Sunday, November 7, 2021

Explaining And Exposing “MODERNISM”

I have a helpful book in front of me by Dr. John R. Rice (1895-1980) titled: “IS JESUS GOD?—AN ANSWER TO INFIDELS IN THE CHURCH AND OUT,” written in 1948 and published by the Sword of The Lord in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Inside the front cover of the book Dr. Rice writes: “Get this book into the hands of every modernist and doubter possible.” I would like to share with you some helpful quotes from Dr. Rice's insightful book:
What We Mean by the Term “Modernist”

The false teaching we have been discussing is modernism; the false teachers so often warned against in the Bible are modernists. They are also called “theological liberals,” or “radicals.” They are sometimes called “Unitarians.” Sometimes their leaders are called “higher critics.” All these terms refer to people who deny the great historic doctrines of Christianity.

They deny that the Bible is infallible inspired of God, that it is God's authoritative revelation, to be believed and obeyed in all points. They say it is not God's Word, though some of it may contain God's Word. They say it is a human book, full of mistakes, not to be accepted as God's perfect revelation.

Modernists deny that Christ is deity, God in human form, “the only begotten Son of the Father.” They are Unitarians which means that they believe there is one God, only one person in the Godhead. They do not believe in the Trinity, do not believe Jesus is God. They say He is a son of God only in the sense that we are all the children of God. Hence they do not believe in the virgin birth of Christ nor His bodily resurrection, since both of these miracles are proof of Christ's deity.

Modernists, denying the authority of the Bible and its infallible inspiration, deny its God-given prophecies, deny all miracles, deny the Bible account of creation. They try to provide a natural explanation for all things, to avoid the supernatural, miraculous explanation. Hence modernists believe man came by evolution instead of by direct creation by God. They deny the miracles of Christ and others recorded in the Bible. They deny even the miraculous new birth, regeneration. Modernists teach salvation by character, by good works, if they teach salvation at all.

Remember, modernism is a matter of doctrine, not a matter of how one lives. A modernist, or liberal, may be a total abstainer, an outwardly moral citizen; may even be a respected preacher. On the other hand, a drunkard or gambler may not be a modernist at all, but a believer in the truths of the Bible. Do not call anyone a modernist because he is worldly. Worldliness is one thing; modernism is another. One may lead to the other, but they are not the same. Modernism is a denial of fundamental Bible doctrine.

These unbelievers who claim to be modernists mean that they do not accept the old historic truths of Christianity. Instead, they have new doctrines, based not upon the Bible as God's revelation to man, but based on man's reason and man's partial knowledge and man's preference. Modernism is a modern religion, not the historic Bible Christianity our fathers knew. ...

SOURCE: Dr. John R. Rice, “IS JESUS GOD?—AN ANSWER TO INFIDELS IN THE CHURCH AND OUT,” pages 162-163; © 1948, Sword Of The Lord Publishers, Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
I was intrigued when I read the preceding words of Brother Rice from 1948, because what he wrote is 100% applicable to the year 2019. Dr. Rice could have written these exact words today and they would have been truer than ever. As I typed out these words by Dr. John R. Rice, I though about Pastor John MacArthur, who denies that Jesus' physical blood is applied to the mercy seat in Heaven. Mr. MacArthur also teaches that “There is no such thing as a childhood conversion” (that is an exact quote). Dr. John MacArthur teaches that Jesus DIDN'T have God's blood flowing in His veins. This, MacArthur is effectively denying Jesus' deity. How could Jesus be the only begotten virgin-born Son of God, and yet not have God the Father's blood flowing in His body? It is impossible! Remember, Jesus DIDN'T have an earthly father!

I thought further about Dr. MacArthur, who gives SEVEN REQUIREMENTS to be saved! Pastor MacArthur is a modernist. Any pastor who teaches and supports Calvinism is incompetent. Any pastor who consults dozens of Bible versions to find the truth is incompetent. God deliver our churches from apostasy today! Modernists have crept into the Bible colleges and churches, pulling on the same rope as the Devil!
Modernism is a denial of fundamental Bible doctrine.” —Dr. John R. Rice
People have a right to their opinion, but the Bible teaches for Christians to expose false prophets (Titus 1:10-13; Ephesians 5:11). The reason why America is going to Hell is because preachers today are cowards, afraid to call false prophets by name, afraid to tell the truth, afraid to expose false teachings. This is America, where we all have a right to our own opinion, and I am expressing mine. Bob Jones University is hurting people with their apostasy!

IF I PERISH, I PERISH! (an awesome MP3 sermon by Pastor Jack Hyles)

Preachers in America have become too complacent, going along to get along with apostasy, tolerant of the lies of Calvinism (Lordship Salvation) and Roman Catholicism. 2nd Corinthians 6:14, “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?” Bible-preachers need to take a stand against false doctrine, sin and corruption in government. A preacher should be offensive and make unrighteous people, criminals and liars angry!

As I typed the preceding words of wisdom by Dr. John R. Rice, I thought about modernist missionary Garrett Kirchway, who denies the Trinity. These apostates are dangerous! They look like real Christians. They talk like real Christians. They are friendly, loving, kind, sociable and by all appearance seem to be real Christians; but they are NOT real Christians. The Scripture foretold that in the last days false prophets would come, and that people would no longer tolerate SOUND DOCTRINE. 2nd Timothy 4:3, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears.”

Jesus told us that they who do God's will concerning salvation can discern sound doctrine. John 7:17, “If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.” If you have been born-again, then you have the indwelling Holy Spirit. John 16:13, “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.” If you are saved, then you will embrace the biblical truth of the Godhead (aka, Trinity).

As I typed the preceding words of wisdom by Dr. John R. Rice, I thought about modernists Rick Warren, Ray Comfort and Stephen Davey, who all teach that salvation requires behavior modification. That is not “the simplicity that is in Christ” spoken of in the Scriptures (2nd Corinthians 11:3-4).

I bought the inspiring 1956 movie “The Ten Commandments” starring actor Charlton Heston (1923-2008). That was one of my favorite films that I saw on Tv as a child. Most people, like me, love the scene where God parts the Red Sea. The DVD movie is narrated by Katherine Orrison (if you choose to turn on the commentary feature). I watched the entire 2:40 hour movie through, and then once again with the commentary turned on. I was very saddened as I listened to Katherine Orrison's horrible lack of faith in a miracle working God. All she does throughout the commentary is attempt to provide plausible natural excuses to discredit the miracles of God. This movie is the 5th highest-grossing movie in North America, with an adjusted total of over $1 billion as of 2010. Miss Orrison is a modernist.

Katherine Orrison suggests that the waters in Egypt turned red due to a nearby volcanic eruption that spewed colored lava, thus changing the water's color. She then speculates that the contaminated waters drove the frogs and locusts from their natural habitat into the Egyptian's homes, and that the volcanic rocks were toxic and killed wildlife, making the rivers to stink. The fiery hail is also attributed to volcanic activity. It is tragic that people refuse to accept the Bible as literal. The Bible tells us that the waters in Egypt were turned into literal blood, not just given a red color.

The Bible says that God cursed the Egyptians with painful boils all over their bodies, which a volcano did not do. Orrison's lack of faith in a miracle working God is disgraceful in a movie that meant so much to Cecil B. Demille (1881-1959). Mr. Demille believed that God could do the IMPOSSIBLE, and He still does today. Life itself is impossible without God. Look around you and you'll see the impossible. This universe would fall apart in seconds if God stopped doing the impossible. Acts 17:25 says that God giveth to all life and breath. Katherine is an unbelieving modernist!

It is not surprising to me that the hellhole of Hollywood would botch the Ten Commandments, attributing all of God's miracles to natural occurrences. The truth is that these unsaved modernists have no faith at all in the miracle-working God of the Bible. They are unbelievers in every way. Katherine Orrison attempts to explain away God's miraculous power, trying to appease unbelievers, skeptics, atheists, and naysayers. To Hell with the naysayers if that's where they choose to go! God is omnipotent!!! Nothing shall be impossible to God. I love what Luke 1:37 says... NOTHING SHALL BE IMPOSSIBLE! The Bible doesn't say that all things are possible with God; but rather, NOTHING SHALL BE IMPOSSIBLE!!! In other words, God can do the inexplicable, the unexpectable, and the unimaginable!!!

Shame on Katherine Orrison for doubting God's omnipotence, while narrating a movie about the Holy Bible. She speculates that a volcano turned the water to a reddish color; however, the Bible says that the water turned into literal blood and stank because of it. All the fish died because they can't breath blood. It had nothing to do with a volcano, as the character of Pharaoh in the movie suggests. Katherine Orrison is no better than unbelieving Pharaoh who doubted God's power and might. We ought not attempt to cater to the doubts of unbelievers by explaining away the miracles of God. If a person refuses to believe the Bible because it proclaims a miracle-working God, then they are doomed in their unbelief, for salvation itself is a supernatural act of God (John 1:12). She is a modernist! God Is A Miracle Working God!

Dr. John R. Rice sure knew what he was talking about over 70 years ago. Brother Rice's words are as real, applicable and pertinent today in the new millennium, as they were in 1948. Unbelieving modernists abound in our society today. Media mogul Oprah Winfrey often says a kind word about Jesus here and there, but she denies the power of the Gospel. 2nd Timothy 3:5, “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” That “power” is the “GOSPEL,” the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ crucified on the cross, buried and physically risen the third day (1st Corinthians 15:1-6). Romans 1:16, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”

I love that Bible verse! Anyone who talks about the precious name of Jesus, salvation, God or spiritual matters (we see this a lot on Tv), but does not include the truth of Jesus' death on the cross, burial and bodily resurrection, is a modernist! They have “a form” of godliness, but DENY THE POWER THEREOF. The Holy Scripture warns to TURN AWAY FROM THEM!!! There is no salvation apart from the cross of Calvary! There can be no salvation apart from Christ's sacrifice on the cross for our sins, apart from His burial and subsequent resurrection from the dead the third day. Run away from anyone who uses the name of Jesus to help their agenda, who refuses to teach that salvation is ONLY through faith in Christ's sacrifice on the cross for our sins, and through believing that Jesus is bodily risen!

Modernists are everywhere today! Let's read again the words of Dr. Rice. I have broken down Brother Rice's paragraphs into a list of 15 warning signs, for simplification, of who is a MODERNIST:
  1. They deny that the Bible is infallible inspired of God, that it is God's authoritative revelation, to be believed and obeyed in all points.
  2. They say it is not God's Word, though some of it may contain God's Word.
  3. They say it is a human book, full of mistakes, not to be accepted as God's perfect revelation.
  4. Modernists deny that Christ is deity, God in human form, “the only begotten Son of the Father.”
  5. They are Unitarians which means that they believe there is one God, only one person in the Godhead.
  6. They do not believe in the Trinity, do not believe Jesus is God.
  7. They say He is a son of God only in the sense that we are all the children of God.
  8. They do not believe in the virgin birth of Christ nor His bodily resurrection, since both of these miracles are proof of Christ's deity.
  9. Modernists deny the authority of the Bible and its infallible inspiration.
  10. They deny its God-given prophecies, deny all miracles, deny the Bible account of creation.
  11. They try to provide a natural explanation for all things, to avoid the supernatural, miraculous explanation.
  12. Modernists believe man came by evolution instead of by direct creation by God.
  13. They deny the miracles of Christ and others recorded in the Bible.
  14. They deny even the miraculous new birth, regeneration.
  15. Modernists teach salvation by character, by good works, if they teach salvation at all.
These unbelievers who claim to be modernists mean that they do not accept the old historic truths of Christianity. Instead, they have new doctrines, based not upon the Bible as God's revelation to man, but based on man's reason and man's partial knowledge and man's preference. Modernism is a modern religion, not the historic Bible Christianity our fathers knew. ...

SOURCE: Dr. John R. Rice, “IS JESUS GOD?—AN ANSWER TO INFIDELS IN THE CHURCH AND OUT,” pages 162-163; © 1948, Sword Of The Lord Publishers, Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
Now you, dear reader, will be more ready and on guard what to watch for, knowing when Satan is trying to sneak into your church family, or your personal family or group. A false prophet is known by his doctrine! I believe in being kind to everyone, gentle, loving and patient, apt to teach and understanding. I am not advocating being mean to anyone. I am simply agreeing with God's Word.

Modernists have been creeping into churches throughout history. Paul warned about them in his day. Jude 1:4, “For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.” Martin Luther King Jr. was a famous Baptist minister, yet Mr. King openly denied the deity, virgin birth and bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. King was an unsaved modernist! There is no debate that he was a courageous pubic speaker, a gifted orator, persuasive and a great man in his time; but he is burning in Hell this moment in his sins, unless he repented on his deathbed.

Today we see atheists and women becoming church pastors, blaspheming the Word of God. I found a counterfeit church in Washington D.C. with a lesbian couple as their pastors, one of which denies Jesus' bodily resurrection. Modernists are everywhere! The Bible says to identify false prophets and avoid them. Romans 16:17, “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.”

The Churches Are Full Of Modernists Today

I am unpopular with many pastors and churches, because I am telling THE TRUTH. I met a shallow graduate of Pensacola Christian College (PCC) on Guam in 2018 (one of their incompetent interns), who said that I have no right to preach as I do because I am not a pastor, having no authority. That fella has holes in his head! He even accused me of thinking I am “AN APOSTLE.” As much as I preach against John MacArthur, I admire a very truthful thing that he said, acknowledging that a pastor HAS NO AUTHORITY in a church! The Word of God is the only authority in any church! Amen! Romans 3:4a, “God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.” Thank you for reading this.

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