Sunday, November 19, 2023

The Masonic Foundations Of The United States

2nd Corinthians 2:11, “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.”

Few students of American history will ever be taught the truth about America's Masonic origin, mainly because most teachers of history are woefully ignorant themselves. Few people have the character nor interest to READ. There are thousands of books available on the Illuminati, Secret Societies, Luciferianism, the New World Order and all sorts of related topics. I bought a bunch of eye-opening books, which were all shocking revelations to say the least.

One of the most interesting and helpful books that I've read is titled “ILLUMINATI 2: DECEIT AND SEDUCTION” by Dr. Henry Makow, Ph.D. There is a great quote on the book's front cover by Denis Healey (UK Minister of Defense), which says, “World events are staged and managed by those who hold the purse strings.” Warning, this book is not for the faint of heart. You'll read some wild and weird stuff about what goes on in elite secret societies, the Devil's world and sicko Illuminati groups. Here is an eye-opening quote from Dr. Makow's book concerning the Illuminati and the Masonic origin of the United States. . . . 
Most Americans scoff at the mention of conspiracy but their country was created by Freemasonry and they don't have a clue. Freemasons drafted the Constitution and signed the Declaration of Independence. Masons disguised as Indians dumped the tea in Boston harbor. Paul Revere and his Minutemen, George Washington and most of his generals, all were Masons...

Freemasonry is the Church of Lucifer masquerading as a mythical philanthropic order. It fronts for Illuminati (Masonic & Cabalist Jews) central bankers who started the US as a vehicle to advance their New World Order.

In the words of Masonic elder Manly P. Hall, “We must also perfect the plan of the ages, setting up here the machinery for a world brotherhood of nations and races.” (“The Secret Destiny of America,” 1944, p.3).

The Freemasons provided Americans with still valid ideals — civil liberties, equal opportunity and no taxation without representation. But they were enticements designed to win power. As you might have noticed, these promises are not being kept.

Most historians won't tell you this. But there was one historian who did reveal the truth. Bernard Fay (1893-1978) was a Harvard-educated Frenchman. He is considered an Anti-Mason because his 1935 book, “Revolution and Freemasonry: 1680-1800” is one of the very few to reveal the extent of Masonic participation in the U.S. and French Revolutions. ...

In this context, it is pertinent to recall the confession of General Cornwallis when he surrendered to General George Washington at Yorktown (Oct. 19, 1781).

Jonathan Williams recorded in his “Legions of Satan,” (1781,) that Cornwallis revealed to Washington that “a holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will supposedly be the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown.”

The Crown is the Illuminati (i.e., shareholders of the Bank of England.) Cornwallis went on to explain what would seem a contradiction:
“Your churches will be used to teach the Jew's religion and in less than two hundred years, the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the grand Architect of Freemasonry.”
In a 1956 speech, Senator McCarthy reflected on these words:
“Cornwallis well knew that his military defeat was only the beginning of world catastrophe that would be universal and that unrest would continue until mind control could be accomplished through a false religion. What he predicted has come to pass. A brief sketch of American religious history and we have seen Masonry infused into every church in America with their veiled Phallic religion.”
SOURCE: Dr. Henry Makow, Ph.D.; “ILLUMINATI 2: DECEIT AND SEDUCTION” (pp. 25-27)
If the preceding information seems too insane to believe, consider the thousands of Masonic occult symbols which saturate Washington D.C. today! Freemasonry is a phallic-worshipping religion, which has its origin in the ancient pagan religions. Most Christians are surprised to learn that Nebuchadnezzar's 90 x 9 foot golden image was an obelisk (which represents the male Phallus). This is exactly the shape of the Washington Monument, and now the new 1,776 foot-tall One World Trade Center in New York. Freemasonry is The Great Whore in my opinion, who fornicates and controls the kings of the world.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Brooke Foss Westcott And Johannes Tauler

All of the modern English Bible revisions are corrupt. Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort are regarded as the fathers of the modern perversions. Dr. James Sightler (1937-2019) wrote the following historical information, which needs to be preserved for researchers. When Dr. Sightler graduated from this life to go to Heaven in 2019, his ministry website disappeared several months later when it expired. Thankfully, I archived his work before he died, and want to preserve it online for others to benefit from We must expose the fraudsters behind the Devil's modern Bible revisions. Without further ado, here is the information...
We must recount a number of little known, but significant, events in order to understand why there is a link between Westcott and Tauler, a medieval German mystic, and how we know of that link. There are actually two biographies of Brooke Foss Westcott, one by his son, Arthur, from 1903 and one by Joseph Clayton, Bishop Westcott, published in 1906. Clayton's book was one of a series of biographies titled Leaders of the Church 1800-1900, edited by George William Erskine Russell (1853 - 1919). The men he chose to write about for this series were Keble, Liddon, Church, Gladstone, Maurice, and Westcott. Keble, Liddon, Church, and Gladstone were leaders of the Anglo-catholic Oxford Movement. Gladstone made Liddon Canon of St. Paul's. Maurice and Westcott were mystics but favorably disposed toward Anglo-catholics.

George W. E. Russell was a Liberal MP for Aylesbury from 1880 to 1885. and for Biggleswade from 1892-1895. Under William Ewart Gladsttone he was Parliamentary Secretary to the Local Government Board from 1883 to 1885 and as Under-Secretary of State for India from 1892 to 1894. He was an Alderman on London County Coucil from 1889 to 1895. He was appointed a Privy Counsellor in 1907, and held the honorary degree of LLD from St Andrews University. He was very close to Gladstone whose efforts made revision possible as A Testimony Founded For Ever shows. Russell was an Anglo-catholic. Henry Liddon, whose name appears at the beginning of Russell's series which contains Clayton's biography of Westcott, was a Tractarian. In 1870 Liddon was made Professor of the Exegesis of Holy Scripture at Oxford. These two appointments gave him extensive influence over the Church of England.

With Dean Church he restored the influence of the Tractarian school, and he succeeded in popularizing the opinions which, in the hands of Pusey and Keble, had appealed to too many thinkers and scholars. Liddon was a friend of Lewis Carroll, who accompanied him on a trip to Moscow where Liddon made approaches to leading Russian Orthodox clergy, seeking closer links between them and the Church of England.

Liddon was a patron of Charles Gore, author of Lux Mundi, which argued, as did Westcott (see p. 229 of A Testimony Founded For Ever), that the Incarnation was the central tenet of Christianity. Westcott was an advocate of higher criticism and of Anglo-catholicism. It is an interesting commentary on George William Erskine Russell that he chose Clayton to write about Westcott. From the English Dictionary of National Biography one of the references to Westcott at the end of the article on him was Clayton's biography. Erskine Russell was a student of Westcott's at Harrow, which was Westcott's first job after Trinity College.

I think Russell knew Clayton's background and point of view. For example Russell wrote Saint Alban the Martyr, Holborn: a History of Fifty Years. (Milwaukee, Young Churchman Co., 1913). This book is a history of the Anglo-catholic Church of St. Alban's founded in a slum in the west end of London in 1863. The first priest was Father Mackonochie. The church was ritualistic and liberal, essentially Catholic, and its leaders were socialistic.

Clayton was socialistic enough to write favorably of Arthur Henry Stanton. The title is Father Stanton of St. Alban's, Holborn; a Memoir. (London, Wells, Gardner, Darton & Co., 1913). Stanton was an assistant to Father Mackonochie at the church of St. Alban. Father Stanton is quoted as telling an audience, "As the only thing I care much for is Socialism, I am a very dangerous lecturer." He strongly sympathized with the Paris Commune of 1871, on occasion referring to himself, only half in jest, as "Citizen Stanton." The "clubs" of the Commune were the inspiration for his formation of a Brotherhood of Jesus of Nazareth for workingmen and boys. Mother Kate (Warburton) of the Sisters of St. Margaret writes in her Memories, "In those late [eighteen] sixties and early seventies there was a strong atmosphere of revolutionary socialism about, with which many of the very keen, ardent, earnest young people of that day were strongly impregnated, Father Stanton and Dr. Littledale, specially.”

From 1906 to 1907, just after he had completed Bishop Westcott, Clayton was editor and owner of The New Age, a London weekly. He had published, for example, articles by Edward Carpenter, the homosexual, vegetarian, socialist, and theosophist. In 1907 George Bernard Shaw of the Fabian Society and Alfred Richard Orage bought the financially struggling paper from Clayton and continued its socialist tradition. Shaw contributed 500 pounds of the price and a friend and patron of Orage from Leeds, the Theosophist banker Lewis Alexander Wallace, put up the other five hundred. W. B. Yeats was also present when the decision to buy the paper was made. Orage was also a theosophist from Leeds and had known Clayton for years; both had been members of the Independent Labour Party there. Orage was a student of Plato, Nietzsche, and the Bhagavad-Gita. Orage said, and this shows his pantheism:
“The universe is the body of God; it is the neutralizing force of the Sun Absolute, the manifestation of the interaction of the positive and negative forces of God. We live in the body of God, are made in the image of God …The universe as a conscious being is the third dimension of time…Humanity is the mind of God and the passion for understanding the meaning and aim of existence.”

In 1903 Orage had formed the Leeds Art Club, and Shaw, Carpenter, and Yeats all had spoken at its meetings. All these people were acquainted with the works of Annie Besant and Madame Blavatsky. We can now better understand why it was Clayton who wrote about Bishop Westcott.

Volume I of the paper, under Orage, had articles by Florence Farr, who was more quoted than any other contributor. She was also active in Theosophical circles, a friend of Yeats as well as Shaw, and a follower of Madame Blavatsky. She defined marriage as “a profession in which the amateur commands a higher price than the skilled artist,” and discussed the advantages of Eastern sacramental prostitution. And in the paper Havelock Ellis, the utopian socialist physician, advocated a reform of the laws on homosexuality

The first edition, of May 2, 1907, contained also the following letter from Clayton to the new editors:

Dear Sirs, Will you allow me to express my thanks to those readers who with kindly generosity have subscribed some money for the late Editor. It is no small recompense for the financial loss to win this good feeling from those who only know me through the columns of THE NEW AGE. Personal friends did not suggest the fund, I note, and did not subscribe to it: which is quite as it should be-Yours faithfully, JOSEPH CLAYTON.

Joseph Clayton (1868-1943) wrote a number of other books which give insight into the direction of his thinking:

1. Hypnotic Leeds: Being Essays on the Social Condition of the Town, 1894. This small 68 page book was written during the time Clayton was a colleague of A. R. Orage in the Independent Labor Party in Leeds. It was published by the Leeds and County Co-operative Newspaper Society. It is a compilation of 12 essays on socialism by Clayton, Orage, Albert Marles, A. Halliday, Herbert Hunter, Tom McGuire, and Edward S. Pickard. Marles was editor and wrote an introductory paragraph to each essay. The book quotes Walt Whitman, Emerson, and Thoreau frequently. As one might expect, Orage, the theosophist, quotes from Zanoni, the Rosicrucian novel of the early theosophist Edward Bulwer-Lytton. One article by Marles states that man is an animal, a biped, so classed by science, and that marriage laws were invented by men, rather than by the God of the Bible. Another by Edward Pickard discussed the ancient history of Leeds. He said that an attitude hidden within men and in Nature is what men worship as God, whether called religion, faith, or superstition, and that we must rid ourselves of beliefs we hold because the Bible teaches them. He quotes Browning: “Truth is within ourselves.” He quotes from the Buddhist Book of Golden Precepts, translated by H. P. Blavatsky: “Thou canst not travel on the Path before thou hast become that Path itself.” In other words man himself is God. So we see the nature of the company Clayton joined in his early days in Leeds. George William Erskine Russell would have known of it before he assigned Clayton to write about Westcott, the founder of the Christian Social Union.

2. Father Dolling, a Memoir, 1902. Dolling was a 19th century Anglo-catholic and socialist.

3. Bishop Westcott, 1906, the second and hitherto unreported biography.

4. Robert Owen: Pioneer of Social Reform, 1908.
Owen was a famous 19th century English utopian socialist who founded the utopian communities of New Lanark in Scotland and New Harmony in Indiana. Owen was also a spiritualist.

5. Socialism for Bishops, 1909.

6. The True Story of Jack Cade, 1909.
Jack Cade led a peasant's rebellion in England in 1450.

7. Leaders of the People: Studies in Democratic History, 1910. In this book Clayton discusses Ernest Jones and the Chartists in England, 1838-68. Westcott saw some of the Chartist riots as a young man.

8. Luther and His Work, 1937. Clayton, Joseph, Joseph Husslein, SJ, editor.
The book analyzes Luther's work and concludes that Protestantism will pass away, while the permanence of the Church is guaranteed by God. F. J. A. Hort and Phillip Schaff said the same thing.

9. Pope Innocent III, 1940.
Innocent III was the pope who expanded the temporal power of the papacy and slaughtered the Albigensians at the beginning of the Inquisition. The introduction to this book was written by the same Jesuit, Joseph Husslein, who edited the series of which Luther and His Work was a part.

In Bishop Westcott, by Clayton, there are several references to Stuart Headlam, the socialist protégé of F. D. Maurice. Father Stanton was a member of the council of Stuart Headlam's church. In the 1870's, there was a fusion of early Oxford theology, Ritualism, and the Christian socialism of F. D. Maurice. The key figure in the fusion was Headlam. Headlam is mentioned on page 262 of my book, A Testimony Founded For Ever. Westcott's socialism is well documented by Clayton's biography and by my book as well.

Clayton shows that it was Westcott who made the suggestion to A. P. Stanley that a communion service for the translators be held at Westminster Abbey before the beginning of revision. Westcott would have known that G. Vance Smith, the Unitarian, would be invited, even though it was Stanley who chose him for membership on the revision committee. He should have forseen the outcry against Smith. But I think he did not care about it, and his resistence to excluding Smith from the committee I think confirms his approval of him. Westcott himself was prepared to resign rather than give in to the demands that Smith be removed.

The most interesting, and until now unpublicized, things about Clayton's book are the references to Father Dolling, Johannes Tauler, and Rupert of Deutz. Dolling was a priest of the Oxford Movement who was educated at Harrow and Trinity College when Westcott was teaching at those institutions. Clayton was Dolling's biographer as well. Dolling was a close friend of George Tyrell, the Jesuit priest, whose theology was very liberal. Westcott was not troubled by Dolling's Catholicizing, socialist views, and in 1895 Dolling addressed the Christian Social Union, which was founded by Westcott. Rupert of Deutz and Tauler were medieval German mystics. On page 41 of Bishop Westcott Clayton identifies Westcott as a mystic, and there is a quote from a letter of December 4, 1899 from Westcott to J. Llewelyn Davies which mentions Tauler. This quote also appears in Arthur Westcott's biography, but the reference to Tauler is omitted. From Vol. II p. 309 of Arthur Westcott's Life and Letters of Brooke Foss Westcott we read:

“…I don't think that I have ever used the word 'mystics'; it is so hopelessly vague, and it suggests an esoteric teaching which is wholly foreign to the Christian. But from Cambridge days I have read the writings of many who are called mystics with much profit. Everyone who believes that phenomena are signs of the spiritual and external receives the name; and to believe in the Incarnation involves this belief, does it not? After all, the first chapter of Genesis is the Protoevangelium.”

But the letter as it appears in Bishop Westcott by Clayton, designated by George William Erskine Russell to write the book, actually reads:

“I don't think that I have ever used the word 'mystics'; it is so hopelessly vague, and it suggests an esoteric teaching which is wholly foreign to the Christian. But from from Cambridge days, when I delighted in Tauler, I have read the writings of many who are called mystics with much profit. Everyone who believes that phenomena are signs of the spiritual and external receives the name; and to believe in the Incarnation involves this belief, does it not? After all, the first chapter of Genesis is the Protoevangelium.”

In Arthur Westcott's biography the letter of Westcott to Davies has no ellipsis between “days” and “I” to indicate the omission. But the letter as quoted begins with an ellipsis, and there is an ellipsis in the following letter on page 310. The most disingenuous thing, however, is the first sentence in the letter to Davies where Westcott says he never even used the word “mystics.” I believe it is clear from Westcott's own writings, as described that he thought as a mystic even if he did not use the word. He did admit that mystic suggests an esoteric teaching. I believe that here Westcott used the term phemonena in its spiritualistic sense to represent things such as thought transference or automatic writing or mystical communion with the dead. See pages 309 and 310 from Arthur Westcott's biography of his father. See also my book, A Testimony Founded For Ever, Chapter 11, “Brooke Foss Westcott, Trinity College Mystic.” In that chapter Westcott is shown to attempt to alter esoteric teachings just enough to make them acceptable to the Anglican Church and not foreign to Anglican Christians.

Tauler was a mystic and a disciple of Meister Eckhart. The omission of any mention of Tauler by Arthur Westcott anywhere in his biography is a significant one, and I believe there are numerous other omissions of portions of quotes or of certain letters which serve to disguise Westcott's true views. I wonder whether we will ever know all that we need to know about Westcott.

Westcott did delight in Tauler, as Joseph Clayton says. Tauler said that man was one essential being with and in God. He wrote that “Man is so completely deified that everything he is and does, God does and is in him…the soul becomes completely God-colored, divine and Godly.” Tauler substituted for the immanence of God the Platonic idea of the emanation of the world from God. Westcott's views were very similar. Tauler's reading of John 1:3,4 was “what has been created was life in God,” just as Valentinus had put it. . Westcott got this reading into the margin of the ERV of 1881. I suspect he didn't have the votes to get it into the text proper. The reading now lies included in the Nestle-Aland Greek text, not in the margin or footnote. The footnote in the critical text admits that Valentinus is the source of the reading. From page 273 of A Testimony Founded For Ever:

“Westcott introduced at John 1:3, 4 into the margin of his Greek text and of the ERV the reading: 'Without him was not anything made. That which hath been made was life in him.' Tregelles had recognized this as Valentinian in origin, and the Nestle-Aland Greek N.T. confirms him and has put the reading into its text, where it now lies like a ticking time bomb. It supports Westcott's monistic concept of the One Life, the life of Christ, of which everything is a small part, and proves Westcott's familiarity with Valentinian gnosticism beyond doubt. If the only thing made was life in Christ, and everything is a part of it, then God is dualistic, both good and evil, as well as immanent. One wonders how long it will be before the editor of some future version becomes bold enough to put this pantheistic, or panentheistic, reading into an English version.”

So it seems that Tauler may have been one of the mystical medieval links between Westcott and Valentinus. This omission by Arthur Westcott should be carefully marked and remembered by all. Arthur Westcott's omission of his father's statement about Tauler here was a silent piece of deceit in my opinion.

James H. Sightler, M.D.
Sightler Publications
March 31, 2014

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Freemasonry Is A Satanic Cult

2nd John 1:10-11, “If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.”

Freemasonry is based on a polytheistic doctrine, and the embrace of other gods.

When a Christian takes the oath of Freemasonry, he is swearing to the following doctrines that God has pronounced false and sinful:
  1. That salvation can be gained by man’s good works.
  2. That Jesus is just one of many equally revered prophets.
  3. That they will remain silent in the Lodge and not talk of Christ.
  4. That they are approaching the Lodge in spiritual darkness and ignorance, when the Bible says Christians are already in the light, children of the light, and are indwelt by the Light of the World—Jesus Christ.
  5. By demanding that Christians take the Masonic oath, Masonry leads Christians into blasphemy and taking the name of the Lord in vain.
  6. Masonry teaches that its G.A.O.T.U. [Great Architect of the Universe], whom Masonry believes is the true God of the universe, is representative of all gods in all religions.
  7. Masonry makes Christians take a universalist approach in their prayers, demanding a “generic” name be used so as not to offend non-believers who are Masonic “brothers.”
  8. By swearing the Masonic oath and participating in the doctrines of the Lodge, Christians are perpetuating a false gospel to other Lodge members, who look only to Masonry’s plan of salvation to get to heaven. By their very membership in such a syncretistic type organization, they have severely compromised their witnessing as Christians.
  9. By taking the Masonic obligation, the Christian is agreeing to allow the pollution of his mind, spirit, and body by those who serve false gods and believe false doctrines.
As you can see, Masonry denies and contradicts the clear teaching of Scripture on numerous issues. Masonry also requires people to engage in activities which the Holy Bible condemns. As a result, a born-again Christian should NOT be a member of any secret society or organization that has any connection with Freemasonry. To do so is a sin! 2nd John 1:10-11, “If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.”

Members of Freemasonry are not permitted to pray in Jesus' name at official meetings, lest they offend fellow members. Instead, all members are directed to pray to “The Great Architect,” who is none other than Lucifer, encompassing allegiance by all Masons (whether with awareness or unawares).

The following quote is from the Freemasons themselves:
No one owns God, just as surely as no one owns "truth." Not one among us can be truly certain about the nature of God, so "Great Architect of the Universe" is a particularly apt reference to the Deity, as the reference acknowledges both the design and the designer without staking a claim on some exclusive jurisdiction. Deists, Christians - both Catholic and Protestant - Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, and men of many other faiths have been welcomed into our Fraternity. One point of commonality is their belief in the one God. Masons believe there is one God and one God only. Masons also know that since time immemorial, people have employed many different ways of seeking and expressing what they know of God, of their experiences and relationship with that which transcends all knowing.

Though the Deity has been called by many sectarian names through the ages, perhaps Lao-Tzu's description of the "Tao" or "the Way" best clears away the robes, trappings, trumpery, and shadows surrounding the mystery to which we bow with reverence.

In the first chapter of the "Te-Tao Ching," it is written: The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name. The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth. The named is the mother of ten thousand things. Ever without desire, one can see the mystery. Ever desiring, one can see the manifestations. These two spring from the same source but differ in name. This appears as darkness. Darkness within darkness. The gate to all mystery.

Masonic use of the title "Great Architect of the Universe" is our reverential denotation of the Deity, of that eternal name which cannot be named.

SOURCE: California Freemason Online
The Meaning of “the Great Architect of the Universe”
The preceding information might sound noble and convincing to the unlearned man who is IGNORANT of the Word of God; BUT, to the Christian who understands the clear teachings of the Bible, Freemasonry is of the Devil. Freemasons recognize ALL gods as being one in the same, which is what New Age teaches.

According to Theosophist Alice Bailey (1880-1949), one of the agendas of Freemasonry is to infiltrate the churches and familiarize them with New Age.

Here is Freemasonry's grand headquarters, teaching that all gods are one in the same...
“First, Masonry embraces, without prejudice, all good men who believe in the one Great Architect of the Universe, however named. The Craft values no man for his worldly wealth or honors.”
SOURCE: (an article, abbreviated from the original for Scottish Rite Journal presentation, given by Lancaster, as Grand Orator, at the 128th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Utah meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah, February 4, 2000)
We clearly observe that Freemasons don't recognize one true God; but rather, whatever god one chooses to worship “however named.” They plainly believe that Allah is the same god as the God of the Bible; but that is NOT true at all. Islam does NOT worship the same God as Christians. The Bible teaches in John 3:16 that God has a Son, Jesus Christ; but the Koran teaches in The Women 4.171 that God doesn't have a son. Obviously we DON'T worship the same God!

Freemasonry is admittedly a prep school for the occult... “intended to be the training school for coming advanced occultists” (Alice Bailey). New Age doctrine teaches pantheism (a belief in multiple gods). This is exactly what Freemasonry also teaches. It is damnable heresy that contradicts the fundamental Christian faith.
Masonic Wickedness in High Places
Freemasons Deny Jesus Christ as the ONLY Savior!

Notice from the above quote, the words:
"Not one among us can be truly certain about the nature of God, so "Great Architect of the Universe" is a particularly apt reference to the Deity, as the reference acknowledges both the design and the designer without staking a claim on some exclusive jurisdiction. Deists, Christians - both Catholic and Protestant - Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, and men of many other faiths have been welcomed into our Fraternity."
Acts 4:10-12 states, "Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." This Scripture passage alone eliminates 99% of this world's religions. My Dad used to rightly say that religion is the worst thing that ever happened to this world.

As we just read in Acts 4:10-12, there is "NONE OTHER NAME UNDER HEAVEN GIVEN AMONG MEN, WHEREBY WE MUST BE SAVED." Salvation is found ONLY in the name of JESUS. Jesus stated in John 14:6 in no uncertain terms, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." Freemasons deny Jesus' claim as the sole Savior of the human race. Therefore, Freemasonry is diametrically opposed to the Word of God.

Freemasons Talk Out Of Both Sides Of Their Mouth

We read again from the above quote:
“Masons believe there is one God and one God only.”

SOURCE: California Freemason Online, “The Meaning of "the Great Architect of the Universe"
Anyone who denies the fundamental doctrines of the Word of God, and teaches heresy, is a deceiver. All Muslims are deceivers. The Bible plainly calls them "liars" and "antichrists" ...
1st John 2:22, "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son."
Muslims outright deny the Sonship of Jesus Christ; therefore, Islam is of the Devil. Islam is a damnable organization, who denies Jesus Christ. Don't believe the lie, not for one second—that Muslims and Christians worship the SAME God. No, we don't!

The Koran clearly states in, The Women 4.171, that God has NO Son. In sharp contrast, John 3:16 in the Word of God declares that God DOES have a Son, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." The Koran even goes as far as to claim that Jesus never died, nor was He crucified (The Women, 4.157). Clearly, Islam and Christianity are DIAMETRICALLY opposed. Yet, the Devil comes to us through MANY false prophets today, even President George W. Bush, who falsely claims that Christians and Muslims worship the SAME God. Allah is a pagan god, who has no son.

Jesus Christ is Almighty God (John 10:33; Revelation 1:8), the second Person of the Godhead (John 1:1-3,10; Matthew 28:19-20), the Christ (Luke 2:11), and He is the Son of God (John 3:16)! 1st John 4:14 declares, "And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world." Over 1,000,000,000 Muslims deny Jesus Christ as Savior, and are headed straight for Hell.

How can Freemasons claim to believe in ONE God when it is clear from the above comparison that Islam and Christianity are diametrically opposed to each other. Clearly, they are two DIFFERENT Gods. So Freemasons speak foolishly when they claim to believe in one God. Either God has a Son or not. Either Jesus died on the cross or He didn't. You can't have it both ways. Therefore, Freemasonry is a false religion, which adheres to the same New Age mentality that all roads lead to the light. Salvation is found ONLY in Christ Jesus according to John 14:6, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." Anyone who teaches otherwise is a LIAR!

Who Is The God Of The Bible?

Jesus Christ is the physical manifestation of the Godhead to mankind (Colossians 2:9). Jesus Christ came to this sin-cursed world as God Almighty incarnate (God in the flesh—1st Timothy 3:16). Jesus is the Son of God, which means He can only be God Himself. Jesus calls Himself "the Almighty" in Revelation 1:8. Jesus claimed to be God in John 10:33. John 1:1-3 declares that Jesus is the Living Word—God Almighty.

John 1:14 states that the Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us. Jesus is that Word that became flesh. In Revelation 19:13, Jesus is called "The Word of God." Hence, Jesus is the Living Word, and the Bible is the Written Word. To learn the truths of the Bible is to gain the mind of God. There is NO knowledge of God that disagrees with the Word of God. John 17:17 declares that the Word of God is Truth. John 14:6 declares that Jesus is the Truth. The Word of God presents the Gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ crucified to the lost world.

Romans 3:10,23 proclaims that all mankind is sinful. Romans 6:23 declares that our sin makes us worthy of the death penalty. Revelation 20:11-15 warns that all who die in their sins without Christ as Savior will burn in the Lake of Fire forever. Thankfully, Jesus loved us enough to die on the cross for our sins (Romans 5:8). Jesus paid for our sins with His own precious blood (1st Peter 1:18-19). Hence, it is Jesus' blood that takes our sins away (Colossians 1:14).

This is the Biblical plan of redemption for mankind. All we have to do to be saved is believe upon Christ, and the blood He shed for our sins. To believe is to trust—to completely rely upon. This means we must forsake trusting all self-righteousness, good works, religious ceremonies, baptism, holy communion, the sacraments, prayers, et cetera. These are all sure roads to Hell. All we need to do to be saved is cease from our own efforts, and trust upon the wonderful Savior who gave His life for us. Jesus is more than just a Prophet, Priest, and King ... He is God Almighty! Jesus is seated on the right-hand of the Father in Heaven.

Jesus is Almighty God! That's who God is! If you want to know God, then you MUST come to Him through Jesus, His Son. This is exactly what John 14:6 teaches, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." In John 14:9-10 Jesus goes on to say, "Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father ... Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works."

If you truly want to find God, then you must trust upon the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, and then you can truly begin to know Him through His Spirit that will indwell you. God's Holy Spirit will teach, guide, rebuke, encourage and comfort you as you live in God's Word.

Dear reader, please do not ever accept an invitation to join the Freemasons. I was approached decades ago by both a Rosicrucian and a Freemason (at different times), who tried to recruit me into their cults. I knew that it was unbiblical and wrong, so I kindly refused. Sadly, untold numbers of Baptist pastors and laymen alike have sold their souls by joining the Freemasons.

The famous soulwinning pastor, Dwight L. Moody (1837-1899), exposed Freemasonry:
I do not see how any Christian, most of all a Christian minister, can go into these lodges with unbelievers. They say they can have more influence for good, but I say they can have more influence for good by staying out of them and then reproving their evil deeds. You can never reform anything by unequally yoking yourself with ungodly men. True reformers separate themselves from the world. But, some say to me, if you talk that way you will drive all the members of secret societies out of your meetings and out of your churches. But what if I did? Better men will take their places. Give them the truth anyway and if they would rather leave their churches than their lodges, the sooner they get out of the churches the better. I would rather have ten members who are separated from the world than a thousand such members. Come out from the lodge! Better one with God than a thousand without Him. We must walk with God and if only one or two go with us, it is all right. Do not let down the standard to suit men who love their secret lodges or have some darling sin they will not give up.

SOURCE: Weighting The Counsel of Finney And Moody
Bravo Pastor Moody!!! I couldn't have said it any better as a Christian and a Baptist preacher. Freemasons are behind the subversion of the United States. They are the elusive esoteric builders of the Devil's New World Order. Please watch: 'Illuminati Mystery Babylon: The Hidden Elite of Israel, America and Russia' (by Dr. Texe Marrs, 1944-2016).

Only evil things are done in secret. John 18:20, “Jesus answered him, I spake openly to the world; I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort; and in secret have I said nothing.” Local New Testament Bible-believing churches around the world have nothing to hide. But Freemasonry does!!! That is why Masons are so secretive, cloke and dagger in their activities and mysterious. Why hide their activities? Ephesians 5:11, “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.”

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Ungodly Professed Christians Call For Destroying Palestine

Luke 9:52-56, “And sent messengers before his face: and they went, and entered into a village of the Samaritans, to make ready for him. And they did not receive him, because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem. And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did? But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. And they went to another village.”

I love this story. It encourages me to see the immaturity of Jesus' disciples, considering that I (and you dear reader) also have immaturities which we have had to overcome in life. The disciples were just ordinary men, not spiritual special ops. There are no Rambo Christians. We are all Elmer Fudd Christians. We are all Barney Rubble believers. No saint is a shining example of what the rest of us saints should be, if the truth be known. 1st Timothy 5:24, “Some men's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after.” In other words, every saint of God has a Skeleton Closet of sins.

Jesus and His disciples had entered into a city of the Samaritans. They preached the Gospel of free grace to the people, but tragically the townsfolks rejected the Good News. In response, the disciples asked Jesus if they should pray down fire from Heaven to destroy the village. Jesus rebuked them, saying that they were out of their right minds, because He came to save men's lives, not destroy their lives. Oh, what a great truth we learn here from Christ Himself, that we ought to unconditionally love every human being on the face of the planet. These people adamantly rejected Jesus as their Savior, yet He loved them and still hoped that they would repent (change their mind) from unbelief to belief to be saved.

Having said that, I have been flabbergasted lately as I listen to the mainstream news, and search social media, and I see professed Christian pastors calling for Christians in churches everywhere to only support Israel, not the poor people in Palestine. Folks, that is sinful. The Bible teaches that God is not a respecter of persons, and neither should we be (Romans 2:11; James 2:1).

One pastor in particular who disgusts me is Robert Jeffress of the First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas. He has appeared numerous times on Fox News, to spew his rhetoric. Years ago on Fox News I even heard Pastor Jeffress foolishly call for the preemptive nuking of Arab nations. They guy is a religious nutcase! I'd expect a nutty Jewish cabinet minister in Israel to call for nuking Gaza, but not a Baptist pastor!

Just last month on October 9, 2023 Pastor Jeffress wrote an article on his 'Pathway To Victory' ministry website, calling for all evangelical Christians to support Israel, but not Palestine. His reasoning is that Israel is a proper nation-state, but Hamas is not. Notice how Jeffress redirects the issue to make it Israel versus Hamas, instead of Israel versus the poor people in Gaza. So far Israel has brutally murdered over 9,000 innocent Palestinians in Gaza, all in the name of defeating Hamas. What wickedness! Sadly, 3,600 of those Palestinian victims of Israel were children. That's like the police murdering 1,000 kids in a public grade school in Chicago, because they needed to catch one criminal. I am absolutely shocked that the United State government is tolerating and sanctioning this brutal massacre of innocent people.

The truth dear reader is that the Palestinian people want their own proper nation-state, but neither the U.S. government or Israel cares enough about them to make it happen. Can you blame them for wanting their own nation in Palestine? Last month I heard the president of Israel call the Palestinian people “human animals.” The poor people in Gaza have no military. Yes, Hamas is a terrorist organization, but Israel is to blame for creating it. President John F. Kennedy was absolutely right, who said: “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable.” The Hamas group simply want recognition for the Arab peoples living in Palestine.

All the fighting began and has continued, since May of 1948 when U.S. and British soldiers forced Arabs from their homes in Palestine at gunpoint, to give the land to Jewish settlers to create present-day manmade Israel. Israel today is NOT the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. According to Hosea 3:4-5, God will not restore Israel as a true nation until they repent toward God, which will happen at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Israel today is no different than any other heathen nation. Only 1.9% of Israel's population profess faith in Jesus Christ. And that sadly includes all the pseudo-Christian religious cults (e.g., Roman Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh-Day Adventists, et cetera). I dare say that 1 in 500 residents living in Israel today are genuine born-again saints of God. Holy Land? I think not.

Here's some honest questions for my Christian brethren, who believe Israel can do no wrong:
  1. Where would you like Palestinians to go?
  2. Has not the same God of the Jews sent His only begotten Son, to die for the sins of the rest of the world too? (1st John 2:2)
  3. Do you really know the heart of Christ, when you wish for the destruction of those you don't like? (Matthew 5:43-44)
I think it would be a good idea, for the Palestinians to come to America where they can be treated like people instead of animals, and be evangelized for Christ with the Gospel. Since Israel views them as dogs and do not believe in Jesus, American Christians can fill the gap.

Palestinian doesn't mean Muslim. There are many Christians today living and suffering in Gaza. There are 2,000,000 Arab people living in the Gaza Strip. Remove the hatred, racism, and Zionism from your heart, oh Christian, and be the light God intended you to be. Let the Gentile world know that Jesus died for their sins too, and desires for them to be His people as well. No unsaved Jew is one of God's chosen people, according to Romans 2:28-29 and Galatians 3:26-29. The inspired Holy Bible is very clear in this matter.

Sadly, Pastor Robert Jeffress accuses radical Islamic Arabs of chopping off peoples heads, but says Christians would never do that. I seem to recall that the United States murdered 1,455,590 innocent people during the Iraqi War (2003-2011), and 90% of churches in America rallied behind that war criminal monster, President George W. Bush. Hell is coming up to greet the Bush family when they die. Marvin Bush was largely responsible for planting the demolition explosives that brought down World Trade Center buildings 1, 2 and 7 on 9/11. Marvin Bush headed up the security company that handled all WTC security for the 2-years leading up to 9/11, which gave them complete building access.
9/11 Security: Courtesy of Marvin Bush

Marvin P. Bush, the president’s younger brother, was a principal in a company called Securacom that provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport. The company, Burns noted, was backed by KuwAm, a Kuwaiti-American investment firm on whose board Marvin Burns also served.

According to its present CEO, Barry McDaniel, the company had an ongoing contract to handle security at the World Trade Center "up to the day the buildings fell down."

The company lists as government clients "the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S Air force, and the Department of Justice," in projects that "often require state-of-the-art security solutions for classified or high-risk government sites."

Stratesec (Securacom) differs from other security companies which separate the function of consultant from that of service provider. The company defines itself as a "single-source" provider of "end-to-end" security services, including everything from diagnosis of existing systems to hiring subcontractors to installing video and electronic equipment. It also provides armored vehicles and security guards.

The Dulles International contract is another matter. Dulles is regarded as "absolutely a sensitive airport," according to security consultant Wayne Black, head of a Florida-based security firm, due to its location, size, and the number of international carriers it serves.

Black has not heard of Stratesec, but responds that for one company to handle security for both airports and airlines is somewhat unusual. It is also delicate for a security firm serving international facilities to be so interlinked with a foreign-owned company: "Somebody knew somebody," he suggested, or the contract would have been more closely scrutinized.

As Black points out, "when you [a company] have a security contract, you know the inner workings of everything." And if another company is linked with the security company, then "What's on your computer is on their computer." 
Copyright 2003 Joe Shea, 'The American Reporter. All Rights Reserved'
It is tragic what is going on in this world. Life is so frail. Back in February of 2023, there were 50,000 people killed from two massive earthquakes that struck Turkey and Syria. So sad. Most Americans went about their quiet daily routine and never even heard about the event. Similarly, many Americans today are oblivious to the 9,000 murdered Palestinians in Gaza, collectively punished for something they had nothing to do with by Hamas. Life is so cheap in the Middle East. Israel hasn't the least hesitation to murder Palestinians, and force more refugees to flee the region for fear of their life. No one should have to live like that. Israel today is a hateful state, full of arrogance and pride. They certainly are NOT God's chosen people!

Most Christians misunderstand the Holy Bible, because they have been deceitfully misled by corrupt pastors and evangelists, who are biased and unlearned in the Scriptures. The ungodly president of Israel a couple weeks ago, was shown in mainstream news quoting Bible verses to justify murdering Palestinians with thousands of deadly missiles and bombs. How ironic, for a president who vehemently rejects Jesus as the Messiah. That is so typical of ungodly Jews in Israel today, who selectively pick and choose what parts of the Holy Bible they want to follow. And let me make it clear, I love the Jewish people and am NOT anti-Semite in any way. Racism is a horrible sin! I am anti-corruption. I equally love the Gentiles as much as the Jews. I love the Arab and Muslim people just as much as I love Jews and those who follow the demonic false religion of Judaism. I love everybody with God's unconditional love, and that means you too dear friend. Nobody can be right with God and hate a single living human soul. You either love everybody, or you truly don't love anybody.

Search Google or Duck Duck Go, and you will find quickly, that evangelicals all across America are supportive of Israel, but don't give a damn about the people in Gaza. Case in point is the apostasy at Christianity Today (run today by infidel pastor, Franklin Graham, a Zionist shill). That is wickedness!!! It is the sin of being a respecter of persons. Why doesn't Christianity Today support Gaza under attack? Sadly, America's so-called “Christians are ungodly prejudiced bigots!

Here is another example: Pastor Greg Locke in Tennessee last month public said that Israel should turn Palestine into a parking lot! ...
Evangelical Pastor Greg Locke of Tennessee calls for the annihilation of all non-Jews in the Holy Land and urges the destruction of the Muslim Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem’s Old City. This is the voice of the dragon (Protestant America), who, through his misinterpretations of the book of Revelation, encourages genocide and war. SOURCE
The biased controlled American newsmedia is quick to show us when Jews are killed in Israel by Arabs, but when Israel slaughters the people living in Palestine outside of Israel, not a word is ever heard. I fully agree with Dr. Texe Marrs (1944-2016), who said on his 'Power Of Prophecy' show that the United States is a proxy for Israel. That is, Israel controls the United States at the highest levels of power, military and politics. What Israel wants, Israel gets!!! Telling the truth is not anti-Semitism, although that is the false allegation every time someone exposes the Jewishness of Hollywood and the media. Dear reader, please don't take sides.

I once saw an intriguing photo in a book by Christian author, Salem Kirban. The photo was from the 1960's during the American hippie movement. The photo showed a police officer with a Billy Club, hitting a long-haired young man (a protester). Salem Kirban put a caption which read: “What do you see? Do you see a young punk getting what he deserves? Or do you see a thug police officer who is abusing his authority? What you should see as a Christian is two people who need Jesus Christ.” I love that caption and I've never forgotten it, because it is so true. The entire Middle East region needs Jesus Christ. That is, they need to be BORN AGAIN. Jesus said in John 3:1-7 that unless a man be born-again, he cannot enter into God's Kingdom. John 3:3, “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

I love the Jews. I love the Arabs. I love Jews, but I hate Judaism. I love Arabs, but I hate Islam. I hate those false religions because they are evil and false, sending people to Hell. The Bible is very clear that no man can get to God the father, except by way of God the Son. John 14:6, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

9/11 Security: Courtesy of Marvin Bush

Ecclesiastes 5:8, “If thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province, marvel not at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest regardeth; and there be higher than they.

Tragically, the United States and British soldiers (and President George W. Bush's mercenary henchmen in Blackwater led by thug Eric Prince) murdered 1,455,590 innocent people during the Iraqi War (2003-2011), and 90% of churches in America rallied behind that war criminal monster, President George W. Bush. Blackwater's mercenaries were shooting Iraqi men in the buttocks with exploding tip bullets. Kindly said, Hell is coming up to meet the Bush family when they die. Isaiah 14:9, “Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming: it stirreth up the dead for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations.

Marvin Bush was largely responsible for planting the demolition explosives that brought down World Trade Center buildings 1, 2 and 7 on 9/11. Marvin Bush headed up the security company that handled all WTC security for the 2-years leading up to 9/11, which gave them complete building access.
9/11 Security: Courtesy of Marvin Bush

Marvin P. Bush, the president’s younger brother, was a principal in a company called Securacom that provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport. The company, Burns noted, was backed by KuwAm, a Kuwaiti-American investment firm on whose board Marvin Burns also served.

According to its present CEO, Barry McDaniel, the company had an ongoing contract to handle security at the World Trade Center "up to the day the buildings fell down."

The company lists as government clients "the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S Air force, and the Department of Justice," in projects that "often require state-of-the-art security solutions for classified or high-risk government sites."

Stratesec (Securacom) differs from other security companies which separate the function of consultant from that of service provider. The company defines itself as a "single-source" provider of "end-to-end" security services, including everything from diagnosis of existing systems to hiring subcontractors to installing video and electronic equipment. It also provides armored vehicles and security guards.

The Dulles International contract is another matter. Dulles is regarded as "absolutely a sensitive airport," according to security consultant Wayne Black, head of a Florida-based security firm, due to its location, size, and the number of international carriers it serves.

Black has not heard of Stratesec, but responds that for one company to handle security for both airports and airlines is somewhat unusual. It is also delicate for a security firm serving international facilities to be so interlinked with a foreign-owned company: "Somebody knew somebody," he suggested, or the contract would have been more closely scrutinized.

As Black points out, "when you [a company] have a security contract, you know the inner workings of everything." And if another company is linked with the security company, then "What's on your computer is on their computer." 
Copyright 2003 Joe Shea, 'The American Reporter. All Rights Reserved'
I want to post the following, to archive it in case it disappears, because this information is so important. I have saved it on my own computer as well, in case my blog one day suddenly vanishes. You never know nowadays. For those of you (like myself), who do not accept the bogus Official Story on the collapse of the Twin Towers, the following is a major smoking gun. It explains investigator's biggest problem: If the Towers were brought down with explosives, how could anyone get them in? Step in, Marvin Bush, whose security company installed the security system for the World Trade Center (WTC) leading up to the 9/11 atrocities! ...

Vol. 9, No. 2021 - The American Reporter - January 20, 2003


by Margie Burns

Washington, D.C. WASHINGTON, Jan 19, 2003 -- A company that provided security at New York City's World Trade Center, Dulles International Airport in Washington, D.C., and to United Airlines between 1995 and 2001, was backed by a private Kuwaiti-American investment firm with ties to a brother of President Bush and the Bush family, according to records obtained by the American Reporter.

Two planes hijacked on Sept. 11, 2001 were United Airlines planes, and another took off from Dulles International Airport; two, of course, slammed into the World Trade Center. But the Bush Administration has never disclosed the ties of a presidential brother and the Bush family with the firm that intersected the weapons and targets on a day of national tragedy.

Marvin P. Bush, a younger brother of George W. Bush, was a principal in the company from 1993 to 2000, when most of the work on the big projects was done. But White House responses to 9/11 have not publicly disclosed the company's part in providing security to any of the named facilities, and many of the public records revealing the relationships are not public.

Nonetheless, public records reveal that the firm, formerly named Securacom, listed Bush on its board of directors and as a significant shareholder. The firm, now named Stratesec, Inc., is located in Sterling, Va., a suburb of Washington, D.C., and emphasizes federal clients. Bush is no longer on the board.

Marvin Bush has not responded to repeated telephoned and emailed requests for comment on this story.

The American Stock Exchange delisted Stratesec's stock in October 2002. Securacom also had a contract to provide security at Los Alamos National Laboratories, notorious for its security breaches and physical and intellectual property thefts.

According to its present CEO, Barry McDaniel, the company had an ongoing contract to handle security at the World Trade Center "up to the day the buildings fell down." Yet instead of being investigated, the company and companies involved with it have benefited from legislation pushed by the Bush White House and rubber-stamped by Congressional Republicans. Stratesec, its backer KuwAm, and their corporate officers stand to benefit from limitations on liability and national-security protections from investigation provided in bills since 9/11.

HCC Insurance Holdings, Inc., a reinsurance corporation on whose board Marvin Bush sat as director until November 2002, similarly benefits from terrorism insurance protections. (Bush's first year on the board at HCC coincided with his last year on the board at Stratesec.) HCC, formerly Houston Casualty Company, carried some of the insurance for the World Trade Center. It posted a loss for the quarter after the attacks of Sept. 11 and dropped participation in worker's compensation as a result. Bush remains an adviser to the chairman and the Board of Directors, as well as a member of the company's investment committee.

The former CEO of Stratesec is Wirt D. Walker III, who is still chairman of the board. Although he has also been the managing director of KuwAm for several years, Walker states definitively in phone interviews that there was no exchange of talent between Stratesec and KuwAm during the World Trade Center and other projects.

As Walker put it, "I'm an investment banker." He continued, "We just owned some stock." The investment company "was not involved in any way in the work or day-to-day operations" of the security company. He explained clearly and pleasantly that there was no sharing of information or of personnel between the two companies.

In December 2000 - when the outcome of the U.S. presidential election was determined - Stratesec added a government division, providing "the same full range of security systems services as the Commercial Division," the company says. Stratesec now has "an open-ended contract with the General Services Administration (GSA) and a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) with the agency that allows the government to purchase materials and services from the Company without having to go through a full competition."

The company lists as government clients "the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S Air force, and the Department of Justice," in projects that "often require state-of-the-art security solutions for classified or high-risk government sites." In 2000, the U.S. Army accounted for 29 percent of the company's earned revenues, or about $6.9 million.

The White House opposed an independent commission to investigate 9/11 until after the terrorism insurance protections and protections for security companies had safely passed Congress. It has also quietly intervened in lawsuits against United Airlines in New York, brought by relatives of the victims.

Marvin Bush joined Securacom's Board of Directors in 1993, as part of new management hired when the company separated from engineering firm Burns and Roe. The new team was capitalized by KuwAm, the D.C.-based Kuwaiti-American investment company. Bush also served on the Board of Directors at KuwAm, along with Mishal Yousef Saud al-Sabah, Chairman of KuwAm and also a Director on Securacom's (Stratesec's) board.

The World Trade Center and the Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority - which operates Dulles - were two of Securacom's three biggest clients in 1996 and 1997. (The third was MCI, now WorldCom.)

Stratesec (Securacom) differs from other security companies which separate the function of consultant from that of service provider. The company defines itself as a "single-source" provider of "end-to-end" security services, including everything from diagnosis of existing systems to hiring subcontractors to installing video and electronic equipment. It also provides armored vehicles and security guards.

When, following the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey began its multi-million-dollar, multiyear revamping of security in and around the Twin Towers and Buildings 4 and 5, Securacom was among numerous contractors hired in the upgrade.

The companies doing security jobs received due mention in print, in security industry publications and elsewhere. The board membership of a son of former President Bush went unnoticed, at least in print.

According to SEC filings, Securacom/Stratesec acquired the $8.3 million World Trade Center contract in October 1996. The project generated 28 percent of all revenues for the company in 1996. SEC filings indicate that revenues from the World Trade Center project commenced in 1996 at $1.6 million, peaked in 1997 at $6.6 million ($4.1 million in the first half), and diminished in 1998 to less than $1 million.

A key concept in security is "access control." In hindsight, as the security industry's reportage on the World Trade Center precautions makes clear, further attacks would have to come from the air. Unfortunately, such detailed reports did not convey that message at home. Nobody thought outside the box enough to deduce that a jumbo jet could overcome even the extraordinary controls at the World Trade Center. With 20-20 hindsight, it is obvious that the intricate procedures in the building's lobbies and on its perimeters were useless in trying to stop a 767 loaded with jet fuel.

Barry McDaniel, CEO of the company since January 2002, declines on security grounds to give specific details about work the company did at the World Trade Center. According to McDaniel, the contract was ongoing (a "completion contract"), and "not quite completed when the Center went down." The company designed a system, but - as he points out - that obviously "didn't have anything to do with planes flying into buildings."

The key words "access control" are less feeble and irrelevant, however, in regard to airports and airlines. Had the hijackers failed on the ground, they would have lost their airborne weapon.

Two of the hijacked planes were United Airlines planes, and another took off from Dulles International. Two hit the Twin Towers, leading to a collapse of both buildings that killed nearly 3,000 people.

McDaniel makes clear that Securacom's contract with United Airlines was a single-site contract, in Indianapolis (at least five years ago), and not local. The work was finished several years before he joined the board, and was not in or near Washington.

The Dulles Internation contract is another matter. Dulles is regarded as "absolutely a sensitive airport," according to security consultant Wayne Black, head of a Florida-based security firm, due to its location, size, and the number of international carriers it serves.

Black has not heard of Stratesec, but responds that for one company to handle security for both airports and airlines is somewhat unusual. It is also delicate for a security firm serving international facilities to be so interlinked with a foreign-owned company: "Somebody knew somebody," he suggested, or the contract would have been more closely scrutinized.

As Black points out, "when you [a company] have a security contract, you know the inner workings of everything." And if another company is linked with the security company, then "What's on your computer is on their computer."

In this context, retired FAA special agent Brian F. Sullivan is angry, and eloquent. "You can have all the security systems in the world, but the people behind the systems make the difference." The Bush administration, says Sullivan, "spit in the faces" of the victims' families, in pushing for last-minute protections for foreign-owned security companies (in the Homeland Security bill). Sullivan points out that "not one single person" in an upper-level position has lost a job as a result of 9/11, "not in the FBI, CIA, FAA, DOT." As he sums up, "No accountability, no progress."

Stratesec got its first preventive maintenance contract with Dulles Airport in 1995, generating $0.3 million that year. The Dulles project generated revenue of $1.2 million in 1996, $2.5 million in 1997, and $2.3 million in 1998, accounting for 22% of the company's revenues in 1996 and in 1998

Like other specialists, Professor Dale B. Oderman of Purdue University's aviation technology department, concurs that Dulles "was considered a very high profile target" as the primary international airport near the nation's capital. It serves as port of entry to about 15 international airlines as well as serving eight of the 11 major us passenger carriers. In comparison, Reagan Airport hosts only Air Canada from outside the U.S., and Baltimore-Washington Airport hosts about a half dozen."

Stratesec did not handle screening of passengers at Dulles. According to a contracting official for the Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority, its three-year contract was for maintenance of security systems: It maintained the airfield access system, the CCTV (closed circuit television) system, and the electronic badging system.

In 1997, the World Trade Center and Dulles accounted for 55 percent and 20 percent of the company's earned revenues, respectively. The World Trade Center and Dulles projects figured largely in both Securacom's growing revenues from 1995 to 1997 and its decreases from 1997 to 1998.

Stratesec continued to refer to "New York City's World Trade Center" as a former client through April 2001. It listed Dulles Airport and United Airlines as former clients through April 2002.

As with the World Trade Center - which also had electronic badging, security gates, and CCTV - the ultimate problem with Dulles' security controls was not the controls themselves, but that they could be sidestepped. All the hijackers had to do was buy a ticket. As former FAA special agent Sullivan comments, "If they [attackers] knew about the security system, they knew how to bypass it."

One obvious question for investigators is how much potential hijackers could have known about the security system.

From 1993 to 1999, KuwAm - the Kuwait-American Corporation -- held a large and often controlling interest in Securacom. In 1996, KuwAm Corporation owned 90 percent of the company, either directly or through partnerships like one called Special Situations Investment Holdings and another called "Fifth Floor Company for General Trading and Contracting." KuwAm owned 31 percent of Securacom in 1998 and 47 percent of Stratesec in 1999. It currently holds only about 205,000 shares of Stratesec; Walker, KuwAm's managing director, holds 650,000.

Marvin Bush was reelected annually to Securacom's board of directors from 1993 through 1999. His final reelection was on May 25, 1999, for July 1999 to June 2000. Throughout, he also served on the company's Audit Committee and Compensation Committee, and his stock holdings grew during the period. Directors had options to purchase 25,000 shares of stock annually. In 1996, Bush acquired 53,000 shares at 52 cents per share. Shares in the 1997 IPO sold at $8.50. Records since 2000 no longer list Bush as a shareholder.

Stratesec and KuwAm were and still are intertwined at the top. Walker, while a principal at Stratesec (a director since 1987, chairman of the board since 1992, and formerly CEO since 1999), was also on the board of directors at KuwAm and is still managing director (both since 1982). Mishal Yousef Saud Al Sabah, the chairman at KuwAm, also served on Stratesec's board from 1991 to 2001. Walker and Al Sabah had major stock holdings in each other's companies. The sons of both also held shares in the two companies.

Stratesec, which currently lists 45 employees, hired KuwAm for corporate secretarial services in 2002, at $2,500 per month.

For several years, Walker has also been chairman and CEO of an aircraft company, Aviation General, about 70 percent owned by KuwAm.

The Saudi Arabian embassy, the Kuwait embassy, and KuwAm have office suites in the Watergate complex, where both Stratesec and Aviation General held their annual shareholders' meetings in 1999, 2000, and 2001. Bush was reelected to his annual board position there, across the hall from a Saudi Arabian Airlines office. (This year, the companies' shareholders meetings switched to the fifth floor, in space also leased by Saudis and Kuwaitis.)

Incidentally, Saudi Princess Haifa Al-Faisal had her checking account at Riggs Bank, which has a large branch in the Watergate. Given that Jonathan Bush, the president's uncle, is a Riggs executive, it is difficult to understand any obstacle for American authorities pursuing the recently reported "Saudi money trail." The princess's charitable activities were processed through Riggs, but attention focused on the Saudis seems not to extend to the politically-connected bank they used.

McDaniel was asked in a brief telephone interview whether FBI or other agents have questioned him or others at Stratesec 
about the company's security work in connection with 9/11. The concise answer: "No." Asked the same question regarding KuwAm, Walker declined further comment, and referred a reporter to the public record. (Stratesec was formerly known as Securacom and Burns and Roe Securacom; it was a security company founded in 1987 and based out of Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey. The company went public on October 2, 1997 on the American Stock Exchange and was delisted in 2002.)
According to a spokesman in an FBI regional office, since October 2001, "the investigation [of 9/11] is being coordinated at the national level, directly from the White House." If so, you'd think that an administration that could seriously consider infiltrating American mosques would ask a few questions closer to home.

But the suggestion is inescapable that any investigation into security arrangements preceding 9/11, at some of the nation's most sensitive facilities, has been impeded to this day by narrowly political concerns in the White House.

Margie Burns is a Texas native who now writes from Washington, D.C.

Copyright 2003 Joe Shea, 'The American Reporter. All Rights Reserved'

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