Friday, July 30, 2021

Should We Pray For Trees?

Philippians 4:6-7, Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

I heard something disturbing recently. A woman in a church said that there is an unsafe tree ready to crack and fall on someone. She said that the city was notified but it would take time to handle the matter. She asked her Sunday school class to pray for the tree, that it wouldn't fall on someone. Folks, that is superstition. 

That is like praying that God will allow you to drive your car with a blown head-gasket until you get the money to fix it. That is not how prayer works! There is a fine line between faith and foolishness! What bothered me the most is that the Sunday school teacher actually prayed for the damaged tree! If that were me, I would have taught the class that this is not a matter of prayer, but safety and priority. The tree is an urgent safety issue, not a matter of prayer! 

I know that the Bible says in every thing by prayer (Philippians 4:6), but God has given us common sense too. I don't pray for trees!!! Maybe I'm a shallow Christian and lack understanding. I don't know. But I think our approach to prayer ought to be a serious matter. I don't pray at the store for God to help me choose between buying beef or chicken. I don't pray for the peace of Israel, because the Bible teaches that there will never be peace in Jerusalem until Christ returns (Luke 21:24). I just don't feel comfortable or fit in with superstitious religious people at church who pray for trees. I hear believers in churches pray for lots of weird stuff. 

I am simply sharing with you my practical view of prayer in the Bible. I still believe that God is a miracle working God in 2021. I believe the Bible! Without faith we cannot please God (Hebrews 11:6). We are taught not to worry about anything, but to bring our requests to the Lord in prayer and supplication. However, I do not think that God meant for us to toss common sense to the wind. If a tree is dangerous, it is an existing hazard which needs to be fixed right away. Why should a Sunday school class pray to God, to prevent a dangerous situation from turning into a tragic situation, because of a local government's slow bureaucratic irresponsibility or busy schedule? Think about that!

So if the tree cracks and kills someone, God won't be to blame for not answering your silly prayer, the city will be to blame for not taking immediate corrective action, knowing about the risk and potential danger. That is all I am saying here, God gave us common sense folks. Please don't become superstitious in your prayer life, lest you drive thinking people (like me) away from your strange doctrine, superstition and weird religious group.

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