Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Young People, Taylor Swift Doesn't Love You!

Proverbs 26:28, “A lying tongue hateth those that are afflicted by it; and a flattering mouth worketh ruin.”

I am writing this blog in a spirit of Christian love and genuine concern for our young people, and not to attack Singer Taylor Swift. I just want to make that clear from the start. Something is VERY wrong when singers who influence our children influence them to dress, talk and behave in an immoral manner. Why would someone even do that to a teenager? It is evil. Jesus warned everyone that the Devil only comes to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). Taylor Swift is in league with the Devil, as I will show you dear reader. Please bear with me.

Every God-fearing Christian has the responsibility to guard against Satan creeping into the lives of our youth. I do not believe in being mean to anyone, nor attacking people; however, when anyone influences hundreds-of-millions of young people to forsake God's Word by being sexually immoral, nasty, lewd and whorish, someone needs to stand up for God and protect our youth. By God's grace and strength I am doing so!

The following forum topic at praises Taylor Swift as a “friend” to her fans:
She's cast herself the relatable, best friend you wish you had: she's pretty, but in a girl-next-door kind of way. Many of her songs reference being unpopular (“You Belong to Me”, “Best Day”), what it's like to be an ordinary teenager (“Fifteen”), and staying true to yourself (“Mean”). She's totally embraced this image; even now, when she's super popular, she still makes fun of herself (mocking her inability to dance in “Shake It Off”; she also talked about this in interviews). She's not a bombshell or goddess like Beyoncé — people worship Beyoncé, but no one actually thinks they could be Beyoncé. Girls like to think they could be Taylor.

She loves her fans. Continuing on the theme of being relatable, she does things that make it clear she loves her fans and wants to be their friends. She threw a release party for people in her apartment (Taylor Swift hosts pizza party for fans at her apartment) and sent fans Christmas presents (VIDEO: Behind the Scenes of Taylor Swift's 'Swiftmas' Christmas Gift Extravaganza). Her fans eat this stuff up. [emphasis added]

May I say, kindly but truthfully, Taylor Swift doesn't love her fans!!! I just checked online and Miss Swift's swelling net worth is now at $280,000,000. If this trend continues, she'll eventually be a billionaire. What a joke that anyone would consider Taylor Swift “a friend” because she hosted a pizza party! Whoa, pizza, I feel loved! And, oh my, Taylor hosted a Christmas extravaganza! She spent some pocket-change to send Christmas gifts to a few fans, and she video-taped her benevolent acts, and uploaded her goodness to YouTube for everyone to see. Isn't Taylor so wonderful, she loves you! What a big phony! Here's one of her alleged fans freaking out while opening a card from Taylor (that it just so happens, someone had a video-camera recording the event). All hail Taylor, she's so generous for giving away .00000001% of her wealth! What a pathetic thing!

Have you ever seen anyone react so emotionally when you shared the Gospel with them? I haven't! People urinate on themselves when you tell them they've won $1,000, or that Taylor Swift sent them a $50 Christmas present; yet when you tell them that the Creator of the universe sent His only begotten Son into the world, to die on the cross for their sins, so they could have their sins forgiven and ENJOY ETERNAL LIFE, they hate you and slam the door in your face! Jesus Christ died for everyone's sins and didn't charge anyone a penny, yet people reject Him; Taylor Swift never did anything for 99.99999999% of her fans, and yet they've given her $280,000,000!!! Swift has made billions for the entertainment industry! It is all filthy lucre, ill-gotten gain of the Devil.

As of March 2016, Taylor Swift's shameful YouTube video titled, “BLANK SPACE,” has received 1,514,688,772 hits. The video came out in November of 2014. Another disgusting and sexually filthy YouTube video by Miss Swift, “SHAKE IT OFF,” has received 1,371,639,312 hits! Folks, that's 4-5 times the population of the United States!!! What disturbs me more than Swift's works of darkness is the eerie silence from America's 320,000 churches!!! Humbly, I oftentimes feel like the Lone Ranger while searching online, because I seem to be the only one really upset about the Devil targeting and destroying our youth. I've found a few good articles exposing Taylor Swift as a bad influence upon today's youth, but nothing comes even close to the Scriptural rebuttal and hard preaching in my articles. I thank God for the desire, ability and courage to proclaim the truth to help others. It is my privilege! In sharp contrast to Taylor Swift's lie that she LOVES HER FANS, I truly do love you, which is why I am telling you the truth.

The pro-homosexual teen-targeting magazine SEVENTEEN says:
“Celebrities talk about loving their fans all of the time, but there is no other celeb who shows their fans as much as Taylor Swift. Taylor LOVES her fans, and she does amazing things to prove it all of the time.”

SOURCE: SEVENTEEN magazine - Amazing Things Taylor Swift Does For Fans
Does Taylor Swift love the young girls to whom she is sensually gyrating, behaving promiscuously, teaching revenge in her lyrics and SEXUALIZING!!! Is that genuine love? No, that's perverted lust! Taylor is a spiritual mess!!! Check online and you'll discover that the gay community praises Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift's pro-homosexual song, “Welcome To New York,” has been adopted as an anthem by the homosexual community. Don't be fooled, Taylor Swift is no God-fearing Christian, and she's not the innocent good girl that the media portrays her as. God only knows how many men are in prison for committing sexual crimes inspired by filthy sexualizing videos like Taylor Swift's. America has turned into an immoral hellhole!!! It's not innocent!!! TAYLOR SWIFT'S SENSUAL MUSIC VIDEOS ARE NOT INNOCENT!!!

Don't be a fool! Madonna, in her book titled, “SEX,” is portrayed with a dog sexually positioned on her. In Taylor Swift's video, “BLANK SPACE,” she is promiscuously positioned on the floor, expressing herself sensually, with some wild animal beside her. That poor animal has more morals than Taylor Swift! You're an idiot if you don't see where Satanists are going with this filth! You need to understand that scum of the earth Satanists are behind all these music videos, which cannot be denied if you study them. These are sick-minded sexually degenerate people!!!

Proverbs 11:22, “As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion.”

ABOVE: A filthy sensual screen-capture from Taylor Swift's ungodly video, “BLANK SPACE,” with some kind of animal that looks like a deer. ARE THEY SUGGESTING BESTIALITY? That's the first thing most normal men would think. I had to censor her exposed thighs for decency. This is Satanism at work folks! This woman is evil! If you think this type of weird amoral behavior is acceptable to sell records, then you are not right with God and something is wrong with you too! These evil people belong in prison!!!

Young people, listen to me, it doesn't matter if you amass all the money in the world, you are a failure in life is you don't fear God and keep His commandments. Ecclesiastes 12:13, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” Do you fear God? I do! Although I am imperfect and a woeful sinner myself, I treat other people the way I want to be treated. I realize that I must give account to God in eternity. That's why you couldn't pay me $1,000,000 to curse in God's name in a Hollywood movie. Don't those actors realize that they must give account to God every time someone watches that movie, in which they sinfully took the Lord's name in vain? Deuteronomy 5:11, “Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.”

1st Peter 2:11, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.” Every time someone else watches a bed scene that some perverted actor was paid to create, that actor must answer to God in eternity. Every time someone has lustful passions stirred in their soul because of Taylor Swift's raunchy music videos, she must answer to God. Miss Swift may be filthy rich here on earth, but she is poorer than poor in eternity, and from everything I've read, I don't think she is a true Christian either (she's purportedly Catholic). Every unholy lust, caused millions of times over and over, by an unholy music video must be accounted for! The average person has no idea just how wicked we all are in God's eyes. We are all so undeserving of God's love, grace and mercy! It is a horrible evil to mock God by promoting sexual lasciviousness!!!

Taylor Swift is mocking God, spitting in His holy face, every time she behaves promiscuously in her highly sensual music videos. The insane notion that Taylor Swift is NOT AS BAD as other whores in the ungodly media is satanic beyond words!!! I've read numerous websites, including Billy Graham's ungodly Christianity Today, that praise Taylor Swift for being less sexualizing than the entertainment industry as a whole! What a lie! Taylor Swift is a spoiled little brat, who is a disgrace to our nation, and an embarrassment to American women. The heathen media and Luciferian Illuminati love her!

Miss Swift is leading young girls into a deathstyle of whoredom. She acts so innocent and sweet on one hand, while on the other hand making vile, ungodly and slutty videos like SHAKE IT OFF (which I can't even link to because it is so sexually explicit). The video at numerous times zooms in on a woman's buttocks, as she shakes her rear-end in the camera. Sadly, Americans have been so desensitized to the awfulness of sin, primarily by television, so that such wicked behavior is no longer considered evil. The Holy Bible sensitizes us to sin (Romans 7:13). Children and teens desperately need to be taught the Word of God—at home, in school, at church, while playing, in the car, everywhere!!! Taylor Swift may not seem so bad in lieu of our baby-murdering, drunken, perverted, God-cursing, sin-loving, sicko, American culture; but she is a devilish Jezebel in view of the Holy Bible!

Proverbs 11:22, “As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion.”

I love pedal steel guitar, and I thank God for the blessed gift to play it since 1992. It has added so much joy to my life, despite my bitter hardships, inexplicable emotional trauma and constant bodily affliction over the years. I love the gift of music! Yet, I have always refused to use my God-given talent to perform in bars, clubs and shady establishments. I won't use the gift God has given to me to help the Devil's crowd sell booze. I won't help immodestly clothed women and lustful men dance to my music (people normally start dancing when you play music in worldly places).

I am aware of many steel guitar players (professional and unprofessional) who regularly perform in taverns, nightclubs and unholy places. I don't judge them. They are good people. Many of them are Christians. But when they die and enter into eternity, God won't reward them for having a good time and helping other people drink booze, sensually dance and have a sinful good time. The world is God's enemy! Those believers who straddle-the-fence between the Church and the world will be very disappointed in Heaven (1st Corinthians 3:15). God doesn't reward worldliness, sinful compromise, backsliding, partying, enjoying life and personal hobbies (unless it's something to further the Gospel). I say that kindly.

Our text Scripture is from Proverbs 26:28, “A lying tongue hateth those that are afflicted by it; and a flattering mouth worketh ruin.” Miss Swift is a flatterer. She certainly doesn't love her fans. Taylor Swift doesn't know what love is. She may think that she loves her fans, but love does not hurt others! Taylor Swift is a wicked woman! Taylor Swift's music hurts young girls!!! She is serving Satan! Colossians 3:5-7, “Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: In the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them.” Young person, God doesn't approve of Taylor Swift's raunchy music videos that intentionally sexualize teenage girls. The Word of God condemns fleshly lusts, which war against people's souls. 1st Peter 2:11, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.” Please read, TAYLOR SWIFT AND SATANISM!!!

Proverbs 6:26, 7:10 and Matthew 5:28b, “For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life. ... And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart. ... whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.”

The dictionary defines the word “vulgar” as, “Lacking refinement or cultivation or taste.” Taylor Swift's music videos are VULGAR! She's a temptress! A big tease! A sex symbol for Satan! These video producers and Miss Swift are perverted and evil!!! Miss Swift continually bends over, expressing an impudent whorish look upon her face, wearing bedroom attire, seducing the viewer, and behaving shamefully. This is heathendom at it's worst!!! Every God-fearing Christian ought to be upset about this ungodly trash!!! Taylor Swift is a homewrecking tramp!!! She's a bimbo female who needs to go put her clothes back on and keep them on!!! If you want honor, then stop behaving like a pig in the hogpen of sin!!! SHAME ON TAYLOR SWIFT!!! SHAME!!!

Honestly, if someone from a decent culture came to America, they would be shocked and highly offended by such lewd filth. What Taylor shamefully does in her music videos is just as evil as if you walked into a store and saw a lewd woman rolling around sensually on the floor, opening her skirt, showing her underwear, gyrating her thighs and looking like a Marilyn Monroe prostitute. The store manager would call the police, she'd be arrested and removed, and the judge would force her to undergo psychiatric treatment!!! The Devil hates you teenager!!! The Luciferians behind the occult music industry hate you! Taylor Swift by her actions is showing that she hates you too! No woman who aborts her baby would admit to hating her child, but do you call murdering your baby “love?”

Evil always begets more evil. When Taylor Swift stands before God, she is going to find out all the destructive consequences of her wickedness—the rapes, fornications, child molestations, divorces, adulteries, wife beatings, et cetera—which have occurred because of her amoral, sexually-perverse, despicable influence on society!!! I actually heard Taylor Swift once tell Oprah Winfrey that she knows she [Taylor] is a role model to young girls, and has a responsibility to them. Role model for what? ... a sleazy whore!!! I am not condemning Miss Swift, for I am a sinner just like anyone else. Albeit, when a wicked person parades their sins and deliberately tries to seduce and corrupt our youth with wickedness, then someone needs to get upset and take a stand for God!!!

Taylor Swift's music videos are nothing less than vulgar, promiscuous, sensual, lewd and shameful. Very deceitfully, there is a popular consensus online that Taylor Swift is less sexualizing than Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus. That's like saying that Playboy magazine isn't as bad as Penthouse. Sexual sins are deadly! Colossians 3:5-7, “Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: In the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them.” Sensual public indecency is no trifle matter to God!!!

Furthermore, homosexuality is an awful sin according to God's Word:
Romans 1:24-27 and 32, “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. ... Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”
Taylor Swift is well-favored by the gay community for her open support, through her music, of the homosexual agenda. May I say, we ought to give up our wrongs in America, not our rights! God does not bless sin! God will not bless America while we are committing adultery, murdering our children, walking around naked at the beaches, recognizing homosexual marriages, worshipping materialism, cheating one another in business dealings, teaching our children that it's Ok for two men to sodomize each other and call it “love,” et cetera! We are a very sick nation!!!

How can any self-respecting American sing “God Bless America” with a straight face these days? What we see happening in America today, that is, claiming to do God's will while tolerating conditions of gross immorality, has happened before in history. It happened in apostate Old Testament Israel:
Jeremiah 7:8-10, “Behold, ye trust in lying words, that cannot profit. Will ye steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear falsely, and burn incense unto Baal, and walk after other gods whom ye know not; And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations?”
The world has gone insane with wickedness!!! One of the cuckoo writers at the Satanic "SEVENTEEN" magazine (evidently for delinquent teens) thinks it's “weird” for churches to ban homosexual Scout Leaders. NO, YOUNG PEOPLE, THEY'RE THE WEIRDOES AT 'SEVENTEEN' MAGAZINE!!! God is not a “weirdo” because He created males and females and forbids homosexual perversion:
“While having a gay troop leader is no longer nationally banned, the option for church-sponsored Boy Scouts groups throughout the country to say, 'No, thanks. We'd rather not accept gay leaders,' is still weirdly in place.”

SOURCE: SEVENTEEN magazine - Boys Scouts Finally Allows Gay Troop Leaders
The only reason why the compromised Boy Scouts voted to allow churches to ban queer Scout Leaders is because most of the churches would have rightfully kicked the Boy Scouts out of their church! Tragically (and any spiritually discerning pastor fully realizes this), this is just a foot in the door for homosexuals in the Boy Scouts. Eventually, when the country has sunk even lower into sodomy and filth, they'll allow gays everywhere! The only BOY SCOUTS ladies and gentleman are the pederasts scouting for your sons to sodomize!!! PLEASE BAN THE BOY SCOUTS!!! They are a wicked organization that cater to agendas and have no fear of God. THEY HAVE NO TESTICLES!!! Is that what you want your sons to become... Cowardly yellow chickens like the Boy Scout organization???!!!

Do you know what really creeped me out this week. I knew that singer Barry Manilow was a lifelong atheist. I learned not too long ago that he's also been a homosexual since his youth. I had heard that he married his longtime friend and manager, another man! But what creeped me out was learning that Barry Manilow is the female in their same-sex union! There's pictures online of Barry dressed in drag. It's sick. Perhaps you didn't know this, but one homosexual always assumes the role of the male and the other the female. One takes a dominant role, and the other submissive. This is true of lesbians and sodomites! In the case of two lesbians, one will assume the masculine male role, which is what Rachel Maddow is—a dyke!

This is why it is sometimes difficult to tell if someone is a homosexual, because a man who assumes the male role in the same-sex union will still appear manly, like Rock Hutson, George H. Bush and Ronald Reagan. The Bible teaches that homosexuals and the righteous will never co-exist in harmony. Proverbs 29:27, “An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.”

The liberals, queers and kooks condemn us fundamental Christians as “hate-mongers” for agreeing with God that homosexuality is a sin, abnormal and vile (Romans 1:24-32). I'm not condemning anyone, the Holy Bible condemn all of us as woeful sinners (Romans 3:23)!!! I'm upset and angry that homosexuals are forcing their sick perversion on America's children!!! GAY IS NOT OK! The King James Bible, which is the inspired Word of God, condemns and forbids the sin of homosexuality. Taylor Swift is doing her part to help the queer agenda, defiant against a holy God!!! We are hated here on earth by the wicked, but beloved of our heavenly Father, Oh Christians! Jesus is coming soon! Our light affliction here is but for a moment. 2nd Corinthians 4:17, “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.”

Wake up young person, Taylor Swift loves money, not you! She's a fool, disobedient to God. TAYLOR SWIFT IS A DARN FOOL!!! If she loved you, she'd be warning you about the very evils that she is promoting. Sexual immorality—promiscuity outside of marriage, uncleanness, lewdness, lesbianism, sensual pride, premarital sex, et cetera—will ruin your life!!! There's nothing uglier than a pretty woman outwardly who is saturated with the ugliness of sin on the inside.

Please understand that I don't hate Taylor Swift, God forbid. She's just another willing victim of the Luciferian worshipping Illuminati who control the newsmedia, music industry and Hollywood. Miss Swift has sold her soul to the Devil to do evil in the sight of the Lord. I wrote this article to counter the false claim that Taylor Swift loves her fans. No, she does NOT!!! Big deal, she bought some pizzas for some fans. Big deal, she gave away some Christmas presents. Has she ever given you anything? No, I didn't think so! Love is giving sacrificially. Taylor will never give sacrificially of her $280,000,000 fortune, to where she actually suffers financially.

When people sell their weddings rings, that's a sacrifice. When people lose their home, that's a sacrifice. What a joke to suggest that Taylor Swift is generous! When she gives away 99% of her wealth, then maybe you could call her “generous.” That would still leave her with around 3 million dollars! There are hard-working men who rush into burning buildings, risking their lives regularly, but only get paid under $50,000 a year as a fireman. Why should some bimbo whore, who shames and degrades herself publicly, receive $280,000,000? It is evil! Do you think God approves of the sensual filth, whoredom and promiscuity of Taylor Swift? You're wicked if you do!

The Bible teaches to LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR AS THYSELF (Leviticus 19:18; Matthew 7:12). Love doesn't place heavy burdens of lust in people's souls. You have to ask yourself what is the purpose of promoting sex, sex, sex in nearly all of Taylor Swift's music videos. And it's not just Taylor, it's the entire music industry and Hollywood. The reason why is SATANISM!!! Satan wants to destroy you and your family! There is a Luciferian AGENDA!!! Also, see: The Luciferian Creed!

Shame on Taylor Swift! She does not love you young person. No, she does not!!! Don't you believe her lies! To say that Taylor Swift loves you is like saying that Satan loves you! In many of her videos Taylor Swift lifts her skirt, open her thighs, shows her underwear, makes orgiastic facial expressions, and then says she loves everyone!!! What a demented whore!!! What a likeness to a female dog! If you don't like this kind of honest preaching, it's only because you're a wicked sinner and your heart is not right with God!!!

The Devil's crowd attacks Bible preachers, alleging that we ought to love sinners back to God. Yeah, well sometimes love means saying the hard things, telling it like it is, offending hardened sinners with the ugly truth!!! Taylor Swift is an ugly woman, wrapped in a sack of rotting flesh! Jude 1:19, “These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.” Hebrews 9:27, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.”

Taylor Swift is a spiritual nightmare to tween and teen girls today! She's public enemy number one to teen girls! Please don't let that little witch deceive you with her wickedness! Let all the kooks, Communists, quacks and queers rage, God is still on His throne!!! Judgment Day is soon coming for everyone!!! Oh listen my friend, God loves you! God sent His only begotten Son into the world to die on the cross for your sins and mine. What has the Devil ever done for you? That's right, nothing! Taylor Swift serves the Devil. Her perverted videos, and songs about shaking your butt, and seeking revenge on others is worldliness.

Taylor Swift didn't pay for your sins. Christ died on the cross for your sins! Jesus was buried, and then He miraculously arose bodily from the dead three days later. Jesus Christ did that for you friend! Romans 5:8, “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” I love you enough, whoever you may be, to tell you THE TRUTH! Proverbs 31:30, “Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.”

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The Prisonhouse Of Roman Catholicism

Matthew 5:20, For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Catholics are so blind and messed up. I am often reminded of Jesus' words in Matthew 5:20b, “
except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. The Scribes and Pharisees were self-righteous. These wicked men continually questioned, attacked, tried to ensnare, discredit, turn His own Words against Himself and doubt the dear Savior. I truly feel sorry for the Pharisees and Scribes, that they were so blind to THE TRUTH. You need to understand that these were devout religious people who knew the Bible very well. I mean, the Scribes had the job of copying the inspired Word of God, to preserve it from generation to generation. They were familiar with the Holy Scriptures infinitely. And the Pharisees were trained in the Holy Bible from their youth. The Pharisees knew when and where Jesus was to be born in Bethlehem, yet they did not bother to go see the Christ child. Unbelievable!!!

Sadly, Eddie Van Halen died in 2020, and I am fully convinced that he did not go to Heaven. Eddie and his brother Alex (and the whole family) are Roman Catholics. In fact, Alex Van Halen is an ordained Catholic minister, who performs weddings in Hollywood. Unfortunately, there is no salvation in the prisonhouse of Roman Catholicism! So many dogmas of Roman Catholicism go totally contrary to the plain Word of God.

For example: Jesus warned against idolizing men. Matthew 23:8-9, “But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren. And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.” So why do Catholics call all their priests, “Father”? It is blasphemy against the Word of God, and offensive to the Lord who will not share His glory with another. Isaiah 42:8, “I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.

Did you know that the wicked Catholic church, who worships graven images, has even removed the Second Commandment of God from the TEN COMMANDMENTS? It is sadly true! Catholics split the Ninth Commandment not to covet into two different commandments, fabricating another commandment in order to compensate for the missing Second Commandment which they sinfully removed. Here is the Second Commandment that they removed from Exodus 20:3-4, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Gee, I wonder why the Catholics removed the Second Commandment which forbids bowing down to graven images. Could this be why? ...

Thou Shalt NOT Bow To Graven Images!

Exodus 20:3-4, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

Roman and Russian Orthodox Catholicism are PRISONHOUSES OF RELIGION!!! There is no salvation in the Catholic church. Catholics are errantly taught that water baptism is the door into the church by which they are saved, and that through keeping the Seven Sacraments their salvation is maintained. Catholics believe in partial faith in Christ PLUS works! No one has ever been saved this way. Catholics have been deceived by the Devil. Salvation is not found in ANY religion; but rather, in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Alost sinner can only find salvation through faith alone in Jesus Christ. John 6:40, “And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.”

The Apostle Paul defines THE GOSPEL for us:
1st Corinthians 15:1-4, “Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:”
That is how you go to Heaven dear friend, by BELIEVING THE GOSPEL. The “Gospel is the GOOD NEWS of Christ's death on the cross, burial and bodily resurrection after three days. The only requirement to be saved is to know that you are a guilty sinner. You must know what you are being saved from. Romans 3:19-20, Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God.God has made TWO great divisions to His Word; namely, OLD and NEW TESTAMENTS; or respectively, LAW and CHRIST. In this great division we see THE GOSPEL.

The Old Testament gives us THE LAW, by which all men when compared, fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). The LAW is a measuring stick, by which when men compare themselves, they realize that they are guilty sinners in the sight of a holy God. All humanity are guilty sinners. We all deserve to go to the Lake of Fire for all eternity to be punished for our sins. If you deny being a sinner, then you cannot be saved (1st John 1:8-10). God doesn't save those who are self-righteous, He only saves THE UNGODLY:
Romans 5:6-9, “For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.”
A few people might sacrifice their life for a godly man. Some people might even sacrifice their life for a good man. But who who give their life for a convicted criminal? Jesus, that's who! Jesus died for all mankind. Jesus died for adulterers, murderers, pedophiles, rapists, complainers, thieves, robbers, liars and false prophets. Jesus even died FOR YOU! Jesus died for a dirty guilty sinner like me, because God loves us all.

Roman Catholicism has another gospel, which does not match the Gospel which the Bible teaches. Therefore, Catholics cannot get to Heaven that way, through their religion. Religion is the worst thing that ever happened to this world. RUN from the Catholic church, or you will follow them into the depths of the lowest parts of a burning Hell beneath the earth forever.

Monday, October 17, 2022

The Diabolical New World Order Is Upon Us

Revelation 17:9-14, And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.”

I love this passage of Scripture. The five kings which are fallen (at the time that the book of Revelation was penned in 96 AD) refer to the world power kingdoms of; namely in order, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece. The sixth king was Rome, which empire ruled the world (an estimated 50 million people throughout the Roman empire). The seventh king is the now forming New World Order (NWO), and from the NWO the Antichrist (meaning “in place of Christ) will emerge in power. The world (including unsaved religious Jews and Arabs alike) will mistakenly recognize the Man of Sin as the Christ, the False Messiah, the Beast, ANTICHRIST!!!

The Bible teaches us as saints to be as wise as serpents, but as harmless as doves. Matthew 10:16, “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” I like that! Although most believers are woefully ignorant of the Devil's New World Order, a few of us are awake to righteousness, not ignorant of Satan's devices. There is no way that our nation's leaders are as messed-up as we see today, being counterproductive and insane.

A perfect example is the border wall intended to prevent the influx of criminal immigrants into the United States. They are all lawbreakers! I understand that they are poor and want a better life, but that doesn't give them a right to pillage, plunder and parasite off of the American people!!! Without borders a nation ceases to be a country! After President Donald Trump rightly initiated a nearly 2,000 mile-long border wall which cost taxpayers $15 billion, his evil successor President Joe Biden has wickedly allowed 5,000,000 more illegal aliens (criminals) to enter into the United States.

To the naïve person, they believe this is just two opposing political parties fighting for power; but as God's children (those few of us who care enough to pay attention to what is going on from an objective view) we understand that Satan is the god of this evil world (2nd Corinthians 4:3-4). We understand that Luciferians (sometimes referred to as “The Illuminati,” or as “Globalists” which Alex Jones calls them, or as “The World Revolutionary Movement” which Commander William Guy Carr calls them) from behind the scenes, secretly pull the puppet strings of our nation's leaders.

Likewise, all this gender-bending insanity is not merely by chance. The homosexual movement is clearly classic social engineering, which has existed for at least the past 75 years. But why is the Devil doing this? If you look at the back of any U.S. one dollar bill, you will see a bunch of occult symbols. These Satanic symbols were printed on our nation's money by Freemasons starting in 1934. Occultists love to mock the stupidity of the public, by displaying occult symbols in plain sight.

First of all I will interpret the Latin words on the seal on the reverse of any U.S. one dollar bill. 'Annuit Coeptis' means "Announcing The Birth Of" and "Novus Ordo Seclorum" means "New World Order." So therefore it says: "Announcing the birth of the New World Order." The date in Roman numerals is 1776, the year the modern Illuminati was formed and also the year of American independence. The Latin "E Pluribus Unum" means: "One out of many" (that is, Order out of Chaos) which is the foundation of the New World Order's plan to unify the world's governments, religions and money systems into one so the world can be controlled. Please listen to this classic MP3 sermon by Pastor Jack Hyles titled: "WHY THE ANTICHRIST MUST COME SOON." 

Also, you can read the full article which contains the preceding helpful quote here, "Satan On Our Dollar."

In summary, the reason WHY we are witnessing massive intentional confusion generated by the ungodly media to confuse today's youth about their gender and sexual identity, and our culture's departure from God's institution of marriage, and the obvious forced wicked homosexual agenda upon American culture, and the insanity of our government's leaders who are destroying the U.S. with tens of millions of illegal immigrants, et cetera, is simply because a degenerate group of Satanists have usurped control over our nation's highest powers. Retired Canadian Navy commander, William Guy Carr (1895-1959) has authored a few wonderful insightful books, exposing this diabolical group of Luciferians:
I highly encourage you to read these books. Here is a quote from page 23 of "The Conspiracy." In this quote, William Guy Carr explains why we are seeing so much INTERACIAL MARRIAGE (particularly blacks and whites breeding) being promoted all across America. Commander Carr states:
"Our purpose in writing this article is to prove that the Illuminati was organized by Weishaupt to direct the Luciferian conspiracy to its final goal; to prove that the Illuminati is controlled at the top by the Synagogue of Satan. The S.O.S. in turn is controlled by the few who are, in actual fact, the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed also known as the 'Great White Lodge.' We have also tried to prove that the hidden purpose of the Luciferian hierarchy is to prevent us establishing God's plan for the rule of creation upon this earth in order to prevent God's will being done here as it is in heaven. Their objective is to impose the Luciferian ideology upon mankind and enforce their edicts by Satanic despotism. For purposes of deception they refer to the Luciferian Totalitarian dictatorship as The New Order'.

The Luciferian ideology requires The New Order' shall consist of two classes—Governors and slaves. The Ruler and his governors will consist of the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed, their Illuminati and top-level agentur, a few millionaires, scientists, economists, and professional men who have proved themselves devoted to the Luciferian Cause, with sufficient police and soldiers to enforce obedience upon the Goyim.

All other human beings are to be reduced to one common level by interbreeding white, blacks, yellows, and reds. The mongrelization of the human race is to be speedily accomplished by artificial insemination. Women will be scientifically selected and used as human incubators. They will be made pregnant with semen taken from specially selected males. The birth rate will be strictly limited to the requirements of the state. As it is written in the Illuminati's diabolical plan, 'After we obtain control the very name of God will be erased from the lexicon of life.' In the jargon of the Illuminati this means that scientifically applied psychopolitics (brain washing) will be used to obliterate from the minds of the human slaves all knowledge of Almighty God (Adonay). The Illuminists intend to make Zombies of all those for whom they do not have some special use.

Let me issue this final warning. Wars (regardless of whether they be called aggressive or preventive wars), revolutions (regardless of whether or not they be called counter-revolutions), racial intolerance, religious intolerance, religious bigotry, and persecution and hatred will not provide a solution to our problem. Only by making the whole truth known will we put an end to the Luciferian conspiracy upon this earth. If we continue to keep silence, because of the risks involved, the Luciferian conspiracy will progress to the final social cataclysm when the Goyim, with the use of atomic bombs and nerve gas, will slaughter each other by the tens of millions while the Illuminati, and their friends, bask in luxury on the sunny beaches of their sanctuaries. Those who wish to stand up and be counted as for God and against lucifer don't need arms. They don't need money. All they need is set forth clearly in the Scriptures. Read Ephesians 6:10-17." END QUOTE.
Wow! Commander Carr nailed it so right! Satan and his servants are behind the NWO, and all the chaos and insanity that we are seeing in the United States today is INTENTIONAL. The Devil and his wicked minions are deliberately destroying the Old World Order, so that out of the ashes and chaos of our crumbled society the sinister Man of Sin, the coming ANTICHRIST will emerge. I believe that time is coming very soon.

Friday, October 14, 2022

Pensacola Christian College Is Making Enemies

John 5:41-42, “I receive not honour from men. But I know you, that ye have not the love of God in you.

Ephesians 4:30, “And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

I am so disgusted with Pensacola Christian College (PCC) and their pathetic Campus Church pastors. I am just getting started preaching against the PCC camp. God knows that I made three sincere attempts to reconcile with them in 2022, but they cold-heartedly refused. Sadly, the leadership at PCC and Campus Church (which are one and the same essentially) are snobby, arrogant, high-minded, insensitive and woefully lack God's compassion for people. Did I mention that most of them they are jerks? But don't take my word for it, listen to what they own alumni have to say about PCC (these comments are from Google reviews)...

Sarah Mitchel (2017)

I was a student from 2013 to 2016 and had grown up on a farm. I chose PCC so I could have a quality, Christian education, but was disappointed to find a lookism culture on a "Christian" campus - if you do not look, act, and think the way they want you to, you will feel ostracized and may receive demerits. Monitors are placed both on and off campus (some of whom hide behind trees and bushes outside and potted plants inside buildings in order to 'catch' students doing something contrary to the rules). They even say, God gave them authority over the students and to disobey them is to disobey Him (even if you can't find most of their rules in the Bible). I understand and appreciate some of their rules, but others are in place simply so that they can manipulate and control the students. Some were just confusing - for example, you can have blue-tooth earpieces, but you cannot have earbuds. They do not accept federal financial aid (no FAFSA or grants) and their education cannot be written off as a tax deduction (1098-T form). The campus was beautiful and the sports center (when it wasn't full) was fun, but I can't recommend the food - it is good for the first week or so. Many of the staff were sincerely friendly, but most were not. I am so glad that I began again at another college! (Not transfer - none of my credits would, but other students have been able to transfer some). I would not recommend this college to anyone. [emphasis added] SOURCE: Google reviews for Pensacola Christian College
Sarah is right, PCC is a prisonhouse of religion!!! Young people enroll at PCC thinking that they will be in an environment of love and compassion, just to find out later on that PCC is an abusive authoritarian cult where THE SYSTEM always comes first, but INDIVIDUAL PEOPLE do not matter.

When I started attending PCC's Campus Church in July of 2021, Pastor Jeff Redlin treated me like garbage, and I told him so in an email the next day. His cruel response to me was that it was "your reality." I couldn't believe his insulting words. Redlin was saying that I felt like garbage because of me, not that he mistreated me with his rude and abusive comments.

When I had first came to PCC, I kindly wrote to Pastor Redlin after my first week at Campus Church, mentioning briefly that I had been divorced for 15 years, and was hoping to find a wife at Campus Church. In his self-righteous hypocrisy, he scolded me for coming to church to find a wife. I was numb in my soul that some jerk whom I had never even heard of until a week earlier, was condescendingly talking down to me (a 54 year old man) like I was his child. You don't talk to people like that!!! As a pastor, Jeff Redlin should have either said nothing, or shown some compassion and sympathy that my wife divorced me against my will in 2006. He never once offered to pray with me. He never showed any love, concern or compassion for me as a suffering human being. I never once told Pastor Redlin that I came to Campus Church to find a wife, I simply said that I hoped to meet a woman to marry at church. Jeff Redlin put words in my mouth, condemning me in his ungodly self-righteousness.

Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) said it best:
“The pastors have destroyed the churches, and they've been trained by people that have never built churches, and they have no compassion.” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “Many Pastors Have Destroyed My Vineyard
You won't find any of God's unconditional love or compassion in the Bob Jones University (BJU) and Pensacola Christian College (PCC) cults today!!! In these ungodly institutions you are required to submit like a dog, sell your soul, play their intolerant authoritarian game, or else they will chop off your head like a turkey on Thanksgiving Day!

There are no second chances once you offend them (as I learned firsthand). It didn't matte to PCC arrogant leaders that I pleaded three times to come back to Campus Church in 2022, or that I humbly offered to do whatever they require to reconcile, they totally ignored me for SIX WEEKS. They have my mobile phone number. They have my mailing address. They have my email. But no one had the decency to even talk with me about the matter. So after six weeks, I became frustrated at PCC, and I criticized them on social media. ONLY THEN did they respond to tell me that I am forbidden to ever attend Campus Church again. In hindsight, I now realize that this is what they were hoping for all along, to find any excuse just to throw me under the bus and get rid of me. PCC's leaders and pastors are WICKED PEOPLE!!!

I have read horror stories online (go search for yourself) about PCC students being expelled for criticizing the college on social media, for making fun of other students, for publicly showing allegiance in Virginia for General Robert E. Lee of the Confederate Army, et cetera. They expelled the senior student who showed respect for Robert E. Lee. Attending PCC is a game of Russian Roulette, you may do something small that pisses them off and you will lose everything!!! PCC even sued one of their own graduates for $100,000. There is no freedom of speech in this damn country anymore! America has become DUNG!

I wouldn't give you a penny for the authoritarian cult environment that exists at PCC. Their leaders will smile in your face like all is okay, but turn against you in a heartbeat if you don't walk a very fine line of servitude, dotting all your i's and crossing all your t's. If you veer even a little to the left or to the right, you will be on the outside looking in very quickly. Their is NO LOYALTY to individual people at PCC, only absolute loyalty to THE SYSTEM. PCC sadly reminds me of the Mormon cult, where multitudes of people have been outcast and banned from returning, who dared to question the cult's leaders. But enough of my humble opinion, read again what another one of their mistreated alumni has to say:
Jillena Rose (2016)

I would never recommend this school to anyone unless you'd prefer to be in jail cell for four years. Whether it was being judge by what you wear every single day as you walk out of your residents hall or not being able to show common courtesy by shaking hands from the opposite sex. I thought it was going to be a great school but it actually was one huge nightmare. Plus, their accreditation system is very messed up and 90% of the time if you decide to go to a different college, more than likely your credits will not transfer. I guess its their way of trying to keep you there. Best of luck to anyone that goes here. [emphasis added] SOURCE: Google reviews for Pensacola Christian College
Here is what another one of their alumni has to say about the PCC cult...
Melissa La Rance (2017)

If I could I would give this school zero stars. The faculty cares very little about the students and is only interested in pushing their own agenda. I completed almost 3 years as a nursing major; had excellent grades, outstanding attendance, and overall followed the rules accordingly. However, I had to leave mid-semester because my mother was dying of cancer. The faculty didn't care and I was told that if I left this school I would not be successful in my life. Fast forward to almost 5 years later; none of my credits transferred. I ended up having to retake 3 years of college all over again. Wasted thousands of dollars on this scam of a school. At any chance I get, I discourage any young high school grad from attending PCC. Literally the worst decision for a college education. [emphasis added] SOURCE: Google reviews for Pensacola Christian College
Are you listening dear reader? I sure hope so. I am writing from my own personal experience as a former member of Campus Church at PCC. I am now 55 years old. I have four adult children of my own. My son turned 33 this year. My youngest of three daughters turned 29. So I am writing compassionately as a father and a born-again Christian. Please RUN from this cesspool of authoritarianism at PCC. There is no love or compassion for hurting sinners. And God forbid if you are divorced, single, and hoping to remarry, because in the PCC camp you are a walking piece of crap to them! I am not joking.

PCC looks down on divorced people, regardless of who filed for divorce. It doesn't matter to them, they will NEVER accept you unless you plan of staying single for the rest of your miserable lonely life! Even the inspired Holy Bible teaches that every man should have a wife, and every woman a husband, to prevent fornication in the church (1st Corinthians 7:1-2). The Bible doesn't exclude divorced people! But at PCC, there is ONLY God's perfect will for your life, and once you've blown it, your life is over in their eyes. There is no acceptable or permissive will of God at PCC, but there is in the Holy Bible (1st Corinthians 7:28).

Hey, here is a comment by a Christian Uber driver who noticed that a female PCC student was being financially taken advantage of by the college. She literally had to sleep in the Pensacola Airport because of PCC's greed!!! Real great testimony, huh? PCC gives Christianity a very bad name! ...
Vincent Speranza (2019)
I'm an Uber Driver and I took a student to the airport that was flying out to the Dominican Republic at 7 a.m THE NEXT MORNING! So my curiosity being peaked I asked my client why she didn't just order an Uber the next morning a couple of hours prior to her flights departure? She replies "I'm not allowed to stay overnight because I have to be out of my dorm room the night before Christmas break unless I pay a 30 dollar fee! So because of that she had to spend the night at the Pensacola Airport! All I got to say is I myself as a Christian man will tell you that you're petty little self serving rules aren't helping the cause of christ they're hindering it because if I were a lost man and I heard what I heard from my customer last night you would've sealed my eternal destiny on a first class ticket to HELL! SOURCE: [emphasis added] Google reviews for Pensacola Christian College
Dr. Jack Hyles nailed it, PCC are a bunch of yuppie type academics, not church builders, so they woefully lack God's compassion for people with broken lives. You won't see any poor people, rescue mission men, or worldly sinners sitting in the fancy pews of Campus Church! You'll only find a bunch of wealthy, self-righteous, holier than thou, snobs like the pastors and leaders at PCC. They've got a lot of big wallets at Campus Church, and that's the way PCC wants it. THE LOVE OF MONEY is what matters most to the ungodly PCC camp! They couldn't care less about INDIVIDUAL PEOPLE. ...

Pensacola Christian College Cult Exposed

PCC is a religious cult for imperfect people who pretend to be perfect. If, God forbid, your imperfections should surface, kiss your education goodbye! You will be out the door! I hope you read what Melissa said earlier, how PCC berated and mistreated her, wrongly labeling her as "a quitter" for going back home to care for her mother dying of cancer. This is typical of PCC. Even after I begged three times (in June, July and August of 2022) to come back to Campus Church, they cruelly refused. Pastor Jeff Redlin put it in writing! Only an ungodly pastor who couldn't care less about people would deny a hurting sinner the God-given need to attend church. THE TRUTH is that Campus Church is NOT a real New Testament church, it is a cult chapel for their PCC students, and anyone who is willing to submit to cult leadership.

I won't shut up! I won't go away! I am a human being created in God's image. At PCC only SOME LIVES MATTER, but in God's sight ALL LIVES MATTER!!! Thank you for reading.

Saturday, October 8, 2022

The Incredible Power Of Information

Romans 1:25, “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.”

It bothers me, not what is going on in Ukraine today, but what is going on in the United States. When the United States invaded Iraq and Afghanistan in 2003 to overthrow their governments, the U.S. media called our soldiers “freedom fighters.” But when Russian soldiers invade Ukraine in 2022, our U.S, media called them terrorists.” This shows the frightening power of the newsmedia. Anything can be justified by using social engineering to indoctrinate the masses!

For the record, I am rooting for Russia! I am one of few people who is sick and tired of corruption. Search online and you will learn that Ukraine for the longest time has been the MOST CORRUPT NATION IN EUROPE!!! Ukraine is notorious for laundering billions of dollars of dirty money for criminals. Ukraine's president can be seen in social media videos dancing in drag as a cross-dresser. I hope that Russia does take back Ukraine. The U.S. lying media paints a grim picture of Russia, but the truth is that the United States is the grim culture. We have murdered 61,000,000 human lives by abortion, and still counting. In case you don't know, abortions are still happening across America, in ungodly liberals states like Illinois, Montana, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Colorado, California and New Jersey, Delaware, New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maryland, New Mexico and Maine. Abortion is still perfectly 100% legal in all of these ungodly states!!!

Nearly no one agreed with the homosexual lifestyle (which is really a deathstyle) in the 1940's and 1950's. Even in the 1970's homosexuality was shunned by mainstream American society. So how did the disgusting sin of homosexuality become so widely accepted, promoted and even celebrated today in 2022? It was the ungodly media! It was the ungodly controlled newsmedia. It was wacky ungodly liberals. It was perverse ungodly Hollywood (Hollyweird).

We never heard the local news channel on TV promoting the LGBTQ agenda 40 years ago in 1982. But they sure do today in 2022. You wouldn't have found an Anderson Cooper (a news anchor for CNN); or a Rachel Maddow (news anchor for MCNBC). These people are homosexuals. I don't like to call them “gay,” because gay used to be a very good word prior to the 1970's. I play Hawaiian music on the lap steel guitar. It is a passion for me. I'm just an average player, not as good as Jerry Byrd (1920-2005), but I enjoy playing Hawaiian music on the steel guitar.

I was sitting in front of my residence the other day, playing my steel guitar along with some old Hawaiian music. The lyrics said that there is “gay Hawaiian party.” Thankfully, my neighbours are older folks and still remember when “gay was a good word. Homosexuals like to be called gay, but in truth they are perverts! I say that in all kindness. It is simply the truth. I know that liberals and homosexuals hate that the Holy Bible condemns their sodomite deathstyle, but it is THE TRUTH. If that offends you, it is only because you are at odds with the righteous God of the inspired King James Bible. It is not my intention to offend anyone; but rather, to honor God by preaching the truth.

The ONLY reason why homosexuality is now becoming openly accepted by a larger portion of the public is because of the lying media that keeps sugar-coating the deadly homosexual deathstyle. It is truly a deathstyle. Go online and search for statistics on homosexuals and you will learn that 28% of homosexuals admit to having at least 1,000 sex partners! That is wickedness! But you'll never hear the newsmedia telling you this truth.

And it gets much worse, homosexuals for many years already have legally been raising adopted children. Anderson Cooper and his sodomite partner announced publicly a couple years ago that they are now parents to an adopted baby girl. That is frightening! Two homosexual men raising a little girl? I have a right to my opinion, and it just so happens that my opinion agrees with God's opinion in the Holy Bible (Romans 3:4). Truth is stranger than fiction! Mark my words, hostility will increase in America against born-again Christians who fear God and refuse to accept the homosexual community. This article may even get censored, which is why I am copying it to my own website as well.

YouTube has removed and banned all of Steven Anderson's sermons. They did the same horrible thing to Pastors' Bruce Mejia, Roger Jimenez and now Pastor Max Younce has received his second strike from YouTube for preaching against the sin of homosexuality. Just because wicked American society has decided that sin is no longer sin, doesn't make it so. Homosexuality is a perversion of nature. Two men cannot conceive a child. Two women cannot conceive a child. God made males and females! God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve! If that offends you, get mad at God, because He is wise and knew what He was doing when He made all things very good.

Kindly said, the very fact that two lesbians cannot conceive a child clearly proves that homosexuality is against nature. And now there are insane LGBTQ support groups trying to appease and coddle the parents of homosexual children, that they should find solace and stop worrying that they won't be grandparents, because their LGBTQIA adult children can adopt someone else's kids. That is utter ludicrousy! Simply stated, 2 + 2 does not = 5, no matter how much you may try to make it so. Homosexuality is a disgusting sin, 100% against nature and an abomination to God almighty, and you won't ever change that.

There is a war on for your mind dear reader. I understand that liberals want homosexuals to be openly accepted in society as normal everyday people, like everyone else. But that can only happen in an ungodly apostate culture of rebellion against the holy God of the inspired King James Bible. Whether you choose to believe the truth or not is up to you, because I DO believe the Word of God. Homosexuality is a woeful sin. It is disgusting and something to be greatly ashamed of. In the old days homosexuals needed to hide in the closet, because society refused to accept their wicked filth; but today in 2022 Christians are hiding in their closets, while homosexuals parade their wicked filth in ungodly liberal places across America. Whether sinners realize it or not, the war has already been decided and won by Jesus Christ. Job 20:5, “That the triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the hypocrite but for a moment?”

We live in the most ungodly hypocritical nation in history in the United States. What gives us the right to invade sovereign nations like Iraq and Afghanistan to overthrow their governments? And then we condemn Russia and give $40,000,000,000 to Ukraine to buy weapons to fight against Russia. Why can the U.S. invade other nations, but Russia cannot? We are such rotten hypocrites!!!

And worse, the stupid churches always back-up and support our government's decisions, no matter how wrong or evil they may be. Nearly every church in America supported the atrocious war crimes of the Bush and Cheney presidential administration (2000-2008). Both of those ungodly criminals belong in prison!!! The Freemason-controlled U.S. Justice Department actually gave clemency to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, so that no one could come back down the road in the future to prosecute them for the illegal invasion of Iraq, which was based upon fraudulent claims that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD's). The White House lied from the very beginning. They make it sound like murdering 1,455,590 Iraqi people was an innocent mistake, but God knows that it was first degree premeditated murder!!!

I am on the Lord's side. How about you dear friend? Joshua 24:15, “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”

Most Baptist Churches And Bible Revisions Teach The Same False Repentance As The Cults

Mark 1:15, “And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye , and believe the gospel. ” This is a very distu...