Saturday, May 14, 2022

Beware Of Pensacola Christian College Cult

2nd John 1:11, “For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.”

I was abused by Pastor Jeff Redlin, so also have other people at Campus Church and Pensacola Christian College (PCC). I am going to expose them until Jeff Redlin apologizes for mistreating me multiple times. PCC doesn't care about how they treat people. They selfishly only care about protecting their corrupt institutions.

Campus Church and PCC are making enemies! I was horribly mistreated by Pastor Jeff Redlin when I attended Campus Church for the summer of 2021. He foolishly scolded me for mentioning that I hoped to find a wife at Campus Church. Jeff Redlin is not God, but he acts like it, condemning other people who are hurting and lonely.

Then in front of his wife he insulted me further, saying that even if I did find a woman to marry, he wouldn't perform the wedding. What a self-righteous religious hypocrite!

Then he criticized my website ministry, falsely accusing me of "finding weaknesses in preachers," because I preach against the hellbound Lordship Salvation cult at Bob Jones University. Titus 1:9-14 commands believers to "rebuke them sharply" who preach another gospel, corrupting families. But Jeff Redlin would rather have us all go along with apostasy and heresy, and say nothing like the PCC camp is notorious for, standing against nothing. People just want to be loved, something that the PCC camp have yet to learn, which this sad article further evidences.

Jeff Redlin has a big mouth which he needs to learn to keep shut! Redlin is a disgusting disgrace as a church leader. Since PCC supports him, I must expose them too! He had no right to scold me an a grown man for desiring to have the same luxury he has, a wife to make love to. But I'm just supposed to masturbate for the rest of my life according to Pastor Redlin. This is the sicko cult mentality of the Pensacola Christian College cult, and it is unbiblical (1st Corinthians 7:1-2). SHAME on Jeff Redlin! SHAME on Sean Quinlan! SHAME on Campus Church! SHAME on PCC! Anytime that Jeff Redlin wants to humble himself as a man, and make peace with me, if he is sincerely willing to apologize for mistreating me on multiple accounts, I will gladly make peace with their organizations. If not, the war has begun!

God knows that the only reason I needed to go to these extreme measures to get their attention at Campus Church and PCC, is because Jeff Redlin as an intellectual snob is so arrogant and full of pride, that I could not talk with the guy in 2021. I tried to reason with him, but he was defensive, accusative and a total jerk! So now we will do things his way. God knows that I came to Campus Church in July of 2021 with a humble spirit of love, compassion and desire to help their ministry. But instead I was sinfully scolded for preaching against the corrupt Bob Jones University crowd, wrongly scolded for hoping to find a wife, and horribly mistreated in front of his wife.

Then he threw slander in my face that he read about me on the internet, warning me to “walk circumspectly” at Campus Church. Who the hell does Jeff Redlin think he is? Those ungodly hypocrites at PCC have the audacity to talk about “unfounded rumors,” when Jeff Redlin, their senior pastor, did just that to me, unjustly condemning me based upon unfounded rumors. PCC is as guilty as anybody!!! When I tried to make peace with him, Pastor Redlin made a bunch of lame excuses and blamed me instead. What a loser! What the hell is wrong with Jeff Redlin? Why does PCC hire these type of abusive cold-hearted people to lead?

Sean Quinlan is a disgusting disgrace as a PCC pastor. I attended his sorry church for a year in 2018. That weasel admitted to me that he couldn't even show me one thing wrong with the Devil's modern bibles. Yet that self-righteous hypocrite berated me at church, calling me "obsessed over the Bible issue." The truth is that if it weren't for INCOMPETENT jerks like Sean Quinan, preachers like me wouldn't have to be OBSSESSED to expose them! Quinlan quit as pastor and fled Guam in late 2018. That sorry devil works on staff at Pensacola Christian College today! I cry aloud against these rotten people for very good reasons.

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