Saturday, July 27, 2024

Run From The Abusive Cult At Pensacola Christian College

Romans 16:17-18, “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

The abusive cult at Pensacola Christian College (PCC) is a perfect example of what happens when you forcefully impose the LETTER OF THE LAW upon people, but with also having the corresponding SPIRIT OF THE LAW to heal the wound, which is love. If all God had given us was the Old Testament law, we'd all be in big heap of trouble! The Scripture warns us in 2nd Corinthians 3:6b, “for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.” PCC are killers!
“I am all for standards, but I am not for standards without love.” —Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001)
I regularly comb Google and other social media websites for the latest negative reviews of PCC, because it soothes my own hurting wounds after being emotionally abused by PCC's ungodly incompetent pastors and leadership. Today I found this truthful review by one of their alumni, Andrew Bailey, who properly gave PCC just one star (the worst possible rating, with which I wholeheartedly concur):
Attending Pensacola Christian College means you're getting a lifestyle instead of an educational product. A rather extreme lifestyle that might not be for you even if you are independent Baptist. They put you under a rock for Jesus. I'm not sure what the Christian version of sharia law is called, but you get it here. I wasted 3 weeks and maybe $3,000 here, and here are some of my experiences from 20-some years ago.

They gave me a book full of rules that's as thick as a bible, so let's start with the dress code. There are different rules for different meals (and days). I had to learn by trial-and-error at the dining hall, and seeing if I was turned away. And for girls, you could only walk down these walkways and use those doors to go eat. ARE YOU SERIOUS? No one cares!

You needed to be out of the dorms 20 minutes before church services, and you'd get written up if you weren't. A roomie couldn't find his bible by the time the bell rang, so I let him borrow my spare one. (FYI: borrowing bibles was not allowed according to one of their million random rules.) We got written up for being 1 minute late getting out of the dorms.

The rules make it obvious that this college would not prepare someone to navigate nor interact with the world. You know, something that a college should do? But why would they? They preach that the world is nothing but sin and evil. They stopped freshman girls from leaving campus, unless their parents signed a waiver that said it's OK for their precious little angel to venture into the darkness beyond the gates. I wasn't aware of any girl that was trapped like this, but (as a guy) I felt bad knowing the possibility existed. The system of asking permission to go off-campus was insulting. It's clear they don't trust anyone.

My job was to clean the field house at night. Being allowed to stay up past midnight was pretty cool, but getting up every morning at 7 no-matter-what was not.

I was there for a computer science major, but of the classes I was taking, only one was specifically relevant. I realized I was wasting time while sitting in history class going over the pharaohs using the same textbook that I used two years prior in the Abeka DVD program.

A future roomie said if you can't get to Google, the internet is broken, so the internet was broken here. Any website that had a text box on one page, and let you see what you put in it on another was blocked. So Wikipedia, social media, and other highly useful websites were blocked. You were only allowed to have the email address the college gave you, because other email services are 'offensive' to students. Excuse me, if my Yahoo email offended me, I wouldn't have used it for 5 years, and kept it just because.

One day, there was a voter registration signup for local, state, and federal elections in the commons. I wondered how confidential voting actually was for students. I was positive that if the college found out someone voted against officially endorsed candidates or issues, they would get written up. I have no evidence that it was the case, but reading between the lines of the student rule book suggested otherwise. I decided that this is America, I'm American, and I'm not going to live like '1984' anymore. I left after 3 weeks, and never regretted it. Don't let them intimidate you.

I ended up at a secular and nerdy college that was almost exclusively computer science, and full of Mormons. When I would tell someone there about Pensacola, they might say "that sounds like BYU". I asked if you could wear jeans at BYU. "Yes." "Then BYU is full of unwashed heathens by comparison." I graduated faster at the nerdy place than I would have if I stayed at Pensacola.

I've been informed that things have changed here, but reading these other reviews, it hasn't in any meaningful way. Maybe they can ask their history department about what the secret police was, and how those places ended up. But they're still drinking the Kool-Aid, so nothing will change. 
SOURCE: Google reviews for Pensacola Christian College, July 2024
PCC are evil. Their Campus Church pastors are evil. PCC have huge egos!  I cannot warn people enough about the spiritual dangers of attending a cult like PCC, who have erected a superficial appearance of a fundamentalist Christian organization, but in reality they are no better than the hellbound Mormons in how they throw people under the bus. As of August 2, 2022, I have been horribly banned in writing by Pastor Jeff Redlin to attend Campus Church at PCC. It didn't matter that I humbled myself and apologized multiple times to both the pastors at Campus Church (and PCC leadership) for offending the gods at PCC, they are so full of arrogance, hubris, swollen egos and ungodly hatred, that they refuse to even allow me to sit in their Campus Church services (which is otherwise open to the public). What jerks!

Pensacola Christian College represents everything wrong with so-called "fundamentalism" today in the world. The stench of their wicked religious hypocrisy reaches unto Heaven's gates, and it sickens God (Revelation 3:17). Thankfully, God is still on His throne.

I also need to warn you dear reader about PCC's counterfeit plan of salvation.

The Lordship Salvation Cult At Pensacola Christian College

Pensacola Christian College Cult Exposed

The United States is going to Hell, because professed Christians (most of whom are unsaved) are sinfully going along with the apostate Bible colleges, and the dead churches they have infected with their lifeless pseudo-Christianity. PCC needs to go! Ninety-nine percent of churches today are mere social clubs. Door-to-door soulwinning is basically nonexistent. Contending for the faith is gone. Pastors are cowards who just want to make a living.

Case in point is Sean Quinlan, the former incompetent PCC intern pastor at the Lighthouse Baptist Church on Guam. I visited his church in 2018. Jesus said out of the abundance of a man's heart he speaketh (Matthew 12:34). I love the inspired King James Bible; I hate the Devil's counterfeit Bible revisions. Pastor Quinlan heard me tell a church member that Bob Jones University promotes corruptible seed. He immediately became angry.

Pastor Quinlan said that he had been eavesdropping on my conversations for the several months, and he was tired of me warning church members about the Devil's Bible versions. Well, if he would do it I wouldn't have to! But God knows I wasn't trying to be the pastor, I was simply sharing my heart in private conversations, while he (the little wimp) spied on me. You see, Mr. Quinlan is the product of the cesspool of iniquity at PCC, where contending for the faith is deemed "radical." Sadly, PCC is a dunghole in Pensacola and everyone they influence become lackadaisical causalities for Christ.

Pastor Quinlan further attacked me, saying: "You're obsessed with the Bible issue!" Buster, you had better believe that I am obsessed over the inspired Holy Bible!!! SHAME! SHAME! SHAME on Pastor Quinlan (and I told him that in front of his victimized church members). Like Pastor Jeff Redlin at Campus Church, Sean Quinlan is a wicked compromiser who has no business standing behind any church pulpit, because these fools esteem increasing church membership more than contending for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints (Jude 1:3b). Like the Satanic neo-evangelical Harvest Baptist Church on Guam (a cesspool of Bob Jones University devils), the rotten PCC cult also threw me under the bus for TELLING THE TRUTH. Judgment day is coming for these wicked false prophets!!!

SHAME on BJU and PCC for preaching the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation. The truth is that today's boneheaded pastors are following the dead Bible colleges, afraid to rise above the crowd, pulling on the same rope as the Devil. It matters how we treat others. I have been banned from attending both the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, and Campus Church at PCC. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes in eternity when they stand account to God (Galatians 6:7; Hebrews 4:13).

It shouldn't come as a surprise that Harvest's radio station KHMG 88.1 FM on Guam, broadcasts Jeff Redlin's pathetic sermons throughout Micronesia, spewing his toxic poison. These devils have much blood on their hands! They laugh and mock at my Bible preaching, but I am being faithful to a free grace Gospel, they are not. I am not the one betraying the Gospel, they are. Woe unto PCC, BJU and anyone else who corrupts the simplicity that is in Jesus Christ (2nd Corinthians 11:3-4, 13-15).

God knows my heart, that I sincerely do not hate anybody at PCC. In fact, the last thing that I said to Pastor Jeff Redlin in 2022 was that I love him in Christ, yet he hates my guts so much that he won't even allow me to attend church. Only a religious CULT (like Mormonism) selectively cares about people, banning certain individuals from coming to church (a place where everybody ought to be welcomed). No legitimate church bans sinners, especially a child of God as I am, from going to church. PCC is a dangerous Satanic cult! I will expose them until the Lord takes me home to Heaven. Somebody needs to care, and I do care!

At PCC you've got a plethora of strict authoritarian rules, rule and more rules, while woefully lacking a genuine walk with God among their pastors, staff and leaders. PCC definitely fits the B.I.T.E. model of cult abuse! At PCC the cult system always comes first, but individual people do not matter. Samantha Field, Allen Armentrout and myself are living proof of that fact. I've heard hundreds of wounded former PCC students and Campus Church members say the same negative thing, that the system comes first, but individual people do not matter at PCC.

PCC is a bigoted cult that exists solely to make money. As a divorced person, I was horribly mistreated, bullied and made to feel like human trash at Campus Church. Pastor Redlin literally scolded me for mentioning that I hoped to remarry, even after I had been single for 15 years (because my wife divorced me in 2006). I wish Jeff Redlin's wife would divorce him, and that he would lose everything dear to him, and then have some holier than thou piece of garbage like himself crap on him (while he was broken and hurting like I am). Jeff Redlin is a monster!!! Tragically, their entire PCC board of directors are self-righteous arrogant snobs, holier than thou scumbags who think they are better than everyone else. God hears the cry!

Like so many large institutions today, PCC gets away with their abusive behavior because they can, because 99% of the public are selfish. Tyranny is rarely seen except by those who are oppressed by it! During the tragic World War II Jewish holocaust, 99% of the world couldn't have cared less, because it didn't affect them. It is because they weren't the victim!

Another case in point, it is a fact that thousands of crazy women want to marry serial killers. I am not making that claim up, go verify what I say for yourself, and prepare to be utterly shocked. Do you know why thousands of women desire to marry mass-murderers? It is because they weren't the victim! If their mother, sister or daughter had been the victim, then they would want justice, not to marry the creep. This just evidences how selfish humans can be. So, not surprisingly, the vast majority of PCC supporters haven't been hurt by them yet, but people like me and Samantha Field have been hurt by PCC, deeply.

PCC is a prisonhouse of rules without love. They woefully lack God's love and compassion for people, especially hurting people like me and Samantha Field. There is no pain as hurtful as being betrayed by one's spouse and dragged into divorce court against one's will, like I was in 2006. I hate divorce, as God does too. PCC have no grasp of how divorce feels. They are a cult of married people who look down their Pharisaical noses on divorced people. I loathe PCC's self-righteous attitudes, their damnable Lordship Salvation, their wickedly bidding Godspeed to false prophets (like Ken Ham whom they coddle with his false gospel), and their refusal to respect truth-tellers like me. PCC are the enemies of Jesus Christ!!!

Thank you for reading my blog. To God alone be all the praise, credit and glory.

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