Sunday, April 16, 2023

The Woeful Lack Of Compassion At Campus Church And Pensacola Christian College

Ephesians 4:30-32, And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

2nd Corinthians 3:6, Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

I have always believed in the power of WORD OF MOUTH. If I go into a business and they mistreat or cheat me, I am going to let everyone know about it. So why should a Bible college or church be any different? When I moved from Guam to Florida in 2021, I chose to attend Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College (PCC). God knows that I had a spirit of love, care and a strong desire to be a blessing to their ministry at PCC.

Sadly, from day one I was mistreated by their senior pastor, Jeff Redlin. He was calloused and cold, not caring that I was homeless and sleeping in Walmart's parking lot, because the hotel that I made a 30-day reservation at became greedy and cancelled my reservation to give it to someone else for more money. God will deal with them according to their evil. When I told Jeff Redlin what had happened, he just coldly walked away. This was at the church's 4th of July picnic in 2021.

In the days to follow I shared my story with him, telling him that my beloved wife abandoned and divorced me in 2006. I humbly explained that I was lonely and hurting in my soul. I kindly explained that I suffer from stenosis and radiculitis in my neck, but he didn't care. To my dismay, Jeff Redlin was harsh, cruel and insulting in his insensitive remarks. He berated me as a divorced person, making me feel like garbage. So after a few months of his abuse and lack of compassion for me as a hurting human being, and a child of God, I left Campus Church.

In the months to follow I was deeply hurt because of Pastor Redlin's cruelty. So I lashed out against him on social media for several months. In 2022 I felt bad and missed the friends I had made at PCC. So I humbly wrote a letter in July of 2022, apologizing and pleading with Pastor Redlin if I could come back to Campus Church, with the conditional promise that I would gladly remove all my criticisms (which would take me a couple months), if he would just agree to let me attend Campus Church again. He totally ignored me for a month.

So I mailed a second letter, this time addressed to all the pastors of Campus Church, and a courtesy copy to PCC (they are separate institutions legally, although they are one in ministry and purpose). Again, they all totally ignored me. I was so sad and discouraged, that these religious leaders who call themselves “Christians” didn't give a damn about me as a hurting human being. So after 6 weeks of being ignored, I once again lashed out against them on social media. Only then did Jeff Redlin email me to say that I have been permanently banned from attending Campus Church, because of my “consequential remarks.” What Jeff Redlin doesn't realize is that there is a God up in Heaven who sees his childish hatred, bigotry and cruelty. Redlin's ungodly hateful behavior is “consequential,” for which he will be judged by God.

Having said all that, I now understand that the PCC camp is full of carnally-minded leadership, which is no Christian leadership at all. There is a deadly spirit of hate, bigotry and arrogance among PCC and Campus Church leaders. They have huge egos at PCC! The cult system always comes first, individual people do not matter. All I humbly asked was to attend Campus Church, but they refused. Only a CULT forbids people from attending church! I couldn't have been more loving and kind. Consequently, I have decided to relentlessly expose their cult, to warn people about the carnal, uncaring and calloused leadership at PCC, who woefully lack compassion and love for individual people.

And if you are divorced, they will shun and ostracize you in their self-righteous hypocrisy at PCC and Campus Church. Sadly, because they have 9,999 cult followers, they don't give a damn about 1 hurting person like me who desperately needs and legged for their love and compassion. They just don't give a damn, for which I pray that God will hold them guilty! By the way, I am still willing to reconcile and make peace with the PCC camp, anytime they want to welcome me back to Campus Church. They have my mobile phone number, my mailing address and my email. I have done nothing but try to get along with them, but they are jerks!

I love what Dr. Jack Hyles (1926-2001) said:
“I am all for standards, but I am not for standards without love.” —Pastor Jack Hyles

That is their big problem at PCC! They are academics, not church builders, so they woefully lack God's compassion and love for people. They only care about protecting their cult, at the expense of individual people. There is no love or compassion at PCC, only a cold-hearted religious business atmosphere. They are in lousy business, people don't matter at PCC. But don't just take my word for it, read what their own wounded students have to say:

“Don't go here if you're a Christian; they don't actually follow the Bible. They just use it as an excuse to treat people like trash.” —Danielle Tate (2016)

“This institution did more to harm my personal development than any other. As a 38 year old professional, I still bear the scars of how I was treated by this harsh, unloving, uncaring college.” —Greg S (2015), a former abused PCC student

“17 years later and I'm still shaking off the trauma. So many extra-biblical rules it'll make your head spin. Great place for Pharisaical training if your into that. The rule book has more rules than the Bible.” —Jorn Anderson (September 2022), former mistreated PCC student

“Pcc is the worst school ever. It was a complete waste of my time and money. They kicked me out for going to the wrong Sunday school class. And that was a year ago. They still will not release my transcripts which has put me behind in my college career. They schools not be called a Christian college if they cannot even live by what the Bible has to say. If I was able to take it all back and not go there I would in a heartbeat. I am warning you if you are thinking about going DONT DO IT!!!!” —Gavin Bufford (2017), abused former PCC student

“I'm a 2018 graduate of PCC and I went here for all 4 years. It's really sad that this place calls itself Christian, its legalistic places like pcc that give Christians a bad name. They do have a lot of rules regulating most areas of life. I was treated very poorly and rude by several "Christians" on staff and faculty and I saw many of my friends treated the same way. I've personally seen people who were once people I would hang out with, when given positions of leadership become legalistic monsters taking joy in getting as many students in trouble as possible, and this is done in the name of Christ! As a student you are guilty until proven innocent and can be kicked out just because someone accuses you of something.” —Nick Harrison (2019), a mistreated PCC alumni

“It is NOT a friendly environment. All they care about is rules instead of encouraging and building you up in your Christian walk.” —Hannah Elizabeth Kirchhoff (December 2022), mistreated former PCC student

“They call themselves Christians, but Christians are supposed to show compassion and patience.” —Angela (January 2023), mistreated former PCC student

“In retrospect, I thank God for not having the opportunity to attend here (Pensacola Christian College) and myself for not making the decision to enroll.” —Richard Deuto (January 2023)

“Crackpot unaccredited school.” —Meryl Montgomery (November 2022)

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