Monday, January 29, 2024

Manmade Disasters Are No Accident And Neither Is A Deadly Counterfeit Gospel

As I watched a documentary yesterday about the following horrifying maritime disaster in 2014 in South Korea, which killed 304 people (250 of which were teenagers all from the same high school), I related it to bad churches today which are incompetent with the Gospel.

Weaponized Negligence │ 5 HORRORS on the Waves

The reason why this ferry cargo ship capsized was because nobody paid attention to the safety guidelines. The ship was massively overloaded with cargo. Although the ferry's captain reported 657 tons of cargo, prosecutors said that the real amount exceeded 2,140 tons! That's 2,966,000 extra pounds of weight!!! None of the cargo was secured as it was supposed to be. This caused the loose cargo to shuffle from side to side, as the ship moved through the ocean. The new owners of the ship in 2012 made illegal renovations to it, adding an additional 500,000 pounds of weight. All this extra weight made the vessel very top heavy, and a disaster waiting to happen.

To make matters even worse, when the captain went to sleep he left a rookie ferryman in charge who steered the ship too sharp to the right, which caused the vessel to turn onto its side; a few hours later the ship turned completely upside down as it filled with water. The Korean Coast Guard dillydallied for several hours and were so inept that they largely contributed to the high number of deaths. In the aftermath of the disaster the Korean government disbanded the Coast Guard's leadership, giving control over to the police instead. This tragedy could have easily been avoided had anyone cared. Like all manmade disasters, there was a slow process of incompetence, foolish decisions and ignored warnings which led to catastrophe.

Likewise, tens of thousands of churches across America are not paying attention to the rules of God's inspired Word. They are following their own manmade traditions instead of the commandments of God. They are overloading the Gospel with a bunch of extra cargo which God does not require. They are modifying God's simple plan of salvation, making the Gospel top heavy and a disaster waiting to happen. Church captains (pastors) have been repeatedly warned that they are messing with the Lord's cargo ship.

Tragically, 95% of churches today (and this includes independent fundamental Baptist churches) are accidents waiting to happen. That is, their members are eventually going to plunge into darkness when the ship they are on capsizes into the Lake of Fire. Those passengers trusted their captain and the safety of the cargo ship they were all riding aboard. They put their full trust in what their captain had told them! But their captain lied to them, just as 95% of church pastors are lying to their congregations today!

Tragically, 304 people were murdered because of corruption, which is wickedness! When corrupt people break laws, violate regulations, accept bribes and look the other way instead of doing the right thing, that is more than incompetence and irresponsibility, it is wickedness!!! The ferry's ungodly captain was sentenced to 36 years in prison. That captain is fortunate he didn't get the death penalty, which is what the victim's families wanted from the court. Had the captain refused to allow the ship to be overloaded with an additional 3 million pounds of cargo, the disaster wouldn't have happened.

Likewise, if these ungodly pastors today wouldn't add things to God's simple plan of salvation, then people by the droves wouldn't be going to Hell. A counterfeit gospel cannot produce the new birth.

The Wickedness of Pensacola Christian College

Pensacola Christian College's lying pastors have much blood on their hands for corrupting the Gospel. According to PCC's Campus Church booklet titled: "John & Romans," on page 60, it heretically reads:
"Now is the time to turn from your sin and embrace God. The act of turning away from sin is called 'repentance.' This word implies an inward decision to follow and obey God's will instead of your self-serving sins.”
This is damnable heresy! It is another gospel, not the Gospel of free grace. In fact, biblically you do NOT have to decide to follow and obey God's will instead of your own self serving sins to be saved. You simply need to admit that you are unable to save yourself and trust Jesus Christ.

In his helpful book titled, "I NEVER KNEW YOU," on page 116 Michael P. Bowen writes:
"When a pastor says that in order to be saved we must first repent of our sins and then ask Christ into our heart, I want to stand up and quote verses from Christ’s own words that refute such satanic-inspired flaws because Christ never, never, never said to quit sinning or to ask Him into your heart. The bible says the OPPOSITE of what 95 percent of these pastors tell us, today. First of all, the bible never tells anyone to stop sinning in order to be saved, nor does it tell us to be willing to stop sinning in order to be saved. That is a LIE because God never said to stop sinning. The phrase 'repent of sin' is not even in the Bible, nor is it ever implied when it comes to salvation through faith in Christ. These are clever lies of Satan designed to provide people with a heavenly way to go to the eternal lake of fire with him and his fallen angels."
Amen and amen!

On page 116 of "I NEVER KNEW YOU" Michael P. Bowen writes:
According to many verses in the bible, especially those warnings God gave to us through Paul in the book of Galatians, you should never listen to anyone’s message that runs counter to the message given to us by Christ, and you should never attend a church where the pastor tells the flock that they must add works of discipleship to faith in Christ’s “finished work” as the way to enter heaven. That’s exactly the reason why I no longer attend any of the local churches in my current hometown.
Sadly, I am running into the same problem in Pensacola, the city where I live. It is tragic!

The first church I attended when I moved from Guam to Pensacola in 2021 was Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College (PCC). I was deeply offended and hurt on July 21, 2021 when at their Wednesday evening Bible study (after watching a stupid Ken Ham video in church), associate pastor Timothy Zechariah told thousands of church members that faith is not enough to get to Heaven. He said that you must repent of your sins, having such a deeply profound hatred for sin that it results in a change of behavior. But don't take my word for it, here is an actual still frame (a screenshot I grabbed from YouTube) which was displayed to the church at that evening's service. This image is taken from their official Foundation's Class for all new cult members...

Blatant Damnable Heresy Preached At PCC's Campus Church

PCC's Campus Church has it very wrong! Behavior modification has nothing to do with receiving God's gift of eternal life. A changed life is the “fruit” produced by the indwelling Holy Spirit of God (Galatians 5:22-25). But such fruit is conditional upon a born-again believer's choice to Walk in the Spirit. The Apostle Paul in the following Scripture passages makes it clear that walking in the Spirit is not automatic for a saint of God, it is a choice...
Galatians 5:16, “This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.” 
Galatians 5:25, “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.”
To “live in the Spirit” simply means that you are indwelt with the Holy Spirit of God; but this doesn't mean you will automatically “walk in the Spirit.” Many believers do not walk in the Spirit, but they still live (or are alive, quickened) in the Holy Spirit. This is what Paul meant in Galatians 3:2, “This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?” By the phrase “received ye the Spirit” Paul was simply asking them how they became indwelt with the Holy Spirit. That is, how did they get saved?

Ninety-Five Percent Of Baptist Churches Have The Gospel Wrong

I had attended the First Baptist Church of Pensacola for a while when I first moved to Pensacola. Their historic church has a rich heritage, going back to 1848 when they were founded. So, I attended their Discovery Class to learn more about the church and their beliefs. I was happy after attending the class because the associate pastor who led the class said the church believes that salvation comes through faith alone in Jesus Christ. I was delighted and ready to join the church. But then later on I attended both their Sunday morning Contemporary and Traditional services back to back soon thereafter.

In the Traditional service, senior pastor Dave Snyder (who became their new pastor in 2018) said in his sermon that to get to Heaven you must become a Christ follower, turn away from a lifestyle of sinning and make Jesus the “Lord of your life. I felt numb in my soul. I was heartbroken! I was so hurt, and still am years later. I had lost another potential church family.

I have attended numerous churches in Pensacola, and I'm still visiting new ones. I still haven't found a single Baptist church that is Kosher on the Gospel. They love to use the unbiblical phrase, “repent of your sins, which is not even found in the Holy Bible. I want to quote from page 116 again, from Michael Bowen's excellent book, "I NEVER KNEW YOU":
"When a pastor says that in order to be saved we must first repent of our sins and then ask Christ into our heart, I want to stand up and quote verses from Christ’s own words that refute such satanic-inspired flaws because Christ never, never, never said to quit sinning or to ask Him into your heart. The bible says the OPPOSITE of what 95 percent of these pastors tell us, today. First of all, the bible never tells anyone to stop sinning in order to be saved, nor does it tell us to be willing to stop sinning in order to be saved. That is a LIE because God never said to stop sinning. The phrase 'repent of sin' is not even in the Bible, nor is it ever implied when it comes to salvation through faith in Christ. These are clever lies of Satan designed to provide people with a heavenly way to go to the eternal lake of fire with him and his fallen angels."
I couldn't have said it any better dear reader. The Bible never tells anyone to stop sinning in order to be saved, nor does it tell us to “be willing” to stop sinning in order to be saved. God never said to stop sinning in exchange for receiving His free gift of eternal life. The phrase “repent of sin” is not even found in the Bible, nor is it ever implied when it comes to salvation through faith alone in Christ. These are clever lies of Satan, all designed to provide people with a heavenly way to go to the eternal lake of fire with him and his fallen angels. I like what Brother Bowen wrote—a heavenly way to go to the eternal Lake of Fire!
"A man can slip into Hell with his hand on the door-knob of Heaven." —Billy Sunday
Dear reader, there is a major disaster in the works, which will result in millions of lost sinners plunging into the fires of Hell forever. But instead of a ferry cargo ship in South Korea being recklessly overloaded with cargo and illegal modifications, the Gospel of free grace is being frontloaded and modified with embellishments which are not found in the Bible.

The country of South Korea will never forget the killing of 250 of their high school students (304 deaths total)—when a foolish and wicked captain, and a reckless company who owned the cargo ship, and others involved in the corruption—all contributed in some way to the catastrophe which happened in 2014. The manmade disaster was not an accident, it was a heinous crime that was caused by gross negligence, arrogance, blatant disregard for safety rules and corporate greed.

In similar fashion, 95% of today's ungodly pastors arrogantly dismiss repeated warnings about their false gospel preaching. They are guilty of overloading God's simple plan of salvation with too much things to do to be saved. Dr. Jack Hyles said it exactly right...
“More people will die and burn in Hell because they're trusting too much!”—Pastor Jack Hyles, “Yea, Yea, And Nay, Nay!

“Everything that's hard and complicated about salvation is God's side of it!”—Pastor Jack Hyles, “Yea, Yea, And Nay, Nay!
Here is the Gospel: God says that we are sinners and no amount of good works or behavioral modification on our part could ever make us holy enough to enter into Heaven. God sent His only begotten Son to pay for all of our sins. Jesus paid for our crimes by dying on the cross for everyone. His dead body was buried in a grave. On the third day, Jesus physically resurrected from the dead. The instant you believe these facts, God knows it and He saves you. John 6:47, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on Me hath everlasting life.” The free gift (Romans 5:18) is based solely upon your trust in what Jesus did for you through Calvary's cross. It has absolutely nothing at all to do with what you do for Him. Salvation is received, not achieved. It is a gift for the guilty, and not a reward for the righteous. Ephesians 2:8-9, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”

To be saved you simply need to admit to God that you cannot save yourself. Just receive Christ's sacrifice on the cross as full payment for your sins, believing that He was buried in a tomb, but three days later Jesus bodily raised up. This is “the Gospel (i.e., the Good News) by which all who BELIEVE IT are immediately, irrevocably and forever saved (Romans 1:16; 1st Corinthians 15:1-4). You simply need to BELIEVE that Jesus did it all for you!

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