Thursday, April 25, 2024

The Lives Of 34,305 Murdered Palestinians Are Just As Precious To God As Any U.S Veteran Or Israeli Life

Something really bothers me. Surprised? I see countless Christians who are all gung ho over the precious lives of U.S. military veterans. They feel compelled to remind the world that those veterans “sacrificed their lives for your freedoms.” Yet those same HYPOCRITES disregard the precious lives of 34,305 Palestinians, who have been ruthlessly, needlessly and savagely murdered by monstrous Israel since October 7th, 2023. It is wickedness!!!

I am so sick of idiot Zionists and their unbiblical rhetoric. As the death toll rises, I DO NOT STAND WITH ISRAEL, and you are a wicked person if you do. Shame on anyone who thinks little of the genocide of 34,305 people (70% of whom were defenseless women and children). When will this travesty of justice end? Palestinians are being tortured before execution. Israel's leaders and soldiers are demon possessed, slaughtering innocent people.

In case you are one of the millions of brainwashed Zionist Christians who foolishly idolize Israel today, let me remind you that their vile Talmud permits Rabbis to have carnal knowledge with girls under the age of 3. Here, see the pages of the Talmud for yourself if you don't believe me!!! Now you see why Hollywood is to perverse and is a primary target of the “Me Too” movement on social media (an army of victims of sexual abuse). Israel is the most unholy place in the world, but don't take my word for it, what saith the Scripture? Revelation 11:8, “And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.

Revelation 17:18 also identifies Jerusalem as The Great Whore, the woman who sits upon the Beast (world governing powers) to control it. That is exactly what Revelation 17:18 says, that Israel reigns over (controls) the kings of the earth. To understand the significance of this Bible passage, you need to know that it was the Luciferian elite (the demon-possessed men and women in this world who worship Satan) that created the modern manmade state of Israel in 1948. They did this through The Council On Foreign Relations (CFR). I have done much study about these things and I can tell you that the rabbit hole runs deep.

For example: Lucis Trust for the past century has published all of the literature for the CFR. The organization was originally established in 1922 under the name, Lucifer Trust. I am not kidding. From my own study I have learned that Satan, who is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4), runs his evil world through the CFR. The CFR created the United Nations and controls it. These are the same horrible people who created manmade Israel. Are you now starting to get the big picture? Satan is the prince of this wicked world (Ephesians 2:2).

I too am thankful for our U.S. veterans, but I do not worship them as some Christians do. Most military veterans whom I have worked with were big cry babies, always whining and complaining. I brought my pedal steel guitar once to the postal training center in Oklahoma to play it outside for the people. Some Air Force cry baby veteran in my class had to rain on my parade, saying in front of a group of people that everyone didn't want to hear my music.
Personally, I feel disgust toward a lot of spoiled veterans, who never saw a single day of fighting while in the military, yet like the Pharisees want the rest of us to reverence them. Well you can kiss me where the sun don't shine and go write a love story!

And let me tell you something, and I couldn't care less if this offends your stinking pride as a veteran—in God's sight the lives of every one of those 34,305 Palestinians who were murdered by Israel are JUST AS PRECIOUS AND SIGNIFICANT as any U.S. military veteran!!!

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