Tuesday, December 26, 2023

We Have A Bunch Of Irresponsible Incompetent Leaders In The United States

I watched a 2:54 hour awesome YouTube video today of Louisiana Senator John Kennedy grill and harshly scold dozens of irresponsible and incompetent government leaders...

MUST WATCH: John Kennedy Grills Yellen, Garland, Wray, & More Top Government Officials | 2023
You'll hear Senator Kennedy rightly accuse several horrible guilty government leaders try to waste his time, side step the issues, and deliberate evade his questions. He rightly accuses them of "filibustering" him. A filibuster is when during a political procedure, one or more members of a legislative body intentionally try to waste time by bringing up separate unrelated issues, give lengthy vague answers to run down the clock, or prolong debate on proposed legislation so as to delay or entirely prevent a decision. These leaders all belong in the HALL OF SHAME! In fact, they belong in PRISON!

I love when Senator Kennedy scolds the woman in charge of the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) for not stopping the illegal drugs from coming from Mexico. Senator Kennedy asks her why she and President Biden have not suggest to the President of Mexico that they send the U.S. military to Mexico to get rid of these drug cartels. Mr. Kennedy told her the truth, that she doesn't want to stop the drugs from coming into the USA.

And Senator Kennedy told the same thing to the incompetent man in charge of Homeland Security, scolding him for not stopping illegal aliens from flooding into the USA by the millions. Senator Kennedy suggests that if someone is seeking asylum in the U.S., say from Venezuela, they should be rejected if they haven't first sought refugee status or asylum in Mexico. The illegals are cherry-picking the USA. I wish these incompetent leaders could be fired, prosecuted and imprisoned for their crimes.

Our leaders are traitors. They get paid 6-digit undeserved salaries while destroying our nation. Our leaders are a disgrace!!! I hope you will take the time to watch this shocking video of Senator John Kennedy holding our government leaders accountable. I love Senator John Kennedy! I love his boldness to stick to the issues, press our incompetent leaders for answers and scold them for not doing their jobs. Roast 'em! Our leaders are a disgrace!!! They should be in prison. Thank you Senator Kennedy for using honesty, integrity and common sense to hold our leaders accountable. God bless you Sir!

Most of the top government leaders grilled couldn't even answer the senator's simple questions, or they filibustered him to evade answering his questions. Senator Kennedy is absolutely correct—either the people in charge of the U.S. Immigration Department believe in open borders, or they are not qualified enough to manage a food truck.

The United States is headed for the dust!

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

20,000 Dead Palestinians And Counting

Matthew 7:11-12, “If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.”

Matthew 7:12 teaches us 'THE GOLDEN RULE.' We are commanded by Jesus to treat others the way we want to be treated. Sadly, not many people do that, including Christians. Jesus warned in Matthew 7:1-2 that we will be judged in eternity as Christians on the basis of how we treated other people. The unsaved will also be judged by their works, but will spend eternity in the fires of Hell. Their works will determine the degree if their suffering (Revelation 20:11-15). For believer, our works will determine our degree of rewards, happiness and regret in Heaven (2nd Corinthians 5:9-11; 1st Thessalonians 4:6; Daniel 12:3).

The Bible commands us as believers to love everyone (Matthew 5:46), not just a certain group of people. I have been so frustrated and disgusted lately to constantly hear professed Christians in the churches calling for prayers for Israel and the hostages, but no one cares in the least about the suffering Palestinian refugees.

I am greatly disturbed by the skyrocketing death toll in Palestine. As of December 20th, 2023 (after just 75 days of fighting) over 20,000 poor Palestinian people have been brutally murdered by Israeli soldiers in cold blood. These Arab people in Gaza have no guns. They have no tanks. They have no missiles. They are defenseless against the monsters in Israel. Yes, monsters are real. Israeli soldiers have made thousands of Arab men strip down naked, humiliating and torturing them just for fun. Tragically, 70% of the murdered victims have been women and children. There is no way to justify slaughtering tens of thousands of women and children. Somebody's got to care. I care. GOD CARES!!! Do you care friend?

This week Israeli soldiers (allegedly) accidentally murdered 3 Jews who were waving white flags in surrender. In my humble opinion the Israeli soldiers thought those 3 men were Arabs, so they brutally murdered them without hesitation, even while the men were waving white flags to show their peaceful intent. It wouldn't be until later that they were discovered to be Jewish. That is poetic justice! The sad truth is that Israel could likely murder all 2,400,000 Palestinians in the Gaza and the world would sit back and do nothing to stop the genocide. At least that is what we've seen so far in the ongoing situation. Where is justice?

So far, President Joe Biden has done absolutely nothing to stop the slaughter in Gaza, he just runs his big mouth in the media. I don't like or trust Mr. Biden. As U.S. President since 2020, he has done much irreparable damage to our country, including allowing 9 million illegal aliens to flood into the United States. I am firmly convinced that President Biden is merely a face to blame when he leaves office, and not the perpetrator. The Luciferian powers which control Washington DC operate from behind the scenes in secret. Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4).

I am alarmed that most Baptist pastors, Bible colleges and church congregations today are rallying behind manmade Israel, but couldn't care less about the Arab people. There are no more born-again Christians living in Israel today than there are in Palestine. Only 1.9% of Israel's population claims the Christian faith. This includes all the pseudo-Christian religious cults (e.g. Mormon, Roman Catholic, Jehovah's Witness, Seventh-Day Adventist, Church of Christ, Christian Science, Lutheran, et cetera). I dare say that 1 in 500 people living in Israel are truly saved.

I love the Jewish people, and I love the Arab people. If you don't love everybody, then you don't love anybody. I love every living creature with God's unconditional love. I love every human being equally. It is a sin to be a respecter of persons (James 2:1). All we keep hearing about in the news are the hostages taken from Israel, but hardly a word of compassion is expressed for the 20,000 dead Arabs people. We sadly live in a throw-away society today in America. We've allowed the murders of the abortion industry to continue for over 50 years now (since 1973, Roe vs. Wade), which has deadened our sensitivities to the sacredness of life, the awfulness of murder, and the right of every human being to be born and live.

More sin desensitizes us from the awfulness of sin; the Holy Bible sensitizes us to the awfulness of sin. Romans 7:13, “Was then that which is good made death unto me? God forbid. But sin, that it might appear sin, working death in me by that which is good; that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful.” The old age is true: Either the Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Bible.

It is my hope that this war conflict will be resolved soon in Palestine. It saddens me to see so much life (20,000 precious lives) disregarded as extendible. On August 31, 1997 Princess Diana was killed in a tragic car accident. There's hardly a month that goes by, even still over 25 years later, that we don't hear about her life and death from the media. One woman's life and death has made a profound impact upon the world. The same can be said of celebrities such as John Lennon, Frank Sinatra, Elizabeth Taylor, et cetera. Yet, what does anyone in America care about 20,000 murders in Palestine? Well I care.

Back in February of 2023 there were 50,000 people were killed in massive earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. After March we never heard another word about it again. Isn't that strange how the death of one princess or rock star means much more to us than the deaths of 50,000 people? The death of one celebrity is a tragedy, but the deaths of 20,000 is just a statistic. It ought not be that way, but sadly it is.

I wish that life would once again become sacred to us as Americans. If it did, we'd be a lot more careful about our sexual habits. People fornicate with no regard for the life which they conceive in the womb (a gift from God), and then expect the government to facilitate murdering the child by abortion. That is so wrong on multiple levels. Life was once sacred to Americans. Neither is the human body, sex or holy matrimony held as being sacred anymore. This is all the consequence of removing and banning the inspired Holy Bible from America's classrooms since 1963. Tens of millions of U.S. children grew up without a moral compass, and have become today godless adults.

Can we reasonably expect a nation of abortionists to feel compassion for the 20,000 slaughtered lives in Palestine? I think not. Thankfully, many people still do care, but they are far and few between these days. Everywhere I go I meet people who only selfishly care about themselves. They aren't interested in hearing about the suffering, needs or burdens of others. Part of my website ministry since 2001 has been to listen to the burdens and heartaches of others. People email me regularly to share their burdens, problems and situations because they know that I genuinely care and want to be a blessing for Christ in their lives. People just want to be loved. Thank you for reading my blog. It is my privilege to share my thoughts and heart with others in the Lord.

Most Baptist Churches And Bible Revisions Teach The Same False Repentance As The Cults

Mark 1:15, “And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye , and believe the gospel. ” This is a very distu...