Monday, February 28, 2022

Beware of Charismatic & Pentecostal Nutcases!

2nd Peter 2:1-3, “But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.”

I once worked with a Charismatic nutcase! And let me tell you, there's not a more ungodly, weird and covetous group of hypocrites than the Pentecostals, Assemblies, Charismatics, et cetera. They all share three common falsehoods:
  1. Speaking in demonic tongues
  2. Fake healing crusades or meetings
  3. Salvation can be lost because of sin
I once met a crazy religious man on an airplane (a retired commercial airline pilot of all things). He was a Charismatic wacko, very disrespectful of other's beliefs, and a jerk. I wish I had never allowed him to draw me into his creepy conversation. The insane experience was so unpleasant that it compelled me to never engage in another conversation with these demon possessed weirdos. While I was sharing my views against fake healings, he literally started talking over me, reading the Bible incessantly like he was exorcizing a demon. I asked him to please be quiet, but he totally ignored me and just kept reading his New King James Version aloud in his anger. That was creepy! That guy was a strange freak if ever I met one. 

Not surprisingly, I have a VERY LOW opinion of anybody who is involved in the Devil's Charismatic movement. The guy I just mentioned has a Korean woman for a pastor in Colorado. ALL women preachers are false prophets!!! This wicked country has already gone to the dogs! My Christian advice to everyone is to AVOID the Charismatic movement completely! Just like the greedy cult of Scientology, greedy Charismatics are no better! Benny Hinn is one of the biggest conmen on the planet!!! It is unfortunate that so many millions of people fall prey to these monsters, predators in the pulpit today who just want YOUR MONEY!

I used to work with a heathen Pentecostal man, another nut! One afternoon I kindly tried to warn him about the woes of the covetous Charismatic movement (e.g., Creflo Dollar, Peter Popoff, Joyce Meyer, Paul and Jan Crouch, Oral Roberts, Benny Hinn, Bill Hamon, John Hagee and Pat Robertson (to name but a few heretics). I shared with him the story about my pastor, Jack Hyles, who was so humble that he refused a brand new Rolls Royce car. The nut that I worked with falsely accused Dr. Hyles of being too proud to accept a gift from a church member! Isn't it interesting how people can justify anything from a certain perspective?

So in the mind of that foolish co-worker, pastors are being “humble” to accept all the lavish gifts and money bestowed upon them by their followers. And if you don't accept them you are “too proud” they say. GET THEE BEHIND ME, SATAN!!! That is the Devil talking in that fool's head. I thank God that I have the inspired Word of God to form, shape and guide my thinking. Romans 12:2, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. The most stupid and dangerous thing that you will ever do is to idly subject your mind to the tommyrot of a Charismatic preacher!!!

When I was traveling on an airplane for neck surgery, a horrible Charismatic nut told me that if I were filled with the Holy Spirit that I wouldn't need to have surgery. Isn't that evil folks? What a horrible and unkind thing to say to someone who is suffering, headed for surgery to go under the knife. That wicked man was laying the blame upon me, for if I had been as spiritual as him, I would have been miraculously healed without a surgeon.

I love something that my Baptist pastor said to us in his sermon yesterday, on Sunday morning. He said that if you get up on the church roof and jump off, you will be rushed to the Emergency Room, but God still loves you! In other words, the fact that God does love you very much, doesn't negate the physical laws of gravity!!! Our wise pastor was teaching us that just because bad things happen to us in life, doesn't in any way mean that God doesn't love us very much. No one is exempt from life's hardships, burdens and evil happenings.

We're all susceptible of become the victim of criminals! Life is never fair to anyone!!! The world blames God, knowing that He is all-powerful and could stop this mess at any time, so why doesn't He? I honestly cannot answer that question. I simply don't know. If I were God (thankfully I'm not or I'd make a total mess of things), I'd try to straiten out the world. But wait, then I would have to force people against their will to do my will, or else terminate them or somehow remove them from the equation. Gee, thing aren't as simple as I thought after all. Did you ever think about that friend? If you were God, how would you improve the world? We could get 1,000 people together in a room, to ask them what they would change about the world if they could. But it would turn into a nightmare quickly, because no one would agree.

Come to think of it, that is exactly what is presently happening in the United States. We've got a bunch of people running around on social media, in the court system, the newsmedia, lawmakers, politicians and top leaders in every profession, including the nutty religious world, dictating to the planet how things should be. The result is always chaos! If humanity has learned one thing over the past 6,000 years of human civilization, it is that mankind cannot rightly govern himself. And since we nearly all reject the inspired Holy Bible, which God gave us in His mercy to guide us through life, humanity is doomed to repeated failure! No one knows so little, as the fool who thinks they have all the answers apart from the Word of God.

Would you really want God to force people against our will to do what is right? If that were the case, then we wouldn't have any freedom, no free will, no liberty. I wouldn't want that. And if God instantly punished everyone who did something wrong, He'd be zapping people all day long from Heaven. That would make us prisoners in a far more cruel world than the one in which we live today because of man's sin. When I really think it through, God is so good to all of us! The world is only in a mess because we as humans have made it that way!

God gave to us a working brain. I marvel how stupid some people are, giving their money and children to the Charismatic movement. Beware of false prophets Jesus warned in Matthew 7:15, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Beware of Pat Robertson! Beware of John Hagee! Beware of the Oral Roberts camp! Beware of Benny Hinn and anybody associated with his circus of religious clowns. Satan is a beautiful liar! I feel sorry for anyone who has been caught up into the Devil's wacky speaking in tongues, fake healing meetings, and thinking that God's free gift of salvation can be lost. No one is saved who thinks that salvation can be lost! That is slavation, not salvation!!!

Benny Hinn Exposed!

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