Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Wacky Liberals And President Joe Biden's Irresponsibility

Proverb 28:28,  When the wicked rise, men hide themselves: but when they perish, the righteous increase. Proverb 29:2, When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” Ecclesiastes 10:16, “Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a child, and thy princes eat in the morning!

As a Christian I believe the Bible teaches for us to always show respect for our elected leaders, and I do. I respect the office of the U.S. President. I also respect that Mr. Joe Biden, from all that I have seen, is a very sweet and good-hearted man. Having said that, I do not respect his policies and some of the reckless decisions he has made so far as our Commander and Chief.

It behooves me to say that President Biden's attitude toward illegal immigrants flooding into the United States is destructive. In recent months we saw American citizens storming the White House in anger, which was met with immediate severe brutality and criminal prosecution of everyone involved. Yet, absolutely nothing is being done to stop the flood of literally tens of thousands of illegal immigrants into the country

The city of Los Angeles today decided to close down Echo Park and displace hundreds of poor homeless people. This is cruelty, insanity and tyranny! Why does our U.S. federal government care more about 11,000,000 illegal immigrants already here in the U.S., and tens of thousands more flooding in each week, than it does about the one million homeless citizens? Something is very wrong with our nation's priorities. 

And now we are all sad, but not shocked, to hear about another mass shooting. This time in Colorado. Last week it was George. I have watched a little news, but chose to turn it off, because it is bullcrap! I read a man's shirt recently that said: “MEDIA = Most Effective Devil In America.” Yeah buddy, I agree 100%! The media are evil liars, doing the dirty work of their corporate owners! A web visitor sent me this, with which I agree:

The COVID-19 is another boogeyman. The agenda is very clear; it has, and always was, to impose the New World Order. The reason why this pandemic is being staged is no reason other than to create massive fear. 

When people are frightened, they give up freedom easily, just like they are doing with the lockdowns and everything. The COVID-19 targets our economic freedom, much like how 9/11 was used as an excuse to launch wars, impose surveillance, take away freedom, and other rights.

This is certainly not the first “new normal”. We have been in a “new normal” for the last 20 years since 9/11. We have been in a new normal for the last 8 decades since the Great Depression. We have been in a new normal for over 100 years since the institution of the Federal Reserve. 

Every “new normal” is simply a reduction of our freedoms. Trust me, this “pandemic” has created enough fear to take away a huge chunk of our freedom, just like 9/11. 

The fact is, the people who benefit from all this? Big banks and corporations. The War on Terror allowed Halliburton to prosper. Keep in mind, this company has been closely tied to former VP Dick Cheney. War means big money for the banks and corporations. Large numbers of people profit by sending our young people to war. 

Every time the government must spend heavily, they borrow money through taking out bonds. The COVID-19 and 9/11 are two examples, justifying all sorts of big government spending. The government cannot possibly spend as much as it currently does (even before the COVID-19) without taxing us to death. 

Thus, they take out loans. Government bonds get bought by wealthy oligarchs, and in turn, by the Federal Reserve. This serves to put our government and the people into more and more debt. The Federal Reserve pumps additional money into the economy through buying assets, including government bonds. This creates income inequality through giving money to the rich, and hurting the average citizen and the poor. The new money created by the Federal Reserve goes first to wealthy oligarchs, who deposit their checks into their bank accounts. 

As banks typically have a reserve requirement of 10%, this means 90% of the newly deposited money gets lent out. The fractional reserve system ends up creating 10 times more money than originally, allowing banks to profit handsomely from the interest rates. 

The losers? Us. The people.

How do I know this pandemic is a fraud? I look at the facts. I see who benefits from it. I use my common sense.

And now all I am hearing from Colorado lawmakers is a foolish demand to further ban guns. That is what I hear Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi and President Joe Biden foolishly saying too! Those Americans who favor taking guns away from citizens are woefully ignorant of history. Look what happened to the people in 1936 Spain, when the communists took away the people guns, and the people cooperated! They murdered the people!!! If you think a police state cannot happen here in America, you obviously haven't been through an airport TSA checkpoint in recent years. They are thugs! I was treated like a criminal by TSA in Pensacola, Florida in 2019 over a gyro sandwich. The TSA fascist (a disgusting 300 pound feminist bully) literally made me open my gyro before she could throw it away. She had a bad attitude. Her male-coworker was just as rude, with a punk attitude. If I had my way they'd all be in prison!

Search the internet and you'll find horror stories of TSA abuse. One mother was forced to drink her own breastmilk from a baby bottle. Another elderly woman was forced to remove her diaper. All this in the name of safety! Yet, we have lost our freedom as a consequence. And now as a consequence of this COVID-19 virus, you can expect to see a further acceleration of the American police state, and globally! President Biden has already appointed Senator John Kerry, a member of the Skull & Bones secret society, in charge of Climate Change. You can definitely expect to see this blatant fake agenda used to further the New World Order.

The radical left are insane! While American cities burned to the ground across the nation in 2020, our government did nothing. Black Lives are said to Matter, until they are black lives in the womb! We are a sick nation of hypocrites! Most Americans are okay with abortion, murdering black lives in the womb, but then those same hypocrites are willing to pillage, destroy and burn down cities because they think minorities ought to be treated better. So you see, wacky liberals are okay with abusing other people, just so long as it's not someone they deem worthy of such protections. Americans are some of the most warped people in history.

I heard both U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno and later U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, foolishly say that gun confiscation is not a matter of if but when. I knew they were right, because of the criminal takeover of the United States by a gang of Freemasons, occultists and thugs. The true powers that control the U.S. lurk behind the scenes in Washington D.C. The Luciferian elite (aka, Globalists) ultimately want to disarm the public...

Waiting periods are only a step. Registration is only a step. The prohibition of private firearms is the goal. —U.S. Attorney General, Janet Reno, December 1993

I fully agree with Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001), who wrote:

“If I had my way, not one gun control law would ever be passed in the United States so that only thieves and crooks would have guns and the common citizen would be at their mercy.”—Pastor Jack Hyles (Chapter 17, 'Teaching on Preaching')

The answer to what happened in Colorado is not to ban firearms from citizens, but to put more of them into the hands of law-abiding citizens. If someone in that grocery store had been armed and trained to properly use force to defend life, this wouldn't have turned into what it did, very sadly, a massacre. I can tell you one thing, stores across America now are going to have armed guards at the entrance of every business. We are becoming a police states. Our nation's second U.S. president, John Adams (1935-1826) said it best, I humbly think:

“We have not government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” —U.S. President John Adams

Since that fatal year in 1963, when America's irresponsible ungodly high courts removed the Holy Bible from children's daily lives at school, the criminal statistics have skyrocketed off the charts! So can we really insanely ask ourselves: “Why do we have all these mass shootings today?” It's not the difficult to figure out folks. Today's youth have no moral compass. In every major city that go from learning that there is no God at school, and that they evolved from monkeys and stardust, to having nothing more to do after school than roam the streets to get into trouble. Where are the fathers? A shocking 23% of American households are run by a single parent. Nearly all of them are women. Where are the Dads? Feminism has destroyed our homes. The American media does nothing but promote immorality of every sort, attack preachers and Bible-believing churches who oppose sin, and discourage youth from seeking true Bible Christianity. No wonder society is insane!

I mean, look how crazy this country is getting, when an 11 year old girl is told by a counselor at school that it is okay for her to want to become a boy! No, the Bible says it is not okay (Genesis 1:27). In today's perverse gender-bending American culture, how can we expect young people to grow up normal or mentally stable, when we are telling them not to refer to each other as 'boys' and 'girls' anymore, and local toy stores have removed boys and girls toys. How stupid can we be as a society, to allow retarded liberals and wicked people beyond imagination, to force us to survive in this insane way? Pastor Jack Hyles preached a very helpful Bible sermon on this very subject called: 'UNISEX.' Please never allow anyone to blur the lines between the sexes concerning you or your children. Avoid wicked people today who think otherwise (Psalm 1:1-3).

It is a disturbing truth that President Joe Biden literally invited the illegals who are flooding our border to come. Tucker Carlson has covered this subject well, and I commend him. Joe Biden, while campaigning, openly told the world that he would allow illegals to come to America. Now that they are coming by the hundreds of thousands, he is singing a different song. But sadly, behind the scenes the illegals are flooding into the nation. You know, President Donald Trump honored his promise to the American people to build a 30 foot 2,000 mile long border wall. The wall is built! Yet, President Biden has totally disregarded the efforts of President Trump to save America from losing our sovereignty. I was very skeptical of Donald Trump when he became our 45th U.S. president, but in hindsight I am proud of him and thankful for all the good that he did. We hadn't had such a great U.S. president since John F. Kennedy, and they murdered him too! They just killed Mr. Trump with the controlled liberal media. Still, I lost complete trust of the U.S. government after 911. We were lied to, blatantly. 911 was absolutely an Inside Job, no doubt about it whatsoever. Yet the government continues to lie to us.

I heard on the news yesterday, that ungodly liberal Nancy Pelosi is making a big deal of alleged illegals' babies being born in cages. She and other Democrats are using this ploy to justify letting hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants into the country. The liberals and wackos want to gain sympathy for their destructive agendas. I'm tired of the media calling them “undocumented migrants.” No, they are CRIMINALS! I'm all for legal immigration, but that is not what is happening. We've got 11,000,000 illegal immigrants in the United States. This is all part of the sinister plot to overthrow the American republic, and to cause chaos and confusion, to undermine patriotism and ruin America. The entertainment industry is plagued with filth, smut, immorality and occult symbols

So we are hearing nothing but sympathy from the leftist media and our horrible government about why we should let millions of criminals stay in our country, and force us to support them. Yet at the same time not a word is said about the one million poor homeless people who desperately need help. Our government gives BILLIONS of dollars to foreign countries, like Israel, and yet has no money to help homeless American citizens. It is our money, not the governments! This country is too far gone. Things have gone to Hell. I knew when President Trump was making improvements, that his Democrat successor would undo all the good he did, and sure enough it is as I predicted. President Trump might as well not have built the southern border wall, because President Joe Biden has made it obsolete!

And all this talk of banning guns is foolish. The answer is not banning assault AR-15 weapons. If that nut hadn't had an AR-15, he could have just as easily have bought a .38 special, 9 mm or some other deadly weapon. And for that matter, a speeding car can be far more deadly than a gun! Let we quote once again what President John Adams said, because it is really at the heart of the whole issue:

“We have not government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” —U.S. President John Adams

Dear reader, morality cannot be legislated. There are presently over 40,000 gun laws in the United States. Yet, everyone demands more laws, stricter penalties and more government control every time another crime is committed. Y'all have lost your minds! The truth is that liberal nuts, greedy executives and ungodly sinners have usurped control over our country's media, laws, policies, entertainment, government, education, corporations and even our churches! A nation's social health cannot rise above the bedrock of each individual's level of morality, religion and faith (or lack thereof) in God. That is what John Adams is saying. 

Our nation is ripping itself apart because of increasing wickedness. Don't take my word for it. According to the Pew Forum website, Christianity is now at an all-time low in the United States. According to 'GALLUP,' one in six youth from 'Generation Z' are sodomites. ...

One of the main reasons LGBT identification has been increasing over time is that younger generations are far more likely to consider themselves to be something other than heterosexual. This includes about one in six adult members of Generation Z (those aged 18 to 23 in 2020).


The majority of American people today are choosing to live with their heads in the sand, pretending that we are doing okay and everything is fine, but it's not. Proverb 14:34, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.China sees our weakness as a nation, and you better believe they are waiting for their chance to destroy us. But they don't have to, because we are destroying ourselves! It is more than obvious that Satan has used the ungodly mainstream media, television, corrupt government, Neo-evangelical apostate churches that go along with the New World Order, and Hollywood, to create this whole gender-bending homosexual culture today. Our nation didn't just go bonkers! This was all planned. This crazy stuff always starts in California, and then spreads across the country. That is not a coincidence. Water rolls downhill.

As Christians we must stay close to the Lord personally. Do not support Neo-evangelical Bible colleges and corrupt churches (like the Bob Jones University cult). Do not support the Devil's modern Bibles (the one's BJU uses). Do not support the Devil's heresy of 'Lordship Salvation,' nor the 'Turing From Sin' heresy to be saved (which BJU teaches). Do not support the LGBTQ agenda. Do not allow your children to be infected with the transgendered crap that is being FORCED on impressionable kids today. Gay is not okay, it is a horrible sin and shameful thing. Two men sodomizing each other is wickedness, not what God wants. These are crazy and perilous times in which we live (2nd Timothy 3:1-7). 

I honestly sometimes think Christians today need to form their own communities, like the Amish and Mennonites, and break away from the insanity of the world. Things are only going to get worse. Christians are getting divorced at the same rate as the world. Our children are suffering in this sick world. We are 100% affected by what is going on in society. Yet, we cannot be a light for Christ to the world if we do not live among them. Being a Christian in this sinful world has never been easy, certainly not in 2021. But we have God's promise that He will never leave us (Hebrews 13:5), and despite the tribulations of this sinful world, we ought to BE OF GOOD CHEER, knowing that we serve a risen Savior (John 16:33). I don't know about you friend, but I have calm, joy and peace in my soul as a child of God.

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