Friday, January 20, 2023

Most Churches Will Support The Devil's New World Order

Matthew 24:24, "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."

Sadly, I dare say less than 1% of pastors today care enough about THE TRUTH to investigate and tell it. A Bible preacher ought to be as a sheepdog who warns the vulnerable sheep of imminent danger. I meet so many pastors who have the pathetic attitude (like the incompetent and woefully unloving Pensacola Christian College camp), who only want to speak positive things from the pulpit.

They couldn't care less about the fraudulent Federal Reserve System hoax, which has been stealing from American citizens since 1913. The Federal Reserve is a classic Ponzi Scheme, where there is no true wealth involved. This is why our treasonous U.S. Congress is again this week raising the Debt Ceiling, allowing our corrupt government to borrow more and more and more. They absolutely have to, in order to keep the Ponzi Scheme from collapsing. Our government literally prints money from nothing. That is, there is no gold to back it up, as existed originally. Since there is no actual wealth involved (President Richard Nixon removed our U.S. currency completely from the Gold Standard in 1971), they have to keep printing more "funny money" (as Dr. Ron Paul rightly calls it).

Yes, our money is WORTHLESS! When our government collapses, U.S. currency will be worth nothing! In sharp contrast, Roman coins from thousands of years ago are still worth something, because of their intrinsic metallurgic content. The Federal Reserve scam is the primary reason for homelessness across the United States, due to skyrocketing inflation and outrageous housing costs. Professor G. Edward Griffin summarized his book, "The Creature From Jekyll Island," with this one statement: "Inflation is a tax!"

I have shared with you one sore evil in our nation, which 99% of pastors refuse to study and expose as they ought. A preacher has a duty to preach against all falsehoods. Instead, if you attend the average church you'll hear a sugarstick sermonette lacking Holy Spirit love, truth, conviction and power. PCC is spiritually dead!!! Psalms 119:104, "Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way."

When Adolf Hitler rose to tyrannical power in Germany during World War II, 85% of churches in Germany rallied behind him. That is wickedness!!! Sadly, when President George W. Bush and company LIED, bearing false witness against our neighbors in Iraq, our nation went to war to invade and conquer a sovereign nation. OUR government does what they do in OUR name, with OUR children in the military, with OUR trillions of taxpayer dollars, so it is is OUR business!

The Iraqi War is blatant INJUSTICE!!! No alleged Weapons Of Mass Destruction were ever found. Criminal leaders' Dick Cheney, George H. Bush, George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, to name but a few kingpins, all have the blood of 1,455,590 murdered Iraqis on their hands. They have the blood of 4,487 U.S. soldiers killed in the Iraqi War. That is why I discourage young people from enrolling into the U.S. military, you may end up being ordered to murder innocent people (as were the Roman soldiers ordered by Herod to murder thousands of Jewish children in Bible times).

Our U.S. government is corrupt, incompetent and ungodly, and sadly they are above the law, having no accountability at the highest levels. That is why our ungodly U.S. Justice Department refused to even investigate the 911 attacks. Their lame excuse is that it is a matter of national security. It is wickedness!!! They make a gigantean deal of President Donald Trump having top secret files in his possession, while ignoring the cruel blatant murder of 2,997 U.S. citizens.

Truthfully, 911 was an Inside Job, orchestrated by the Bush Administration, and everyone knows it!!! 2 planes cannot bring down 3 buildings. We know that planes DIDN'T bring down the World Trade Center, professionally planted demolition charges did, which took months to accomplish. That explains why younger Marvin Bush, the youngest of the criminal Bush Family, literally oversaw the security systems for the World Trade Center for the 2-years leading up to the 911 attacks. Truth is stranger than fiction!!!

It is true that as the New World Order (NWO) develops, nearly all professed Christians will go along to support it. They're already guilty of this woeful evil. Every church and Bible college that uses, sells, promotes or bids Godspeed to the Devil's modern corrupt Bible revisions is supporting the NWO. ...

New World Order Bible Versions

The foolish Zionist churches who support modern-day manmade Israel (formed by the United Nations in May of 1948) are supporting and helping the Devil's NWO. To clarify, I am exposing Luciferian Zionism (false Israel). Satan is a master imitator (2nd Corinthians 11:13-15). In the Bible we read about the true Christ, true Israel and the true coming Kingdom of Jesus Christ during the 1,000 year period known as the Millennium. Satan counterfeits these things:
  1. False Christ ("Antichrist," meaning, "in place of Christ"). The Antichrist will claim to be the Messiah and demand worship as almighty God.
  2. False Israel (just as Abraham and Sarah refused to wait for God's promise of a son, ungodly men have refused to wait for Jesus' Second Coming, taking matters into their own hands as did Abraham and Sarah. Unsaved men have recreated manmade Israel since 1948, demanding for God to bless a wicked, arrogant and Christ-rejecting people. The Lord won't bless Israel today! The Bible teaches that Israel will suffer defeat again and again until Christ returns. Luke 21:24, "And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled." The times of the Gentiles will end only when Christ returns, the stone cut out of the mountain without hands in the prophet Daniel's dream. Daniel 2:34, "Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces." Israel has no claim to divine protection at this present time in history.
  3. False Kingdom (the New World Order is Satan's completion of what he started at the tower and city of Babel in Genesis 11:1-11. The NWO is Satan's attempt to unite humanity in rebellion against God).
What saith the Scripture? Matthew 24:24, "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." So many false professed "Christians" at present are wickedly sold out to the NWO. They are using the Devil's Bibles, trusting in the Devil's counterfeit gospel called 'Lordship Salvation, trusting in a false meaning of repentance to be saved, trusting in works and water baptism, trusting in sacraments and men, et cetera.

These are all evils. The sworn enemy of all evil, and the NWO is THE TRUTH!!! In the Bible, in Ephesians 6:10-17, one of the 7 items of the believer's armour and weaponry is THE TRUTH. When tempted by the Devil in Matthew 4:1-10 and again in Luke 4:1-13, Jesus used the weapon of THE TRUTH to drive the Devil back into his hole that he crawled out of.
The best way to expose the darkness is to shine the light of THE TRUTH.

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