Thursday, March 7, 2024

Donald Trump Won't Make America Great Again

Proverbs 14:34, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”

Isaiah 1:4-6, “Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward. Why should ye be stricken any more?  ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.”

I am concerned that the vast majority of evangelical Christians today idolize Donald Trump. Mr. Trump is 100% a Zionist in favor of Israel, at all cost. When former President, Mr. Trump passed an order banning college students nationwide from expressing any opposing opinions to Israeli policy. Any politician who bans freedom of speech worries me!

That is socialist tyranny, taking away our freedom of speech. Sam Melia is rotting in prison right now for two years in Europe, for nothing more than posting some suggested bumper sticker messages online that oppose illegal immigrants flooding into Europe. The government has prosecuted him to make an example of him, to scare everyone else from speaking out against government tranny, removing his freedom of speech. Everybody in Europe should be outraged and also speak up!!! This is communist tyranny like in the hellhole of North Korea today!!!

Trump has also called for the global decriminalization of homosexuality. Clearly, Donald Trump is not a moral man! He made his billions from gambling casinos, strip joints and booze. I like his leadership strength, hard headed businessman intelligence, decisiveness, and that he speaks his mind without hesitation or apology. Our country needs a strong leader like that! I like Mr. Trump, sincerely. Albeit, neither he or anybody else is going to fix the country with more wickedness! Legalizing same-sex marriage brings the curse and judgment of almighty God (Romans 1:32; Colossians 3:5-6).

I long for the day when Jesus Christ returns at His Second Coming and sets up His Millennial Kingdom upon earth. For now, the Bible tells us that Satan is the god of this world. That is, this is his domain where he influences and controls world leaders (Ephesians 6:12). Yet, the Bible tells us that God ultimately is still in control. Psalms 47:8, "God reigneth over the heathen: God sitteth upon the throne of his holiness." My father used to say that God will only allow mankind to go so far before He steps in to take control. There cannot be a nuclear holocaust unless God first sign off on it. Everything must pass the approval desk of God.

People needlessly worry about world famine, an asteroid hitting the earth, an all out nuclear holocaust, et cetera. But we know that God is still in control and won't allow mankind or the earth to be destroyed. Genesis 8:22 promises that there will always be seasons on earth. I believe that Revelation chapter 18 describes the future nuclear annihilation of the United States by fire in just one hour. What else could do that type of damage so quickly, besides a nuclear strike? Our wicked nation certainly deserves God's wrath and judgment! We deserve God's judgment—
63 million abortions, forcing transgendered perversion on children, Federal Reserve financial fraud since 1913, public nudity wherever there is water, a $50 billion a year divorce racket, the evils of feminism, homosexual marriage, false religion, corrupt Bibles, Hollywood, Sin City, and a plethora more of wickednesses, et cetera. Americans are long overdue for God's judgment!

I was thinking this week about something disturbing I heard in the news. Senator Dick Durbin in Illinois has submitted a new law that would allow illegal aliens to enroll into the U.S. military (and ultimately become U.S. citizens). Perhaps the Luciferian elite of the elite planned it that way! Officially there have been at least 7,200,000 million illegals who've flood into the country since 2020. We have no idea who they are or where they came from. What a perfect way to sneak terrorist mercenaries into the country! Now our government will militarily train and give them machine guns! Will they be used to police Americans when law and order break down, when our economy implodes, and there are riots in the streets?

Our government WILL disarm the American people, it's just a matter of time. Canada has already banned the sale, purchase and trade of guns since October of 2023. I humbly think Mr. Trump will be re-elected in 2024. If so, he will finish the southern border wall as he promised. But now that the illegals are all here in the United States, it's like closing the barn doors after the horses are all gone! What's the point of finishing the stupid wall now? I think that the wall may be used instead TO KEEP AMERICANS FROM ESCAPING the coming tyrannical police state! Instead of John Carpenter's 1981 classic movie, "Escape From New York," we will be living in a real life horror movie: "Escape From The United States"!!!

President Trump may ban guns too! The churches almost worship Trump! I'm thinking Nikki Haley may run with him as his Vice President. It wouldn't surprise me. I have a feeling that Trump will take the U.S. to war. The churches will unquestioningly follow him to hell and back! With that kind of power of influence, I'm thinking that the Luciferian elite won't pass this opportunity up to use President Trump to exploit the stupidity of evangelical Zionist Christians.

Mr. Trump scares me, because he banned freedom of speech for college students. That is really bad! Everyone has a right to speak their mind, including criticizing Israel. Trump has also called for the global decriminalization of homosexuality. Clearly, Donald Trump is not a moral man! He made much of his billions from gambling casinos, strip joints and booze. Granted, I do like his leadership strength and that he speaks his mind. I like Donald Trump. Albeit, neither he or anybody else is going to fix the country with more wickedness! Mr. Trump won't Make America Great Again (MAGA). The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom! Mr. Trump does not fear God. If he did then he wouldn't try to make homosexuality legal. Homosexuality is a shameful sin which ought not be promoted, sanctioned and encouraged in society.

Evangelist Lester Roloff (1914-1982) said it best in his sermon titled, "The Titanic." He said, "America was 'great' when she was good, and she was good when she had great churches." The answer is in church pulpits across America, not in the White House. Sadly, 99% of church pulpits today are totally DEAD. This is primarily the blame of today's money hungry DEAD Bible colleges and preachers seminaries (cemeteries). 
Pensacola Christian College (PCC) is among the worst offenders, with their counterfeit plan of salvation, cold hearted leaders who lack compassion, and their arrogant spoiled brat attitudes. Bob Jones University (BJU) is even worse! These corrupt dangerous religious institutions are corrupting the churches with their incompetent graduates. RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!!!

As much as I like Donald Trump, I KNOW for a fact that neither him or anybody else will fix our country, let aloe making it great again. I know that because without the fear of God nothing will improve. The escalating violent crime seen in subways, smash & grab robbery of retail stores, an epidemic of college shootings, domestic violence and police brutality nationwide are merely symptoms of a spiritually broken society.

We didn't get into this mess overnight, and we won't get out of it overnight. To remedy this nightmare we would need just one generation of putting the inspired King James Bible back into the schools, a return to people attending old-fashioned Bible preaching churches, getting rid of Satanic Hollywood, getting rid of evil Sin City Las Vegas, getting rid of the fraudulent Federal Reserve Banks, getting rid of the Satanic music video industry, getting rid of greedy lying television preachers, getting rid of the lying manipulative news media, and getting rid of Freemasons controlling the government. These things will NEVER happen, which is why America will never be great again. Occultists and Satanists have run the country into the ground, and we let them do it by not fighting against them (Ephesians 6:12).

Mr. Trump may do some helpful things to improve our nation, but he won't make us great again. The greatness of any country is the sum total measurement of the moral character of all its citizens. Everywhere we turn today we see wickedness, greed and lawsuits, unkindness and hatred, angry people, substance abuse and homelessness, whores and whoremongers, adultery and divorce, fornication and abortion, sodomites and weirdoes, covetousness and debt, false teachers and arrogant pastors, et cetera. This nightmare is just beginning!!!

The greatest and most adept U.S. President couldn't make America great again; not as long as we are enamored with our sin. God always honors repentance! We have not repented (i.e., changed our mind). Americans spit in God's face! Taylor Swift's raunchy music videos receive upwards of one billion views each, while Bible preachers are fortunate if one of their sermon videos receive 100 views in three years.

The vast majority of American people are spoiled entitled little brats. I meet rude people everywhere I go. I simply waved at a young black woman walking down the street the other day, as I was driving by. She yelled obscenities at me, cursing as I drove away. Clearly she was not in her right mind. The Bible foretells in 2nd Timothy 3:1-7 that "perilous times" will come, and they are here in 2024 in the United States!

If our nation is to ever be great again, people must start attending churches again. But it must be the right kind of church! You should only attend a church that uses the inspired King James Bible. You should only attend a church that preaches a free grace Gospel (not that turn from your sins crap, aka, Lordship Salvation). A church with a scheduled time for members to go soulwinning weekly is great! I love a church that has a Bus Ministry. I just described less than 1% of churches today. Apart from an independent fundamental Baptist church, you likely won't find a church like I just described.

The answer to MAGA is in church pulpits, nowhere else. We need to get back to fearing God in this nation. We need to get back to old-fashioned courtship before marriage, and reject the wicked culture of fornication and abortion. We need to reject the world's tattoos, booze, illegal drugs, cigarettes, vaping, ridiculous plastic surgery, Botox injections and other vices that corrupt the healthy body which God gave us. We need to reject the Devil's new modern Bible revisions, because they are ALL corrupt! We need to reject Hollywood, Sin City, Gay Day, Pride Fest, Walt Disney, Broadway, Mardi Gras and everything else that is unholy and evil.

Until our nation turns back to faith in God, and obedience to His Word, we will never be great again in America!

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