Wednesday, August 4, 2021

America's Ungodly Prison System Needs To Change

Isaiah 14:12-17, “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!  how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!  For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?”

The Bible says that Satan wouldn't open the house of the prisoners! Our blessed Creator NEVER intended for men, who are created in the very image of God, to be locked in cages like animals. There is nothing taught in the Bible about locking men in cages! In God's justice system, justice means an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. In the Bible you usually paid a fine, were beaten or executed when proven guilty. God never wanted men imprisoned, which is torture and cruelty. I am 100% against locking men in cages, even for 5 minutes.

I watched a PBS documentary tonight about a man who committed aggravated robbery at age 20 and was sentenced to 328 years in prison. As far as I'm concerned, that is cruel and unusual punishment. That poor man, even though he was guilty of a horrible crime, testified decades later how he was gang raped in prison by other inmates. Folks, that is not okay! Something needs to change in our country. No one should ever be locked in a cage, so they can go insane and lose their mind, let along be raped on top of that. Even the worst of criminals still ought not be abused and tortured. The act of capital punishment is an act of mercy. Locking someone in a cage for the rest of their life is abuse and cruel torture. I understand that the family of the victims, and the victims (if still alive), would like to see such criminals burn in Hell forever, but that is not justice.

Debate with may as you may, you cannot show me anywhere in the inspired Word of God where God commanded men to build prisons. Prisons were build by heathens, beginning with the Egyptians. What really bothers me is the well known rape culture in U.S. prisons. I admit that I have seen a lot of Hollywood movies. I haven't watched any TV for the past 7 years, simply because I didn't want to pay $1,500 a year on Guam for digital TV. I don't need it. So I either purchase films or watch movies on YouTube (there are thousands of free movies). 

One common theme that I have noticed is that people get raped in prison. Movie after movie jokes about have one's rectum resized in prison. It may be funny to some people, but I think it is a serious and sickening reality in our failed prison system. It's not funny when you get raped. Why does our culture praise criminals getting violated in prison? It is a spirit of hatred. I am a caring person. I have empathy. I put myself in the shoes of others. How would you feel if you were gang raped in prison?

I read last year in the news about a poor mother who was sentenced to 99 years in prison for assaulting her 2 year old baby. I say “poor mother” because she doesn't deserve 99 years in prison. Search Google and you'll see that the average murderer in the U.S. spends 16 years in prison. The mother's daughter made a full recovery. The 8th Amendment is supposed to protect Americans from cruel and unusual punishment, but time after time we see that the U.S. courts spit upon this constitutional law and ignore it. This is evil. I believe everyone deserves a second chance. Norway has an excellent prison system!!!

I know that some people will disagree with me, but everyone deserves a second chance. No one should be locked away until they die. I am 100% for capital punishment, which is biblical. But I am also 100% against incarcerating someone for a lifetime. If someone is older, is dangerous to release, or has committed crimes so horrible that they must be locked away for life, then they should be executed right away. Taxpayers ought not have to pay to keep them housed and fed. Locking someone in a cage for decades is not justice, it is cruelty. 

If not the death penalty, then prison towns should be built, with stores, barber shops, gyms and the things that people need to survive. You cannot lock people away and expect society not to suffer horrifying repercussions. When inmates are released from the U.S. prison system, in most cases they are much worse off, dysfunctional and a threat to society than before they went in. I've heard many criminals testify that they learned how to be a more skilled criminal while incarcerated. America's prison are criminal learning centers! 

We don't rehabilitate people in our prisons, we lock them away, rape them, alienate them, and then release them back into the public. Many of them have no choice but to live on the street, live in storm drainage systems, or commit more crime so they can go back to the only home that they know in prison. Norway has it right! Their philosophy is that if you treat prisoners like people, showing them mercy and kindness, they'll feel like people and reform, wanting to continue a better lifestyle when released from prison. Norway's system works!

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