Monday, June 24, 2024

New York City Is Gone!

Psalms 36:1, “The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of God before his eyes.”

I have been shocked watching videos on YouTube by Cash Jordan. He exposes the wickedness and insanity going on in New York City today.

NYC Gets Worse… Shoplifters Raid Costco

These rotten criminals fear nothing! They totally disregard the rule of law, boldly ignore the police and steal with impunity. Target, CVS, Walgreens and dozens of other businesses are closing their doors and leaving New York City because of rampant shoplifting. You couldn't make this stuff up!

What we need is tough laws that severely punish thieves. Unfortunately, stealing anything valued under $1,000 only results in a citation, like double parking. Thieves if convicted should have the flesh ripped off their backs with a Cat-O-Nine tail whip, like it was back in Roman culture. That would put an end to the massive theft. In London 150 years ago you'd get hung if caught stealing a loaf of bread. Even little children were hung for stealing. Sadly, in the United States today the police cannot do anything to stop crime, because the courts won't back them up.

I literally recorded a thief walking off with my Amazon delivered package in May. I called the cops and showed them the security video, which clearly identifies the man's face. But they said I am not the victim because Amazon replaced the stolen item free of charge. They said Amazon would have to prosecute the thief, which Amazon is not going to do. So, literally, criminals can break the law and hurt people with impunity nowadays. This rotten society in America has gone to the dust, just like Pastor Tom Malone (1915-2007) foretold in 1971.

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