Sunday, December 25, 2022

Pastor John MacArthur Has Ruined Tens Of Thousands Of Lives

Matthew 7:13-15, “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”

Our text Scripture passage is one of the most disturbing in the inspired Holy Bible.

Kindly said, Pastor John F. MacArthur of Grace To You ministry in California has the blood of millions of hellbound victims on his hands. It is tragic that over 97% of professed Christians today refuse to take a stand against the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation. The Bible commands Christian believers to contend for the faith (Jude 1:3). Yet, because of sinful human nature, those religious leaders (like at Pensacola Christian College) who do not expose error, consequently curse the next generation under their influence, because they tolerate and ultimately embrace doctrinal error.

The Gospel preacher John Wesley was right, who said: "What one generation tolerates the next generation will embrace." Pensacola Christian College (PCC) has been wickedly tolerating the Devil's Bob Jones University (BJU) cult for so long, that now they are embracing BJU at PCC. PCC has BJU graduates working on staff, and vice versa in the BJU camp. In his books and sermons, John MacArthur has openly called salvation "a trade" and an "exchange" of sorts, which are Satanic lies.

I pray and wish that so many pastors (like wicked Paul Chappell at the Lancaster Baptist Church in California) would stop paling around with John MacArthur, and instead obey God to 
rebuke them sharply” as Titus 1:13-14 commands in the Word of God. Whatever a pastor stops preaching against is what his church will fill up with in 5 years! Sadly, it is becoming nearly impossible to find a church these days where the pastor exposes John MacArthur as a wolf in sheep's clothing (and he sure is a wolf).

When I attended the Pensacola Interstate Fair in October of 2022, I met two ignoramuses from Campus Church at PCC. They were operating an information booth in one of the exhibit halls at the fair. When I kindly questioned them about what they were promoting to the public, they had no idea what Lordship Salvation even was. I literally had to explain it to them. But they became defensive, claiming that they do preach Lordship Salvation. I was disappointed in them, and their shameful pastor Jeff Redlin at Campus Church for not feeding God's sheep. Every pastor has a solemn duty to teach, warn and prepare 

God's flock from wolves lurking about in society. As the popular country song goes, You've Got To Stand For Something.

One of the men tried to change my thinking. He wanted to debate. So I listened to him for a few minutes. I was sickened as I heard him verbatim repeat the same damnable heresy being preached in chapel at BJU by hellbound infidel Steve Pettit (theologically incompetent BJU president since 2014). The PCC member explained that justification, sanctification and justification are a package deal, which cannot be separated. He said that if you are saved you WILL turn away from your sins if you've really repented. I was disgusted and told him so, kindly. I could see his blood pressure rising... lol. Here is the exact damnable heresy that Steve Pettit preaches ay BJU.

Sadly, Pastor Jeff Redlin doesn't care about contending for the faith at Campus Church. There are a lot of good people at Campus Church, but their pastors are devils in the pulpit, who get paid outrageous 6-digit salaries. The Holy Spirit presence is not felt at PCC and Campus Church. They should rename the place to Pensacola Comfortable College and Comfortable Church, because they are all at ease on Zion, sitting on the premises instead of standing on the promises of God.

Nearly everyone hates the preacher! That is because a faithful preacher tells THE TRUTH. He doesn't kowtow, or sugarcoat the truth to avoid offending people (like they do at PCC). It is tragic what is happening (and not happening) in today's apostate Bible colleges and churches. Nobody wants to get their hands dirty by exposing error, identifying false prophets and earnestly contending for the Christian faith. John MacArthur is one of the most popular preachers in the world, and yet less than 1% of pastors recognize and expose him for the false teacher that he really is.

In sharp contrast to John MacArthur's damnable heresy, who says that salvation is a trade and an exchange for all that we are for all that Christ is, the Bible plainly teaches that eternal life is a "free gift" (Romans 5:15-18). Eternal life is a gift which cost Jesus' His life and blood. JESUS PAID IT ALL. I truthfully tell people that you don't need to turn away from your sins to be saved, because Jesus died for those sins on the cross to pay for them! I try to live right as a child of God because I LOVE JESUS (John 14:15), but the only reason that I am going to Heaven is because JESUS LOVES ME (John 3:16).

So even if I don't love Jesus enough to live the Christian life, I am still 100% going to Heaven simply because Jesus still loves me, and He paid my massive debt of sin through Calvary's cruel cross with His precious blood (1st Peter 1:18-19). Tragically, John MacArthur has ruined many people's lives; and even much worse, he has condemned them to the everlasting Lake of Fire with his counterfeit plan of salvation called "Lordship Salvation." Thank you for reading.

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