Monday, August 2, 2021

Beware Of Charities That Beg For Donations While Paying Outrageous 6-Digit Salaries To Their Executives

1st Timothy 6:9-10, “But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”

I saw a TV commercial a few moments ago that made me sick. It is for LOVEACHILD.COM, in which they beg viewers for money for hungry children in Haiti. The con artists quote Bible verses about feeding the poor, trying to make a moral appeal to viewers. They make a personal appeal by advertising that for just $120 you can feed 3,249 hungry children with great tasting food. That all sounds great, right? Not so fast!

I went to Charity Navigator to see how much they pay their executives. I found out that Executive Director Sandra Hazelip receives $148,571 annual salary. President Sherry Burnette receives $131,418 per year compensation. Folks, this really bothers me! It bothers me that this so-called “charity” makes a personal appeal to viewers that for a donation of $120 you can feed 3,249 hungry children with great tasting food. LOVEACHILD.COM pulls on the viewer's heart string, focusing on the hunger of children. In fact, the charity advertises on TV that children are dying in Haiti from hunger!!!

Dear friend, if such small amounts of money can make such a profound impact, to save children's lives from certain starvation, then why does LOVEACHILD pay 6-digit outrageous salaries to their executives? Why does Sandra Hazelip need $148,571 a year salary? Aren't children starving to death? If $120 can feed 3,249 hungry children, then what does that say about these executives? At a minimum it shows the insincerity of their claims. At a minimum it shows that LOVEACHILD, INC. would rather allow children to die of starvation than to pay their executives a reasonable salary. The average American makes about $31,177 a year! So why do charity executives need to get paid 5 times what the average American gets paid. It is disturbing!!!

If LOVEACHILD were to pay their top official $48,571 per year, that would free up $100,000 to help feed hungry children who are dying. I divided $100,000 by 120 to see how many hungry children could be fed with that $100,000. Are you ready? For $100,000 you could feed an additional 2,707,500 hungry children!!! Think about the hypocrisy of LOVEACHILD, INC. My point is to show you how greedy, deceitful and rotten these shady charities are. If so little money can make such a profound difference, as they boldly claim, then why don't they care enough to lead the way by example? Do you make $148,571 a year friend? No, I didn't think so. I sure don't, not anywhere even near that amount. I can barely afford to pay Please don't buy into the deceptive false advertising of these con artist charities. By example they clearly show the world that they don't really care about hungry children, they mostly care about getting your money to line their pockets.

ASPCA is even worse, much worse! ASPCA begs for $19 a month to feed hurting animals, while paying their disgusting CEO a whopping $852,231 a year!!! Please DON'T give any money to these people!!! As a general rule you should never give donations to any charity that pays their executives 6-digit salaries! Why should you, when you get paid a tiny fraction of what they get paid, give your hard-earned money to a bunch of con artists making outrageous 6-digit salaries? Pray for God's wisdom friend, don't become a victim. Pray for God's wisdom concerning where you should give money, don't help fatten those greedy fat cats on TV.

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