Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Beware Of The 700 Club's Witchcraft

1st John 4:1, Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

I was sickened the other day on TV in my hotel room in Pensacola to hear Pastor Robert Jeffress fully endorsing TBN (a greedy charismatic dirty business full of religious con artists). TBN accumulatively takes in BILLIONS of dollars per year from their various televangelism programs!!! The 700 Club alone rakes in over a half billion dollars each year. It is filthy lucre! The 700 Club promotes witchcraft. I hear Terry and Gordon claiming that they see people's spinal cord injuries being miraculously healed through the TV. They are liars! Terry said she saw a man's bone in his brain reforming, and his affliction being healed. She is inspired by devils when she makes such bizarre unbiblical claims.

As I listened to their bizarre claims, I wrote some of them down. How can they claim to see such healings? Folks, this is CLAIRVOYANCE (i.e., apparent power to perceive things that are not present to the senses) and is exactly what the satanic psychics do! How in the world would Gordon Robertson and Terry Meeuwsen know who is being healed? How can you see someone's bone reforming inside their head? The Word of God never teaches any such demonic practice. The Apostle Paul didn't prey upon people by offering them healing in exchange for donations. In fact, the Bible strongly condemns such evil practices (Acts 8:20).

I generally don't care much for religious programs. However, knowing that millions of people are attracted to such programs, I find myself compelled to see exactly what people are being suckered into buying by these so-called "Christians." I've been watching The 700 Club lately, analyzing it, and I see Satan at work. I see them as being no better than psychics, witches and soothsayers. The 700 Club exploit Christianity to make money by conning people.

On the show, Gordon Robertson and Terry Meeuwsen regularly join hands in a prayer segment, which is then followed by a psychic type reading, where they specify details of who is being healed in TV land. It's creepy! Are The 700 Club hosts, Pat Robertson, Gordon Robertson and Terry Meeuwsen, psychics? On today's show, Gordon and Terry prayed while holding hands, and then claimed that the following healings had taken place as a result of their prayers on TV...
Someone with an "abscessed right tooth," has just now been healed.

Someone with "twisted intestines" has just been healed.
Then Terry said there was a person with a "strange condition," a burning in the legs, who has just been healed.

Then Gordon said there's a man with swelling of the sinuses in his right cheek, with much pain behind the right eye, but he is now healed.

Someone with a painful right elbow joint no longer has any pain.

Someone with a problematic right hip, limited mobility from a stroke, is now able to walk.

Terry said she saw someone with severe stiffness in the neck bone, but didn't know the exact ailment--that person is now healed, terry said.

Someone paralyzed on the right side, particularly the right side of the face, has just been healed.

A man with a plate in his skull is having continual problems, and the doctors just don't know what to do. Terry said she saw the bone reforming around the plate and the man's pain was gone, he was now healed.

These are the crazy and absurd claims of these so-called "Christians." As I listened to their bizarre claims, I wrote them down, as listed above. How can they claim to see such healings? Folks, this is CLAIRVOYANCE (i.e., Apparent power to perceive things that are not present to the senses), and is exactly what the Satanic psychics do!!! How in the world would Gordon Robertson and Terry Meeuwsen know who is being healed? How can you see someone's bone reforming inside their head? The Word of God never teaches any such demonic practice.

I dare you to show me from the Bible, where God said he would give us some mystical power of being able to see or know what is going on in someone else's body. It is extremely dangerous to dabble in familiar spirits. The hosts of The 700 Club are leading the public to believe that they have some special power with God, the ability to see who is being healed. They do not! It is a psychological scam to seduce suffering people into giving The 700 Club more money. And it works! The Christians Broadcasting Network (CBN) took in $160,000,000 in 2005 alone! If that sickens you, consider that The 700 Club took in a staggering $670,000,000 in filthy lucre in 2017. That is blood money! Satan is a beautiful liar!

Sadly, millions of naïve and desperate hurting people believe these false teachers, sending them money in hope of receiving a miracle in return. Their damnation slumbered not the Bible warns (2nd Peter 2:1-3). Pat Robertson says a lot of great things, and I enjoy listening to him, but they are promoting witchcraft when they speak of healing through the television. They are no better than thieves when they promise people healing and financial success in exchange of donations. Human nature is strangely predictable. If you tell people a bunch of lies, over time those lies will become as truth to them. Case in point is the blatant fraud of evolutionary theory, which has never been proven true in any way, yet it is commonly accepted worldwide as factual science (falsely so called, 1st Timothy 6:20).

The 700 Club often quote their financial supporters, who claim that God healed or blessed them for supporting The 700 Club. But this is superstitious nonsense, not the working of the Holy Spirit. Folks, please avoid Pat Robertson and The 700 Club. You cannot be healed through the television! Terry and Gordon don't have the power to heal anyone, not even themselves. They are con artists of the worst kind, tricking people in the name of Jesus. Never trust anyone who comes to you in the name of Jesus and wants your money!!! I like what comedian George Carlin said about the churches and God: “He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money!” That is how the religious world portrays God to the lost.

What The 700 Club are doing is wickedness, it is witchcraft. Any source of supernatural power that is not rooted in God's Holy Spirit is a familiar spirit (demons). God doesn't heal people through a TV in exchange for giving your money to greedy charlatans. A charlatan (also called a swindler or mountebank) is a person practicing quackery or a similar confidence trick in order to obtain money, fame, or other advantages through pretense or deception. The 700 Club are not good people! Nobody is a good person who makes empty promises of divine healing through a TV set! Nobody is a good person who bilks hundreds of thousands of people out of their money! The 700 Club is a hoax, a pathetic joke, a demonic entity.

It makes me sick that they show some poor family in a third world country. The 700 Club buys them a home, or a clean water filtration system, parading THEMESELVES as great heroes and wonderful people, using such cruel gimmicks to manipulate viewer's emotions and sense of care, which equates into hundreds of millions of dollars in annual revenues for The 700 Club. They spend pennies on the dollar to rake in staggering amounts of money!!! It is difficult to grasp the reality that the public could be so stupid, but they are! People are like clueless sheep, vulnerable to cunning wolves like The 700 Club (Isaiah 53:6).

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