Saturday, August 12, 2023

The Roman Catholic Religion Leads To Hell

Mark 7:9, “And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.

There is not a more damnable deception on the face of the earth than the Prisonhouse of Roman and Orthodox Catholicism. The only real difference between the two cults is that the Orthodox Catholic religion is headquartered in Moscow, Russia; the Roman Catholic religion is headquartered in Vatican City, Rome. Both false religions false teach Sacramental Salvation. Both false religions teach that you must join their cult, and keep their Seven Sacraments to get to Heaven.

Both false religions worship Jesus' mother, Mary. Jeremiah 7:18, “The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger”. The Queen of Heaven has its origin in pagan Babylonian worship. Nowhere does the inspired Holy Bible direct God's children to make and bow down to graven images of Mary or anybody else. Yet, the ungodly Satanic Catholic church has done just that, making graven images and bowing down to them.

In fact, if you search online for the Catholic Ten Commandments, you will quickly discover that Catholics have completely removed the Second Commandment from the Bible, which forbids bowing down to idols and graven images. To compensate for the missing Second Commandment, Catholics have deceitfully split the Tenth Commandment against coveting thy neighbour's possessions into two commandments. Here, SEE FOR YOURSELF.

Dear reader, I am worried for you. I am worried for most professed “Christians” today. I am worried for them simply because most people who profess to be a “Christian” have never been born again. Satan's greatest weapon is to con people into living the Christian life without ever being born again.

For example: Heavy metal rocker Ozzy Osbourne and his wife Sharon claim to be Christians. You read right! The self-professed Prince of Darkness” actually professes to be a Christian! Ozzy famously declared himself a “lunatic” during an MTV interview in 1986 and continues to embrace his rebellious reputation even now at age 72. I'd like to share a dangerous quote with you from writer Camilla Klein:
Ozzy Osbourne was born Christian, but Christianity did not play a significant role in his upbringing. His parents were more concerned with providing for their children financially rather than instilling religious values in them. SOURCE
Dear reader, no one has ever been “born Christian.” Kindly said, Camilla is wrong. What saith the inspired Scripture? John 1:12-13, “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. No one is born Christian! You are only a genuine Christian if you have received Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, by BELIEVING on His name in faith. Jesus died on a cross to pay for your sins and mind. He was buried. Three days later Jesus resurrected from the dead. These three facts comprise THE GOSPEL (1st Corinthians 15:1-6), by which all who BELIEVE IT are instantly, irrevocably and permanently born again (Romans 1:16). We are all born into this world with a sinful nature, spiritually dead (Romans 5:12; 1st Corinthians 2:14-16).

Ozzy Osborne and his family are members of the apostate Church of England (the Anglican faith of which Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort were all members in the 19th century). The Church of England is extremely ecumenical and vague, teaching that you get saved by becoming a follower of Christ. Unfortunately, that is not what the Bible requires to be saved. What the Church of England is teaching is a perversion of the Gospel. Judas became a disciple (follower) of Jesus. In fact, Judas Iscariot was one of Christ's very apostles. Yet, in John 6:70 Jesus said that Judas had a devil in him. Judas sadly died in his sins without Christ and is still today burning in the torments of Hell beneath.

Dear reader, you cannot be born again by merely becoming a follower (a disciple) of Christ. In John 3:7 Jesus emphatically warned that unless a man is BORN AGAIN, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. How do you become born again? I am glad that you asked. You begin by admitting to God that you're a guilty sinner. You must know what you are being saved from. You and I are dirty sinners (Romans 3:19-23). The penalty for sin is death (Romans 6:23). This includes the Second Death, which is to be tormented forever in Hell, fire and brimstone, day and night without rest or hope of escape (Revelation 14:11, 20:11-15; 21:8).

There are no exits in Hell, but Heaven has only one door and that is Jesus. John 10:9, “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). The Bible says that Jesus is the only begotten (biological) Son of God, who is the Christ (John 3:16; 20:31). Jesus died

Satan is a beautiful liar! The Devil and demon's favorite activity is to make unsaved religious people feel comfortable in their unconverted state, awaiting the moment when they die in their sins and then spend the rest of eternity burning in the Lake of Fire. It happens to hundreds of thousands of people every single day, when they die.

At nearly every funeral we are told by the speaker something like this: “They're in a better place now.” But are they really in a better place? ...
Luke 16:19-23, “There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.”
As we see from the preceding true passage of Scripture, Lazarus went to a better place, but the unsaved rich man went to a terrifying place in Hell. Jesus never called Luke 16:19-31 a parable, as He always did when telling parables. Jesus didn't explain after ward what this passage meant, again, because it is NOT a parable (so there was no need to explain it). When telling parables, Jesus never used Proper Nouns, but in this factual account the Lord mentions Abraham and Lazarus. Luke 16:19-31 is NOT a parable! It would be poor Bible study and wrong to claim otherwise, when nothing in the Word of God indicates otherwise. In the Bible God said what He meant, and He meant what He said.

We are discussing the multitudes of people today who falsely claim to be “Christian, but they have never been born again by FAITH ALONE in the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ crucified on a cross, buried and physically risen the third day. This is THE GOSPEL (1st Corinthians 15:1-6).

Another example is Hollywood actor Dwayne Johnson, who claims to be “Christian,” but is a devout Roman Catholic. I will say it loud and clear until the die that I graduate to go to Heaven, Roman Catholicism is a deadly prisonhouse of religion—set on fire of Hell. The Catholic church does not teach a free grace Gospel by faith alone in Christ alone. Instead, Catholics are taught that they must keep their Seven Sacraments to get to Heaven (which is WORKS, not faith). Mark 7:9, “And he [Jesus] said unto them [the Pharisees], Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. Like Catholics, the hellbound religious Pharisees were trying to earn their way to Heaven by keeping the Old Testament law (i.e., by doing WORKS). What saith the Scripture? Romans 3:20, “Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.”

I am sad that Dwayne Johnson is a fake Christian. I am not saying that he's not a good man. I think Dwayne is a great guy and a good person. Unfortunately, even good people are still guilty sinners in God's sight, until we accept Christ's sacrifice on the cross as payment for our sins, believing that He resurrected from the dead (1st Thessalonians 4:14). No one who follows the doctrine of the Catholic church is saved, because their plan of salvation doesn't match up to the Holy Bible's plan of salvation. I beg you, if you are Catholic, to come out of that accursed cesspool of iniquity and place your faith only in Christ. Galatians 1:6-9 warns that anyone (even an angel) who preaches another gospel is cursed by God. Since there is only one plan of salvation, there cannot be two ways to Heaven.

One of my hobbies is researching the religious beliefs of famous people. I am curious. I do believe that Karen Carpenter (1950-1983) was a born again believer and went to Heaven. She dies at only age 32, from a heart attack due to starving herself. She thought she was fat and would vomit up her food to fight weight gain. She was a beautiful woman, but she destroyed her own self by thinking something that simply wasn't true. So sad.

Likewise, billions of people are thinking wrong about how to get to Heaven. Proverbs 14:12, “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” The Catholic religion may SEEM right to you dear reader, but it only SEEMS right; it is very wrong biblically. From the cradle-to-the-casket, Catholicism has a religious package for you, but it is all a Satanic lie. The Catholic religion is an apple filled with worms! 

When someone professes to be a “Christian, I am always very leery of their claim. This is because Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh-day Adventists, Church of Christ, Lutherans, Catholics, United Methodists, New Reformed Calvinists, Lordship Salvation Baptists and dozens of other Satanic false religions all preach a counterfeit plan of salvation. 

Only a born-again, washed in the precious blood of the Lamb, admitted guilty sinner who has placed his or her childlike faith in the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ is saved. That GOOD NEWS is simply that Jesus is the Christ who died on a cross to pay for your sins, was buried and bodily raised up from the dead three days later. If that GOOD NEWS is your only hope for Heaven, then you are saved. A sinner's faith plus the Gospel equals eternal life. Anyone who insists that you first must give up the old sinful ways to be saved is preaching another gospel.

I love and fully agree with Pastor Harry A. Ironside (1876-1951), who said:
“The Gospel is not a call to repentance, or to amendment of our ways, to make restitution for past sins, or to promise to do better in the future. These things are proper in their place, but they do not constitute the Gospel; for the Gospel is not good advice to be obeyed, it is good news to be believed. Do not make the mistake then of thinking that the Gospel is a call to duty or a call to reformation, a call to better your condition, to behave yourself in a more perfect way than you have been doing in the past …

Nor is the Gospel a demand that you give up the world, that you give up your sins, that you break off bad habits, and try to cultivate good ones. You may do all these things, and yet never believe the Gospel and consequently never be saved at all.”

SOURCE: Harry A. Ironside, from the Gospel tract titled: 'What Is The Gospel?'
Repentance is simply a matter of acknowledging THE TRUTH of your sinnership. 2nd Timothy 2:25, “In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.” Repentance is entirely a matter of the heart, where a person acknowledges THE TRUTH that one is a guilty sinner in the sight of a holy God; thus, believing the Gospel you are saved by faith alone.

Whatever changes that God wants to see take place in a new believer's life is a separate matter of discipleship, not sonship. It is a matter of service, not salvation. Have you been born again dear friend? You cannot go to Heaven unless you've been born again. If you have questions about salvation, you are welcome to contact me (kingjamesbible77@gmail DOT com). I highly recommend that you take the time to read Michael P. Bowen's excellent helpful book titled, 'I NEVER KNEW YOU' (free .pdf format). Hardcopies are available on Amazon.

Please don't buy into the Devil's lie that you can get to Heaven by merely claiming to belong to the Christian religion. There is no such thing as the Christian religion. There is only the new birth. Anything else is religion, which cannot save anyone. Salvation is NOT found in any religion, but in a person—the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 16:30-31). Faith is the only righteous thing that I can do.

Monday, August 7, 2023

Signs Of Satan: The Band "America"

Revelation 14:9-11, And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

As a musician for the past 41 years (since age 15), I love music. I recently went to see the band America at the Saenger Theater on July 30, 2023 in Pensacola, Florida. Since Pensacola is a smaller city of about 54,000 residents, we don't get too many big name bands here. I saw The Beach Boys (the actual band with an 80-year-old Mike Love) in October of 2021, which was the greatest music event I ever attended.

As a Christian who is aware of Satan's devices and methods, I am always looking for occult symbols in society. At the concert I took a few short videos. I captured the following screenshot from one of my videos, which shows the band members standing on top of their own carpet. Their red carpet displays an occult symbol of the All Seeing Eye...

The Band America Standing On A Carpet Of The 'ALL SEEING EYE'

Since 1935, occultists have been displaying their occult symbols in plain sight on our nation's currency, mocking the naivety and powerlessness of the American public against Luciferian rule.

An ALL SEEING EYE Is Displayed On Back Of Every U.S. One Dollar Bill

In the Holy Bible we read about the city and tower of Babel in Genesis 11:1-11. As the true story goes, wicked men and women had united together in rebellion against God, attempting to build a tower that would reach into the heavens. The Bible says that they wanted a name unto themselves (i.e., a headquarters). Genesis 11:4, “
And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

The Godhead (aka, the Trinity, the triune nature of God) decided to scatter mankind across the face of the earth. God changed their locations and geographical locations. We do not know if this is when God also changed man's languages. There are an estimated 7,000 different human languages today in 2023. I think God changed humanity's languages at Babel. It makes sense, since God's intention at Babel (which means confusion) was to segregate mankind, to prevent man from returning the same dire conditions as existed before the flood of Genesis 6-8.

The Band America Standing On A Carpet Of The 'ALL SEEING EYE'

Having explained all that as introduction, I humbly think that The Great Pyramid occult symbol is representative of the tower and city of Babel, which was never finished because God stopped them from completing their work. God confounded and scattered mankind across the planet's surface. This reminds me of the utter confusion which exists in today's churches, having dozens of different Bible revisions. Acts 19:32, “Some therefore cried one thing, and some another: for the assembly was confused; and the more part knew not wherefore they were come together.

Since the time of Babel, the world has been confused about everything. People are like dumb sheep (Isaiah 53:6), vulnerable and so easily deceived and convinced to follow after deadly false prophets. God only authored ONE BOOK, not 39 or 257 or 900. In any particular language there can be only one true Holy Bible. One of the greatest threats to churches today are the Devil's counterfeit Bible revisions. The dangerous dilemma is not hard to see...

The Inspired Holy Bible Has Been Wickedly Changed For Copyright Purposes

You can see the detached capstone hovering atop The Great Pyramid. The reason why the capstone is detached symbolizes that the tower of Babel was never finished in Genesis chapter 11. The All Seeing Eye symbolizes Lucifer, the Devil, the angel of light who woefully deceives mankind (2nd Corinthians 11:13-15).

Why are the popular band America displaying the All Seeing Eye? It is for the same reason that 32nd degree Freemason, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, was commissioned by the Satanic group in 1935 to put occult symbols on our nation's currency—as a means of conveying secrets and truths, mocking the common man's utter ignorance of such matters, and boastfully communicating with fellow occultists. Using such symbols as The Great Pyramid and the All Seeing Eye, let other occults know that those who display such symbols are all aboard the sinister New World Order wagon in support of the coming Antichrist.

If you have been paying attention for the past 50 years, occult symbols have become extremely prevalent in American culture (especially in all forms of entertainment venues). The following are a handful of occult symbols, among tens of thousands that I could show you from mainstream society today, all signs of Satan...

All Seeing Eye

The Catholic 'Image Of Divine Mercy' 

Actor Kevin Spacey Making 666 Sign With His Fingers, And All Seeing Eye

All Seeing Eye

Rapper Eminem Flashing El Diablo ('I Love The Devil') Hand Sign

John Travolta and Nicholas Cage Displaying The 'ALL SEEING EYE'

From The 1966 Movie Cover, 'The Fantastic Voyage'

ALL SEEING EYE Displayed At IRS Headquarters

Singer Justin Bieber Making 666 Hand Sign And All Seeing Eye

Rapper Kanye West's 'ALL SEEING EYE' At Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church

Kesha Displaying The 'ALL SEEING EYE'

Singer Madonna Displaying Occult Symbols On Her Jacket

Singer Taylor Swift Promotes The 'ALL SEEING EYE'

The Creepy 2007 Movie, Zodiac, Displays The Devil's 'ALL SEEING EYE'

Contemporary Christian Music (CCM), Toby Mac, Shows 'ALL SEEING EYE'

These are but a few of the disturbing telltale images that evidence Satan's coming out of the closet in these last days.

Exposing The Satanic 'Externalisation Of The Hierarchy' Of Alice Bailey
2nd Corinthians 11:13-14, “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”
The Luciferian conspiracy began long ago when the archangel Lucifer, in his sin of pride, tried to usurp control over God's throne. Isaiah 14:12-14, “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.” Lucifer failed and was cast down to earth with one-third of the angels. Lucifer became Satan, the god of this world, and the fallen angels became demons.

The Holy Bible teaches in Ephesians 6:12 that our battle as born-again Christians is not against flesh and blood, that is, man; but rather, against the forces of darkness, “against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” These demonic powers are known as the “HIERARCHY” in the occult. Certain evil people (who are demon-possessed) known as the “Ascended Masters” are able to convey messages from demons to men.

Alice Bailey (1880-1949) was one such ascended master. She communicated with a demonic being named Master Djwhal Khul, who instructed Bailey and her followers to “prepare men for the reappearance of the Christ. This is your first duty.” (“The Externalization of the Hierarchy,” p. 614)

Of course, Alice Bailey's “Christ” is the man of sin, the coming Antichrist, evidenced by the fact that she mentions “Christ” 666 times in her book titled, “The Externalisation of the Hierarchy.” Yes, it is true! Some newer versions of the book show 667 times, but if you have Alice's original book, it mentions “Christ” 666 times! She did that on purpose, in accordance with the occultist's infatuation of hiding occult symbols in plain sight! The hierarchy of demonic powers are being externalized to the world today. This is why we see the symbols of the ancient occult mystery religions on the reverse side of every U.S. one-dollar bill. That which has been a well-kept secret throughout the ages is now becoming common public knowledge. This is why we see occult symbols in our faces everywhere that we look these days. Satan is preparing the world for the coming of the Antichrist, and I believe it will be very soon.

According to retired Navy Commander William Guy Carr (1895-1959) in his great book titled, “The Conspiracy: To Destroy All Existing Governments And Religions,” when Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected President of the U.S.A. he was so sure the secret conspiracy for World Government would reach its final goal during his lifetime that in 1933 he had the Illuminati's insignia, (which Jefferson secretly had embossed on the back of the American Great Seal) printed on the back of American dollar bills. This was to notify Illuminists throughout the world that the secretive Illuminati were now in absolute control of American finance, politics, and the social sciences. Roosevelt called this 'The New Deal.'
“Of all the means I know to lead men, the most effectual is a concealed mystery. The hankering of the mind is irresistible.” —Adam Weishaupt, founder of the ILLUMINATI
In ancient Egyptian times, these secrets of the occult were known as the “Mysteries.” Mystery schools were popular in ancient Egypt and still exist today, which you can find by doing a simple web search for "mystery schools." The serpent (Satan) in Genesis 3:5 told Eve that her eyes (Hebrew: ayin, meaning: singular, one "eye"), would be opened if she ate the forbidden fruit. This eye refers to the eye of the soul, or mind. The serpent promised Eve that she and Adam would become as "as gods." This is the same promise which Lucifer makes to occultists today 6,000 years later. The knowledge which the Devil promised, to make one wise concerning good and evil, is represented by the light rays emitting from the All Seeing Eye. The eye represents higher consciousness, an advanced level of occult thinking that is supposed to impart to men the divine nature, that is, godhood.

In “Dark Secrets Of The New Age,” Dr. Texe Marrs writes:
“The New Age is a universal open-arms religion that excludes from its ranks only those who believe in Jesus Christ and a Personal God. Buddhists, Shintoist, Satanists, Secular Humanists, witches, witch doctors and shamans — All who reject Christianity are invited to become trusted members of the New Age family. Worshippers of separate faiths and denominations are to be unified in a common purpose: THE GLORIFICATION OF MAN.”
The false religion of Freemasonry is rooted in the ancient occult mysteries of Egypt. Thus, their primary goal is the re-instatement of the ancient occult mysteries to prepare the world's masses to receive “THE BEAST” (Antichrist) when he comes.

Michael Rogge, author of “New Age Spirituality: The roots of the New Age Movement” (Part I), states concerning occult symbols:
“The magical mystery religion of Ancient Egypt exercised a great fascination over Renaissance man, which was incorporated into—the newly formed—Lodges at that time. The mysterious hieroglyphs were considered to be symbols of hidden knowledge. Symbols and gestures became a means of conveying secrets and "truths." The cosmos was seen as an organic unity. It was peopled by a hierarchy of spirits which exercised all kinds of influences and sympathies. The practice of magic became a holy quest.”
This explains why the Illuminati (or hierarchy, the “principalities” spoken of in the Bible) extensively employ the use of occult symbols. Symbols are powerful, transcending every language in the world. No matter what language you speak, everyone recognizes symbols. The hierarchy (Satan's kingdom) is being externalized (made known) through symbols. The coming of the man of sin, the Antichrist, must be very near. The All Seeing Eye represents Lucifer, who gives occult enlightenment (as “an angel of light,” 2nd Corinthians 11:13-15) to his followers.

To biblical students these are shocking admissions and it adds fuel to the charge of a Masonic Antichrist in our midst. In the following disturbing quote, Alice Bailey's foretold "Christ" is not Jesus, but the sinister Antichrist (i.e., in place of Christ). ...
"It is these Mysteries which Christ will restore upon His reappearance," Alice Bailey reveals, "thus reviving the churches in a new form, and restoring the hidden Mystery." (The Reappearance of the Christ, p. 122)
Carefully notice that Miss Bailey says Lucifer will revive the churches into a new form which will restore the ancient mystery religion of humanism, spiritualism, self and Lucifer worship. In 2014, Aerosmith rock singer Steven Tyler, blasphemed the Holy Bible by denying that God exists. According to Tyler, contemptible men wrote the Bible to control other men. I hope dear reader that you are not so dense and foolish to believe Tyler's silly rants. Even a child knows that God authored the Holy Bible.

Bailey is giving these “revelations” by her channeled Master Djwhal Khul—a disembodied “Ascended Master.” Her “Christ” is indeed the Antichrist in the strictest sense of the word. Antichrist means substitute for or in place of Christ. She goes on to say that,
“These ancient Mysteries were originally given to humanity by the Hierarchy [of which Djwhal Khul is a part of] and contain the entire clue to the evolutionary process, hidden in numbers, in ritual, in words and in symbology; these veil the secret of man's origin and destiny, picturing to him in rite and ritual, the long, long path which he must tread, back into the light.” (ibid, pp. 121-22).
Please understand that the “Hierarchy” mentioned in the previous quote refers to literal “demons.” Satan is the god of this evil world, and as such he controls it by recruiting men and women, just as He tried to recruit Jesus in Matthew 4:1-10, but failed. Millions of foolish people have sold their souls to the Devil, in exchange for abundant riches, wealth and pleasures in this temporal earthly life. This is the primary method used by the Illuminati to maintain their power, using the love of money as a means of recruiting loyal subjects. As of 2014, at least half of the members of Congress were millionaires![1] As of 2012, at least 72 members of congress had a net worth of $10,000,000 or more! Truly the love of money is the root of all evil. The people whom Satan recruits operate through secret societies, lest they be exposed publicly for their diabolical and sinister plans for humanity.

Remembering that Satan is in charge of The World Revolutionary Movement (aka, The Illuminati) is key to understanding the New World Order, which ultimately will become the Beast system of the soon coming Antichrist. The All Seeing Eye in the capstone atop The Great Pyramid is Lucifer (Satan), the god of this world...
2nd Corinthians 4:3-5, “But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake.”

Satan blinds men with farces like evolution, worldly philosophies and false religion, which includes occult knowledge like Kabbalah. It is a substitute for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, offering men a false hope. A man with no hope is better off than a man with false hope, because the man with no hope is still looking. A demon's favorite activity is to make men comfortable in living the Christian life without ever being born-again.

The Luciferian Gnostic Wisdom or Ancient Mysteries now practiced by both Freemasonry and the plethora of cults and creeds coming under the catchall “New Age” were giving to humanity by the Occult Hierarchy (Lucifer being at the very top of the hierarchy of power). The Baileys (Alice and her husband Foster), or rather, the Hierarchy of demonic beings speaking through the Baileys, confirm that the real purpose of Freemasonry, taught to man by the Hierarchy, is the quickening of the spiritual evolution of humanity and the transformation of man's nature into a god-like superman.

Moreover, The Serpent, true friend of man, caused the Fall in the Garden of Eden by giving Eve this very same message that man could be as gods but the vengeful Yahweh cast the First Couple out whose progeny have suffered the injustice ever since. The Serpent is of course Lucifer, the "bringer of Light" … the Light of Illumination. For, in Gnosticism, Lucifer is not thought of as a person, but as a "force." He is in fact the pantheistic god of the New Age Movement, the great magical agent, The Force, that can be used for "Good or "Evil" depending upon the penchant of the practitioner. This is the Luciferian Doctrine at the heart of the Mystery Religions including the biggest secret society in the world, which is Freemasonry.

Alice Bailey is sadly burning in the fires of Hell forever. She blasphemed the Lord Jesus Christ much in her occult writings, in a deliberate attempt to confuse people. The following quote is from her book, "The Reappearance Of The Christ," in which she boasts of the Antichrist as being "the Christ," while condemning Jesus Christ for abandoning His disciples...
"He has been for two thousand years the supreme Head of the Church Invisible, the Spiritual Hierarchy, composed of disciples of all faiths. He recognises and loves those who are not Christian but who retain their allegiance to their Founders—the Buddha, Mohammed and others. He cares not what the faith is if the objective is love of God and of humanity. If men look for the Christ Who left His disciples centuries ago, they will fail to recognise the Christ Who is in process of returning. The Christ has no religious barriers in His consciousness. It matters not to Him of what faith a man may call himself."

SOURCE: Alice A. Bailey, “The Reappearance of Christ.”
As you have just clearly seen for yourself, Alice Bailey's satanic goal is to unite the world's religions under the ecumenical umbrella of love for God and mankind, with allegiance to the coming AntiChrist. Satan doesn't care what religion you belong to, just so long as you worship him (the Dragon) and his Antichrist (the Beast) instead of the Lord Jesus Christ. Everything that I have just shared with you is all a fulfillment of the Luciferian conspiracy which began long ago in eternity, when Lucifer tried to take control of Heaven. Now you know the core basics of the New World Order. I am convinced that it won't be long now before the Rapture of the saints, and then the Antichrist will be revealed to the world.

So now you know why, when you see the occult symbols on the back of a U.S. one-dollar bill, or on your favorite music album cover, or at a Superbowl event, or on business logos, and everywhere we turn nowadays, it is because Satan's secret plot for World Government and the appearance of the Antichrist are coming very soon. The Godless world is being prepared to receive the man of sin, the Antichrist. We are living in the end times of Bible prophecy my friend.

What does this all mean? For the born-again believer, it means that the Rapture is nearer than ever before, when Christ catches away every saint into the air, to meet Jesus in the clouds (1st Corinthians 15:51-58). For the unsaved reader, it means that you should get saved this moment, while you still can. It also means that all of us, saved and unsaved alike, are being played as pawns in Satan's game. The Bible identifies Satan as “the god of this world” (2nd Corinthians 4:4b). The band America are on the Devil's side. That is what the All Seeing Eye which they display means. That doesn't mean their music is all Satanic, it just means that they are part of the Devil's army of minions.

More than ever before, we are seeing artists, politicians, professionals, clergy and celebrities from all walks of life displaying occult symbols to show where their soul's allegiance lies. It just further confirms that Satan is real and he has a widespread army of followers today around the world. My allegiance is to Jesus Christ alone, the true Christ and “the Saviour of all men (1st Timothy 4:10b). Christ died for the ungodly, for all humanity. Have you accepted Jesus as your personal Savior dear friend. If not, please do so now, while you still can.

Most Baptist Churches And Bible Revisions Teach The Same False Repentance As The Cults

Mark 1:15, “And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye , and believe the gospel. ” This is a very distu...