Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Democracy Is Destroying America!

Daniel 8:25, “And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

Our text passage of Scripture teaches that the coming Antichrist will destroy society by using PEACE! Wow! You couldn't make that up. Don't you tell me that the Holy Bible is not true. Don't you tell me that the Bible is not God's Word. Friend, we are beholding insanity across America today. I mean, when toy stores are removing their “boys” and “girls” aisles because it might exclude transgendered children, we've lost our minds.

When our churches are using dozens of different English Bible versions all at the same time, friend we've gone wacky! These modern Devil's Bibles all disagree with each other. Good night man, if you don't think the King James Bible is God's infallible inspired Word, then pick one that you believe is and stick with it. I'm not saying that is the right thing to do, but it would at least show others that you haven't lost your better sense of judgment. 

This type of erratic strange human behavior is nothing new in history. Jeremiah 10:21, “For the pastors are become brutish, and have not sought the LORD: therefore they shall not prosper, and all their flocks shall be scattered.When pastors fail to seek the Lord as they ought, they lose their ability to think rationally. That is why most pastors today embrace and tolerate the Devil's Bible revisions, because they are serving mammon (money) instead of God. They are worshipping God in vain (Matthew 15:7-9), teaching for doctrines the commandments of men (e.g., Lordship Salvation, Calvinism, baptismal regeneration, misunderstood repentance of turning from sin to be saved, et cetera). 

Today's pastors have become brutish (lacking good sense), because they do not walk with God. Psalms 119:104, “Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.” Harvest Baptist Church on Guam centers around 'The Daily Chapel' (the daily chapel services of Bob Jones University broadcast on Harvest's KHMG 88.1 FM radio station throughout the Micronesia islands). Instead of walking with God, they are following Dr. Steve Pettit, a Calvinist theological madman in the pulpit today). This is disturbing indeed!

Democracy is destroying America, all in the name of “RIGHTS.” In a time of war, or in a normal struggling society, none of this insanity could ever happen. In the real world men rule society. Only in a liberal controlled society, where wicked people rise to power and pervert judgment (what is right and what is wrong), can this type of freak culture exist. All across the nation in this new century, family values are being taken away and replaced with feminist equality, homosexual rights, transgendered rights and all manner of perversion. 

I watched this interesting video tonight, which makes a lot of sense. This man explains why security guards stood by and did nothing in New York City, even closing the business' door to secure the building from the inside, as an woman was brutally beaten outside by a man. It is horrible what happened. I feel sorry for the woman. I am not siding with anyone. But I agree with Joker (the man who made the preceding video). He is right. Women nowadays expect men to protect them, while demanding equality at the same time, but you cannot have both. If women want equal pay as men, then they ought to be able to do everything as a man does, including fight to defend themselves. If that were a man being beaten silly, no woman would be expected to go help him, but when it is a woman being kicked and beaten, everyone expects men to go help her. That is NOT equality folks! Joker explains well in the video why women have created this problem in society today, by discouraging men.

All we hear about from the media nowadays is “rights.” I want my rights. I demand equal rights. Well, with rights come responsibilities and consequences. This is insanity! These transgendered females were born as biological males. As such they are still males, which gives them unfair advantages over females in competition. Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.God doesn't make mistakes. There are no transgendered animals. There are no LGBTQ roosters, steers or elephants. Only in the sinful human realm do we sink below the level of the animal kingdom. The demand for “rights” is destroying our society! 

In 1963, we allowed less than 1% of atheists to use the courts to drive out the Holy Bible from all of our public schools, turning tens of millions of youth away from God and into secular humanism instead. The horrifying deadly consequences can be heard on the daily news. We have multiple generations of adults today, who are disturbing products of the ungodly American public school indoctrination system. Russian dictator Vladimir Lenin was right that the best revolutionary is a youth devoid of morals. We saw this truth bared out all across America in 2020, as our cities burned during the Black Lives Matter protests. Where were the Democrats then? Where was bigmouth congresswoman Nancy Pelosi then? Democrats have gone to great lengths to prosecute President Trump's supporters for their alleged plot to attack the Capital, while doing absolutely nothing to stop the riots which cost businesses billions of dollars in damage, and cost many innocent lives. Satan is using our liberties (peace) to destroy us, all in the name of “I want my rights!

Now President Joe Biden is insanely requiring the military to design flight suits for pregnant soldiers. Folks, where does this insanity end? I assure you that things will grow MUCH WORSE in the years ahead. We are self destructing as a society, because we have no moral compass anymore. When the Catholic Pope is sanctioning homosexual unions, people have lost all sense of morality. Isaiah 5:20, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” This is not God's way, the right way. Homosexuality is perversion. If that offends you, get right with God! God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Any child knows that God made boys and girls, and nothing in between. 

I see these alleged transgendered children, whose parents allow (and in many cases deliberately encourage) unisex behavior and clothing. Boys ought not play with girl's toys, like dolls and makeup. Boys should play with guns, tanks and superhero action figures like I did as a normal kid. In the good ole days, even a Tom Boy Girl was still a gal. This LGBTQ insanity today is being forced on impressionable children by society. And I'll tell you, there's some frightening laws trying to be passed that will criminalize parents for trying to ensure that their child doesn't grow up to be a homosexual. Romans 1:24-32 calls homosexual lusts vile and against nature

The ungodly leftist liberals began their sinister plot in the 1960's and 1970's, by getting Americans to unknowingly accept closet homosexuals like Mike Brady (real name: Robert Reed) of The Brady Bunch. In the decades to follow Americans would be shocked to find out that their favorite TV characters, Hollywood actors, singers and entertainers are homosexuals. I am still sickened to learn that Barry Manilow is a homosexual. Then after the liberals tricked the American people into liking a bunch of sodomites, now they are forcing new equality rights on society, even threatening to remove our children from the home if we don't play along. This is 100% pure Satanism folks!!! The Devil has a bid for your child, and the Pied Piper is coming to get YOUR CHILD! If you think you'll resist the power of the government, think again!

I could go on and on about the insanity in our country today. It sickens me that after all the money spent and the impressive effort by President Donald Trump to tighten down the Mexican border to stop illegal immigration, President Joe Biden has 100% undermined all that President Trump accomplished. Hundreds of thousands more illegals have flooded toward America and into the country. Now Nancy Pelosi and other ungodly criminals at large in our failed irresponsible government, are opening the door and welcoming the criminals right into our country. Miss Pelosi has been using “children immigrants” as an excuse to justify their treason! It is all criminal, the whole damn thing! We've lost control of our country to a bunch of irresponsible liberals, criminals every one, traitors of the worst sort, all in the name of “rights.” They are giving rights to criminals, rights to immoral perverts, rights to rebels, rights to everyone except law abiding U.S. citizens.

In case you don't know, that's been the plan of the Luciferian elite since the very beginning of our country in 1776. Americans today are (in classic fashion) being divided and conquered by the controlled media. Humans come and go from one generation to the next, but the Devil's plot for World Government spans millenniums since the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-11). There will be a New World Order. This will be the Beast system of the coming ruthless Antichrist. The Bible says that “by peace” (not war or conquest) shall the Antichrist DESTORY MANY. America is clearly headed for self-destruction. We are divided on everything because of THE MEDIA. 

I saw a man wearing a T-shirt the other day, which read: “MEDIA = Most Effective Devil In America.” Yes, that is exactly true! The media is unimaginably evil. For those of you who are older like me, you know that practically overnight the wicked U.S. media unannouncedly started embracing and promoting the homosexual agenda. I cannot watch the news anymore without cringing, wondering at point it turned so sicko, repulsive, wicked and bold to sanction all manner of sin and evil. How did we allow ourselves as a society to accept this? Our children are prohibited to learn about God at school, while God is inclusive in all of science, academics and life itself. You simply cannot educate a child without God, not without creating a ticking time-bomb. 

Nutty liberals want to ban guns. That is crazy! The problem is people, not guns. So the wicked government takes the Holy Bible away from children since 1963, which no longer can teach children to love their neighbour as God loves us. Then when those kids grow up to become unstable, loveless and immoral adults, the wicked government wants to ban citizens from owning guns to defend themselves. Do you see where all this is eventually leading: SLAVERY TO THE GOVERNMENT! A police state is rising up in America, and they want to take away your guns, so the government can stomp a big boot on your face!!! Liberals will claim they just want to ban assault weapons. But it is obvious this is just the Devil's foot in the door. If you give liberals even one inch, they'll take a foot, and then the Devil will become a ruler! If Americans ever allow wacky liberals to ban assault weapons, of necessity they will go after all guns shortly thereafter, because a nut with a gun only needs a handgun. Again, in the name of rights the Devil's crowd are ripping American society to pieces.

Dear reader, you cannot have it your way and God's way. It is simply impossible to do. God wants young women to get married (not pursue careers), bear children (not freeze their eggs until future use), guide the house (not work in the work office), and stay out of trouble (not wreak havoc like feminists are doing and the immoral hook-up culture). Please read 1st Timothy 5:14-15 for yourself. The Bible says career women are turned aside after Satan. This includes nurses from Bob Jones University. God made you young ladies to get married in your youth and bear children, not still be working as a nurse at 40 years of age. Shame on you! God's way is the best way. Millions of American women today are either single parents, or still waiting for Mr. Right at age 40. Oh foolish woman, you've bought into the Devil's lie.

I thank God as a born-again Christian that I am still in my sound mind. You'll never get me to sign off on the homosexual movement, it is of the Devil. You'll never get me to sanction young girls pursuing nursing careers at BJU, they are turned aside after Satan. You'll never get me to use five different Bible versions, I only use and need the King James Bible. You'll never convince me to support a false gospel of Lordship Salvation. My faith is firmly grounded in a free grace Gospel of faith alone in Jesus Christ plus nothing. This gender-bending perverse culture today doesn't have me confused one bit. Men are still men and women are still women, and anybody in between is of the Devil. God is not the author of confusion (1st Corinthians 14:33). Young people are utterly confused today about their own gender because of the rotten ungodly media, the fascist public schools, and other looney government agencies that propagate this demonic garbage. There is no confusion if you believe the Bible!

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