Saturday, March 27, 2021

Young Career Women Freezing Eggs

1st Timothy 5:14-15, “I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. For some are already turned aside after Satan.

One of the most disturbing trends of these modern times is young women having their biological eggs frozen for some future time, so they can instead pursue a career. It is insanity!

God intended for women to get married and bear children in their youth, not when they have secured a successful career, financial stability, a big house and feel better situation to have a family. That is the insane world's plan. Our text passage from 1st Timothy 5:14-15 plainly teaches that it is God's perfect will for young women to get married, bear children, guide the home, and stay out of trouble. Verse 15 says to do otherwise is to turn aside after Satan. 

Kindly said, women women enroll in the military are turned aside after Satan. Women who go to college to pursue a career, just in case their marriage doesn't work out well, are planning for failure. Millions of parents, including Christians, are concerned about their daughter's financial future, so they encourage her to pursue college and a career, just in case. What often ends up happening is that those young women never get married, or wait too long to have biological children of their own. Apple computer and other ungodly high-tech companies today are paying all expenses for young women to freeze their eggs, as a means of enticing those women to pursue a carrier working for the company instead of motherhood for the next 10-15 years. You can search online to verify that only in 21% of cases do those frozen eggs ever get used in the future. If I understand the statistics correctly, that means only 21% of every young woman who freezes her eggs will ever become a mother. That is not God's will.

I think the whole idea of freezing eggs, so a young woman can pursue other interests, is not only wicked but insanity. The world is a horrible place! Satan is a beautiful liar! A woman's most fertile years for bearing children is in her teens and 20's. Once a woman nears age 40, her chances of ever becoming a mother drastically decline rapidly. Young ladies, don't buy into the Devil's lie of pursuing a career. When all is said and done you'll still die broke, and the government will simply tax you more. The more you make the more Uncle Sam takes. While out government literally squanders billions and billions of dollars for every stupid thing imaginable, they still ask you as citizens to give your money to help charities, disabled people and all sorts of fundraisers. Our government has endless amounts of taxpayer money to help illegal immigrants, but not a dime to help millions of homeless American citizens! Let's start by cutting the salaries of every member of congress by 75%. Yeah, I didn't think so! A disgusting 50% of members of congress are millionaires. What a worthless group of people!

It is a wicked sin for a young woman to pursue a career instead of motherhood. God made a woman's body to bear babies, not throw hand-grenades and fly helicopters. There is nothing more laughable and contemptible to a real man, than to see a woman in a man's uniform, doing a man's job, having the boldness of a man, talking like a man and lacking the femininity which God naturally intended for all ladies to have. In my humble opinion men ought to lead men and women, not women at all. A woman's place is in the home in a healthy society. Today, the United States is a very UNHEALTHY society. I don't have to spend time enlightening you how bad things are in America today. This is the consequence of liberals, feminists and weirdos who think transgendered behavior is normal and healthy!

The Bible shames a society that lets women rule over them. Isaiah 3:12, “As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.” Only in a weak, perverse, homosexualized, socially controlled, ungodly society can women rule over men. Regardless of what feminists may say, men only allow women to lead. If men ever decide to get right with God, all this insanity in the United States would stop. Call me what you will, America was much better off when we had traditional families. We see women intentionally being promoted to all positions of authority in American society today, and in over 95% of cases I have seen, those manly type women are as wicked as the Devil, mean, quick to bully men, and have very bad attitudes toward anyone who dares oppose them. Those ungodly women are turned aside after Satan, all of them! They should all be fired, sent home and start baking cookies!

The fools who will argue with the Holy Bible, are the same ones who promote the ungodly hookup culture (fornication). Since the 1960's American women have demanded equal rights, wanting to have all the same opportunities and privileges as men. So they got what they wanted from the nutty U.S. government! U.S. women today have all the same rights, privileges and opportunities as men do. Yet, women still aren't happy. Now millions of U.S. women in their 30's, 40's and 50's are complaining that they cannot find Mr. Right to settle down and have a family with. The dating website eHarmony is 90% a wasteland for miserable barren single women in their 40's and 50's who cannot find a man. Of course they can't! When those women were young and capable of having children, they chose to pursue a career instead, and now it is too late! I can hardly read a profile on eHarmony where a woman doesn't mention her career. Goodbye!

Career women have the wrong life's goals and values, which means they will not make good wives or mothers. A godly woman KNOWS that her place is in the home. A career woman is confused about everything! I know what I am talking about. But moreover, I have 1st Timothy 5:14-15 to backup everything I have said in this blog. What do you career women have from the Holy Bible, to support your abandonment of marriage and motherhood for a career? Millions of young women today choose to remain single, money-branching from one guy to the next, searching for that perfect wealthy hunk, so they will be set for life. I knew a young woman in Bible college, who gave away her virginity to some married bum, a hockey player for the Chicago Blackhawks. After their fling, the young woman fell in love with the bum, but he never once had even considered divorcing his wife. Men very rarely choose a lover over their own wife. So that young woman had a nervous breakdown. I know the hockey player's name, but I won't mention him. Everyone would know his name if I mentioned it. That guy is a piece of walking trash!!! He destroyed that young girl's life, so he could have a good time. God will punish him for his wickedness (Galatians 6:7; Ecclesiastes 12:!3-14; Hebrews 4:13).

Young women belong at home. Girls ought to find a boy to marry in church, not a bar or secular workplace. I encourage every young person to listen to the helpful sermon: 'DATING IS DANGEROUS' by Pastor Ralph 'Yankee' Arnold. It is a wicked sin to share physical intimacy before marriage!!! If you demand to get legally married first, you'll never get burned ladies! You ought to tell a young man before you even have the first date, that you don't believe in petting around, or intimacy, not even making out, until married. Kissing leads to petting, which leads to fornication. Don't you let a boy even kiss you, not once! GET MARRIED FIRST!!! That is the best advice you'll ever hear young people.

Freezing eggs is not for the child of God. This society today has gone wacko tobacco! I am being your friend. I always show love and respect for female soldiers, cops and leaders, but in my heart I also know that they are merely a symptom of a deteriorated, perverse and ungodly society. With this type of reversal of what is normal and healthy biblically, our gender-bending feminist American society can only get worse and worse morally. I love everyone.

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