Friday, March 26, 2021

Animal Rights Activists Couldn't Care Less About Aborted Humans

Proverb 12:10, A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.

I made this blog to share disturbing truths with others. I definitely think this subject is a disturbing issue, and that subject is—people who care more about animals than humans!

I heard Brian Wilson of 'The Beach Boys' yesterday say in an interview that he is a 'sad person,' and has been all his life. Kindly, that doesn't surprise me because Brian is an avowed atheist. Brian recently in February of 2020 called for a boycott against fellow band member Mike Love, because they love to go trophy hunting. That is, killing animals to show off what you killed in hunt. Folks, there is nothing wrong with hunting, just so long as you don't needlessly cause the animal to suffer, or waste the meat if it is edible. God gave man dominion over the earth. These animal rights people are wacky! What really upsets me is that hypocrites like Brian Wilson NEVER speak one word in defense of children being murdered by abortion, yet they care so much for the animals. Right!

I have heard Paul McCartney of 'The Beatles' time and time again voice his stance against eating meat, because he thinks it is unethical to kill animals. Yet, I have never heard him speak a single world against abortion. I have searched the internet for what Brian Wilson and Paul McCartney think about abortion, but there is nothing. Yet, you can find HUNDREDS of webpages about their views against HURTING ANIMALS. It just shows how hypocritical liberal minded ungodly people are, and how they live by their own set of rules instead of God's Holy Bible. Paul is a good man, the best of the best in my humble opinion, but he is ungodly because he does not glorify God in his life. 

These men avoided talking about God, faith or religion at all cost. But I would never judge them on the basis of that alone. Brian said publicly to The Guardian in 2004 that he is an atheist. Brian doesn't believe in any form of afterlife. The band has had much fighting among themselves over who actually write the lyrics to their songs. I think it is very sad that men of such great talent, singing ability and worldwide fame, would behave like a bunch of heathens. But in fact, that is exactly what they are! I have always loved the music of The Beach Boys, and always will. It makes me sad that they cannot get along, especially after all these years.

Anyway, I didn't write this blog to criticize these men, except to point out that they ought to care about human life more than animals. It is nutty in my humble opinion. The Bible says that a righteous man considers the life of an animal. Proverb 12:10, A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.I am 100% against animal cruelty. I love animals. Yet, I also love a good ribeye steak, and wouldn't think twice about butchering Betsy the cow for dinner. God gave us animals to eat. Acts 11:7, “And I heard a voice saying unto me, Arise, Peter; slay and eat.” God Himself commanded the Apostle Peter to kill an animal, and then to eat it. The Lord did this to teach Peter that the Old Testament ceremonial laws were done away with, nailed to the cross (Colossians 2:14-16).

I do not give money to PETE, not nor would I. The reasons are because, first, I would rather give my money to helping save humans, by preaching the Gospel. Too much charity is given to the wrong groups. Let's save the human babies before we save the whales and tigers. Furthermore, I wouldn't give a dime to any of these popular big charities which ALL pay 6-digit outrageous salaries to their executives. Red Cross pays around $700,000 a year to their CEO. I would never donate a penny to them. Sadly, the Salvation Army pays it's top executive close to $300,000 a year! They have become far more army than salvation in these modern times, which was never the intended purpose of their founder, General William Booth (1829-1912). 

It is disturbing that groups like PETA (people for the ethical treatment of animals) elevate animal life to that of a human being. That is another reason I would never donate money to them. It is sinful to view animals as humans. Evolutionists teach that humans evolved from the same source as animals. One public school teacher taught the children that people are animals. So the wise teenager replied, “Does that mean it is okay for humans to have sex with animals?” The teacher shut up quickly, as the class laughed at the utter and contemptable ignorance of the teacher. Humans are NOT animals. I call PETA... PEOPLE EATING TASTY ANIMALS!!! Yeah buddy, I want beef for dinner!

There is nothing wrong with hunting animals. We see a lot said in the media and on grocery store labels today for non GMO food. Labels advertise that the eggs, milk and other food products came from happy animals, who weren't injected, and graved in open green fields. I prefer to buy those foods myself. But what about aborted children? Don't their lives matter too? I love what this African American man said to this Black Lives Matter group of protesters, shaming them for their utter hypocrisy. Black lives only matter to most people until you speak of life in the womb, then black lives don't matter anymore to them. That is so wrong!

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