Friday, March 31, 2023

Pensacola Christian College's Hurting Students

Romans 16:17-18, “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

The shameful leaders of Pensacola Christian College (PCC) and their pathetic Campus Church pastors only SERVE THEIR OWN BELLY, and not the Lord Jesus Christ. They merely go through the superficial motions of playing church, singing music, running their CULT like an assembly line where INDIVIDUAL PEOPLE don't matter! But don't just take my word for it, h
ere is another disturbing testimony by a hurting mistreated female former PCC student. Please read her heartfelt disturbing story...
Negative reviews are written by ‘worldly’ students who have not been able to adjust to the atmosphere of a ‘Christian’ college and are whining! Right? Well, as a prospective student, that is what I thought and I couldn’t have been more wrong. I majored in nursing at Pensacola Christian College (PCC) for three years (2013-2016), and, besides making good friends, would not wish to repeat the experience. I am now redoing my entire education elsewhere. Please understand, I am not posting a negative review out of spite, but in response to legitimate concerns about significant problems at PCC. 
I was an excited Freshman. I had been homeschooled on a farm in a loving Christian family and chose PCC because I wanted a quality, Christian college education. I was disappointed to find a ‘lookism’ culture pervading the campus: I felt the administration cared more about my appearance and obedience to their rules than they did about me or my spiritual condition. Any discussion PCC had about dressing or behaving to please God was ultimately tied to the need for a ‘PCC testimony,’ which was equal with or more important than a Christian testimony. There were monitors everywhere to ensure students acted and dressed a certain way. 
I know modesty is needed, however, PCC culture is something more. The wealthy Proverbs 31 woman is extolled and the shamefaced 1 Timothy woman is ignored – excess jewelry and makeup are expected (but not required outright). I was even told that modesty required jewelry - to draw attention away from the body towards the face. I became discontented and felt outdated in my simple attire and sought to ‘fit in’ better. While at PCC, the only demerits I received were for wearing knee-length shorts my RA had approved.
Still, my friends and I believed PCC was a good place to be because they were trying to do right. By Sophomore year though, some things, such as their manipulative nature – mental, spiritual, and emotional, couldn’t be ignored. Beginning with Freshman orientation, I was told that PCC had God-given authority over me and that to disobey them was to disobey God, even if their rules were not supported Biblically. They used Romans 13 as the basis of this claim, although it is discussing governmental authority. In any case, the combined threat of PCC’s displeasure (and subsequent demerits or expulsion) and the wrath of God, cited so often, began to erode my simple faith into a fearful faith. 
What if I didn’t agree with or completely follow their standards? Was I sinning terribly and deserving of punishment? After all, they told me their rules were necessary to have a clean conscience. I struggled: if they had meant to control me (or others) through fear and guilt, it was working. I began to equate being a perfect PCC student to being a good Christian, besides it kept me out of trouble. I became so focused on their demands and expectations, I began to forget what God really wanted: me. 
By Junior year, I was calloused: I neither feared nor felt guilty for disagreeing with PCC. I simply felt trapped. Lost between my buried faith and the pressures of PCC, I struggled to read my Bible. I had returned reluctantly for the semester, moody and crying, but determined that I would do my best because God had put me there (PCC endorsed this notion – if you’re at PCC, God sent you, and leaving is usually against His will). 
Besides struggling spiritually, I was also struggling physically from suppressed stress with nausea, vomiting, weight loss, fatigue, etc. My family and friends encouraged me and I prayed, but eventually, I ceased to care about anything. In fact, I was disappointed that one day I would have to call myself a ‘PCC Graduate.’ [emphasis added]

Wow! My heart goes out to this young woman. I would like to repeat a few disturbing things she said in the preceding review of PCC. ...

“Beginning with Freshman orientation, I was told that PCC had God-given authority over me and that to disobey them was to disobey God, even if their rules were not supported Biblically.”

“I felt the administration cared more about my appearance and obedience to their rules than they did about me or my spiritual condition.”

“Any discussion PCC had about dressing or behaving to please God was ultimately tied to the need for a ‘PCC testimony,’ which was equal with or more important than a Christian testimony.”

“Please understand, I am not posting a negative review out of spite, but in response to legitimate concerns about significant problems at PCC.
“I became so focused on their demands and expectations, I began to forget what God really wanted: me.
“if they had meant to control me (or others) through fear and guilt, it was working.”
“By Sophomore year though, some things, such as their manipulative nature – mental, spiritual, and emotional, couldn’t be ignored.”
“By Junior year, I was calloused: I neither feared nor felt guilty for disagreeing with PCC. I simply felt trapped.”
“eventually, I ceased to care about anything. In fact, I was disappointed that one day I would have to call myself a ‘PCC Graduate.’”

Bingo! That is exactly how I felt when I attended PCC's Campus Church in 2021, like I was not wanted there and Pastor Jeff Redlin couldn't care less about me as a human being. Redlin was rude, insensitive, a jerk, uncaring and now he is wickedly and shamefully refusing to allow me to even attend their church. It certainly is not God's church at PCC. What a CULT!!! Their own students are exposing them!!!

Pensacola Christian College CULT Exposed!

She Regrets Attending Pensacola Christian College

Dear reader, I have been preaching against PCC ever since I was mistreated by Pastor Jeff Redlin in 2021. You can read about my painful story here, about how I was abused by Pastor Jeff Redlin. Sadly, I mailed a letter to PCC leaders, asking for their help in the matter, but they cruelly totally ignored me, just as God will do them one day (Matthew 7:1-2). I tell you truthfully that PCC;s leaders are yuppie types, woefully lacking God's compassion or love for INDIVIDUAL people. There is a woeful lack of concern, love or compassion for INDIVIDUALS. You read it for yourself in the young lady's negative review we just covered. Here are a bunch more negative reviews of PCC. There is not genuine love for people in the PCC camp!

They have huge egos at PCC, not caring if people leave and never come back. Their students mean NOTHING to them, they just want your money! Their actions prove what I say. PCC leadership will (and has countless times) expelled students for the smallest of reasons, with no second chances or path of redemption. Once you offend them, your time at PCC is over! You have offended the gods! I am not kidding, they have zero compassion or understanding.

God knows that my intent in writing this blog is not to promote any type of hatred. I pray and hope in my heart of hearts, that one of these days PCC's leadership will repent and start focusing on loving and helping INDIVIDUALS, rather than focus on the system (which is the nature of a religious cult). ALL LIVES MATTER!!! I love everybody in the PCC camp, and I truly wish that we could be friend, but they alone refuse to make the peace. They have my personal contact information. I live in the city of Pensacola. I have pleaded with the Campus Church pastors, and PCC leaders as well, to please just allow me to attend church, but they refuse. That is so ungodly, wicked and cultish of them. SHAME on PCC!!! God alone will be their Judge (Matthew 7:1-5, 12:36; Romans 14:10-12; James 4:12, 5:9; Proverbs 24:12).

Here are some recent negative reviews about PCC...
“It is NOT a friendly environment. All they care about is rules instead of encouraging and building you up in your Christian walk.” —Hannah Elizabeth Kirchhoff (December 2022), mistreated former PCC student

“Don't go here if you're a Christian; they don't actually follow the Bible. They just use it as an excuse to treat people like trash.” —Danielle Tate (2016) 
“This institution did more to harm my personal development than any other. As a 38 year old professional, I still bear the scars of how I was treated by this harsh, unloving, uncaring college.” —Greg S (2015), a former abused PCC student 
“17 years later and I'm still shaking off the trauma. So many extra-biblical rules it'll make your head spin. Great place for Pharisaical training if your into that. The rule book has more rules than the Bible.” —Jorn Anderson (September 2022), former mistreated PCC student 
“Pcc is the worst school ever. It was a complete waste of my time and money. They kicked me out for going to the wrong Sunday school class. And that was a year ago. They still will not release my transcripts which has put me behind in my college career. They schools not be called a Christian college if they cannot even live by what the Bible has to say. If I was able to take it all back and not go there I would in a heartbeat. I am warning you if you are thinking about going DONT DO IT!!!!” —Gavin Bufford (2017), abused former PCC student 
“I'm a 2018 graduate of PCC and I went here for all 4 years. It's really sad that this place calls itself Christian, its legalistic places like pcc that give Christians a bad name. They do have a lot of rules regulating most areas of life. I was treated very poorly and rude by several "Christians" on staff and faculty and I saw many of my friends treated the same way. I've personally seen people who were once people I would hang out with, when given positions of leadership become legalistic monsters taking joy in getting as many students in trouble as possible, and this is done in the name of Christ! As a student you are guilty until proven innocent and can be kicked out just because someone accuses you of something.” —Nick Harrison (2019), a mistreated PCC alumni 
“It is NOT a friendly environment. All they care about is rules instead of encouraging and building you up in your Christian walk.” —Hannah Elizabeth Kirchhoff (December 2022), mistreated former PCC student

“In retrospect, I thank God for not having the opportunity to attend here and myself for not making the decision to enroll.” —Richard Deuto (January 2023), high school senior

“Crackpot unaccredited school.” —Meryl Montgomery (November 2022)

“They call themselves Christians, but Christians are supposed to show compassion and patience.” —Angela (January 2023), mistreated former PCC student

SOURCE: Google reviews 

As I type, I am banned from attending Campus Church (since August 2, 2022) by PCC leaders. What was my offense? I criticized them on social media. It didn't matter that I humbly apologized three separate times to PCC leaders in 2022, or that I sincerely offered (and still offer) to do whatever they require to reconcile to make peace, they still refuse. They sure are a cult! I cannot warn you enough dear reader to RUN FROM THIS PLACE!!! Thank you for reading.

The Woeful Lack Of Love, Understanding
And Compassion At Pensacola Christian College

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