Wednesday, February 15, 2023

U.S. Teenage Sadness And Depression At Record Highs

Isaiah 26:3, Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

It was reported in the new this week in February of 2023, that teenage girls across the United States are suffering a drastic increase in sadness, depression and suicidal thoughts. ...

Social media companies face legal scrutiny
over deteriorating mental health among teens

It shouldn't come as a surprise to God-fearing Christians, that the main culprit for today's mental illness among teens and society, is the woeful lack of the inspired Holy Bible is their lives. Since 1962 that Holy Bible, prayer and effectively God, have been removed and banned from the entire public school system.

What irony that a child is deprived of the inspired Word of God from kindergarten to twelfth grade in high school, but then are later handed a Holy Bible when they end up in prison. We've got it all backwards in America!!! Today's dysfunctional ungodly adult (drunkards, drug attics, fornicators, adulterers, complainers, homosexuals, haters, liars, cheaters, evil doers, abortionists, et cetera), who grew up in the American public school system, have no moral compass. What was so wrong about teaching children faith in God and prayer?

Dear reader, our founding fathers never intended for separation of government and state, to mean separation of God and state. When you remove God from the government, all you have left is tyranny and idolatry, as men become their own gods. Those who will not by governed by God, will be ruled over by tyrants. Our foolish nation is now ruing the day, that we allowed our rotten U.S. courts to remove the inspired Holy Bible from children's daily lives at school. Yet, the ungodly U.S. government indoctrinates impressionable children with the blatant fraudulent lies of evolution. Evolution is not legitimate science, it is bizarre fiction and wild unverifiable speculation. Only a darn fool lends credence to such a fallacy as the theories of evolution.

Certainly social media has contributed to teen depression, but much more to blame (I humbly think) is the Devil's confusing LGBTQ agenda, and the Devil's confusing gender-bending agenda being pushed off on teens in public schools. Teaching girls that they might really be boys confuses them. The same is true for teen boys. Such confusion would depressed many teenagers, and adults too. I get depressed and sad over these ungodly agendas. Teens are not emotionally mature enough to handle such craziness in life. In the history of human civilization, our society has never experienced anything like this.

I wrote this blog to raise awareness to the REAL PROBLEM today. Social media is partly to blame for teen sadness and depression, but the content on social media is indicative of the moral degeneration of our American society. We continually hear sympathy in the media toward LGBTQ youth, while no such sympathy is shown toward Christian youth.

The heart of the issue concerning the LGBTQ movement is what God's Word says is a sin, versus what liberals and ungodly society says is wrong. Leviticus 20:13 and Romans 1:22-32 plainly teach that homosexuality in all its forms is a terrible sin in God's sight. So also is adultery, murder and witchcraft. Just because mankind in recent times has adopted ungodly sins as being acceptable, doesn't mean that God has. God never changes (Malachi 3:6). Jesus never changes (Hebrews 13:8). Humanity's tolerance and perspective of sin does.

Teens need Jesus Christ! They need to be told THE TRUTH that homosexuality is a sin, and is not God's best choice for them. Teens need to be taught the horrible and potentially deadly diseases that the homosexual lifestyle causes. It is really a deathstyle. The moment that I heard in the news this week about teen girls across the country increasingly becoming sad, depressed and suicidal—I immediately thought about all the insanity in today's schools and culture, which confuses young people about their gender, sexual preference and morality. 

The solution is to put the GOOD BOOK back into teenager's daily lives. The Word of God was dubbed 'The Good Book' centuries ago for a very real reason, because it produces goodness in God's children as they willingly yield to the fruit of the indwelling Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-25). Obviously, not all saints walk in the Spirit, which does not affect God's free gift of eternal life (Romans 6:1). This is why every child of God needs to attend a local soulwinning, King James Bible only, free grace Gospel-preaching, people-loving, church. We all need fellowship with other saints to be encouraged, edified and comforted (as we do also others). Evangelist Lester Roloff (1914-1982) said it well in his classic sermon titled, “Titanic.” Brother Roloff said: “America was great when she was good, and she was good when she had great churches.”

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