Thursday, April 4, 2024

The Idolatry Of Professional Sports

Exodus 20:1-3, “And God spake all these words, saying, I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.  Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”

Professional sports are the modern-day version of the golden calf in the Old Testament. You have these players that look like they belong in a circus, who probably wouldn’t do a thing productively were it not for the tens of millions of dollars they make to throw a ball and run up and down a field. I think it is a shame to pay some guy tens of millions of dollars to kick a piece of pigskin sewed together through some plumbing assembled at the end of a grassy field. They call the game “football.”

I have always thought it unethical and wrong to pay athletes five to ten times what society pays doctors and surgeons. The average surgeon earns between $350,000 to $525,000 annually, whereas the average NFL player gets paid $2,700,000 a year. That is sickening. Surgeons save lives, sports player don't. I just checked and the average fireman salary in 2024 is about $50,000 per year. Fireman risk their lives on the job every day to save your life! Yet we pay them feeble salaries compared to entertainers and company CEO's. There's something very wrong with that. The average pastor's salary today is over $80,000 a year. That is sickening in my humble opinion.

Professional sports are a form of idolatry. No wonder so many children and adults today have no interest in church or anything spiritual. Yet, they will watch and absorb this mindless folly and devote their entire lives to it. Personally, I hate professional sports. The contracts are getting more lucrative and ridiculous each year, swelling to amounts nearing one billion dollars for a 10-year contract. Shohei Ohtani just signed a 10-year contract with the Los Angeles Dodgers for $700,000,000. Wow! The guy doesn't even speak We are living in a strange world today folks!

If you love watching professional sports, I am not trying to rain on your parade. However, I think we spend way too much time and money as a culture on these things. I'm a fan of Little League sports in local communities. We've lost so much of our rich heritage in the United States. I loved growing up in the 1970's. There were no credit cards back then. There were no microwaves. There were no front-wheel drive cars. There were no computers, mobile phones or social media. Life was simple back then. I loved the music of the 1970's. I don't think we'll ever see any big bands again. Music has changed for the worse. The pretty Country music of the 1970's is gone. Today's country is garbage.

I am glad that I don't watch professional sports. Some people live for sports, but have little time or place for God in their life. That ought not be.

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