Sunday, December 26, 2021

Shame On Pastor Jeff Redlin At PCC's Campus Church

Revelation 3:14-19, "And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent."

When I first moved from Guam to Pensacola in July of 2021, I decided to go visit the famous Pensacola Christian College (PCC). I attended their 'Campus Church' on the property of PCC, whose shameful senior pastor is Jeff Redlin. I came to learn quickly that Jeff Redlin is a cold-hearted person, indifferent toward error, a Christian fake, and an arrogant snob who only cares about his salary. As I found out, Redlin selectively chooses who to care about. That is not a true man of God!

When I shared my broken life with Pastor Redlin, he treated me like garbage. When I mentioned that I was divorced and hoping to remarry, he scolded me in his self-righteousness as his wife stood right next to him. If I had my way, he'd never see his wife again. I'd let him see what pain feels like, and to have some haughty pastor crap on you because he can. Sadly, I quickly came to the realization that Pastor Redlin is a wicked man, full of selfishness and pride, who isn't quality to be a pastor, let alone lead a giant place like Campus Church.

God will not bless a church who has a pastor that doesn't care about everyone. Campus Church is growing only because of apostasy. With the economy tanking, parents want their children to secure a career that will guarantee them financial prosperity. So PCC is in the secular business today of providing careers for money-hungry youth, all in the name of Jesus. PCC offers courses to become a nurse, a businessman, law enforcement, engineering , computer science, et cetera. Sadly, PCC's focus is not to train church builders and full-time Christian workers to serve in the churches, which Hyles-Anderson College did when I attended there from 985-1993. PCC is a toilet compared to Hyles-Anderson College!!!

Jeff Redlin is not right with God. I was sickened when he was selling a course for $10 to anybody who wanted to learn how to witness with the Gospel more affectively. Campus Church finished 2020 with $1,200,000 in the bank. They gave $600,000 to their partner's in crime at PCC. Then kept $600,000 for them selves in the bank. Then they charge church members $10 each to learn how to share the Gospel. Jeff Redlin is an ungodly man who just wants your money! These men fear the funds drying up, instead of trusting God, so they have to sell everything. That is not faith, it is greed and wickedness, a den of thieves!

Jeff Redlin disrespected my ministry, so now I choose to expose him, since he is the one who needs to be exposed. Pastor Redlin sinfully and wrongly accused me of "finding weaknesses" in preachers. He is a dirty liar! The truth is that I "REBUKE THEM SHAPLY" who subvert whole households with a Calvinist false gospel, which the entire Bob Jones University crowd does today. Read what their damned cult leader Dr. Steve Pettit teaches for yourself!!! This is horrifying!!! Jeff Redlin and company sinfully bid Godspeed to evildoers. 2nd John 1:11, "For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds." Pastor Jeff Redlin needs to get his wicked heart right with God at PCC, and stop sanctioning the hellbound BJU camp!

When I attended Campus Church, I heard associate pastor Tim Zacharias preach another gospel at a Wednesday night Bible study. These wicked false prophets don't care!!! I heard Dr. Zacharias say, and I quote verbatim: "Repentance is a change of mind which results in a change of behavior." LIARS!!! Bible repentance is simply a "change of mind," nothing more. We repent (change our mind) to BELIEVE the Gospel to be saved, period. What must we change our mind about. That's easy, whatever is hindering you from coming to Christ by faith. There is only one thing that keeps anybody from getting saved, which is unbelief. Repentance is simply changing one's mind from unbelief to belief.

When I kindly contacted Pastor Redlin about this blatant heresy, like a total sniveling coward Redlin 100% defended Tim Zacharias. These men are afraid to go against each other. They are afraid to preach against the Calvinist Bob Jones University crowd. When I confronted Pastor Sean Quinlan at the Lighthouse Baptist Church on Guam (he works at PCC now), Quinlan said it was none of our business what BJU does. What a coward! Folks, if you think damnable heresy being preached to thousands of our young people at BJU is none of your business, you are not right with God. The Bible says in Titus 1:10-13 to "REBUKE THEM SHARPLY" that they might be sound in the faith. But Jeff Redlin and Tim Zacharias, and the wicked leaders at PCC, would rather play sports with them, hire each other to work on staff, share and work together, making money instead of faithfully contending for the faith.

SHAME on Jeff Redlin!!! SHAME on Tim Zacharias!!! Shame on Pensacola Christian College for hiring and supporting such compromised and uncaring fools as Pastor Jeff Redlin. Redlin wanted an enemy and now he has one. Jeff Redlin is an enemy of Jesus Christ, because he hobnobs with ungodly false teachers who corrupt the Gospel and corrupt God's inspired Word. I will expose any false prophet! That is what God commands every believers to do in Ephesians 5:10-11, "Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them."

I will expose anyone (in this case PCC) who bids Godspeed to false prophets. The Bob Jones camp are Satanic today, promoting the Devil's corruptible seed, and preaching another gospel of deadly Calvinism. Why doesn't Jeff Redlin give a damn? The Bible tells us the answer:

1st Timothy 6:10-12, "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses."

Carefully notice in verse 12 that the Bible says to "FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH." That is exactly what I am doing, while fools like Pastor Jeff Redlin kowtow, hobnob and play with deadly snakes in the Calvinist BJU camp. I have preached against the wicked Harvest Baptist Church on Guam since 2014 because they preach another gospel (Lordship Salvation) and not a free grace Gospel. They need to be exposed!!! Their new pastor, Gary Walton, is a die-hard fan of BJU, broadcasting Dr. Steve Pettit's BJU chapel services throughout Micronesia, damning people's souls to Hell with a Calvinist false plan of salvation. The Japanese invasion of Guam was a Sunday School picnic, compared to the burning Hell that awaits thousands of Micronesian who take heed to Steve Pettit's damnable doctrines!!!

Am I such a bad guy for caring enough to TELL THE TRUTH? Pastor Redlin is a fool. I say that in the authority of the Holy Scriptures. The Apostle Paul called the Galatians "fools" in Galatians 3:3-1, because they played with the rattlesnakes of sin, bidding Godspeed to doctrines of devils, just like PCC is sinfully doing today, bidding Godspeed to BJU. They only care about making money, which means avoiding offending their accomplices in the Bible college racket in America. Harvest Baptist Church on Guam sends students to PCC, and they make LOTS OF MONEY from the BJU camp. So instead of exposing their false gospel, PCC ignores the problem and pretends like all is well. Well, dammit, all is not well.

God's curse is upon the Bob Jones camp (both their university and all their graduates who support them today), do perverting the Gospel of free grace. Dear friend. THIS IS NOT FREE GRACE!!! The $64,000 question is: Do you care as much as God does? I care, because God cares. Galatians 1:6-9 warns every Christians about getting mixed up with another gospel, which the Bible says is NOT another gospel. What is wrong with Pastor Jeff Redlin? What is wrong with the leadership at Pensacola Christian College (PCC) today.

Why am I am the only one who seems to give a damn, while BJU and PCC laugh in my face continually. They think my preaching on my website ministry is a cute joke, a novelty, some nut who takes things too seriously. We'll see won't we! Yes, we will. I long for the day when Jeff Redlin is humiliated by God, because he rebuked me for telling THE TRUTH, instead of rebuking the God damned Bob Jones University cult today! You also must choose sides dear reader. I am on the side of Jesus and truth, but Jeff Redlin and the BJU camp are on the side of error! RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!!!

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