Monday, January 9, 2023

The Mess At Pensacola Christian College

Isaiah 1:4, “Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward.

It is no revelation that America is going to Hell in a wheelbarrow. Everywhere we turn nowadays, all we see is bizarre news stories, apostasy in the churches and Bible colleges, and a nation that has lost its bearings. In this blog I am going to expose one of the most damaging spiritually corrupt institutions in our nation, Pensacola Christian College (PCC). I will also reveal some dangerous theological trends and spiritual corruption at PCC's Campus Church (CC).

Let's get started. In July of 2021 I started attending Campus Church (CC). At CC their senior pastor is Jeff Redlin. I wasn't even at their church for a week, and Jeff Redlin belittled me as a human being. I kindly introduced myself to him as a new church member. I explained my longtime suffering from spinal stenosis and radiculopathy. I kindly explained that my former wife had divorced me 15 years earlier in 2006. I kindly told Pastor Redlin that I had just moved to Pensacola from the island of Guam, where I had lived for 17 years. I also mentioned in a single statement that I hoped to find a wife at Campus Church. I explained that I was living out of a suitcase in a cheap local motel. I couldn't have been more friendly and respectful.

To my dismay and great disappointment, Pastor Jeff Redlin cruelly replied, scolding me for saying that I hoped to find a wife at Campus Church. I was blown away by the immaturity of the pastor of such a large so-called Christian institution. Where was the love of God? I mean, I had just met this pastor a few days earlier at the church's annual 4th of July picnic. What kind of pastor patronizes someone new to church, whom they just met a few days earlier, and has never even had one conversation with? To his utter shame, at no time did Pastor Redlin ever express even the least bit of concern, compassion, sympathy or empathy for my pain of soul, divorce, health problems, loneliness or difficult housing situation as a new church member. To his shame, Jeff Redlin only childishly focused on my statement that I hoped to find a wife, condemning me for desiring to have a companion just like he does. What a hypocrite!

It is true that first impressions are lasting impressions. When I met Pastor Redlin at the 4th of July picnic, I kindly told him that I was sleeping in Walmart's parking lot on Mobile Highway. I saw the startled look on his face, like he didn't know what to do. To his shame he literally just walked away and that was the end of it. That told me right away that Jeff Redlin is a coward who runs away from opportunities to help people in need. With thousands of dorm rooms at PCC, numerous millionaires in their church, tens of thousands of church members, and Redlin himself getting paid $125,000 a year by a megachurch, I would have expected so much more from him as a leader; but Jeff just walked away, because he only cares about himself.

To no surprise, the weeks to follow further revealed the carnality of Jeff Redlin. After his mistreatment of me, I felt like Pastor Redlin held a grudge against me for some reason. So again, I kindly emailed him and simply asked if I am welcomed at Campus Church as a divorced me who intends to remarry. Pastor Redlin totally ignored me for 10 days.

God Commands Christian Men To Contend For The Faith

Jude 1:3, “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

So after a Sunday morning church service in July of 2021, I kindly approached Pastor Jeff Redlin to ask if he had received my email. To my disgust and frustration, he said in front of his lovely wife: “I might as well answer your question now, if you do find a woman to marry I won't perform the wedding.” I was cut to the heart by his abusive words.

So, I emailed him the next day to assertively let Redlin know how I felt, that he had been insensitive, rude and abusive toward me as a human being. Pastor Redlin shamefully replied by criticizing my website ministry, saying that he and his associate pastors see that I “find weaknesses in preachers.” The truth is that I preach against bad preachers who lie to people. The truth is that I rightly “rebuke them sharply” (Titus 1:13b). The truth is that I am obeying God to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 1:3b). The truth is that the PCC camp DON'T contend for the faith. I am going somewhere with all this, so please bear with me. PCC and CC are a mess!!! They are essentially the same organization, although legally separated for tax and other legal purposes. The PCC camp as a whole is an ungodly CULT! When I mention the “PCC camp, that includes Campus Church and all their complicit alumni worldwide who follow cult headquarters at PCC.

The PCC Camp Doesn't Contend For The Faith

When Pastor Jeff Redlin wickedly accused me of “finding weaknesses in preachers,” that spoke volumes to me concerning the ungodly apostate condition of the PCC camp. These are their top leaders speaking foolishness! I had heard for decades that PCC are shallow, refusing to get involved with any controversial theological matters (e.g., exposing the Devil's corrupt bibles, refuting the Devil's damnable lie of Lordship Salvation, exposing the Devil's deadly lie of misunderstood repentance regarding getting saved, exposing dangerous false prophets like Ken Ham, refuting Satan's Calvinism in the unsaved Bob Jones University camp, et cetera). Sadly, the PCC camp all about taking in more money (tens of millions of dollars each year), while adamantly refusing to contend for the Christian faith to avoid offending anyone.

The biggest danger in churches today is their lackadaisical attitude toward doctrinal error. The biggest sin in churches today is their indifference. The biggest threat to churches today are the apostate Bible colleges who train their pastors!!! Less than 1% of so-called “Bible colleges” believe and teach that the King James Bible is inspired by God. The popular misconception is that God was incapable of preserving His very pure Words for every generation (Psalms 119:140; Psalms 12:6-7).

Tragically, Psalms 12:7 has been perverted in every modern corrupt Bible revision. The reason why is obvious, because if God did in fact preserve His inspired pure Words, then there can only be ONE true Bible in the English language. Sadly, we have hundreds of English Bible versions available today, literally. The only people I know who defend the Devil's Bible revisions are all infidel neo-evangelicals, who foolishly trust in Satan's damnable lies of Lordship Salvation and wrong repentance. Satan is a master liar and deceiver (John 8:44; Genesis 3:1-5).

When I lived on Guam, I attended the Lighthouse Baptist Church for several months. Sean Quinlan was their incompetent intern pastor from PCC. From Pastor Quinlan I learned a lot about the shameful attitude of the PCC camp toward heresy and error. In short, they just don't care or think heresy is something worth refuting. The inspired Word of God in Proverbs 3:5-7 warns us not to lean upon our own understanding, but to acknowledge God in all our ways. That includes acknowledging the Lord in all doctrinal matters, and how we should interact and deal with false prophets. ...
Romans 16:17, “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.
Young Earth Creationist (YEC) Evangelist Ken Ham is a dangerous false prophet! Like all false teachers, Ken Ham corrupts the Gospel, by adding more requirements to be saved than to solely rest upon Christ's sacrifice on the cross for our sins. According to Ken Ham, in addition to faith in Christ, you must turn away from your past sinful ways to be saved. Sadly, the ungodly leaders at PCC and CC wickedly bid Godspeed to Ken Ham, showing his heretical YEC videos to church members and students alike. And worse, PCC promotes Ken Ham's counterfeit plan of salvation, further enabling and facilitating his false gospel.

The PCC camp also have much blood on their hands, for wickedly bidding Godspeed to the Calvinist Bob Jones University (BJU) cult. The Bible warns in 2nd John 1:11 that you become an accomplice, a guilty partaker, of someone's evil deeds if you bid them Godspeed. By sinfully supporting the BJU camp, PCC will be held accountable by God for partaking of their damnable Calvinist false doctrines, use and promotion of Devil's bibles and ungodly ecumenism (i.e., cooperation between believers and unbelievers). BJU are not true born-again Christians because they preach another gospel (Galatians 1:6-9). BJU sadly preaches the Devil's lies of Lordship Salvation and misunderstood repentance. ...
Why does the PCC camp wickedly bid Godspeed to BJU, Ken Ham and other infidels? RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!!! The sins of Campus Church are great, lasting and woeful. Pensacola Christian College (PCC) is a gargantuan mess spiritually, theologically and concerning how they treat people. Search the internet concerning PCC's abuse of people, and you will find umpteen disturbing true stories of mistreatment, unfairness, emotional abuse, hatred and carnal behavior by PCC leadership.

In 2022, I humbly wrote three separate friendly letters, which I mailed to PCC and CC. I sincerely apologized for offending them (I had criticized them on social media), and I pleaded to come back to church. I offered to remove all my criticisms and not pout them back, if they'd just allow me to attend Campus Church again. I am an ethical man (something that PCC leaders are evidently incapable of doing themselves). Sadly, PCC and CC leaders boldly refused. PCC didn't even have the decency to reply, so they deserve all the criticisms they get (and I'm just getting started exposing their cult that throws people under the bus). Pastor Jeff Redlin totally ignored me for 6 weeks. Only when I became frustrated from being ignored, and lashed out on social media against them, did Redlin email me to tell me I am banned from attending Campus Church. Only a cult mistreats people like they have abused me at PCC.

The sad truth is that PCC and CC leadership are as carnally-minded as can be. They are a bunch of academic yuppie types, who do not walk closely with the Lord. For if they did, they would possess the unconditional love of God toward all humanity. I love everybody, unconditionally. I am not a respecter of persons, but they are at PCC. If the mayor of Pensacola told Jeff Redlin that he hoped to find a wife at Campus Church, Pastor Redlin in a thousand years wouldn't have scolded him like he shamefully did me. That is because Jeff Redlin is an ungodly respecter of persons (James 2:1). A pastor is a fool to scold a 54-year-old man for desiring to remarry after being divorced for 15 years. I am astounded at the juvenile immaturity of PCC and CC leadership. Truly, this is sickening!

PCC has a poor reputation regarding how they handle hurting students and church members. Here is one example that I found on social media, which exposes the ongoing abusive authoritarian culture at PCC...
Benjamin Daggett (2016)

After four years in PCC I cannot in good conscience recommend this school. Although the educational experience was good. The student life department controls and monitors every action of the students on campus. Instead of letting adult college students make their own decisions, the college enforces things like church attendance and bed times. The college zealously enforces its church attendance rules. When I had a torn ACL and had surgery the next day, I was told I had to go to church or be forced go to a video recording of the service on Saturday. Also since my leg was swollen and in a big bulky cast I asked the Student Life department if I could wear shorts to class since pants were painful to put on and wear but I was told I still had to wear pants. Dean Omen said I could wear "athletic" pants but those do not solve my problem. The school is more concerned with enforcing rules than actually caring for its students. SOURCE
I read a really good article today called: 'Why Blindly Following The Rules Is A Mistake.' Wow, that article practically provides the address to Pensacola Christian College. Literally, PCC leadership is pennywise and dollar stupid. They are superficially wise in minor matters, but utterly fail to see the big picture. By enforcing their authoritarian system of oppression and rules, while lacking the common sense and godly compassion that should always supersede their totalitarian rules, they blatantly confirm their status at PCC as being a thuggish religious CULT!!!

I made the following YouTube videos to share my own painful experience of being abused, shunned and bullied at Pensacola Christian College and their pathetic Campus Church...

Pensacola Christian College Cult Exposed

Individual People Don't Matter At Pensacola Christian College

You know, the way that we treat people matters. When I started attending Campus Church at PCC, Pastor Redlin let the cat out of the bag, when he said that someone contacted the information desk to slander me. One of my enemies from the Bob Jones camp contacted Campus Church, and the shameful pastors of Campus Church sided with my enemies. The fact of the matter is that the ungodly Harvest Baptist Church on Guam is in bed spiritually with PCC and BJU (their cult headquarters at Harvest). Harvest's KHNG 88.1 radio station on Guam even has Jeff Redlin's name posted on their webpage.

Furthermore, the man who runs the radio station at PCC, has an adult son who now runs the radio station for Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. When I attended Harvest Baptist Church on Guam for a year in 2014, I met and prayed with the man who now runs the radio station at PCC. It's a small world! My point is that PCC, and the Calvinist Lordship-Salvation-preaching BJU camp are all in bed together, committing spiritual whoredom, which is idolatry. These apostates are all connected at the hip, wickedly hobnobbing with each other to make more money. Sadly, I am the only one who is making a fuss about the damnable Calvinist heresy being preached at BJU and the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam.

PCC has been adversely affected by the BJU cult. Galatians 4:16-17, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? They zealously affect you, but not well; yea, they would exclude you, that ye might affect them.” PCC are utter fools to buddy buddy with the accursed Bob Jones camp, who promote Satan's corruptible seed, and preach Satan's counterfeit plan of salvation called Lordship Salvation.

PCC is a mess today!!! They are infamous for mistreating people, especially those who have been divorced. When I attended Campus Church in 2021, one of their staff members with 23 years of employment confided to me that divorced people are either shunned at PCC, or they avoid coming their at all. Dear reader, that is NOT Bible Christianity!!! At PCC there is a sinful haughty, proud, arrogant and stiffnecked evil spirit of self-righteousness. No doubt they would deny such an accurate claim, but their bullying and abuse of umpteen victims speaks for itself.

PCC is a mess! They refuse to fight the good fight of faith. Their Campus Church pastors don't feed God's sheep. When I attended the Pensacola Interstate Fair in October of 2022, I stopped by the PCC religious booth in one of the exhibit buildings. The two fools who ran the PCC booth were as ignorant theologically as a box of rocks! I say that kindly, but truthfully. Both guys told me that they believe in Lordship Salvation.

One of them shamefully told me that they teach the same garbage as Dr. Steve Pettit at BJU, claiming that justification, sanctification and glorification are a package deal which cannot be separated. In other words, if your not living a changed life, you've never repetend of your sins and are not saved at all. That is NOT the Gospel of free grace. It is clear to me that PCC is full of tares (unsaved religious people in the churches). The problem is that Pastor Redlin fails to feed the congregation with truth. Pastor Redlin merely delivers his sugarstick sermonettes weekly, collecting his disgusting 6-digit annual salary, getting paid 4 times more than the average U.S. worker.

Also, PCC and CC do not go soulwinning. In fact, they absolutely refuse to use the term “soulwinning,” because the term is commonly associated with Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001). Instead, PCC calls it “passing out flyers.” What a pathetic joke! A handful of PCC college men stand outside a coffee shop and pass out flyers to invite people to Campus Church, and they call that “witnessing.” No, it is properly called, “soliciting.” And in the sad case of PCC, I would also call it, “loitering.”

In truth, there is no actual soulwinning at PCC!!! I was sickened as I sat in the pews of Campus Church, and heard Pastor Redlin shamefully charge $10 for anyone who wanted to attend a church meeting on how to more effectively share the Gospel. There is no real soulwinning at Campus Church or PCC. They just want to maintain a superficial façade of being a fundamental Bible college, to save face and fool prospective students; when in reality PCC has become an apostate neo-evangelical nightmare, where no caring and wise parent would ever enroll their impressionable child. Please RUN from this place!!!

The real reason why they won't permit me to return to attend Campus Church is because I am a threat to the PCC camp. I am a truth-teller. I SPEAK UP for God. I think objectively, whereas 99% of PCC's students and church members mindlessly follow their incompetent leaders, who fill their brains with neo-evangelical apostasy. PCC's members blindly follow whatever their cult leaders tell them. That is a cult, not a New Testament church. Learn to think for yourself. Question everything. Please RUN from the PCC camp!!!

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