Tuesday, April 27, 2021

The Dark Sinister New World Order Is Upon Us

Daniel 12:4, “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Revelation 12:9, “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”

We see a lot of fake news these days, especially from the left, but FOX News is guilty too. I don't know how they keep a straight face announcing that Caitlyn (Bruce) Jenner is running for governor of California. Sadly, that twisted weirdo will probably win, which seems to be typical for California nowadays. You couldn't make this stuff up. Proverbs 28:4, “They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them.”

I am suspicious of this whole COVID-19 pandemic, and have been since the beginning. It seems like 911 part two. There is no question that the virus is real, and many people have died. Yet, I have not seen even one person coughing, sneezing or sick in the least way since this all began in January of 2020. I live on the island of Guam, but from what I've read online, people everywhere are feeling the same way. What I do see is a police state forming, where the government wants total control over the people. 

After 911, TSA started sticking their hands down people's clothes at the airports, making elderly women remove their diapers, forcing mothers to drink their own breast milk, all to allegedly prevent the plane from blowing up. When I went through the airports, they sprayed my MRI's with chemicals, treated me like a criminal, threw all my shaving cream and deodorants in the garbage. It feels like Nazi-Germany, from what I've read of history, going through airports today. Homeland Security didn't exist prior to 911. Professor G. Edward Griffin rightly said: “Total government is communism.”

So I could be wrong, but after seeing the government get away with 911, which was clearly an Inside Job, I don't trust the ungodly U.S. government one bit. They are often liars, criminals and evil to the core. They legalized abortion in 1973. They legalized homosexuality in 2015. They removed God's Word from the schools in 1963, but still force children to learn the blatant lies of evolution. They are evil in many cases at the highest levels (Ephesians 6:12). The quack U.S. Justice Department refused to investigate Mena, Arkansas for drug trafficking during Bill Clinton's term as governor. They refused to prosecute the HSBC banking scandal, laundering the Mexican drug cartel's money for them. The U.S. Justice Department refused to investigate 911. But these monsters are now going after the city of Minneapolis for potential racial bigotry. What hypocrisy! White Americans are now public enemy number one. The sinister New World Order is upon us. This racial divide is an agenda of the communists which is being used to divide and conquer the people. Professor G. Edward Griffin is a brilliant historian, who gave this amazing speech in 1969, explaining how the communists (leftists) use race to divide and conquer society.

It is not a coincidence that the borders are open today, and the media is fueling the race issue, and today's perverse gender-bending insanity is being forced on kids. The first head of the World Health Organization (WHO) had these creepy words to say in 1954:
“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.” —George Brock Chisholm, in a Speech given at the, Conference on Education, Asilomar, California, September 11, 1954

No wonder we are seeing a constant attack against organized religion. I heard Joe Elliott, lead singer of Def Leppard, say the other day that he is a Christian, but rejects organized religion. That is exactly what Alice Bailey (1880-1949), an infamous occult, stated was their ultimate goal—to lead youth away from theology and organized religion, and instead lead them into a form of spirituality (2nd Timothy 3:5 - a form of godliness without the power thereof). This will enable the coming Antichrist, who will be a very spiritual person, to deceive the masses of this world (Daniel 11:38). That is why I make a big deal over Bible DOCTRINE. Theology is lacking in the churches today. All of the Devil's modern Bible versions water down theology, and promote stories instead. The deity of Jesus is avoided like the Bubonic Plague these days.

So, as a long answer to your question, I think this pandemic may (I don't know for certain) be used to further the New World Order (NWO). I heard on the news the other day that 1 person who refused the vaccine infected 22 other people who did receive the vaccine. That naturally makes me wonder where this is all leading. I don't think the government will mandate vaccines, because they won't have to, the businesses will do it for them! We cannot buy or sell locally now without a mask and temperature check. 

Since millions of people (including myself) will refuse the vaccine, that poses a big problem for the official narrative (i.e., that non-vaccinated people can still infect vaccinated people). It just raises serious questions about the legitimacy of getting vaccinated at all. I don't want the vaccine. I have never taken a flu shot since being forced to as a kid. I don't want that garbage in my body. I don't trust the government. The famous preacher Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) took a Smallpox vaccine to prove to everyone how safe it was, and the vaccine killed him. How ironic!

If you do the math, over 8 billion people must die in 70 years (on average). That boils down to about 313,1110 people die every day on average in this world. I made this intriguing webpage about Hell, explaining the math
I have no plans to take the vaccine. It is a personal decision. I don't advise other people what to do, but I don't want it. The best defense is a good offense. The best health defense is a strong immune system. If a person eats well, doesn't have a bunch of stress, doesn't smoke, exercises and is in good health, that is the best immunity.

So I can't help but wonder how many of these alleged "COVID deaths" really died of the virus, or something else and were just counted for the virus. I am not saying that the deaths are staged or fake. I only know what I see and hear on TV (that's scary in itself). And what I see and hear locally. The virus deaths seem real enough. I see refrigerated trucks on TV allegedly filled with dead bodies. Yet, we know that the media lies all the time. They lied about 911. The Bush Administration got caught red-handed on 911, but because of the lying media and the corrupt U.S. Justice Department, they got away with it for now. Thankfully, Ecclesiastes 5:8 promises that God won't allow them to escape justice. They will pay!!! 2 planes simply cannot bring down 3 buildings.

We know from the book of Revelation that the Mark of the Beast is coming. We cannot stop it. I honestly don't know if this is the beginning of the Beast system, but I lean toward thinking it is. Things happen progressively. This virus may not lead directly into the Mark of the Beast, but will set the gears in motion for the future. I think climate change is a hoax. I think the Black Lives Matter movement was all planned, a deliberate attempt to divide and conquer, and destabilize American society. The reason why is it ultimately allows the Globalists to usurp more control over Americans. Senator Ted Cruz' father Rafael Cruz is a good man, who confirmed that the LGBTQ movement is all about the government taking total control, which is communism.

The Bible says that people are like sheep (Isaiah 53:6), gullible and easily taken advantage of. I hope that information was helpful and interesting. It is not a mere coincidence that the southern borders are wife open, welcoming 100,000 illegal immigrant children into the country. The assault on the United States never ends! The Devil's gender-bending insanity is being forced on children today, mandating a cancel-culture where children are not even allowed to use terms like “
mother” and “father” anymore. In Idaho an 11 year old girl was told by her deranged school counselor that it is okay if she wants to become a boy. Isaiah 5:20, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

These are perilous times (2nd Timothy 3:1-5). Such types of social uprisings, civil instability and insane political correctness didn't just happen happenstance, it was all intentionally caused by subversion. The Globalists are notorious for causing social unrest in other countries, to destabilize their economies and force nations to their knees. Author Ray Novosel in his excellent book, 'The Illuminati Exposed: Beware The Mark,' says this:

What we are now clearly seeing is Western banking institutions looting developing countries’ central banks, plundering their foreign exchange reserves, undermining national governments, destabilizing entire national economies and deliberately promoting instability and unrest throughout the world. Over the last two years especially, a massive concentration of immense financial power has taken place in the hands of the Insiders. And all of it, we may be very sure, as just another important step towards their beloved New World Order.


The countries of the world are gradually transforming into a Police State. Local and state governments, mega global corporations and even communist dictatorships are being merged globally into a colossal world government.  This world government is hell-bent on consolidating the resources of individuals, governments, sole-proprietorships, churches, charities, political parties, and armies under its unaccountable, unelected quasi-governmental bureaucracies, like the WTO, IMF, World Bank, Central Banks, i.e. US Regional Governorship of the Federal Reserve.  As individual as well as institutional awareness mounts to this modern megalomaniacal takeover, the control-freak psychotics of the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group and others, are using all of their considerable influence to create a perceived enemy threat to the expanding paramilitary forces bristling at every layer of government.  This new enemy, this new threat is, in reality, the truly separated individual simply trying to live his or her life and who wishes The Most High to control their destiny.

SOURCE: Ray Novosel, 'The Illuminati Exposed: Beware The Mark'

The preceding quote explains why we are seeing so much civil unrest in the United States today, which is being incessantly fueled by the ungodly mainstream newsmedia. This is all by design folks. Alex Jones produced this 1998 insightful documentary called: 'America Destroyed By Design.' You are the enemy America!!! None of this insanity today just happened. The LGBTQ agenda was deliberately forced on American culture. The southern borders have been open for the past 50 years. We've got 50,000,000 illegal immigrants in the United States! The Satanic gender-bending, freak, cancel-culture is all Marxist propaganda, intended to undermine and destroy the Christian family.

Despite no signs of anyone being sick in public, everybody is still being forced by law to wear face diapers (masks). The racist Black Lives Matter movement is a communist plot to divide and conquer, as a means of empowering a Godless Totalitarian Tyrannical Communist Police State. It is not a coincidence that the mainstream newsmedia are focusing on hundreds of shootings nationwide, and now President Joe Biden is by passing congress to enact illegal gun restriction laws. This is all intentional, leading us toward a police state. 

Do you think all this insanity just happened overnight? It was planned a long time ago, and has gradually been implemented, and is now escalating. This will ultimately lead the United States into the New World Order. The government will be usurping more power over every aspect of our lives. This is all about weakening America!!! The staged 911 attacks (a proven Inside Job) were just the beginning of the police state. TSA has been abusing Americans at the airports every since, and now this type of thuggish fascist abuse will extend throughout all society after this scamdemic is over. Climate change is a big hoax! Climate change will be used by the Globalists (Luciferians) to usurp more government control. This is all leading into the Beast system of the coming Man of Sin, the Antichrist (Revelation 12:9; 13:15-18).

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