Friday, April 9, 2021

Blatant And Visible Corruption In The United States

Isaiah 3:12, “As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them.  O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.” Ephesians 5:10-11, “Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” 1st Timothy 2:1-6, “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

We are now beholding the saddest time in American history in 2021. It is sad and shameful that a woman is now our country's Vice President. Even more shameful is that she boasted publicly of breaking the law by smoking marijuana, when as a prosecutor she convicted over 2,000 citizens for doing the very same thing. Harris has no shame! Only in the United States can a military draft-dodger like Bill Clinton be made U.S. President, bypassing millions of honorable veterans who sacrificed, bled and suffered to defend and preserve our freedom. What an insult to every military veteran! Bill Clinton never should have even been considered as U.S. President. While American's sons were dying in Vietnam, Bill Clinton was hiding for the coward he is in Canada. And then they made that wicked coward our President.

One of my dear friends and a preaching mentor is Pastor Max D. Younce in Minnesota. I love this man like a brother! Dr. Younce is the John R. Rice of our generation and I encourage you to visit his website and read his many awesome books. Here is a needful and powerful recent sermon series by Pastor Younce decrying the blatant incompetence and wickedness in our government in 2021...

The Blatant And Visible Corruption In Our Government - Part One

The Blatant And Visible Corruption In Our Government - Part Two

The Blatant And Visible Corruption In Our Government - Part Three

I was sickened today as I looked through the news headlines in this helpful activist website. This is a great website, operated by a caring attorney who defends men's rights, children and God-fearing Christians. Marriage is now at an all-time low, because many men no longer consider the benefits of marriage worth the potential risks. If a man gets married, and his wife decides to abandon and divorce him down the road, it is very likely that he will become a weekend Dad at best (if he sees his children at all) and be forced by the court to financially support his wife. Meanwhile she is not required to meet his sexual needs, cook, clean or do anything else. So he loses EVERYTHING, but she still gets financial support for the rest of her life, and he may never see his children again. Talk about a RAW DEAL!!! 

This is what Satanism has done through social engineering to convince women that men are weak, stupid, dumb and incompetent idiots. The Boston Globe now celebrates gender reassignment surgery for children. This is insanity! In the United States today, homosexuals can legally adopt children to raise. Only God's mercy is withholding His fiery judgment upon this wicked nation. Same sex marriage couples can now adopt children. What are they thinking? To grow properly psychologically, a child needs both a mother and a father figure in the home (not two male figures, or females figures). This is confusion. We've lost our sense in America. Whatever your biological gender was at birth is what you will always be for the rest of your life. Reassignment surgery won't change that, it will only hurt you spiritually, psychologically and physically. It is confusion. Reassignment surgery simply doesn't work!

These leftist wacky liberals with their situation ethics, wicked agendas, gender-bending insanity, and blatant disregard for God's Word are of the Devil. Psalm 36:1, “The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of God before his eyes.The ungodly incompetent U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1973 that Americans can murder their children. Next to that fateful horrible decision in 1963 to remove the Holy Bible from children's daily curriculum at school, the decision in 1973 to legalize murdering babies was the nails in our coffin as a nation. Our great God as the divine Creator respects all life. The Bible says that a righteous man regards the life of an animal, yet our wicked government doesn't even regard human life. Proverb 12:10, “A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.” 

We are headed quickly into the Devil's New World Order. We've been seeing the All Seeing Eye and The Great Pyramid increasingly displayed in the media for the past century. ...

The above images are just a few examples showing the popular occult symbols that we increasingly see displayed in the media everywhere. What does it mean? Occultist Alice Bailey (1880-1949) called it the externalisation of the hierarchy. That simply means the Devil and his servants in high positions of power (aka, Globalists) in this world are preparing the masses of society to embrace the New World Order and ultimately the coming Man of Sin, the vile Antichrist. 

Anybody who teaches these truths is quickly attacked by the ungodly controlled media, labeled as a conspiracy theorist, nut or cult. A common tactic used by Luciferians is to mix UFO claims with the truth about 911 being an Inside Job, thus discrediting truth-tellers as crazies who believe in little green aliens. The most effective deception is a half-truth, because in part it can be defended with incontestable logic. But contrawise, the most effective way to discredit the truth is by mixing it with a lie, because in part it can be proven as an absurdity. Hence, by using the half-truth (or half-lie), the Devil and his evil workers are effectively able to obscure the truth from the vast majority of the world's masses. That is why it is extremely important to learn to THINK FOR YOURSELF, and BE OBJECTIVE, about everything you are told by the government, media, pastors and even your own family and friends.

Americans today have been deceived about most things. We are being played as the fool! I'm not kidding. Everything is deceptive these days. Even when we go shopping for groceries, we are being lied to. I looked in my freezer the other day at how processed foods are advertised. A bag of frozen vegetables is good for you, so there is no need for the food companies to lie. But those boxed processed foods are really BAD for your health, because they cause you to gain a lot of weight quickly. So what the liars who package the food do to trick you is print only a half, third or fourth of the total calories per serving on the front of the package. Go look and you'll see what I mean. On a very high calorie meal, those LIARS will say there is only 300 calories per serving. But when you flip the bag or box over and look for the total calories, you'll be horrified to learn that the meal actually contains 1,200 calories! Who eats a half, third or fourth of a packaged meal? NO ONE! Those meals aren't very big to begin with, because they are loaded with unhealthy carbohydrates, sugars and non-essential fats. THEY ARE LIARS!!!

From crooked car rentals (and they're ALL dirty thieves and liars), to our dirty lying U.S. federal government, to the insanely ungodly U.S. Supreme Court, to the mad mainstream media, to the impotent Republicans, to the insanity of the Democrats and the weird state of California, to the hundreds of fake Bible versions and counterfeit churches today, we're being DECEIVED and LIED TO on nearly every front!!!

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