then the Devil will become a ruler! If Americans ever allow wacky liberals to ban assault weapons, of necessity they will go after all guns shortly thereafter, because a nut with a gun only needs a handgun. Again, in the name of rights the Devil's crowd are ripping American society to pieces.

Dear reader, you cannot have it your way and God's way. It is simply impossible to do. God wants young women to get married (not pursue careers), bear children (not freeze their eggs until future use), guide the house (not work in the work office), and stay out of trouble (not wreak havoc like feminists are doing and the immoral hook-up culture). Please read 1st Timothy 5:14-15 for yourself. The Bible says career women are turned aside after Satan. This includes nurses from Bob Jones University. God made you young ladies to get married in your youth and bear children, not still be working as a nurse at 40 years of age. Shame on you! God's way is the best way. Millions of American women today are either single parents, or still waiting for Mr. Right at age 40. Oh foolish woman, you've bought into the Devil's lie.

I thank God as a born-again Christian that I am still in my sound mind. You'll never get me to sign off on the homosexual movement, it is of the Devil. You'll never get me to sanction young girls pursuing nursing careers at BJU, they are turned aside after Satan. You'll never get me to use five different Bible versions, I only use and need the King James Bible. You'll never convince me to support a false gospel of Lordship Salvation. My faith is firmly grounded in a free grace Gospel of faith alone in Jesus Christ plus nothing. This gender-bending perverse culture today doesn't have me confused one bit. Men are still men and women are still women, and anybody in between is of the Devil. God is not the author of confusion (1st Corinthians 14:33). Young people are utterly confused today about their own gender because of the rotten ungodly media, the fascist public schools, and other looney government agencies that propagate this demonic garbage. There is no confusion if you believe the Bible!

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Young Career Women Freezing Eggs

1st Timothy 5:14-15, “I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. For some are already turned aside after Satan.

One of the most disturbing trends of these modern times is young women having their biological eggs frozen for some future time, so they can instead pursue a career. It is insanity!

God intended for women to get married and bear children in their youth, not when they have secured a successful career, financial stability, a big house and feel better situation to have a family. That is the insane world's plan. Our text passage from 1st Timothy 5:14-15 plainly teaches that it is God's perfect will for young women to get married, bear children, guide the home, and stay out of trouble. Verse 15 says to do otherwise is to turn aside after Satan. 

Kindly said, women women enroll in the military are turned aside after Satan. Women who go to college to pursue a career, just in case their marriage doesn't work out well, are planning for failure. Millions of parents, including Christians, are concerned about their daughter's financial future, so they encourage her to pursue college and a career, just in case. What often ends up happening is that those young women never get married, or wait too long to have biological children of their own. Apple computer and other ungodly high-tech companies today are paying all expenses for young women to freeze their eggs, as a means of enticing those women to pursue a carrier working for the company instead of motherhood for the next 10-15 years. You can search online to verify that only in 21% of cases do those frozen eggs ever get used in the future. If I understand the statistics correctly, that means only 21% of every young woman who freezes her eggs will ever become a mother. That is not God's will.

I think the whole idea of freezing eggs, so a young woman can pursue other interests, is not only wicked but insanity. The world is a horrible place! Satan is a beautiful liar! A woman's most fertile years for bearing children is in her teens and 20's. Once a woman nears age 40, her chances of ever becoming a mother drastically decline rapidly. Young ladies, don't buy into the Devil's lie of pursuing a career. When all is said and done you'll still die broke, and the government will simply tax you more. The more you make the more Uncle Sam takes. While out government literally squanders billions and billions of dollars for every stupid thing imaginable, they still ask you as citizens to give your money to help charities, disabled people and all sorts of fundraisers. Our government has endless amounts of taxpayer money to help illegal immigrants, but not a dime to help millions of homeless American citizens! Let's start by cutting the salaries of every member of congress by 75%. Yeah, I didn't think so! A disgusting 50% of members of congress are millionaires. What a worthless group of people!

It is a wicked sin for a young woman to pursue a career instead of motherhood. God made a woman's body to bear babies, not throw hand-grenades and fly helicopters. There is nothing more laughable and contemptible to a real man, than to see a woman in a man's uniform, doing a man's job, having the boldness of a man, talking like a man and lacking the femininity which God naturally intended for all ladies to have. In my humble opinion men ought to lead men and women, not women at all. A woman's place is in the home in a healthy society. Today, the United States is a very UNHEALTHY society. I don't have to spend time enlightening you how bad things are in America today. This is the consequence of liberals, feminists and weirdos who think transgendered behavior is normal and healthy!

The Bible shames a society that lets women rule over them. Isaiah 3:12, “As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.” Only in a weak, perverse, homosexualized, socially controlled, ungodly society can women rule over men. Regardless of what feminists may say, men only allow women to lead. If men ever decide to get right with God, all this insanity in the United States would stop. Call me what you will, America was much better off when we had traditional families. We see women intentionally being promoted to all positions of authority in American society today, and in over 95% of cases I have seen, those manly type women are as wicked as the Devil, mean, quick to bully men, and have very bad attitudes toward anyone who dares oppose them. Those ungodly women are turned aside after Satan, all of them! They should all be fired, sent home and start baking cookies!

The fools who will argue with the Holy Bible, are the same ones who promote the ungodly hookup culture (fornication). Since the 1960's American women have demanded equal rights, wanting to have all the same opportunities and privileges as men. So they got what they wanted from the nutty U.S. government! U.S. women today have all the same rights, privileges and opportunities as men do. Yet, women still aren't happy. Now millions of U.S. women in their 30's, 40's and 50's are complaining that they cannot find Mr. Right to settle down and have a family with. The dating website eHarmony is 90% a wasteland for miserable barren single women in their 40's and 50's who cannot find a man. Of course they can't! When those women were young and capable of having children, they chose to pursue a career instead, and now it is too late! I can hardly read a profile on eHarmony where a woman doesn't mention her career. Goodbye!

Career women have the wrong life's goals and values, which means they will not make good wives or mothers. A godly woman KNOWS that her place is in the home. A career woman is confused about everything! I know what I am talking about. But moreover, I have 1st Timothy 5:14-15 to backup everything I have said in this blog. What do you career women have from the Holy Bible, to support your abandonment of marriage and motherhood for a career? Millions of young women today choose to remain single, money-branching from one guy to the next, searching for that perfect wealthy hunk, so they will be set for life. I knew a young woman in Bible college, who gave away her virginity to some married bum, a hockey player for the Chicago Blackhawks. After their fling, the young woman fell in love with the bum, but he never once had even considered divorcing his wife. Men very rarely choose a lover over their own wife. So that young woman had a nervous breakdown. I know the hockey player's name, but I won't mention him. Everyone would know his name if I mentioned it. That guy is a piece of walking trash!!! He destroyed that young girl's life, so he could have a good time. God will punish him for his wickedness (Galatians 6:7; Ecclesiastes 12:!3-14; Hebrews 4:13).

Young women belong at home. Girls ought to find a boy to marry in church, not a bar or secular workplace. I encourage every young person to listen to the helpful sermon: 'DATING IS DANGEROUS' by Pastor Ralph 'Yankee' Arnold. It is a wicked sin to share physical intimacy before marriage!!! If you demand to get legally married first, you'll never get burned ladies! You ought to tell a young man before you even have the first date, that you don't believe in petting around, or intimacy, not even making out, until married. Kissing leads to petting, which leads to fornication. Don't you let a boy even kiss you, not once! GET MARRIED FIRST!!! That is the best advice you'll ever hear young people.

Freezing eggs is not for the child of God. This society today has gone wacko tobacco! I am being your friend. I always show love and respect for female soldiers, cops and leaders, but in my heart I also know that they are merely a symptom of a deteriorated, perverse and ungodly society. With this type of reversal of what is normal and healthy biblically, our gender-bending feminist American society can only get worse and worse morally. I love everyone.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Animal Rights Activists Couldn't Care Less About Aborted Humans

Proverb 12:10, A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.

I made this blog to share disturbing truths with others. I definitely think this subject is a disturbing issue, and that subject is—people who care more about animals than humans!

I heard Brian Wilson of 'The Beach Boys' yesterday say in an interview that he is a 'sad person,' and has been all his life. Kindly, that doesn't surprise me because Brian is an avowed atheist. Brian recently in February of 2020 called for a boycott against fellow band member Mike Love, because they love to go trophy hunting. That is, killing animals to show off what you killed in hunt. Folks, there is nothing wrong with hunting, just so long as you don't needlessly cause the animal to suffer, or waste the meat if it is edible. God gave man dominion over the earth. These animal rights people are wacky! What really upsets me is that hypocrites like Brian Wilson NEVER speak one word in defense of children being murdered by abortion, yet they care so much for the animals. Right!

I have heard Paul McCartney of 'The Beatles' time and time again voice his stance against eating meat, because he thinks it is unethical to kill animals. Yet, I have never heard him speak a single world against abortion. I have searched the internet for what Brian Wilson and Paul McCartney think about abortion, but there is nothing. Yet, you can find HUNDREDS of webpages about their views against HURTING ANIMALS. It just shows how hypocritical liberal minded ungodly people are, and how they live by their own set of rules instead of God's Holy Bible. Paul is a good man, the best of the best in my humble opinion, but he is ungodly because he does not glorify God in his life. 

These men avoided talking about God, faith or religion at all cost. But I would never judge them on the basis of that alone. Brian said publicly to The Guardian in 2004 that he is an atheist. Brian doesn't believe in any form of afterlife. The band has had much fighting among themselves over who actually write the lyrics to their songs. I think it is very sad that men of such great talent, singing ability and worldwide fame, would behave like a bunch of heathens. But in fact, that is exactly what they are! I have always loved the music of The Beach Boys, and always will. It makes me sad that they cannot get along, especially after all these years.

Anyway, I didn't write this blog to criticize these men, except to point out that they ought to care about human life more than animals. It is nutty in my humble opinion. The Bible says that a righteous man considers the life of an animal. Proverb 12:10, A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.I am 100% against animal cruelty. I love animals. Yet, I also love a good ribeye steak, and wouldn't think twice about butchering Betsy the cow for dinner. God gave us animals to eat. Acts 11:7, “And I heard a voice saying unto me, Arise, Peter; slay and eat.” God Himself commanded the Apostle Peter to kill an animal, and then to eat it. The Lord did this to teach Peter that the Old Testament ceremonial laws were done away with, nailed to the cross (Colossians 2:14-16).

I do not give money to PETE, not nor would I. The reasons are because, first, I would rather give my money to helping save humans, by preaching the Gospel. Too much charity is given to the wrong groups. Let's save the human babies before we save the whales and tigers. Furthermore, I wouldn't give a dime to any of these popular big charities which ALL pay 6-digit outrageous salaries to their executives. Red Cross pays around $700,000 a year to their CEO. I would never donate a penny to them. Sadly, the Salvation Army pays it's top executive close to $300,000 a year! They have become far more army than salvation in these modern times, which was never the intended purpose of their founder, General William Booth (1829-1912). 

It is disturbing that groups like PETA (people for the ethical treatment of animals) elevate animal life to that of a human being. That is another reason I would never donate money to them. It is sinful to view animals as humans. Evolutionists teach that humans evolved from the same source as animals. One public school teacher taught the children that people are animals. So the wise teenager replied, “Does that mean it is okay for humans to have sex with animals?” The teacher shut up quickly, as the class laughed at the utter and contemptable ignorance of the teacher. Humans are NOT animals. I call PETA... PEOPLE EATING TASTY ANIMALS!!! Yeah buddy, I want beef for dinner!

There is nothing wrong with hunting animals. We see a lot said in the media and on grocery store labels today for non GMO food. Labels advertise that the eggs, milk and other food products came from happy animals, who weren't injected, and graved in open green fields. I prefer to buy those foods myself. But what about aborted children? Don't their lives matter too? I love what this African American man said to this Black Lives Matter group of protesters, shaming them for their utter hypocrisy. Black lives only matter to most people until you speak of life in the womb, then black lives don't matter anymore to them. That is so wrong!

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Wacky Liberals And President Joe Biden's Irresponsibility

Proverb 28:28,  When the wicked rise, men hide themselves: but when they perish, the righteous increase. Proverb 29:2, When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” Ecclesiastes 10:16, “Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a child, and thy princes eat in the morning!

As a Christian I believe the Bible teaches for us to always show respect for our elected leaders, and I do. I respect the office of the U.S. President. I also respect that Mr. Joe Biden, from all that I have seen, is a very sweet and good-hearted man. Having said that, I do not respect his policies and some of the reckless decisions he has made so far as our Commander and Chief.

It behooves me to say that President Biden's attitude toward illegal immigrants flooding into the United States is destructive. In recent months we saw American citizens storming the White House in anger, which was met with immediate severe brutality and criminal prosecution of everyone involved. Yet, absolutely nothing is being done to stop the flood of literally tens of thousands of illegal immigrants into the country

The city of Los Angeles today decided to close down Echo Park and displace hundreds of poor homeless people. This is cruelty, insanity and tyranny! Why does our U.S. federal government care more about 11,000,000 illegal immigrants already here in the U.S., and tens of thousands more flooding in each week, than it does about the one million homeless citizens? Something is very wrong with our nation's priorities. 

And now we are all sad, but not shocked, to hear about another mass shooting. This time in Colorado. Last week it was George. I have watched a little news, but chose to turn it off, because it is bullcrap! I read a man's shirt recently that said: “MEDIA = Most Effective Devil In America.” Yeah buddy, I agree 100%! The media are evil liars, doing the dirty work of their corporate owners! A web visitor sent me this, with which I agree:

The COVID-19 is another boogeyman. The agenda is very clear; it has, and always was, to impose the New World Order. The reason why this pandemic is being staged is no reason other than to create massive fear. 

When people are frightened, they give up freedom easily, just like they are doing with the lockdowns and everything. The COVID-19 targets our economic freedom, much like how 9/11 was used as an excuse to launch wars, impose surveillance, take away freedom, and other rights.

This is certainly not the first “new normal”. We have been in a “new normal” for the last 20 years since 9/11. We have been in a new normal for the last 8 decades since the Great Depression. We have been in a new normal for over 100 years since the institution of the Federal Reserve. 

Every “new normal” is simply a reduction of our freedoms. Trust me, this “pandemic” has created enough fear to take away a huge chunk of our freedom, just like 9/11. 

The fact is, the people who benefit from all this? Big banks and corporations. The War on Terror allowed Halliburton to prosper. Keep in mind, this company has been closely tied to former VP Dick Cheney. War means big money for the banks and corporations. Large numbers of people profit by sending our young people to war. 

Every time the government must spend heavily, they borrow money through taking out bonds. The COVID-19 and 9/11 are two examples, justifying all sorts of big government spending. The government cannot possibly spend as much as it currently does (even before the COVID-19) without taxing us to death. 

Thus, they take out loans. Government bonds get bought by wealthy oligarchs, and in turn, by the Federal Reserve. This serves to put our government and the people into more and more debt. The Federal Reserve pumps additional money into the economy through buying assets, including government bonds. This creates income inequality through giving money to the rich, and hurting the average citizen and the poor. The new money created by the Federal Reserve goes first to wealthy oligarchs, who deposit their checks into their bank accounts. 

As banks typically have a reserve requirement of 10%, this means 90% of the newly deposited money gets lent out. The fractional reserve system ends up creating 10 times more money than originally, allowing banks to profit handsomely from the interest rates. 

The losers? Us. The people.

How do I know this pandemic is a fraud? I look at the facts. I see who benefits from it. I use my common sense.

And now all I am hearing from Colorado lawmakers is a foolish demand to further ban guns. That is what I hear Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi and President Joe Biden foolishly saying too! Those Americans who favor taking guns away from citizens are woefully ignorant of history. Look what happened to the people in 1936 Spain, when the communists took away the people guns, and the people cooperated! They murdered the people!!! If you think a police state cannot happen here in America, you obviously haven't been through an airport TSA checkpoint in recent years. They are thugs! I was treated like a criminal by TSA in Pensacola, Florida in 2019 over a gyro sandwich. The TSA fascist (a disgusting 300 pound feminist bully) literally made me open my gyro before she could throw it away. She had a bad attitude. Her male-coworker was just as rude, with a punk attitude. If I had my way they'd all be in prison!

Search the internet and you'll find horror stories of TSA abuse. One mother was forced to drink her own breastmilk from a baby bottle. Another elderly woman was forced to remove her diaper. All this in the name of safety! Yet, we have lost our freedom as a consequence. And now as a consequence of this COVID-19 virus, you can expect to see a further acceleration of the American police state, and globally! President Biden has already appointed Senator John Kerry, a member of the Skull & Bones secret society, in charge of Climate Change. You can definitely expect to see this blatant fake agenda used to further the New World Order.

The radical left are insane! While American cities burned to the ground across the nation in 2020, our government did nothing. Black Lives are said to Matter, until they are black lives in the womb! We are a sick nation of hypocrites! Most Americans are okay with abortion, murdering black lives in the womb, but then those same hypocrites are willing to pillage, destroy and burn down cities because they think minorities ought to be treated better. So you see, wacky liberals are okay with abusing other people, just so long as it's not someone they deem worthy of such protections. Americans are some of the most warped people in history.

I heard both U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno and later U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, foolishly say that gun confiscation is not a matter of if but when. I knew they were right, because of the criminal takeover of the United States by a gang of Freemasons, occultists and thugs. The true powers that control the U.S. lurk behind the scenes in Washington D.C. The Luciferian elite (aka, Globalists) ultimately want to disarm the public...

Waiting periods are only a step. Registration is only a step. The prohibition of private firearms is the goal. —U.S. Attorney General, Janet Reno, December 1993

I fully agree with Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001), who wrote:

“If I had my way, not one gun control law would ever be passed in the United States so that only thieves and crooks would have guns and the common citizen would be at their mercy.”—Pastor Jack Hyles (Chapter 17, 'Teaching on Preaching')

The answer to what happened in Colorado is not to ban firearms from citizens, but to put more of them into the hands of law-abiding citizens. If someone in that grocery store had been armed and trained to properly use force to defend life, this wouldn't have turned into what it did, very sadly, a massacre. I can tell you one thing, stores across America now are going to have armed guards at the entrance of every business. We are becoming a police states. Our nation's second U.S. president, John Adams (1935-1826) said it best, I humbly think:

“We have not government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” —U.S. President John Adams

Since that fatal year in 1963, when America's irresponsible ungodly high courts removed the Holy Bible from children's daily lives at school, the criminal statistics have skyrocketed off the charts! So can we really insanely ask ourselves: “Why do we have all these mass shootings today?” It's not the difficult to figure out folks. Today's youth have no moral compass. In every major city that go from learning that there is no God at school, and that they evolved from monkeys and stardust, to having nothing more to do after school than roam the streets to get into trouble. Where are the fathers? A shocking 23% of American households are run by a single parent. Nearly all of them are women. Where are the Dads? Feminism has destroyed our homes. The American media does nothing but promote immorality of every sort, attack preachers and Bible-believing churches who oppose sin, and discourage youth from seeking true Bible Christianity. No wonder society is insane!

I mean, look how crazy this country is getting, when an 11 year old girl is told by a counselor at school that it is okay for her to want to become a boy! No, the Bible says it is not okay (Genesis 1:27). In today's perverse gender-bending American culture, how can we expect young people to grow up normal or mentally stable, when we are telling them not to refer to each other as 'boys' and 'girls' anymore, and local toy stores have removed boys and girls toys. How stupid can we be as a society, to allow retarded liberals and wicked people beyond imagination, to force us to survive in this insane way? Pastor Jack Hyles preached a very helpful Bible sermon on this very subject called: 'UNISEX.' Please never allow anyone to blur the lines between the sexes concerning you or your children. Avoid wicked people today who think otherwise (Psalm 1:1-3).

It is a disturbing truth that President Joe Biden literally invited the illegals who are flooding our border to come. Tucker Carlson has covered this subject well, and I commend him. Joe Biden, while campaigning, openly told the world that he would allow illegals to come to America. Now that they are coming by the hundreds of thousands, he is singing a different song. But sadly, behind the scenes the illegals are flooding into the nation. You know, President Donald Trump honored his promise to the American people to build a 30 foot 2,000 mile long border wall. The wall is built! Yet, President Biden has totally disregarded the efforts of President Trump to save America from losing our sovereignty. I was very skeptical of Donald Trump when he became our 45th U.S. president, but in hindsight I am proud of him and thankful for all the good that he did. We hadn't had such a great U.S. president since John F. Kennedy, and they murdered him too! They just killed Mr. Trump with the controlled liberal media. Still, I lost complete trust of the U.S. government after 911. We were lied to, blatantly. 911 was absolutely an Inside Job, no doubt about it whatsoever. Yet the government continues to lie to us.

I heard on the news yesterday, that ungodly liberal Nancy Pelosi is making a big deal of alleged illegals' babies being born in cages. She and other Democrats are using this ploy to justify letting hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants into the country. The liberals and wackos want to gain sympathy for their destructive agendas. I'm tired of the media calling them “undocumented migrants.” No, they are CRIMINALS! I'm all for legal immigration, but that is not what is happening. We've got 11,000,000 illegal immigrants in the United States. This is all part of the sinister plot to overthrow the American republic, and to cause chaos and confusion, to undermine patriotism and ruin America. The entertainment industry is plagued with filth, smut, immorality and occult symbols

So we are hearing nothing but sympathy from the leftist media and our horrible government about why we should let millions of criminals stay in our country, and force us to support them. Yet at the same time not a word is said about the one million poor homeless people who desperately need help. Our government gives BILLIONS of dollars to foreign countries, like Israel, and yet has no money to help homeless American citizens. It is our money, not the governments! This country is too far gone. Things have gone to Hell. I knew when President Trump was making improvements, that his Democrat successor would undo all the good he did, and sure enough it is as I predicted. President Trump might as well not have built the southern border wall, because President Joe Biden has made it obsolete!

And all this talk of banning guns is foolish. The answer is not banning assault AR-15 weapons. If that nut hadn't had an AR-15, he could have just as easily have bought a .38 special, 9 mm or some other deadly weapon. And for that matter, a speeding car can be far more deadly than a gun! Let we quote once again what President John Adams said, because it is really at the heart of the whole issue:

“We have not government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” —U.S. President John Adams

Dear reader, morality cannot be legislated. There are presently over 40,000 gun laws in the United States. Yet, everyone demands more laws, stricter penalties and more government control every time another crime is committed. Y'all have lost your minds! The truth is that liberal nuts, greedy executives and ungodly sinners have usurped control over our country's media, laws, policies, entertainment, government, education, corporations and even our churches! A nation's social health cannot rise above the bedrock of each individual's level of morality, religion and faith (or lack thereof) in God. That is what John Adams is saying. 

Our nation is ripping itself apart because of increasing wickedness. Don't take my word for it. According to the Pew Forum website, Christianity is now at an all-time low in the United States. According to 'GALLUP,' one in six youth from 'Generation Z' are sodomites. ...

One of the main reasons LGBT identification has been increasing over time is that younger generations are far more likely to consider themselves to be something other than heterosexual. This includes about one in six adult members of Generation Z (those aged 18 to 23 in 2020).


The majority of American people today are choosing to live with their heads in the sand, pretending that we are doing okay and everything is fine, but it's not. Proverb 14:34, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.China sees our weakness as a nation, and you better believe they are waiting for their chance to destroy us. But they don't have to, because we are destroying ourselves! It is more than obvious that Satan has used the ungodly mainstream media, television, corrupt government, Neo-evangelical apostate churches that go along with the New World Order, and Hollywood, to create this whole gender-bending homosexual culture today. Our nation didn't just go bonkers! This was all planned. This crazy stuff always starts in California, and then spreads across the country. That is not a coincidence. Water rolls downhill.

As Christians we must stay close to the Lord personally. Do not support Neo-evangelical Bible colleges and corrupt churches (like the Bob Jones University cult). Do not support the Devil's modern Bibles (the one's BJU uses). Do not support the Devil's heresy of 'Lordship Salvation,' nor the 'Turing From Sin' heresy to be saved (which BJU teaches). Do not support the LGBTQ agenda. Do not allow your children to be infected with the transgendered crap that is being FORCED on impressionable kids today. Gay is not okay, it is a horrible sin and shameful thing. Two men sodomizing each other is wickedness, not what God wants. These are crazy and perilous times in which we live (2nd Timothy 3:1-7). 

I honestly sometimes think Christians today need to form their own communities, like the Amish and Mennonites, and break away from the insanity of the world. Things are only going to get worse. Christians are getting divorced at the same rate as the world. Our children are suffering in this sick world. We are 100% affected by what is going on in society. Yet, we cannot be a light for Christ to the world if we do not live among them. Being a Christian in this sinful world has never been easy, certainly not in 2021. But we have God's promise that He will never leave us (Hebrews 13:5), and despite the tribulations of this sinful world, we ought to BE OF GOOD CHEER, knowing that we serve a risen Savior (John 16:33). I don't know about you friend, but I have calm, joy and peace in my soul as a child of God.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Bob Jones University Aligns With Seventh-Day Adventist Heresy On Salvation

Galatians 1:6-8, “I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.”

I go to a Seventh-Day Adventist medical clinic. I love them and they are sweet people (much nicer than Harvest Baptist Church is to me, that's for sure). I often read their SDA literature. I picked up a little booklet yesterday while I was waiting for my doctor's appointment. This is what I read on page 10:
“At this point we must be very careful to designate also what the law cannot so. Even though it points out sin, it has no power to save from sin. There is no justifying, cleansing grace in it. All the works of the laws would not be sufficient to save a single soul. Why? For the simple reason that we are saved by grace through faith, as a free gift.” 
SOURCE: Does God's Grace Blot Out The Law?, by Lu Ann Crews, p. 10; Library of Sermons #3
Wowza Woo Woo! You would have thought I wrote that myself! That is 100% accurate. Bravo SDA!!! Wow, I am impressed. But wait a minute, now read what the booklet's author says on pages 27-28. This is damnable heresy and proves that SDA perverts God's grace, doesn't preach the Gospel and is a false religion:
“Those who stand in the judgment will have to meet the acid test of the Ten Commandments. If a practicing thief should seek entrance into the kingdom he would be rejected. This is why Paul says thieves will not inherit the heavenly city. Furthermore, the Bible specifically declares that liars, adulterers, idolaters, and covetous men will not be in the kingdom. Why? Because the Ten Commandments forbid those things, and men will be judged finally by the law. Not one person will be admitted into heaven that is wilfully violating any one of the Ten Commandments, because breaking one is breaking all.
Someone might object that this is making works the basis of entering the kingdom. No. It is really making love the qualifying factor, Jesus said that the greatest commandment of all is to love God supremely. He also said, 'If ye love me, keep my commandments' (John 14:15). Those who practice any known sin are really confessing that they do not love God with all their heart, soul, and mind. So it is the lack of love that shuts them out—not the lack of obedience that exposes that lack. Only when love is motivating the obedience does it become acceptable to God. Any other work is man's vain attempt to earn salvation and to deny the efficacy of Christ's atoning sacrifice.” [emphasis added]

SOURCE: Does God's Grace Blot Out The Law?, by Lu Ann Crews, pp. 27-28; Library of Sermons #3
DAMNABLE HERESY!!! Ladies and gentlemen, this female writer is NOT saved, not even close. There is a very good reason why the Bible forbids women from preaching theology (1st Corinthians 14:34). Where does the Bible teach that a lack of love keeps us out of God's kingdom? Hebrews 4:2 says the Jews couldn't enter into God's rest BECAUSE OF UNBELIEF!!! Only unbelief can keep a person out of God's kingdom. Where does the Bible teach that if you intentionally live in sin you won't be allowed into Heaven? What garbage! Kindly said, whoever wrote this religious booklet is a theological ignoramus!

Furthermore, where does the Bible teach that “men will be judged finally by the law”? That is what Lu Ann Crews said. This is what I hate about false prophets, they lie and distort the Scriptures. Lu Ann errantly says that the law (the Ten Commandments) will be every man's final judge. But what saith the Scripture? Romans 6:15, “What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.” You see, the truth is that every born-again believer is no longer UNDER THE LAW, but is now UNDER GRACE! So, in fact, believers will NOT finally be judged by the law, but on the basis of grace alone. 

In other words, there is no condemnation for sins to the believer, no matter how much you choose to commit sin. Rub that in your scalp! John 3:18, “He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” Grace is not CHEAP, it is FREE! If you can lose your salvation you'd have to do something to keep it. If you have to do something to keep it, that would be works.

Romans 5:20-21, “Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.” Dear friend, if you are a redeemed child of God, then you are bought and paid for with the precious blood of Jesus (1st Peter 1:18-19). 1st Corinthians 6:20, “For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.” Every believer is 100% under God's saving grace. 

You don't have to maintain a certain holy lifestyle to stay saved, nor to prove that you are really saved. You could go rob a bank, murder someone, and get drunk every weekend until you someday stand before God, but if you have been born-again you cannot under ANY circumstances ever lose God's salvation. Now there will be consequences if you commit such wickedness (Hebrews 12:6-8), and God does not want you to do evil (2nd Timothy 2:19), but salvation is an entirely different matter. I like what Pastor Charles Spurgeon said:
“Christians can never sin cheaply; they pay a heavy price for iniquity. Transgression destroys peace of mind, obscures fellowship with Jesus, hinders prayer, brings darkness over the soul; therefore be not the serf and bondman of sin.” ―Pastor Charles H. Spurgeon, Morning And Evening: Daily Readings
So please do not think that I am going light on sin. God hates sin more than anyone! But we must never confuse justification with sanctification, as the Bob Jones crowd and Seventh-Day Adventists are doing. John Bunyan (1628-1688) rightly said:
“If you do not put a difference between justification wrought by the man Christ without and sanctification wrought by the Spirit of Christ within, you are not able to divide the Word aright; but contrariwise, you corrupt the Word of God, and cast stumbling blocks before the people.” —Evangelist John Bunyan
That is so true! Very well said John Bunyan. I hope you now see how Harvest Baptist Church of Guam and Bob Jones University are in the same sinking boat as Seventh-Day Adventists. They deceitfully speak of salvation by grace through faith, which dupes 99% of the people. But when you look closer, as I have done for you, then you see that MORE is required, which is no faith at all. According to SDA you are not saved by keeping the law, but if you don't keep the law out of a heart of love for God, it means that you were never really saved. That is typical false religion doublespeak. Obviously they DO expect you to keep the law in SDA to get to Heaven, they've just added it after salvation instead of before. It doesn't matter at which point you add works to your faith, because doing so negates faith entirely.

Likewise, Dr. Steve Pettit says you cannot just get saved by faith, but also, he requires that you 'RUN THE RACE' faithfully all the way to the end to get to Heaven. Dear reader, look for yourself at the nightmare theology of Evangelist Steve Pettit (president of Bob Jones University since 2014):
“You can't just speak about getting saved, and you accepted Christ, and then that's it! There is a justification; There is a sanctification; There's ultimately a glorification, and though there are three parts, they are all part of the whole, and you cannot separate them. In order for you to qualify for the award, you have to get into the race, you have to stay in the race, and you have to finish the race. If you want to win, you have to run to the end; and winning in the Christian life is everything, because if you lose—if you don't finish—you lose everything—you lose your SOUL. And so, the Christian race is the life of faith that begins, is run, and is finished when we cross over into Heaven!” —Dr. Steve Pettit (“What Does It Mean To Run 'The Race'?” - 11:34)
So in Dr. Pettit's mind, saving faith is defined as running the Christian race until the finish line. Was that what the repentant thief did on the cross to be saved? No, it absolutely is not! Is that what the 3,000 souls saved on the Day of Pentecost did to be saved? No, it absolutely is not! Is that what the Samaritan woman at the well did to be saved? No, it absolutely is not! Is that how the Roman guard was saved in Romans 16:30-31? No, it absolutely is not! Is that “the gospel” which Paul clearly defines for us in 1st Corinthians 15:1-4? No, it absolutely is not! I am not the one changing God's plan of salvation, Bob Jones University did! I am not the one adding to God's grace, Harvest Baptist Church on Guam did! Yet they are all upset with me, because I love them enough to tell them THE TRUTH. Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”

Thursday, March 18, 2021

The Only Reason I Haven't Been To Church Since 2014

Romans 14:10, “But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.”

 On February 21, 2017 I was walking along the ocean at Asan Beach Park. I saw a woman, Kris, who for several years worked as the nurse at Harvest Baptist Church of Guam, at their school. I fell in love with Kris in 2014 at HBC. She was single and looking for a husband. She came up to greet me before every church service, and afterwards, and at Watchcare meetings. I was new to the church, a bit shy and reluctant. Little did I realize that she was working her way into my heart, and that I would come to love her immensely.

Unfortunately, we didn't get a chance to grow any closer, because her bosses (pastors) kicked me out of church for befriending them with THE TRUTH. I'll get back to this later. So I was driven out of Harvest and for the next couple years I thought about Kris every day. When I saw her again, by chance, in 2017, my heart leapt. I finally told her how I felt, explaining what had happened, and so I wrote to her. I told her I wanted to marry her. She was till single and so was I. But the first question Kris asked me (with a bit of sarcasm in her voice) was, “Where do you go to church?” I honestly answered that I don't. I felt like some loser in her eyes, simply because I wasn't going to church, because her ungodly bosses kicked me out of church. That is so unfair!

Kris wrongly judged me, condemning me for something that was beyond my control. The largest independent Baptist church on Guam kicked me out, because I befriended them with THE TRUTH. I upheld the truth of a free grace Gospel, showing those errant pastors that Lordship Salvation is of the Devil. I upheld the truth that all of the modern translations from Westcott and Hort's corrupt 1881 Greek text are of the Devil. I upheld the truth that misunderstood repentance is not the gospel, and is an enemy of soulwinning. For upholding these great biblical truths I was driven out of Harvest Baptist Church of Guam and counted as their enemy. In an email Pastor Marty Herron even referred to me as the church's “enemy.” Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”

Kindly said, Kris is a fool. She condemned me, as Michal wrongly condemned David in her foolish thinking, berating God's man for doing righteously! Proverbs 12:17, “He that speaketh truth sheweth forth righteousness: but a false witness deceit.” I was the only one who did what was right. Pastor Marty Herron is a wicked man, who in his arrogance and sinful pride as senior pastor of Harvest at the time, rejected THE TRUTH when I handed it directly to him on a platter. Pastor Herron is a devout follower of heretic John MacArthur. These men are infidels, hellbound in their partial faith in Christ plus works salvation. These men errantly preach that faith is not enough to be saved, but in addition, you must turn away from a lifestyle of sinning. How absurd!

I heard a wonderful sermon yesterday by one of my favorite preachers, Pastor Ralph 'Yankee' Arnold. The sermon is titled, 'False Gospel: The Weapon Of Mass Destruction.' And I heard a precious sermon the other day by Pastor Dennis Rokser called, 'Getting The Gospel Right And Wrong.' Humbly said, Marty Herron, John MacArthur and Steve Pettit are going to split Hell wide open the second they breathe their last earthly breath! There is a wicked spirit of lull, a calm before the storm, over the churches today concerning a false gospel. Pastors and churches everywhere are indifferent, lackadaisical, ho-hum, like nothing really matters, in the face of damnable heresy being thrown at us on all fronts! We are at war ladies and gentleman. There is an invading army of Misunderstood Repentance, False Bibles and Lordship Salvation coming at the churches from every direction. We are surrounded! The time to fight is now!!!

Sadly, I never heard from Kris again. She'll always have my heart. You see, she doesn't want a godly husband, she wants a yes man, a puppet, a guy who goes along to get along with the crowd. That's not a real man! And she'll get what she deserves, a bum. And now I have fallen in love with Abby, another young woman from Harvest, but like Kris, she is loyal to a bunch of corrupt pastors who arrogantly dismiss the plain teachings of the Bible in favor of their manmade teachings. Mark 7:9, “And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.” That is all the false teaching to “repent of your sin” is, manmade tradition. You cannot show me even one verse in the inspired King James Bible that says to “turn from your sin” or “repent of your sin” to be saved. Wicked men added those words and perverted God's free grace. The modern perverse Bible revisions have tortured the Word of God, adding all kinds of garbage that God didn't say. The only inspired Words of God in English today are in the King James Bible!

Kris is a graduate of Bob Jones University, corrupted to the core by a bunch of hellbound Calvinists. Dr. Steve Pettit (president of BJU since 2014) preaches hardcore Calvinism. That is not the free grace Gospel, not even in the ballpark! Harvest Baptist Church of Guam idolizes this ungodly false teacher! Harvest promotes 'The Daily Platform,' which is the daily chapel services at BJU. Steve Pettit is the main speaker. Harvest broadcasts this Satanic garbage throughout Micronesia on their KHMG 88.1 FM radio station, pumping hard core Calvinism into Micronesian's homes. You better believe I'm at war with these reprobates of the faith! ...
Titus 1:10-14, “For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake. One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.”
The heresy that requires to “repent of your sin” to be saved is a commandment of men that turns from THE TRUTH. You are saved by believing the Gospel, which requires turning to God by faith, acknowledging THE TRUTH that you are a guilty sinner (2nd Timothy 2:25-26; Romans 3:19-20; Acts 20:21).

If Kris wants to marry some loser, have at it. Good luck Abby. I can't wait to see who you choose as the father of your children. Pastor Gary Walton is a young guy, the new senior pastor of Harvest since 2018, a whipper snapper who idolizes Steve Pettit and is bought and paid for by the Gospel-corrupting cult at BJU. I don't agree with Dr. Peter S. Ruckman (1921-2016) on several issues, but with three earned degrees from Bob Jones University, he sure nailed them correctly on being the Alexandrian Cult. BJU is doing major damage to the cause of Jesus Christ, spreading their corruptible seed (false Bibles) everywhere, that conceives false gospels, false repentance and false converts. The true Gospel of free grace is being obscured by the Devil's lies. Consequently, millions of religious lost sinners are merely living the Christian life without being born-again. They are faithfully 'running the race' as Steve Pettit teaches, trying to “qualify” for the “award” of “Heaven itself” (those are Dr. Pettit's exact words). What a theological madman in the pulpit!!!

Many people dismiss this battle between me and Harvest as a mere difference of doctrinal opinion, but it is oh so much more! This is a conflict between light and darkness, between truth and lies, between God and Satan. I haven't had a church to attend for the past 7 years, since 2014, because of Marty Herron and now Gary Walton. These wicked pastors have blood on their hands. You cannot just ignore a problem and hope it goes away, especially when it involves the perversion of God's grace and corrupting of God's Word. I live just a few minutes from the biggest independent Baptist church on Guam, which is Harvest Baptist Church, yet they hate and despise me so much that they couldn't care less about me as a hurting human being. They don't consider it hate, but there is no other word to describe what they have done. Hatred is an intense dislike. Clearly, they have an intense dislike for me and THE TRUTH I am faithfully preaching.

Harvest's arrogant and stiffnecked pastors (all of them) have caused so much pain in my life and soul since 2014 until present in 2021. They have no clue, and sadly they don't care in the least. They are cocky and filled with pride. I pray that God will make them care, and please avenge my preaching all these many years, which has fallen upon deaf ears and hardened hearts. I love them all at Harvest so much (especially I mean no ill harm toward Harvest by my rude preaching at times. I simply KNOW that I am right, because I have the plain and simple Word of God to back me up. Romans 3:4, “God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.” The fact of the matter is that Harvest's pastors cannot support their wrong idea of what repentance means with the King James Bible. Nowhere does the Bible teach that repentance means to 'turn away from sinful behavior.' Yet, that is exactly what the Bob Jones crowd errantly preach!!! It is wrong, plain and simple! Wrong is wrong, and right is right, so we ought not need to fight!

My preaching against the Bob Jones crowd and Harvest Baptist Church of Guam, and now Faith Baptist Bible College And Theological Seminary in Iowa (where Marty Herron is ruining more lives), has sadly FALLEN ON DEAF EARS AND HARDENED HEARTS. Like the prophet Isaiah, God is using my preaching to fatten their calloused hearts:
Isaiah 6:8-10, “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. And he said, Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not. Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed.”
God was telling Isaiah to keep preach THE TRUTH to them, and the more they resisted in their wicked pride, the thicker those calluses will grow on their hardened hearts! Harvest Baptist Church of Guam is as the fatted calf, covered in layers of pride and resistance against the truth. Acts 7:51, “Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.”

The people and pastors of Harvest do not care to understand the seriousness of this matter, but I certainly do. That is because I love God's Word. Psalm 119:104, “Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.” Psalm 119:128, “Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right; and I hate every false way.” I hate these modern Devil's Bibles! I hate the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation (which is Calvinism repackaged). I hate misunderstood repentance, which damns men's souls to Hell for all eternity!!! I hate these evils because I love truth! I love God, my heavenly Father! I love Jesus, My God and Savior! I love people, everyone! I love Harvest Baptist Church. I love my neighbours. I love Abby. = -)

The reason why Harvest's pastors don't care, don't stand, don't make a fuss and don't contend for the faith once delivered unto the saints, is simply because they lack LOVE! They don't love THE TRUTH. 2nd Thessalonians 2:10, “And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.” When you love someone, you tell them THE TRUTH, even if it means making yourself vulnerable and losing their friendship.

Respectfully, Pastor Marty Herron foolishly thinks he can flee from Guam, running away from a battle that HE STARTED, and escape the consequences of God's wrath. Think again! The face of a coward is the back of someone's head as they run away from a battle. Pastor Herron left Harvest in a mess, that he started, and now he wipes his mouth as the adulterous woman in Proverb 30:20, “Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I have done no wickedness.” Yes, Pastor Herron, you have done wickedness! You have promoted corruptible seed, damning men's soul. You have bid Godspeed to false teachers like Steve Pettit and John MacArthur, making you partaker of their evil deeds. 2nd John 1:11, “For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.” You have preached another accursed gospel that says faith alone cannot save, requiring in addition that people turn away from a sinful lifestyle to get to Heaven. You are a theological liar!!!

The only reason I haven't attended church since 2014 is because the Harvest Baptist Church of Guam won't permit me to. It's that simple. My blood and lack of church attendance is on them! Kris wrongfully condemned me for not going to church, when it was her ungodly pastors who refused to let me attend church. That's not fair Kris! She is looking at the situation all wrong. I love the truth. Harvest and the incompetent pastors they support must give account for the past 7 years of my life, and beyond, as I continue to spend Sunday's watching TV. How can God blame me, when Harvest won't allow me to go to church? God can't. I have begged, literally, for Harvest's pastors to let me attend church, but they have chosen to reject and ostracize me instead.

And so I will keep preaching THE TRUTH, as did the prophet Isaiah to the stiffnecked Bob Jones University crowd, whose hearts are heavy with greasy fat, hardened against THE TRUTH. I love you all very much. Jesus is precious!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The Disturbing Truth About BOOZE!

Proverbs 23:29-35, “Who hath woe? who hath sorrow? who hath contentions? who hath babbling? who hath wounds without cause? who hath redness of eyes? They that tarry long at the wine; they that go to seek mixed wine. Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright. At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder. Thine eyes shall behold strange women, and thine heart shall utter perverse things. Yea, thou shalt be as he that lieth down in the midst of the sea, or as he that lieth upon the top of a mast. They have stricken me, shalt thou say, and I was not sick; they have beaten me, and I felt it not: when shall I awake?  I will seek it yet again.

In ancient times the fruit of the vine was allowed to naturally ferment. This meant that to get drunk you needed to 'TARRY LONG AT THE WINE.' You'd have to drink a half gallon of this natural weaker form of wine to get drunk. This is very different than modern-day fermenting, which produces a highly concentrated alcoholic beverage. Even two beers is enough to cause the average person to be recklessly impaired to drive a vehicle. According to the National Highway And Traffic Administration, even one beer renders a person unfit to drive at all. Yet, we hear in the news about drivers with BAC (blood alcohol concentration) levels of .15 and higher. 

It is ridiculous to set the legal intoxication limit at .08% when most employers will fire you at .01% BAC. Ungodly lawyers have ruined the United States, effectively legalizing crime. They all hide behind the same lame excuses of “That's the crazy laws and I'm just doing my job.” Yea, and so were Herod's henchman while slaughtering thousands of children throughput Palestine in the New Testament! They were just following orders too. It will be a cold day in Hell before you can pay me to make society worse! Proverb 10:25, “As the whirlwind passeth, so is the wicked no more: but the righteous is an everlasting foundation.

Not everyone who gets hit by a drunk drivee dies! ...

She was only 19 years old in 1978. A drunk driver, a male college student, hit and destroyed her life. She was burned over 60% of her body. Life as she knew it was over! Americans time and time again have proven that BOOZE is a menace to society. Yet, our ungodly lawmakers, judges and lawyers keep letting these criminals murder people. Don't believe it? Here's a wicked Kansas man with 17 drunk driving convictions. Here's another Wisconsin man also with 17 drunk driving convictions. The irresponsible courts keep allowing these alcoholics to get behind the wheel, until they murder a family while stoppering drunk. And then they'll still go do it again and again and again, Great country we live in, huh?

I'll never forget a funeral that I attended of a family on our church bus route. A drunk male driver murdered a pregnant mother. It is first-degree murder. I am sick and tired of drunks getting charged with involuntary manslaughter, because they didn't mean to do it. Right! When you drink that alcohol, you know EXACTLY what you are doing and risking. Our partying, get drunk, irresponsible culture of debauchery in the United States is the problem! Hollywood glamorizes booze. Ungodly singers like Jimmy Buffet and Toby Keith glamorize booze. Yet the Baptist preacher is scorned and mocked for telling it like it is. Beer is LIQUID DEVIL!!!

Anyway, at the funeral of that pregnant mother, there were TWO caskets. I don't care what any liberal says, abortion is cold-blooded rotten murder! Only God gives life, so that NO MAN has a right to stop it! Isaiah 44:2, “Thus saith the LORD that made thee, and formed thee from the womb, which will help thee; Fear not, O Jacob, my servant; and thou, Jesurun, whom I have chosen.” It is mind numbing to think that such a beautiful creation as a human being that God is forming in the womb, would be destroyed by some irresponsible mother and doctor. I watched as those TWO caskets, a mother and her baby in a separate casket, were slowly lowered into their graves. Seeing that tiny white coffin was heartbreaking!!!

The beer companies will never show you that! SIN CITY Las Vegas won't show you that. The Devil only shows you the flashing neon lights of Broadway. The Devil doesn't show you the morgues, the hospitals, the prisons and mental institutions. Satan is a beautiful liar!!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Churches Are Pathetic Today

2nd Timothy 4:3-4, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

It is becoming almost impossible to find a church in 2021 that does not preach a corrupted Gospel message. I received these helpful words today from a friend and web visitor, Curtis:

It seems most pastors are interested in Church growth, but not whether people are actually saved.

Very few pastors have a clear, saving, Gospel of Grace message as my pastor, Garrett Graupner, does, at Fervent Church in Colorado Springs.

Please come to our church if you do not have one, or if you have one that does not preach the Gospel of Grace, eternal security, God’s unconditional love, and your identity in Christ.

This is a rare biblical church.

It took me going to 36 churches (every major non-Catholic church in Colorado Springs), to find this church.

Email or Message me if you want info on this great church. 

Also check out my blog for more info.

A lot of good things (God pleasing things) are happening at Fervent.

Curtis Smale

Curtis also sent me this accurate photo he made, how to test if your pastor is a demon...

Is your church a false church? It is if the pastor is perverting God's grace by adding or subtracting from it. All of the following common clichés that we hear required for salvation are lies of Satan, which CANNOT produce the new birth:

  1. follow Christ
  2. receive Jesus as the “Lord” of your life
  3. ask Jesus into your heart
  4. turn from your sins
  5. repent of your sins
  6. be willing to turn from your sins
  7. be sorry for your sins
  8. be sorry for your sins and life a lifestyle of repentance
  9. confess Christ publicly
  10. surrender your life to Jesus
  11. prayer a sinner's prayer
  12. run the race
  13. count the cost and pay the price
  14. you must qualify for the award of Heaven
  15. live a changed life to prove you're saved
  16. exchange all that you are for all that Jesus is
  17. salvation is a trade of sorts
  18. there can be no regeneration until there has first been reformation
  19. commit your life to Christ
  20. follow Christ no matter what the cost
  21. get water baptized
  22. repent of all your sins
  23. do good works
  24. change your heart and your life
  25. live for Jesus the rest of your life

Everything I have just listed is junk theology, and a false gospel. You may do all these things and yet never have been born-again at all. I compiled the preceding list from the stupid unbiblical ideas that the today's biggest names in preachers are preaching!!! I am confident that most pastors are sincere, they've simply been taught the wrong way. 

Sadly, a growing percentage of pastors have been warned, but those stern warnings have fallen on deaf ears. God told the prophet Isaiah to make their hearts fat. Isaiah 6:10, Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed.” What did God mean? It simply means that when wicked people won't heed THE TRUTH, just like the Bob Jones crowd and Harvest Baptist Church of Guam won't listen to THE TRUTH I preach to them, their hearts become even more calloused. Their hearts wax fat with truth, which they have heard so much that is doesn't phase them anymore.

This is what happened to the Jews in the Wilderness. The Bible says they heard Moses preach the Gospel to them for 40 years, but it didn't profit them because they refused to listen. Sadly, they all went to Hell, the ones who died in their sins without Christ. Hebrews 4:1-2, “Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it. For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.” I have been faithfully preaching THE GOSPEL of free grace to Harvest Baptist Church of Guam and Bob Jones University, since 2014, but THEY AREN'T LISTENING!!! Instead, they continue to PREACH THIS CRAP!!!

The churches are pathetic today!

“Pathetic comes to mind when considering the condition of so many of our independent Baptist churches across this nation. I don’t know, maybe that seems a little strong. Nope, I am sticking with it. PATHETIC!” —Pastor Bob Gray Sr.

The condition of 99% of America's churches today is very DISTURBING! No one seems to care anymore. Pastors are henpecked, afraid to be reprimanded or fired by their congregations. We've got a bunch of Shirley Temple girly-boy's in the pulpit, with their GQ haircuts, shaming the name of Jesus Christ...

God's curse is upon the Gary Walton type yuppie preachers. Gary is the senior pastor of Harvest Baptist Church of Guam. These men are not men, they are little boys, who refuse to step up and stand as soldiers of the cross! Instead, they cower in their churches, parasiting off God's work, taking advantage of those who are simple, naïve and trusting. When a Baptist church rejects and ostracizes a man, as Harvest Baptist Church of Guam has done to me since 2014, it just shows that they couldn't care less about hurting people, they merely LOVE MONEY. ...

1st Timothy 6:10, “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.”

Fact check—Marty Herron, Gary Walton, Sam Horn and Steve Pettit are all getting paid ridiculous salaries for so-called “serving God,” but I haven't received one penny in my life for serving God. These ungodly pastors at Harvest don't care about me as a hurting human being, nor do they care about truth, nor do they care about the infallibility of God's Word, nor do they care about the accuracy of the Gospel. They just don't Fuddrucking care! But they will. Oh they will. Judgment Day is coming!

The Bible says they are serving their own bellies, and not the Lord Jesus Christ. ...

Romans 16:17-18, “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

I have obeyed God to mark (identify) the corrupt pastors and staff at Harvest, who are teaching doctrines contrary to God's Word. The staff members have blood on their hands too, because they bid Godspeed to the pastors. Their wives have blood on their hands, for going along with that wickedness. I would 10,000 times rather work in an abortion clinic, than to be a staff member at Harvest, while Pastor Gary Walton is preaching the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation, sanctioning corrupt Bible revisions, promoting a wrong idea of what repentance is, and bidding Godspeed to devils in the pulpit like Dr. Steve Pettit. WOE UNTO HARVEST BAPTIST CHURCH!!! 

I-chabod (the glory of the Lord is departed) is written over the church doors at Harvest. The Holy Spirit is not present there. WOE UNTO YOU ALL!!!!!!! You ought to be fearing God, instead of trampling upon His Word, perverting His Gospel, and abusing His children. Matthew 25:45b, “Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.” I am among THE LEAST OF THESE, but Harvest threw me under the bus. In so doing you have brought judgment upon yourself, by throwing Jesus under the bus!!! All I ever wanted was to quietly attend church services. Harvest's ungodly pastors said, “Go elsewhere.” Shame on Marty Herron. Shame on Gary Walton. You liars, cult leaders, fools and religious hypocrites! God is not going to allow you to get away with what you have done, and continue to do.

Churches are pathetic today, and Harvest Baptist Church of Guam tops the list of shame. Bob Jones University has become a cesspool of iniquity. They are pulling on the same rope as the Devil, ruining young people's lives, leading them astray from the truth of a free grace Gospel. God's curse (anathema) is upon HBC and their supporters. Harvest's pastors are not victims of a disgruntled preacher, they are criminals in God's sight who have damned thousands of people's souls to Hell with a perverse gospel. 

Lordship Salvation is false! Any other English Bible than the King James Bible is corrupt! Any preacher who teaches that more than faith alone is required to be saved is a demonic liar! Any preacher who says we must watch somebody's life who professes faith in Christ, to see if their life changes to prove that they are saved, is a Satanic false prophet and hellbound liar!!! If you have to look at your life to prove that you're saved, it proves that you're not!

I am not trying to be mean or unkind, it seems that I am the only one who cares about telling THE TRUTH. Where are the fervent preachers who tell it like it is? We need one million preachers saying exactly what I am saying! WE NEED VOICES!!!

Most Baptist Churches And Bible Revisions Teach The Same False Repentance As The Cults

Mark 1:15, “And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye , and believe the gospel. ” This is a very distu...